‘The Missing Diplomats’: Literature Since 1987

U.S. News & World Report, January 3, 1953



Analysis of Works Since 1987

            Phase 1: Academics and Overseas

            Phase 2: The Soviet Influence

            Phase 3: Authorized History

            Phase 4: The Release of the Archives

            Phase 5: Post-Archival Exploitation

            Phase 6: Further Archival Releases

Conclusions: Paradoxes, Contradictions and Conundrums

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In last month’s report, I summarized the accounts of the events surrounding the ‘Missing Diplomats’ in the summer of 1951, focussing on the period up to the release of the TV movie The Fourth Man in 1987. The accounts during this period were largely anecdotal, and based on rumour or possibly unreliable sources who had some ulterior motive. There was one major official pronouncement (from the Home Office in 1955), and it was received with a great deal of scepticism. The appearance of the defectors Vladimir and Evdokia Petrov in Australia in 1954, and their contribution to the debate, had reminded some writers that British sources alone could not tell the whole story. Leaks arrived from disgruntled insiders, who were dismayed that the Government was not telling the whole story, but such insights were inevitably intermingled with the distracting tales from those in authority who probably had some objective in covering up the true facts. It was in their interest that confusion remained as the state of the game.

The participants themselves also had something to gain by distorting the truth, either because they had something to hide (Melinda Maclean), or wanted to aggrandize their own contribution (Kim Philby), or to minimize their culpability (Guy Burgess). Goronwy Rees was far more influential than he deserved to be. After his disastrous attempt to open the veil of secrecy in The People in 1956, his memoir published sixteen years later was implicitly trusted (and quoted) much more than it merited. Rees provided much of the material to Andrew Boyle that the latter exploited in The Climate of Treason, but also set some false hares racing in its pages, since he also wanted to minimize the role he had played in collaboration with the Cambridge Spies.  Now it is time to leave the fancies of Robin Chapman behind, and analyze the literature published since 1987. My goal? To present a fresh account of what really happened in the Case of the Missing Diplomats.

As a prelude to my detailed study of the period, I organize it into six rough, but not watertight, segments: 1) Academics and Overseas (1987 to 1994); 2) The Soviet Influence (1994 to 1999); 3) Authorized History (1999 to 2015); 4) The Release of the Archives (2015); 5) Post-archival Exploitation (2015-2018); and 6) Further Archival Releases (2022-2025). I do not believe anything significant has been published since the flurry in 2018.

  1. Academics and Overseas: A more disciplined approach to the material was attempted by Glees (1987) and Cecil (1988), the latter expanding on his brief flurry from 1984, although both projects were flawed by a less than rigorous exploitation of the material at hand, and a susceptibility to being misled by insiders. This period also enjoyed a renewed journalistic offering by Costello (1988), who provided a rather chaotic analysis while bringing some useful insights from an American perspective. A deeper, more sceptical, and serious evaluation was then provided by Newton (1991), who used American source material very carefully.
  2. The Soviet Influence: Startling new testimony came from Modin (1994) and Borovik (1994). While the KGB account contained some probably reliable facts, the opportunity for propaganda was strong, and a degree of wariness in treating their work is essential. Borovik was not an insider, but someone who had to interpret what he was told by Philby and Modin. West and Tsarev collaborated on a work that exploited KGB archives (1998), although the independence of their work must now be questioned. Cave-Brown also made a brief and melodramatic insertion in 1994, while two examples of memoir/biography appeared in this period. Jenny Rees (1994) expanded on her father’s dubious memoir with some personal observations, while Dick White offered his unreliable and occasionally scandalous comments to his biographer, Bower (1995).
  3. Authorized History: Andrew and Mitrokhin, taking advantage of Mitrokhin’s painstaking copying of Soviet archives, were able to publish a breakthrough work in 1999, the assertions of which are probably more reliable than Modin’s. This decade was otherwise quite barren: Carter provided a rich biography of Blunt (2001), which was skillfully compiled, but obviously suffered from having no access to any official archive. After Aldrich provided a brief but informative section in a broader work (2002), the next major study to appear was Andrew’s authorized history of MI5 (2009). This was a colossal disappointment, as Andrew largely just reproduced chunks from his Mitrokhin Archive volume, and he had obviously been steered clear of the critical material, most of which was not housed in MI5 files, but in Foreign and Colonial Office folders. The arrival of Andrew’s work suggested perhaps that the ‘final word’ on the saga had been written, which was a major misapprehension.
  4. The Release of the Archives: Maybe the delay in declassifying so much critical material was deliberate: the authorities may have judged that the public was stunned by now, that individual memory was severely weakened, and that the official account could stand unchallenged. And the method of release was very fragmented, complicating the task for any researcher to apply a disciplined investigation. Yet there were gems to be found in the release of (partial) MI5 files on Burgess and Maclean, on the MI5 view of the Molehunt, as well as on Foreign Office investigations into the leakage of telegrams, the ‘PEACH” (i.e. Philby) inquiry, and assorted related material. A few biographies had preceded these releases, no doubt to the chagrin of the authors. Holzman offered two self-published biographies of Burgess (2012) and the Macleans (2014), both of which dredged up some useful new facts, but skated away from any novel or bold conclusions. Macintyre delivered an engaging but unreliable profile of Philby (2014), while Lownie performed much the same task with his biography of Burgess (2015).
  5. Post-Archival Exploitation: the first work to exploit the recent archival declassification was by Purvis and Hubert (2016), although they had to make hasty revisions to their book just before publication, and had clearly not enjoyed any intensive study of the material. Some of their insights were nevertheless impressive. West’s analysis of the events, focusing on the role of Guy Liddell (2018), was a very erratic work, containing large chunks of extracted material, but ignoring much of the historical evidence, and drawing back when anything controversial cropped up. The same year, Philipps’s biography of Maclean appeared, but he very selectively exploited the fresh archives, and again showed an absence of interest or wonderment at many of the blatant paradoxes that his research threw up. The third major publication in 2018 was Davenport-Hines’s study of the ‘Enemies Within’. It was a hugely entertaining volume, but inconsistent in its use of sources, and boundless in the confidence of its conclusions. It likewise offered no hard, comprehensive analysis of the confusion of ‘facts’ that were still laid out for those prepared to look closely.
  6. Further Archival Releases: In 2022 more Personal Files were released by the National Archives, with those on Victor and Teresa Rothschild, Tomás Harris, Goronwy and Margery Rees, and Jackie Hewit being significant items. While only one potentially significant book has been published since then (Calder Walton’s Spies), a vast new set of material was declassified in January 2025, including MI5’s Personal Files on Philby, Blunt and Cairncross.

Yet the state of the 2015 issuance remains very problematical: as I have described before (see ‘Guy Burgess at Kew’, in https://coldspur.com/summer-2024-round-up/), the records on Burgess are unnecessarily fragmented across scores of files. Nearly all of them are undigitized, and thus not downloadable. For a researcher based in London, that may not be so much of a problem, as they can be scoured for interesting tidbits (and that is the approach that recent writers appear to have taken). It presents a severe problem for me, however. I cannot gauge the relevance or size of most of the files merely by reading their descriptions, and thus giving instructions to my local researcher to photograph what is important can be an expensive and perhaps wasteful process. I shall accomplish what I can.

I predictably believe that the contents of those files are crying out for a serious integrated analysis to include what has gone before, but the energy and dedication required to perform that task may be beyond the bounds of today’s commercially-oriented authors. The various doyens of the industry appear to have lost some of their enthusiasm, or perhaps are reluctant to re-tread ground they have stepped over before. Yet I suspect that the public’s interest in stories about the Cambridge Five, and its latent desire to know what lies behind the durable rumours, and the permanent contradictions, are still strong.

I next offer detailed analysis of all the works listed above.

Phase 1: Academics and Overseas

The Secrets of the Service by Anthony Glees (1987)

Professor Glees is an academic who has specialized in security and intelligence matters. (For the record, I should declare that it was my reading of The Secrets of the Service that prompted me to contact the Professor, which eventually resulted in his acting as supervisor on my doctoral thesis.) He had been fascinated by the apparent secrecy behind the story of the Missing Diplomats: in his words “Those who knew did not want to say; those who did not know were not going to be told”. He was also perturbed by Chapman Pincher’s campaign against Roger Hollis, in which the journalist presented the one-time head of MI5 as a Soviet mole. Glees knew Hollis, and knew his family, and judged that Hollis was very unlikely to have been recruited for such a role, and to have been able to sustain it. He also picked up the accusation that Robert Cecil had openly made against Roger Makins (the future Baron Sherfield), where Cecil appeared to blame Makins for not acting on the fact that Maclean had asked for leave on the half-day of Saturday May 26, namely by not pursuing it aggressively enough with Carey-Foster, the Foreign Office Security Officer. Glees noted that some MI5 and MI6 officers to whom he spoke still argued that Maclean could have been arrested, but for Makins’ indolence. On what grounds he could have been arrested and detained – as opposed to being required to attend an interrogative interview –was not stated.

The main conundrum Glees identified was stated thus: “Why had the two men defected immediately after the decision was made to arrest and interrogate them?”. Glees heroically tried to decode all the messages he was getting, but overall turned out to be a bit too deferential to, and trusting of, what the ‘Great and the Good’ pronounced, or privately told him, from Harold Macmillan (who claimed that Burgess had not been under any suspicion) to the highly deceitful Patrick Reilly, who had been close to the action, and had wanted to conceal what really happened. Glees also appeared to trust the public statements that Anthony Blunt made about his own involvement. In this way, he stumbled somewhat around the key events.  He swallowed whole the notion that there was a Third Man who gave a late tip-off to the miscreants, and that there had indeed been a plan to interrogate Maclean on the morning of May 28. He trusted what Boyle wrote (Boyle having in turn been fed by the awkward and mendacious Carey-Foster) that Philby had been the probable leaker, although he did not seriously inspect the chronology, or attempt to identify the mechanism whereby Philby had both learned of the plan and been able to send a speedy alert to Burgess. He echoed Makins’ assertion that Burgess had ‘decided’ to defect only at the last minute.

Makins did, however, bequeath a very important insight to Glees. He told the author in 1985 that he had been asked (presumably by Dick White) to employ Maclean again in Whitehall ‘in order to keep an eye on what he did’. Makins (then Lord Sherfield) admitted that he had known for several months of the suspicions against Maclean, and that putting him in charge of the American desk was the least sensitive post he could find without raising Maclean’s suspicions. Furthermore, MI5 had told him that Maclean was being trailed only in London, as if that somehow lessened the furtiveness of Makins’ contribution. This was not a very auspicious performance by Makins (who had also came under criticism for his laxity in the matter of Maclean’s Saturday leave), and he was criticized for it.

Glees showed far too much deference to Patrick Reilly, who corresponded with him, Reilly perhaps thinking that the exchange would be forgotten or overlooked. Reilly insisted that the FBI had been kept informed (wrong), that there was no doubt that it was Philby who set Maclean’s escape in train (correct only in a very narrow sense), that Philby was able to engineer Burgess’s recall to organize the escape without any involvement from the Soviet control (wrong), that Philby used contacts in Washington to get a message to Burgess by the morning of May 25 (wrong), and that Maclean was about to be interrogated on May 28 (wrong). What Glees failed to do was to challenge Reilly on any of his points, even to remind his correspondent that the official Home Office pronouncement of 1955 declared that there was no immediate plan to interrogate Maclean. How would Reilly have responded to that? Overall, I judge Glees’s contribution as an opportunity missed, with not enough rigorous preparation carried out before he set himself up to make his inquiries.

A Divided Life by Robert Cecil (1988)

Robert Cecil followed up his 1984 segment [see last month’s posting] with a fuller study of Maclean in 1988. Cecil was in a curious position: he was a career diplomat who had been a close friend and colleague of Maclean’s, both at Cambridge and in the Foreign Office, and was due to replace him at the American desk in London. That association probably stalled his career, and in 1986 he moved to an academic position at the University of Reading. He had also worked for Stewart Menzies, the chief of MI6 during the war (a post also enjoyed by Patrick Reilly), and so regarded himself as somewhat of an intelligence insider. He thus brought some unique insights to the inspection of the saga of Burgess and Maclean, but displayed some muddled thinking over the evidence, which resulted in a very equivocal conclusion.

Cecil took great offence at Anthony Glees’s representation of his charges against Makins, characterizing Glees as an ‘ill-informed academic writer’ who had presented Cecil as stating that Makins was essentially responsible for the defections. This was a hypersensitive attack by Cecil, and was possibly prompted by a degree of academic jealousy (after all, Cecil was himself an ‘academic writer’ by then): in fact, casting blame towards Makins was exactly what he had done. Perhaps to compensate for his past institutional disloyalty, he took pains to declare that any allegations that had been voiced that the Foreign Office had been glad to see the back of Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean were baseless.

His analysis is a mixture of close insights, and woolly thinking. He had some personal experience of the immediate aftermath: he was in Paris on the evening of May 29 (Tuesday), and witnessed the Sûreté carrying out traffic stops in an attempt to find the escapees. On the other hand, he made some odd judgments. He claimed that there was evidence ‘pinpointing’ Maclean as HOMER in late 1950 or early 1951, which was an unfortunate choice of metaphor for that stage of the investigation. He was misguided about Maclean’s status with his controller in London. He wrote that it was implausible that Burgess was essential to the task of abetting the escape, since the NKVD was active in London, and that Maclean decided to break off contact with his control only when he realized that he was being surveilled – pure guesswork on Cecil’s part. He also claimed that Burgess was not being watched, and that there had been no dossier maintained on him at the time. It sounds as if he were merely parroting the party line.

His representation of the final days is also messy and lazy. He did correctly state that there was no decisive meeting on May 25, the day of the escape, but that a decision had been made the previous day to interrogate Maclean some time after May 28. The coincidence, however, did not allow him to dispel the notion that a leakage had occurred, either in Washington or in London, and he imputed some significance to Philby’s ability to send an emergency airmail to Burgess, without any indication of spelling out what he learned when, how quickly the letter arrived, and how Burgess responded to it. He did, however, appear to eliminate Hollis from the list of suspects, informing his readers that the future chief of MI5 never attended any of the meetings held by Sir William Strang, the Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office. He trusted Blunt when the latter asserted that the tickets for the Falaise had been bought some days before, thus undermining the theory of the last-minute alert.

The Oxted Line: Roads and Rail

Cecil gets himself in a tangle over Maclean’s last movements. He wrote that Maclean sometimes varied his commuter routine by travelling to Victoria rather than Charing Cross. On the contrary, Maclean normally travelled from Oxted to Victoria (and back) because it was a fast train, even though the walk from Victoria to the Foreign Office was longer than that from Charing Cross. The 6:10 pm down train split at East Croydon, with the rear four carriages becoming a slow train, halting at stations such as Upper Warlingham and Woldingham, which was closer to the Maclean house in Tatsfield. The drive home from either station avoided the long and steep Titsey Hill, which defined the climb back to the North Downs from Oxted. (For further background on this part of North-East Surrey, please see https://coldspur.com/reviews/some-reflections-on-the-north-downs/.) Thus Maclean could preserve some options by taking the 6:10 train. On the other hand, the Charing Cross train would require a connection at East Croydon. Moreover, Maclean normally left his car at Oxted Station, so he would have to pick it up in the evenings. This misunderstanding, however, leads Cecil to claim that Maclean missed his regular 5:19 pm train from Charing Cross on Friday, May 25, and switched to Victoria.

The Train Timetable: 1951

Matters became out of hand the next morning (Saturday, with half-day working). Cecil writes that when Maclean’s ‘usual train’ arrived (the terminus undefined) without the emergence of Maclean, ‘phones began to ring’. It was then that the Foreign Office and MI5 learned that Maclean had gained leave for that morning (with Makins being regarded as lax), but no one seemed to have raised any red flags. On the Monday, however, events took on a preposterous character. Cecil observes that Melinda Maclean made two calls to the Foreign Office on Monday May 29 [sic!], notifying them of her concern over her husband’s absence. Cecil thus appears to make a slight correction to what he wrote in The Cambridge Comintern, where he gave the date as May 28. This conflict will resurge later in this analysis. The error probably reflects a mis-statement in one of the archival notes, to which Cecil presumably had early and privileged access. Others made the same mistake.

Cecil must be referring to the Monday, however, since he next confirms that Carey-Foster received the call from Melinda, and then verified from the watchers that Maclean had not appeared on the Monday morning train either. That was an astonishing piece of behaviour from Carey-Foster, especially since the Saturday incident should have placed the security officer on guard. Why was the Foreign Office, and Carey-Foster in particular, not informed of Maclean’s absence first thing on Monday morning? After all, Andrew Boyle had strongly implied that Carey-Foster and Makins had told him that Maclean was due to be interrogated that day! Cecil was surely negligent in not following up Carey-Foster’s studied inattention. Lastly, Cecil reports that Robert McKenzie, Carey-Foster’s deputy, who had recently passed through London on his way from Washington to Paris, was invoked in the French capital, and he passed on the information that the Sûreté was already involved in the hunt on the Monday evening. Overall, it is a very ingenuous piece of work by Cecil.

Mask of Treachery by John Costello (1988)

Another, more journalistic, work appeared in 1988. Costello was an ‘encyclopaedist’ in the Cave-Brown tradition, who seemed to hope that, if he recorded in one place all the ‘facts’ that he could assemble, his readers would be able to work out what really happened. Mask of Treachery is thus a rather indigestible mixture, although it does bring some fresh insights from across the Atlantic. The author does not organize his material well, and, each time he appears to be coming to a penetrating insight, he backs off and goes off on a different tangent.

Costello was probably the first to debunk the yarn of the engineered recall of Burgess, pointing out the delays in Burgess’s homecoming, and indicating that Burgess’s mother came out to visit him for a week in April 1951, and that he saw her off on a plane (on which he surely could have accompanied her if he had been in a rush), before returning to Washington and New York. Yet most of his observations are erratic: he states that FBI files show that Burgess knew about his flight to Moscow when he was in Washington, and that it was the FBI that secured a delay in the interrogation of Maclean. He cannot make up his mind as to whether the escape on May 25 was a coincidence, although he skillfully debunks the possibility that Philby could have been an informant to the interrogation which Costello assumes was to take place on May 28. (In this he incidentally attributes the Philby myth directly to what Patrick Reilly told him.) He thus points the finger at a ‘high-ranking mole in MI5’, who tipped off Burgess. He also declares that MI5 lied to the FBI in stating that the interrogation had been put back a fortnight from May 28.

He rightly dismisses the importance of Bernard Miller (Burgess’s friend from the Queen Mary), whose role was merely a placeholder for the berth to be occupied by Maclean on the Falaise. Yet he indulges in fantasy concerning Burgess’s visit to Sonning to see the Reeses, claiming that it was at Moscow’s behest, since the MVD was worried that Rees might ‘rat’ once he learned that Burgess was safe in Moscow. Since Burgess had set up the invitation before he even set foot again in Britain, and had spoken to Rees before he even met Modin in mid-May, that does not make sense. Then Costello suddenly suggests that the submission of papers was calculated ‘to give the birds two days to fly the coop’ – a truly shocking declaration. He fails to follow up on this, but does provocatively announce that officials in Southampton noticed Maclean’s name from a watch-list. Did they do anything, or report it? Costello does not appear to be interested.

The author gets into an unholy muddle over the events of the weekend, and the actions of Rees, Liddell and Blunt thereafter. His lack of methodology is obvious. His final flourish is to assert that Blunt had a clear day to scour Burgess’s flat, and he adds that Rosamond Lehmann in 1970 told him that Rees had helped him. That is probably not a trustworthy piece of input. There were enough leads in Costello’s piece for others to follow up, but anyone interested probably got lost in the morass.

The Cambridge Spies by Verne Newton (1991)

Verne Newton was an American historian who tried to bring a disciplined and methodical approach to the study of the Cambridge Spies in America. He closely inspected the chronology of Burgess’s movements, and he concluded that Philby’s account of the ruse to get Burgess sent back to the UK was a complete fabrication, while offering the opinion that it was absurd to suggest that Moscow needed help from two men three thousand miles away from the action. The claim of manipulating US officials over Burgess’s speeding was ‘absurd’. He explained the delay in Burgess’s being sent home to the fact that Ambassador Franks was in London from March 10 to March 28, and thus did not read the scathing letter from Governor Batlle of Virginia until the end of the month. On April 7, the State Department was told that Franks was consulting with the Foreign Office over what action to take with Burgess. By that time, however, Burgess’s mother had arrived, and she and her son went to Charleston on April 5. That was not the behaviour of someone in a hurry to return to the UK, and Newton reports also that Burgess ‘raged’ when he was told the news about his recall around April 18, which did not give the impression of someone racing to salvage matters in London.

Newton was also, I believe, the first person to report that Burgess bumped into Michael Straight before he left Washington, where Straight gave him a warning about exiting the business. Overall, Newton was dumbfounded about the apparent way that the MVD had sacrificed Philby by insisting that Burgess accompany Maclean, and he suggested that, if Maclean had escaped with a Soviet agent, Philby would at least have not been compromised. That was the main failure of Newton’s analysis: he regrettably had only a hazy idea about what was happening in the UK in those summer months of 1951, and did not appear to have studied the British sources that were available at the time he wrote. Yet he made one startling disclosure, namely that Valentine Vivian flew out to Washington in late March to advise Philby that he should get Burgess moved out. That was surely an extravagant gesture, and also one that indicated that the authorities recognized Burgess as an ominous figure early in the cycle.

Thus Newton’s observations concerning the education of the Americans were shallow. They did not seem to have received proper updates from the British: it was a June 7 wire service that alerted them that Burgess and Maclean were missing. Roger Lamphere of the FBI claimed that he had immediately had a hunch that Phiby had been involved, but no indication of a tip-off was given from London at this time. (In an Endnote, Newton reports that the innocent American student Bernard Miller was first referred to as the possible ‘Third Man’ in the Daily Express of June 21, 1951, but this concept was not pursued. When Percy Hoskins wrote a long article on ‘The Missing Diplomats’ for Argosy in January 1953, he made no mention of tip-offs apart from claiming that Burgess returned to the UK with premonitions of an investigation into Maclean.) The State Department received the ambiguous message from London that Morrison had authorized the interrogation of Maclean on May 25, but that it would not take place ‘until May 28 at the earliest’ – not a very convincing statement, given that May 28 was the next full working day. Despite the fact that Roger Lamphere continued to assert that Philby had tipped off Maclean, Newton countered that Philby could not possibly have learned about the date on which Maclean was to be confronted in time to do anything about it. For some unexplained reason, Newton declared that Burgess never thought that he was leaving Britain for ever. His last thought? Why did the Soviets not simply kill Burgess? By not doing so, they sacrificed Philby.

Newton’s book has some value in its perspective from America, but it was a shame that he could not have applied his fresh and more objective methods to a proper investigation of the stories circulating about the Cambridge Five in London. He was ignorant of Dick White’s scheme with the dossier planted on Harvey, and thus exaggerated Harvey’s role. Solving the overall mystery was not the task he set himself, and he closed out his book with a subset of the conundrums that I list below, but he inevitably waded into that water while missing some of the most problematic aspects of the case.

Phase 2: The Soviet Influence

My Five Cambridge Friends by Yuri Modin (1994)

‘My Five Cambridge Friends’

Any volume published in the name of a KGB officer must be treated with scepticism, even if it did appear after the fall of Communism. Thus the account by Modin, the officer (‘Peter’) who controlled the operation in London in 1951, needs to be treated as an item of propaganda, probably magnifying the ingenuity of Soviet intelligence, and minimizing the contributions of lesser-known figures. It also contains some rather obvious contradictions and errors. For instance, Modin was hopelessly wrong about the interactions of Maclean and Burgess in 1950. He had Burgess working in partnership with Maclean in June 1950, after which Maclean had six months’ rest before returning to work at the Foreign Office, where he sent information to Burgess, not dealing with Modin personally. He then asserted that Burgess and Maclean had been ‘more active than ever’ on June 25, 1950, when North Korea invaded the South. Yet Burgess was posted to Washington in August 1950. Maclean was out of action from the end of May until November. Burgess did not return to the UK until May 1951.

Modin’s first tactic was to erase any notion of a KGB (MVD) controller for Philby in the USA, claiming that, for eighteen months he spent in the USA (August 1949 to February 1951, presumably) he ‘never had the least contact with any KGB agent in the USA’, implying, perhaps that he could have done so from March through May, although Makayev was never mentioned. Yet he claimed, without explaining the medium, that Philby was able to send messages to the London residency as early as autumn of 1949 (before Burgess was available as an emissary), and that Modin and his boss, Korovin, were thus able to forward Philby’s reports (such as on Ukraine parachutists, and those concerning the VENONA programme) to Moscow. Meanwhile, he claimed that Blunt had taken over from Burgess as Maclean’s intermediary to the KGB after Burgess was sent to the USA in August 1950, all of which would tend to indicate that Maclean was not isolated, that the London Residency knew what was going on, and that Burgess was not needed to facilitate the escape.

Nevertheless, Modin boosted the story of Philby’s involvement. He granted Philby and Burgess the benefit for taking the initiative when the HOMER short-list was reduced to three in January, and with deciding that both Maclean and the residency should be warned. He next appeared to forget about the established link to London, and accepted that the speeding ruse of February was genuine, since Philby had decided that Burgess needed to go to London to give the alert. He skipped to April 16, when he noted that Burgess had received his notice, and was told that he would leave Washington ‘at the earliest opportunity’. Philby apparently told Burgess just before he left that he was to arrange the defection, but that he must not abscond with Maclean. According to what Modin had already written, Burgess’s involvement was all very unnecessary, and his account sounds very bogus.

After Burgess’s return, his presence did help to take the attention off Blunt, since, if Blunt had been in Maclean’s presence that late in the investigation, it would have endangered him. Even so, Modin had Blunt telling Modin that the arrest would take place in a matter of days, even hours, but that Maclean was at breaking-point, and would not survive interrogation. Thereafter, Modin had Burgess playing a leading role in the conspiracy. After meeting Modin and Korovin, he was ordered to contact Maclean and to persuade (?) him that there was no alternative to defection. At this stage, no suggestion of Burgess’s accompanying Maclean was made. Maclean, however, got sentimental, and claimed that, because of his past affection for Paris, he would never be able to move past the French capital on the road to Moscow. (As if that would stop the KGB, with its ability to anaesthetize and smuggle bodies.) Meanwhile, Maclean was told to involve his wife in the facts of the exfiltration.

Matters then took a strange turn, which confounded Modin. Moscow ordered Burgess to accompany Maclean as a travelling companion, with the pretext that he would be able to return at some stage during the journey to Moscow. Burgess doubted that he would ever make it back, and Modin could not understand why Burgess had agreed to flee without any guarantee of return: his disappearance would immediately incriminate Philby. Modin was puzzled that Moscow could not design some other mechanism for guiding Maclean through France. The Centre, however, showed no concern about Burgess, since he had lost his value. One might conclude (although Modin did not say so) that Moscow had therefore given up on Philby, too. Thus the final stages of the plan were put into motion.

Modin offered a conventional account of the escape: the identification of the Falaise (which Modin claimed he did himself); the purchase of the tickets, with Miller as a false trail; the rented car; the rush to Southampton; the calls from Melinda on Monday morning; the removal by Blunt of items in Burgess’s flat. Modin did nevertheless seem to accept that a decision had been made on May 25 to interrogate Maclean on May 28, while indicating that there had been no leakage, and that it had all been coincidence and good fortune. He still questioned why Burgess had not turned back at Prague, but his return to the UK would immediately have put him under a barrage of questions. And – even though Modin did not state it – that was something that neither Moscow, nor the Foreign Office and MI5, would have wanted.

Modin’s account received a withering review in Hamrick’s Deceiving the Deceivers. Appendix B of that work offers a lively and incisive critique of the feeble attempt by Modin to weave a coherent story from the soup of Philby deceptions, KGB disinformation, and rumours from third parties, of which Modin knew little. It is essential reading.

Treason in the Blood by Anthony Cave-Brown (1994)

Cave-Brown made a brief, awkward insertion in 1994. He somehow interpreted Burgess’s ‘dawdling’ in South Carolina after the motoring offence, and complaint to the Ambassador, as ‘giving Donald Maclean more time’, which was not an asset that he needed. He accepted that Morrison agreed that the interrogation should start on May 28, and noted that Modin did not explain how he learned about that ‘fact’. Cave-Brown also remarked that Maclean’s disappearance was noticed on Monday morning, when he did not appear for work, and yet the remarkable thing about other testimony is that Maclean’s absence was not openly admitted until Melinda Maclean rang the Foreign Office. Sensing darker goings-on, Cave-Brown observed that, in view of Melinda’s story, the Foreign Office was in ‘damage control’, but the writer did not have the nous to pursue this thought.

The Philby Files by Genrikh Borovik (1994)

Hard on the heels of Modin’s contribution arrived Borovik’s expanded account. Borovik was a journalist who conducted interviews with Philby, and claimed that the KGB had shown him excerpts from Philby’s file. He also had conversations with Modin. Borovik showed that he could get out of his depth in the sea of disinformation that naturally swamps these affairs, but he did offer some useful insights.

Contrary to what Modin wrote, Borovik stated that Philby did have vicarious consultations with his Soviet controllers in the winter of 1950-1951, but that Maclean had not had contact for two years, ever since his return from Cairo. Probably because of that, he trusted what Philby told him, namely that the only certain way to warn Maclean was to send Burgess over, and that Philby, Burgess and the intermediary in the USA (unnamed, but the ‘illegal’ Makayev) had agreed that Maclean had to defect. Why Borovik chose to ignore Modin’s testimony that Blunt had been able to act as go-between between Modin and Maclean is not clear. He added that Philby was concerned about Maclean’s ability to stand up to interrogation, although, as he had not seen Maclean since 1940, the reasoning behind that supposition was also fuzzy, and he contradicted his own evidence when he later added that Philby said that it was a mistake to dispatch Maclean then, as he could have rejected all the charges, and slipped away later. Philby apparently was confident that he could withstand interrogation, although he realized that his career would probably be over if the escape were successful.

Thereafter Borovik echoes most of the Modin story, namely about Maclean’s frailty and sentimentality, the decision made by London (or Moscow) that Burgess was safer in Moscow, too, and the bogus offer to have Burgess accompany Maclean before turning back. Borovik blames the KGB for betraying both Burgess and Philby, while he reports Philby’s bitterness over Burgess, believing that it had been Burgess’s decision to accompany Maclean, despite Philby’s strong plea in Washington that he should not do so. Philby harboured that resentment until Burgess died, never even visiting him in hospital on his deathbed. Yet Borovik had one last cracker in his bag: he wrote that Jack Easton, the assistant chief of MI6, in early June 1951 sent a hand-written letter to Philby alerting him to an imminent telegram from London the content of which would be to demand his recall. Philby interpreted this as a possible hint that defection might be appropriate. He did in fact have a plan to do so, through Mexico, but judged that circumstances were not dire enough to warrant such a move at that juncture. If this is reliable information, it bolsters considerably the theory that the British authorities would have rather seen all the spies (and suspected spies) conveniently shoved off to Moscow.

Looking for Mr. Nobody by Jenny Rees (1994, rev. 2000)

‘Looking for Mr. Nobody’

Goronwy Rees’s daughter Jenny (who, as a young girl, had been entertained by Burgess in Sonning on that May day in 1951) offered some fresh insights based primarily on what her aunt Mary had witnessed during Burgess’s visit. Overall, Jenny was orthodox in following what her father had written. She writes that Goronwy received two letters from Burgess ‘in the spring of 1951’ – a vague qualification, of course, but reinforcing the importance that Burgess assigned to speaking to Rees as one of his more urgent tasks. Mary told Jenny that Burgess had insisted to Rees that he had got into trouble with the car on purpose – but that may have been part of the deception. Mary also learned that, after Burgess left, Goronwy told his wife, Marge, that he, Burgess, was still a spy, a disclosure that rather undermines the message that Burgess had successfully persuaded Rees to keep silent about his activities.

As far as the important phone calls of the weekend are concerned, the author reinforces the somewhat strained sequence of events. Rees was at All Souls, of course, and on the morning of May 26 (the Saturday) Marge telephoned him to ask, first of all, whether Guy had gone to see him there, as she had received a call from Burgess’s flat-mate (Jackie Hewit, but unnamed), who had called her, and seemed rather hysterical about Guy’s absence. Why Hewit would call the Rees household is not explained: perhaps he had been put up to it, but Burgess knew that Rees was going to be away that weekend. Only after she had relayed that message did Marge go on to explain to her husband that she had received a very strange telephone call from Burgess the previous day, in which Guy was almost completely incoherent. She claimed that she had not paid much attention to what he was saying, but one wonders why she simply did not put the telephone down. Yet the fact of Burgess’s incomprehensible call should probably have been the first thing to report to her husband.

Despite having paid little attention, Marge was able to recall some of what Burgess had said when Goronwy arrived back in Sonning on Sunday evening, and that led to his leaping to the conclusion that Guy had departed for Moscow, setting in train the series of calls that Rees made to Footman and Blunt. It is noteworthy that Jenny writes of Footman ‘with whom he worked at MI6’ – not ‘had worked’ – appearing to confirm that Rees was still working for MI6 during this period, if only part-time. She then adds little to the version of events provided by her father, although she does report that Goronwy, in a very distraught state, very soon afterwards met Stuart Hampshire at a party, and Hampshire told him to do nothing about what he wanted to disclose, and instead to wait it out – advice that he later considered was poor. Lastly, she informs us that Burgess’s telephone call from the Reform Club to the Rees household on May 25 had not been paid for, and that the fact of non-payment was put up on a notice-board for members and inquisitive journalists to see. That was surely another example of Burgess’s flamboyant behaviour in trying to draw attention to his strangled appeals for help in his predicament. It immediately brough unwished-for publicity to the Rees family, and embroiled Goronwy in the saga even more tightly.

The Perfect English Spy by Tom Bower (1995)

The journalist Tom Bower picked up the project of writing a biography of Dick White from Andrew Boyle, who had died in 1991 at the age of seventy-one. He thus assembled his story from inherited notes as well as fresh conversations with White and other participants in the saga of the Missing Diplomats. White gave him a very cagey and deceptive account of events: it is difficult to divine a coherent story from the fragments he provided.

White’s first point is that MI5 had vetoed surveillance at the Maclean house in Tatsfield, presumably because it was too exposed. Yet he hints at the fact that the dwelling was bugged (it was), by indicating that MI5 recorded Burgess’s initial call to Maclean. Amazingly, White claims that he was unaware that Burgess had been ordered home, and he blames Geoffrey Patterson, the representative in Washington, for being remiss. He states, also, that Modin was also unaware of Burgess’s arrival, and learned the fact when he had his regular meeting with Blunt the day after the landing. On the other hand, he blandly echoes the story that Philby and Burgess had engineered the latter’s return to the UK. What is also important is the fact that White twice told Bower that Burgess, before the escape, was not suspected of any complicity, and that he did not believe that Burgess was a spy ‘at the beginning’ (of the investigation, presumably). (As I explained in the Special Bulletin earlier this month, the recently-released PEACH archive proves that Burgess was under suspicion already.)

Modin instructed Burgess to contact Maclean, and White was of the opinion that it was Korovin’s plan that Maclean should flee as soon as possible. Moscow approved the plan, and, since the KGB could not provide an officer to meet Maclean in France (‘leave arrangements, old man’?), Burgess was ordered to accompany Maclean to France, and then to return. Burgess declined this offer, but Korovin apparently convinced him he would be able to get back in time. On the timing of the interrogation, White shows some confusion. He claims that Carey-Foster had sent a message to the FBI indicating that Maclean would be handed over on May 28, and that this happened the same day that Philby wrote to Burgess about the ‘heat’ in Washington. Yet that date, May 21, is impossibly early for the confirmation of Morrison’s decision, and, in any case, as the archives will show, no such information was passed to the FBI at that time, as the Foreign Office and MI5 wished to keep them in the dark still.

White blames Carey-Foster (rather than Makins) for not letting MI5 know that Maclean had taken leave on May 26 – another contradiction, but he does confirm that Carey-Foster received a call from Melinda Maclean at 10:15 on Monday morning. He skates around the hectic communications following that discovery, although he points out (without explaining how the news was received) that Burgess was shown to have been the renter of the car found abandoned in Southampton docks. Liddell informs him and Carey-Foster of the Goronwy Rees episodes (the calls to Footman and Blunt), but White omits to mention that, when he tried to leave for Paris the next morning, he was turned back at the airport since his passport had expired.

The account finishes with a typical Whitean flourish. He asserts that Blunt did indeed manage to check out Burgess’s flat for incriminating papers when Liddell asked him for the keys, and he then describes the various meetings between Rees and Liddell, and Rees and himself. With Liddell conveniently long dead by now, he judges that Liddell himself may have been party to the conspiracy, thus explicitly suggesting that there was some sort of collaboration between MI5-MI6 and the escapees, but one that White himself was nobly detached from. It is a shabby performance. For further analysis of White’s machinations at this time – concerning his planting evidence with the FBI to incriminate Philby – please read  https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-devilish-plot/ and https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-tangled-web/.  

The Crown Jewels by Nigel West and Oleg Tsarev (1998)

The collaboration between Tsarev and West, abetted by some co-operation from the KGB, shed little light on the events of May 1951, but did disclose some revealing facts about Goronwy Rees, whose connections with the Cambridge Five were perhaps more ominous than he made out. Despite Burgess’s claiming that public opposition to the Nazi-Soviet Pact in September 1939 provided solid justification for severing the relationship between the Comintern and Rees, the KGB archives showed that, as late as 1943, Burgess was still talking about disconnecting him. Moreover, Rees had been given a new cryptonym, FLIT, in place of GROSS, that suggested he was still considered an asset by Moscow Centre. It was at this stage that Burgess raised the question of having Rees eliminated.

In November 1944, Burgess informed his controller Kreshin that Rees had been offered a job by David Footman in MI6, but, a few months later, in March 1945, Burgess claimed that he had talked Footman out of recruiting him, suggesting that the Footman-Burgess relationship was also tighter than it should have been. As we have learned elsewhere, Rees did in fact join MI6 soon afterwards. Nevertheless, Rees was still working furtively with Burgess, as he had tipped him off in 1949 of the imminent arrival of Alex Halpern from the USA. Burgess feared that Rees had Valentine Vivian’s ear, and that Rees might thereby betray him, although he sensed that Rees would do no more than hint, because of his lucrative position with MI6. Anthony Blunt, meanwhile, was very aware of the fact that Burgess had briefly passed Rees on to him in 1939, and that he was clearly in a position where he (Rees) could compromise him. Yet Rees’s darker secrets would perhaps always constitute an inhibitor.

Phase 3: Authorized History

The Sword and the Shield by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin (1999)

The painstaking exercise undertaken by Vladimir Mitrokhin in copying and secreting a vast number of KGB papers during their transfer to a new vault has provided us with an authentic lode, although not all the items may be genuine. In other words, documents with false information may have been inserted into the files. The process of allowing Andrew exclusive access to, and interpretation of, the file under Secret Service supervision has been criticized, too. For example, David Caute, in Red List, has drawn attention to Andrew’s appointment by Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee, and has pointed out ‘the dangers of granting unique access to one pair of eyes reflecting one perspective, exempt from alternative scrutiny’. Nevertheless, The Sword and the Shield indeed sheds some valuable light. It confirms some important details about Philby’s cut-out, Makayev, indicating that he carried a false Polish passport in the name of Kovalik, and that he left Gdynia on March 5, 1950 with the purpose of his mission to serve Philby. After Burgess’s arrival, Guy acted as an intermediary to Makayev, seeing him in New York on the pretext of visiting Maclean’s brother Alan. At some stage Philby started meeting Makayev in person.

Mitrokhin is a bit sluggish in representing the pace of the HOMER inquiry, but appears to echo the Modin thesis that the credit should be given to Philby and Burgess for coming up with the plan to warn Maclean, finessing the circumstances of Burgess’s recall. According to the files, when Burgess was sent to Maclean to instruct him to defect, Burgess judged that he might decline, because of the need to abandon Melinda: this spravka may have been inserted to protect Melinda’s knowledge and collaboration. On May 17, the London residency was told that Burgess had to accompany Maclean, and Burgess, because of the promise he had made to Philby, became hysterical when he was given the order. The rezident, Rodin, then promised Burgess that he would be free to return: Burgess presumably believed him.

The chronology, characteristically for many of these accounts, then goes a little awry. Moscow Centre was under the impression that Morrison had secretly authorized the interrogation, while the residency believed it would be on May 28, and accordingly made plans for the escape the previous weekend. (The impression is that this was based on an earlier statement of intention by the Foreign Office and MI5, and not any sudden late change on May 24 or May 25.) Burgess was thus instructed to buy tickets on the Falaise. A stock description of the abscondment follows, until Burgess is told in Moscow that he will not be allowed to return. A few loose ends finalize the account: Makayev found Philby very alarmed on May 24, although Philby did not learn the truth until five days later. Makayev let Philby down over a dead-letter box, and was punished for it. Blunt was reported as clearing Burgess’s flat, but he overlooked the Cairncross notes that Colville recognized. Lastly, the book states that Philby never realized that Burgess’s defection was not due to a loss of nerve, but was instead caused by a cynical deception by the KGB.

Anthony Blunt: His Lives by Miranda Carter (2001)

‘Anthony Blunt: his lives’

Carter struggles valiantly with a host of conflicting inputs. (She interviewed well over a hundred persons during her research: whether that process leads to clarity or contradiction I cannot say.) She uses her base date as March 30, 1951, when Maclean was solidly identified, but then asserts that MI5 decided to delay a search of the Maclean home until June, because of Melinda’s pregnancy – an odd observation, as if a trawl through the house at that stage would unearth anything incriminating. She accepts the ruse of Burgess’s motoring offences, at the same time stating that Modin’s account cannot be trusted. She has Hewit meeting Burgess and Miller at Southampton, whereafter Burgess went straight to Blunt, who became the go-between to Modin. She judges that Burgess’s hasty visit to Rees (now a ‘zealous anti-communist’) was to gauge whether Rees would tell his secret if the Maclean business blew up.

The days leading up to the escape are fairly conventionally described: Maclean wanted a companion, but Burgess resisted, until he was pressured by Modin to go part of the way. Burgess buys the tickets on the Falaise earlier in the week, but then behaves ‘waywardly’. Carter records Burgess’s call to Margery Rees, and then jumps to Hewit, who reputedly called Blunt on Sunday evening in despair over Burgess’s absence. Against Blunt’s advice, Hewit then called Rees (an event not recorded by him), and Rees went on to call David Footman (‘an old MI6 contact’, but probably still such) and Blunt. When Blunt tried to persuade Rees to keep silent, Carter observes that it was already too late, as Footman had been in touch with Liddell. She has Blunt calling Liddell on May 29, whereupon Liddell gave him the news. It was then, when Liddell asked for the keys to Burgess’s flat, that Blunt was able to get in early and scoop up some items.

Overall, Carter was misled on several counts: the biography is not very enlightening, although the tabulation of the weekend’s telephone-calls will prove useful in a later assessment.

The Hidden Hand by Richard J. Aldrich (2002)

Aldrich does not write much about the Missing Diplomats, but his passages in The Hidden Hand are significant because of his presumed authority as an expert, and the fact that Christopher Andrew cites them in his authorized history of MI5. He starts off with a very casual and confident claim, namely that it was Philby’s tip-off that allowed Burgess and Maclean to ‘evade surveillance and flee eastwards’ – an utterly irresponsible assertion. Yet Aldrich (Professor of International Security at the University of Warwick) is quick to point out that much of the writing on the case has been anecdotal biography, ‘from the Hello! Magazine school of intelligence history’. He has Strang breaking the news about Maclean to Morrison on April 17, when he suggests that MI5 delve into the suspect’s background (as if that had not already been undertaken quite thoroughly already), and on May 25 the Foreign Office proposes that Maclean should be interviewed between June 18 and June 25 – thus apparently scotching the popular story that Maclean was due to be hauled in on May 28. Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison did not know about the VENONA transcripts, and the problem of evidence, and was thus puzzled why MI5 needed to wait four weeks. He was not told that the pair had disappeared until May 29.  Aldrich concludes by noting that the Foreign Office conceded that Morrison had not been told of the suspicions of Philby as the tipoff man.

Aldrich does offer, however, a valuable insight into the way that Morrison (who had only recently replaced Ernest Bevin) was kept in the dark by his Foreign Office bureaucrats. Late in 1955 (after the White Paper had been published) Morrison made some discreet inquiries among his friends, and he discovered that Maclean had lunched with Anthony Blake the day before he escaped. In October he spoke to Blake, who told him that Maclean had been very relaxed, adding that he was sure ‘that he had been tipped off some time after and at very short notice’. That sounds more like a post hoc rationalization, but Blake added that Maclean had always been a fervent Communist, that the White Paper had been misleading about the longevity of his commitments, and that he himself had been shocked to learn that Maclean had gained entry to the Foreign Office with such a background. Aldrich used the Morrison papers as the authority for this story.

Deceiving the Deceivers by S. J. Hamrick (2004)

‘Deceiving the Deceivers’

Certainly out of place in a section titled ‘Authorized Histories’ is S. J. Hamrick’s convoluted and very weird extended hypothesis about MI5 counter-espionage, Deceiving the Deceivers. I include it primarily because of the way it abuses the facts of early 1951, but also for what may turn out to be more valuable insights about the use of VENONA, and the possibility that Maclean had been identified as HOMER as early as 1949. For a fuller critique of the book, and for my interpretation of Hamrick’s theory, I strongly encourage readers to turn to my 2019 story about Dick White’s plotting to plant accusatory information on the FBI, at https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-devilish-plot/. There you will learn that (according to Hamrick’s fertile imagination) Philby was sent out Washington in 1949, Burgess was retrieved from ignominy to join him in the summer of the next year, and Maclean was re-instated at the American desk in London, after his destructive behaviour in Cairo, in November 1950, all for the purposes of providing disinformation about US/GB nuclear weapons – at a time when both Philby and Maclean had no direct contact with the MGB, by the way. This was all Dick White’s scheme, apparently, whereby he also hoped to entrap all three of the known (or suspected) Soviet agents.

What Hamrick did bring to the table was a close inspection of the VENONA records, concluding that GCHQ concealed the results of its early decryptions. He thus managed to indicate that the official identification of Maclean as HOMER in April 1951 occurred two years later than the date on which it actually was resolved, and that the institution was caught on the back foot by the US revelations concerning VENONA in 1995. It will be worth inspecting the supportive detail for these claims, especially since we now have a paper-trail of the (supposed) investigations into HOMER that took place in 1950 and 1951 – on the sluggishness of which I have myself remarked. It may well be that White was able to delay the fruits of Eastcote’s labours for some purpose. Yet Hamrick is hopelessly confused and contradictory when it comes to the timetable for Philby’s sending Burgess back to London (a ‘fact’ he accepts). For example, he describes Philby as having known since September 1949 that Maclean was under suspicion, but a few lines later has him meeting Makayev in May 1951 for help in removing Maclean from England. Moreover, Philby had sent Burgess home as late as April (!), having learned about the critical VENONA decryption: Hamrick ignores all the shenanigans with Burgess and the Embassy. One of the many problems with Hamrick’s narrative is that it is never clear when he is just re-presenting established wisdom and when he is promoting one of his crackpot theories.

Defend the Realm [US title] by Christopher Andrew (2009)

A few years passed before the long-awaited authorized history of MI5 appeared. One might have expected the Professor (now Emeritus Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Cambridge) to have been able to exploit some relevant MI5 and Foreign Office files. Yet, for the critical period leading up to May 25 he offers only three items from ‘Security Service Archives’ – all unidentified, of course – and none at all from Foreign Office, or Foreign and Colonial Office files. The three are all fairly inconsequential items to do with surveillance, or the lack of it, and it appears that Andrew was not allowed to inspect the whole file on the surveillance. He thus relies primarily on Philby, Modin, Aldrich and Mitrokhin for his sources, with a couple of references to Borovik and Costello-Tsarev.

Andrew’s account turns out to be primarily a rehash of what he wrote in The Sword and the Shield: the role of Makayev, the plan hatched by Philby and Burgess, the insistence that Burgess accompany Maclean, and Burgess’s resistance, the plans made the previous weekend; the residency’s discovering the Falaise opportunity, and Burgess being commanded to book the tickets. Most of the details between Burgess’s arrival and the escape day of May 25 are skipped over: Andrew relies on Aldrich for the proposal to interrogate Maclean in June, but claims that the London residency believed that Maclean was going to be arrested on May 28 (but he does not explain how it gained this insight). Yet he ignores what Aldrich wrote about Philby’s tip-off. Why Andrew should be so reliant on a secondary source, but then selectively use what that source wrote without exploring the contradictions is an enigma in its own right.

Yet the issuance of an ‘authorized’ account was presumably designed to quash any inquisitive minds, as if the last word on the episode had been written. MI5 and the Foreign Office must have felt fairly pleased with themselves, and, after a few years of letting the dust settle, showed their generosity by releasing a shaft of files that undermined what their chosen historian had written. I do not know what was Andrew’s reaction to inspecting the 2015 batch (I assume that he has done so). Defend the Realm definitely needs a revision.

The Petrov Files (2011)

In 2011 an enormous trove of records, designated as the Personal File on Vladimir and Evdokia Petrov, who defected in Australia in 1954, was released to the National Archives in Kew. It contains not only the complete transcripts of the Australian Royal Commission Investigation into Soviet Espionage, and its final Report, but a very rich record of exchanges between MI5 and its Security Liaison Officer in Canberra in the years 1954, 1955, and 1956, including some very revealing memoranda about Burgess and Maclean. I do not believe that anyone has performed justice to it yet. (I shall present my initial analysis next month.)

Treachery by Chapman Pincher (2011 & 2012)

I include this volume only because it is the book that probably has been read the most, while it has had an influence completely disproportionate to its value.  Pincher covered the saga of the Missing Diplomats without providing any references, and he was exceedingly neglectful of the need to provide proper dating of the events. He clearly had access to some Security Service records not yet released, and was undoubtedly assisted by Peter Wright. He clumsily inserted Roger Hollis as a regular accomplice to Dick White, since his objective was to prove that Hollis was a Soviet mole. He accepted that Burgess’s trip home was engineered by Philby, and he declared that Maclean was indeed about to be hauled in on May 28, just after he disappeared. He made many other mistakes.

Guy Liddell’s Diaries

In 2012, Guy Liddell’s Diaries were declassified, and released to the National Archives. The entries for 1951 appeared as KV 4/473. They are an indispensable resource for understanding the events of this year – or for any of the other years when Liddell was active. Overall, they are probably very reliable, although Liddell was guilty of some occasional dissimulation. And they have been redacted – severely, in some places. Many of the individual names redacted can be confidently assessed, from context and from other sources, but large chunks of text have been irretrievably lost. The act of censorship itself points to the fact that what Liddell wrote must have been far too sensitive to be revealed, and a variety of ‘traffic analysis’ can constitute an important part of the intellectual process of interpreting such passages.

Phase 4: The Release of the Archives

In the hiatus before the critical archives were declassified, a few relevant biographies appeared. Michael Holzman, an American described simply as a ‘writer’, supplied two of them, both self-published. Guy Burgess: Revolutionary in an Old School Tie (2012) displays his approach of digging around in obscure places to reveal fresh facts, but Holzman never applies any rigorous methodology to the treatment of his material. Thus he discovers that Wilfred Mann (listed by Boyle as a possible conspirator) echoes the story of Philby’s ruse in getting Burgess home, and ascribes to Philby the foresight to have made plans well before the reduction of the short-list of suspects in mid-April. He sheds some fresh light on Burgess’s movements that spring, including a visit to W. H. Auden in New York on March 17. Holzman has inspected Blunt’s memoir at the British Library, and appears to trust what the spy wrote, for instance that it was Burgess’s own decision that he should defect, even though Burgess told him he had been ordered to do so. He also adds that Burgess visited Blunt at Portman Square on the afternoon of May 25 to say ‘goodbye’. He reinforces the notion that Bernard Miller was a ‘pick-up’ on the Queen Mary, and that Hewit, having been introduced to Miller when the latter arrived from Paris on May 21, called him in the morning of May 26 in an attempt to discover where Burgess was. All in all, it is a flat and uninspiring account.

Holzman took up his pen again in a treatment of the Macleans in 2014, namely Donald and Melinda Maclean: Idealism and Espionage. The work is even less enthralling than his book on Burgess. He informs us that Tatsfield could be reached by train and taxi via Oxted, perhaps a journey of two hours, which is both overstated and irrelevant, and writes that Maclean was receiving highest-classification papers as late as April 5. Thereafter he muses about the possible motives and intentions of the Soviets without ever coming off the fence, while reinforcing the notion that Miller was ‘Burgess’s last lover’. Lastly, he throws in the notion that a decision was taken to interrogate Maclean on the morning of May 28, but lazily does not explore this newly-found datum.

A Spy Among Friends by Ben Macintyre (2014)

Macintyre brought his celebrated journalistic flair to his 2014 study of Philby. It contains some shrewd insights, quite a few unsupported assumptions, as well as many careless mistakes. He has little to say on the escape, but the build-up at Philby’s end should have revealed useful information. He describes Philby’s briefing on the HOMER investigation before he leaves for Washington – but oddly does not mention Maurice Oldfield. He introduces Makayev by claiming that the Soviet illegal managed to inform Philby that he had arrived, and that they would ‘rendezvous at different points between New York and Washington, in Baltimore or Philadelphia’, but Macintyre provides no source for this startling tale. Furthermore, he then explains that Burgess was able to act as a courier soon after he arrived, taking information to Makayev in New York. In June 1950, Philby learned that the VENONA project had identified an important spy active in 1945 in the British network with the cryptonym STANLEY – himself.

It was only when Philby heard of the critical decryption involving Melinda Maclean in New York that he apparently ‘demanded’ that Maclean be extracted before interrogation, and Macintyre echoes the dubious story that Philby’s delay was occasioned by Moscow’s insistence that Maclean stay in place. Here Macintyre correctly interprets the Burgess recall as an item of luck, an opportunity to warn Maclean, yet puts an odd spin on the saga. Maclean would be warned by ‘a third party who would not arouse suspicion’, a rather naïve observation given Burgess’s recent track-record.  He further slips up by saying that the plan would involve Burgess’s contacting the Soviets in London: of course he did no such thing, using Blunt as go-between. Thereafter, Macintyre trots out aspects of the error-prone familiar story (Tatsfield in Kent, Miller the ‘boyfriend’), and echoes the claim that Modin thought Maclean would be interrogated on Monday, May 28, without commenting on whether that belief had any relevance to the escape plan. He adds that the escape plan ‘swung into action’ only on May 25, but it had been in the works for some days. Lastly, he has Modin insisting that Burgess accompany Maclean, but later acknowledging that ‘allowing’ Burgess to leave had been an error. He provides the information that Special Branch reported that a car hired by Guy Burgess had been abandoned at Southampton, but does not provide any timing for this important event. Overall, it is a gripping but rather shallow story.

Stalin’s Englishman by Andrew Lownie (2015)

‘Stalin’s Englishman’

Andrew Lownie, perhaps better known as a literary agent, outdid Miranda Carter in the number of persons he acknowledged for helping him in his biography of Burgess, with a cast of over two hundred listed. A writer needs good discriminatory powers to separate the gold from the dross when treating input from so many sources. While that exercise may have enabled Lownie to provide a rich scrapbook of his subject’s activities, it did not lead to any greater clarity on the escape. He recapitulates the summons of Burgess to Ambassador Franks’ office, but then interjects that Burgess went over the ‘escape plan’ with Philby on April 30 – surely a premature assessment. He then has Blunt meeting Burgess at Southampton, where they immediately discuss plans for Maclean’s exfiltration – another item of inaccurate chronology. For Burgess’s return to the flat in new Bond Street, and his reunion with Hewit on May 9 (thus contradicting other accounts that have Hewit welcoming Burgess at Waterloo Station), he relies on Hewit’s ‘unpublished memoir’. The provenance of this work does not appear to be acknowledged anywhere else, and its reliability (let alone its existence) should probably not be trusted very implicitly. It is here, however, that Hewit discloses the ‘wads of money’ he found in Burgess’s suitcase.

Lownie’s mingled yarn then borrows from Modin, Roland Perry, Andrew, Costello/Tsarev, and what Patrick Reilly told him. Reilly told him that Carey-Foster had recommended that Burgess be surveilled, too (probably correct), but Lownie next oddly remarks that Maclean was tailed to and from Victoria and [sic] Charing Cross each day to the ‘little station at Tatsfield’ (there was, of course, no such edifice). Before Moscow sent detailed plans for the escape on May 17, the final plans for interrogation were drawn up on May 15 (Reilly), and the group met in Strang’s office again on May 21, where Dick White pressed for a delay in informing the FBI, in case Maclean happened to crack and incriminate himself soon. Somehow, the plans were telegraphed to Philby on May 24: Reilly told Lownie that the interrogation was due to begin the week of May 28, and Lownie notes that Reilly’s papers at the Bodleian Library indicate that it would probably take place on the Monday.

The author offers some fascinating details about the fateful week that culminated in the escape. Bernard Miller arrived from Paris on May 21, and was introduced to Hewit and others. Hewit was then told that Burgess and Miller were going away for a weekend together: this may not have pleased Burgess’s housemate, but it throws into a cocked hat the notion that Hewit would have been ‘hysterical’ when Burgess did not return by Saturday morning. Hewit also recalled (in his notorious memoir) that Burgess told him that he was helping a friend from the Foreign Office, and that he would be back on Monday, at which Hewit outrageously claimed that he guessed that the friend was Donald Maclean. Meanwhile, Burgess had booked the berth on the Falaise in the names of himself and Miller, and was laying the false trails about his intended itinerary.

Suddenly, Lownie inserts a valuable archival reference, from the Security Conference of Privy Counsellors (CAB 134/1325, declassified in December 2006), in which Morrison’s decision of May 25 to interrogate Maclean the following month is made explicit. (Lownie overlooks the clash with Reilly’s testimony.) He records Burgess’s visit to Blunt on May 25 (probably from Hewit, again), and then relates the awkwardness of Roger Makins when he bumped into Maclean in the Foreign Office courtyard around 6:00 pm and learned about Maclean’s day off, but could not find Carey-Foster to verify that leave had been granted. Maclean then caught the ‘usual train’ from Charing Cross: not only was it the wrong terminus, but Maclean would not have been able to catch the 6:10 from Victoria if Makins’s timetable is correct. Whatever the circumstances, Burgess arrived at the Tatsfield house shortly after Maclean arrived.

The plot is lost completely after that. Lownie relies on West’s Molehunt (see above) to report that an immigration official at Southampton had noticed Maclean’s name on a watch list, and that he ‘immediately rang MI5’s operational headquarters in London, Leconfield House, where a number of officers were still planning the Monday interview’. So much for Morrison’s approval for a June interrogation. The inability to cross-check one’s own facts (and for Nigel West, who is thanked for checking the script, not to notice the anomaly) is unforgiveable. Lownie then adds a provocative flourish: Winston Churchill was reportedly informed of the abscondment at Chartwell on the Saturday, May 26.

It was not the last of the contradictions, however. Lownie writes that Hewit called Blunt on the evening of May 26 to tell him that Burgess had not returned from his ‘overnight trip’ (when it was for the weekend). Yet Lownie also cites Freeman & Penrose (Conspiracy of Silence), who actually wrote (based on an interview with Hewit in 1985) that Hewit was perturbed at the fact that Burgess had not returned on Sunday evening, and thought he might have stayed with Blunt that night. Hewit did not call Blunt immediately, however: he instead called Rees on Monday morning, and only then Blunt, who told him not to do anything. And then the search of the flat occurred. He also reproduces Rees’s testimony about the frenzied telephone calls. Finally, he asserts (using Reilly) that Makins thought that Maclean might have taken the Monday off as well – an extraordinary suggestion, although, as I shall show, that claim came also from Carey-Foster. Lownie then describes Blunt’s attempts to hush up Hewit, and then relates how Blunt acquired the key to the Burgess premises on May 30, sent Hewit away, and searched the flat with MI5’s Ronnie Reed, when he was able to retrieve some incriminating love letters.

Stalin’s Englishman was well-received by the critics, and it won several prizes (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin%27s_Englishman). It is quite astounding to me that its multiple flaws were overlooked.

The 2015 Archival Releases

For the purposes of examining the events leading up to, and occurring immediately after, the defection of Burgess and Maclean, I consider the following the most important:

MI5’s Personal Files on Burgess (especially the series KV 2/4102 through KV 2/4116). This set is not exclusive: there are many others in the range from 4101 to 4139, but I suspect that this core represents the most valuable material. While the record does not start until after the defection, the interviews with Burgess’s friends and associates frequently bring up valuable refinements of the received wisdom, including (but by no means limited to) interviews with Anthony Blunt, whose testimony of course cannot be relied upon. The files named above extend to 1956, when Driberg interviewed Burgess in Moscow, and when Goronwy Rees’s articles in the People appeared, thus offering an important perspective, and sometimes a correction, to the established interpretation of events.

MI5 also released a rich file on the surveillance of Donald Maclean (and his mother) in KV 2/4140, digitized for general availability, an item that also reaches back to 1949 in some detail, and includes an account of Liddell’s interviews with Blunt and Tomás Harris. This is an extremely important file, since it shows that MI5’s watchers were in fact more persistent and mobile than has been presented before, and it also confirms the startling information (hinted at in some works) that MI5 inserted telephone bugs in several properties, including the Macleans’ house in Tatsfield and the residence of Donald’s mother in London. It gives a day-by-day analysis of Maclean’s movements in May, including his meetings with Burgess and others, except when, for a few incidents, the watchers lost track of him. A larger tranche of files on Maclean has also been released, namely KV 2/4141-4164, but unfortunately not digitized. These must constitute a critical source, but I do not believe anyone has mined them properly yet. I have yet to inspect them.

Another MI5 series, KV 6/140-145, described as the ‘Investigation into leakage of telegrams’ is a vital account of the VENONA exercise, starting in January 1945, and ending in February 1956, with the most intense scrutiny taking place between April 2 and June 7, 1951 (KV 6/142 & 143). (I used these files in my examination of Dick White’s role in https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-devilish-plot/, from June 2019.)

The remainder of my selection comes from the Foreign and Colonial Office files, series FCO 158. FCO 158/1-16 provide a valuable series concerning the leaks and investigations after the disappearance, but some are still closed. The set FCO 158/24 through 158/28 deals with the initial inquiry into the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean, with the last two dedicated to the PEACH inquiry, namely the possible role that Philby had played in the affair. FCO 158/133 investigates the possible continuance of Soviet Agents in the Foreign Service, and Philby as the ‘Third Man’ is importantly covered in a file from 1955, FCO 158/175. The Investigation continues in FCO 158/176 & 177, with a draft statement from 1954 recorded in FCO 158/180. Burgess has his own FCO file in FCO 158/181 & 182, while Goronwy Rees’s profile on ‘Burgess’ is maintained at FCO 158/184. Finally, the Foreign and Colonial office kept its own file on the defector Vladimir Petrov (distinct from Petrov’s extensive files in MI5’s KV 2 series) at FCO 158/198 & 199.

I have so far studied few of these files, but am attempting to work my way through them.

Phase 5: Post-Archival Exploitation

‘The Spy Who Knew Everyone’

Guy Burgess: The Spy Who Knew Everyone, by Stewart Purvis and Jeff Hulbert (2016) is a more measured and thoughtful study of Burgess’s life, again broad and detailed in its sweep, but more selective and less impressionable. The authors start their ‘Acknowledgements’ by stating that ‘much of the content of this book is based on files which were only made available at the end of October 2015’. Their editor thus had the unenviable task of getting their work to the printers within six weeks. Exactly how much time they were able to spend perusing the masses of files is not clear, but they made some judicious choices. From the sources given, the authors appear to have spent more time investigating the post-mortems on Burgess’s disappearance, and his previous career, than the flight itself, and the account of the events of May is therefore somewhat incurious and vague.

The authors shed no opinion on Burgess’s recall home, but suggest that the KGB estimated that it was not safe for their agents in London to contact Maclean, and that it was up to Philby and Burgess to develop a plan using Blunt. They echo the story that Burgess ‘picked up’ Miller on the Queen Mary, but add (echoing Seaman and Mather) that Blunt had already been in touch with Maclean, and sensed that he was ‘falling to pieces’. They later provide the breakthrough insight that it was Jackie Hewit who had been feeding the Daily Express with its stories, but they are probably too trusting of what Hewit passed on. They elide over Burgess’s visit to Sonning in a single sentence, presumably regarding it as unimportant. They seem to be impressed with Blunt’s and Burgess’s contentions that Burgess volunteered to accompany Maclean all the way. Thereafter their tale takes on a similarly cautious course, using the archive to provide a more accurate account of the movements of May 25. They echo MI5’s rather alarming estimate that it took Burgess only thirty minutes to drive from central London to Tatsfield. No comment on the timing of the planned interrogation is offered, nor any analysis of the reactions of Foreign Office personnel on May 28 when Maclean was not seen at his desk.

They write that the Home Secretary did not alert the Immigration authorities until the evening of May 29, only for the message to come through that the missing diplomats had already been seen boarding the Falaise. Yet the sources are not given: the bizarre sequence of events not discussed. Purvis and Hulbert do, however, provide some useful input from Lord Talbot de Malahide, a member of the Foreign Office who had been a contemporary of Burgess’s at Trinity. They culled from FCO 158/3 and 158/26 Malahide’s confirmation of Maclean’s communism at Cambridge (an insight that should certainly have been offered earlier), and, perhaps more importantly, Malahide’s statement in September 1953 that both Maclean and Burgess had been under investigation at the time they disappeared, which has been a point of contention. This was vaguely echoed, a couple of months later, in a rather imprecise minute by Malahide to Ivone Fitzpatrick (Strang’s successor as Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office), where he declared that Burgess ‘had been a long-term spy’.

Yet the authors become lost in a sea of ancillary material: there is no entry for ‘Third Man’ in a very weak index, and they introduce the concept vaguely only when treating Milmo’s interrogation of Philby in December 1951, before jumping to the questions in the House of Commons in 1955. In summary, it is a rather tame accomplishment by the authors: admittedly they did not have much time to inspect and reflect on the new material, but, as with nearly all the other writers, they were too trusting, and they lacked the methodology and drive to distinguish misinformation and resolve paradoxes. In gathering as much material from obscure sources as they could, they lost sight of the bigger picture.

Cold War Spymaster by Nigel West (2018)

Nigel West returned to the fray in 2018, focusing on the career of Guy Liddell, and setting out to exploit the recently released archives selectively in a chapter titled BARCLAY and CURZON (Burgess and Maclean). He specifically identifies KV 6/143, KV 2/4140 and FCO 158/27 as his sources. The chapter is an extraordinary, rambling account, in ninety pages, of the quest to identify HOMER, and Liddell’s subsequent activities in 1951 after the pair fled. It contains enormous chunks of archival material, as well as extracts from Liddell’s diaries, but little incisive analysis: immediately West starts to isolate a controversial matter, he goes off on some historical tangent.

The author’s access to the MI5 file on Maclean allows him to describe a more accurate picture of Maclean’s movements in the final days than he had offered in Molehunt. His study of the HOMER investigation enables him to deliver a more realistic, though still error-prone, timetable. Thus he describes how the clearly articulated plans dating from May 15 that specified how the interrogation of Maclean would not start before June 7, and how the FBI would be notified of ‘strong suspicions’ about him not until June 4. One of the documents that he cites in toto contains the vital information that the later date would allow MI5 a valuable period of three weeks’ more to prepare for the interrogation – a startling refutation of the claim that the team was waiting anxiously in Leconfield House to get going on May 28 (see Molehunt). Yet West echoes the articulated belief by MI6 officers that Philby must somehow have missed this communication, and that he was led to thinking that the arrest and interrogation would occur soon after May 23. Thus West writes, without offering any evidence: “That was the day that Philby intervened and initiated the defections.” The activities of Burgess, Blunt, and the London residency are almost completely outside his purview.

Maclean’s surveillance and movements are overall described accurately, with a few exceptions. West writes that physical surveillance could not be extended beyond London: that was not in fact true, since the Watchers noticed Maclean’s car at Oxted Station, and even tracked one of his travelling companions to Hayward’s Heath. West states that Maclean usually travelled from Victoria to Oxted, Woldingham or Upper Woldingham (he means Upper Warlingham), and sometimes took the Greenline bus from Eccleston Bridge (but that was only on half-day Saturdays, when the down train service was less frequent). Yet, because of the obviousness of surveillance in Tatsfield, telephone checks were installed at the Maclean residence (Beaconshaw), as well as in his mother’s house, and in that of his psychiatrist. Whether they worked reliably at Beaconshaw has been questioned, as Liddell’s diary entry for May 1 indicates, but that may have been an excuse, and indications are that they were working soon after.

West’s coverage of the weekend’s events is, nevertheless, remarkably loose and confused. His first observation is that Liddell recorded in his diary entry for May 29 (Tuesday) that the Watchers ‘had failed to spot him [Maclean] on his arrival from his home in Tatsfield’. This would imply that Liddell did not hear anything about the escape until Tuesday morning, but that intuitively seems like a wrong assumption. Why had the observations of the Watchers taken so long to be communicated? The implications of all this apparently held little interest for West, since, after noting David Footman’s calls to Liddell on that same day, Tuesday (Footman’s name redacted in the diary), he switches to September 1940, when Liddell first met Burgess. It takes another eight pages for him to return to the current events, and the first thing he claims is that Burgess was never a suspect.

He then astutely registers the conflicting signals concerning Maclean’s presence, given by the telechecks. After that, however, he gets in a muddle: first he repeats the citation of Liddell’s diary entry of May 29 concerning the Watchers. He next states that the first time that MI5 learned of Maclean’s disappearance was on the morning of May 29, when Melinda called the Foreign Office. But that is again probably based on a literal reading of a false reconstruction of the Concordance by the Foreign Office, when May 29 was inscribed instead of May 28. West then stumbles by stating that Liddell had already written about the pair taking off in his previous day’s entry (which would be May 28). That observation appears, however, in the long, unredacted, May 29 entry.

The fact is that Liddell’s diary entry for May 28 has almost entirely been redacted, which West fails to observe. It is intriguing, however, that the sole remaining item, clearly at the beginning, describes a lunch with ‘Ahmed’. While that suggests that Liddell had not been informed about the non-appearance of Maclean on Saturday, or on Monday by lunchtime, several paragraphs must have been dedicated to an embarrassing description of events on the Monday afternoon. Liddell’s Tuesday entry, including the words ‘we now learn from the Foreign Office that he was given a day’s leave on Saturday’ must refer to a revisiting of the events with his colleagues at the Foreign Office on Tuesday morning. For some reason West ascribes this entry to Monday May 28 (where there is no information at all).

West carries on in this vein for some time, making careful note of the conflicting stories about the effectiveness of the telephone checks, but offering further careless mistakes about dates. He makes the important point that the telephone checks should have picked up the arrival of Roger Stiles, and if Melinda (who, West states, knew Burgess already) made no obvious statement, she should have been interrogated over it! One vital aspect of the investigation that he does cover is the reports from Southampton and the captain of the Falaise, and he starts to get excited about the contradictions in the intelligence received. In his May 29 diary entry, Liddell describes how he and Petrie, on the evening of May 29, received a message from Immigration ‘to say that MACLEAN and BURGESS had left Southampton on Friday night for St. Malo’, and that the captain of the Falaise, when his ship returned to Southampton (presumably on the Sunday) had reported that the pair had disembarked ‘contrary to their excursion terms’. Yet no dates were given. One might expect Immigration to have made its report immediately, and West hints that it was indeed so.

Without providing a source, West interjects the startling observation that Arthur Martin and the Night Duty Officer at Leconfield House on May 25 claimed that Maclean’s departure at Southampton had been reported to MI5 at midnight, and claims, rather wildly, that it was that report that had prompted Dick White to try to fly out the same night (after midnight?) to France to try to intercept Maclean in St Malo. That makes no sense. Liddell records that White was dispatched first thing on May 30, when he left Liddell’s residence at 1:00 am with an outdated passport. All that West can say about these puzzles and paradoxes is that if MI5 had been informed of Maclean’s departure on Friday evening, ‘the events of the following three days are open to a rather different interpretation’. But he does not venture any further.

I am perplexed by West’s lack of enterprise in this matter. Whether he was not confident of his insider sources, or had been warded off any close analysis, or was embarrassed by his previous false steps in the story, or was simply just confused, I cannot tell. Overall, it seems to me an opportunity sadly missed, since the fans of the doyen were probably entitled to a better explanation and interpretation.

A Spy Named Orphan by Roland Philipps (2018)

Roland Philipps can claim Rosamond Lehmann, Wogan Philipps and Roger Makins among his grandparents, so he maintains multiple connections to the participants in the saga of the Missing Diplomats. His focus is, of course, on Maclean, and since HOMER was the most passive of the participants at this time, Philipps follows a conventional line, without surprises, in his narration of the events. He reinforces the message that Maclean had been out of touch with any Soviet handler since his return from Cairo, treats the dispatch of Burgess back to the UK by Franks as a convenient happenstance, and recounts Maclean’s rather routine movements solidly, although not with complete precision. His account of the escape plans follows quite closely the Modin formula, although he does resuscitate the observation first made by Hoare that Donald told Jay Sheers, the new husband of his sister-in-law, Harriet, that he wanted desperately to be ‘cut adrift’.

The description of Burgess’s evolving role, and his being trapped to accompany Maclean, is made, Philipps observing that Moscow realized that it had two burnt-out cases on its hands. He also reproduces the incident of Maclean’s calling Geoffrey Jackson from the Travellers Club at lunchtime on May 25, asking him to ‘hold the fort’ for him on the Saturday, offering his reason for being absent the lie that he had to pick up his sister at the docks. Thus the granting of leave was probably never official: Philipps was resourceful enough to track down a memoir by Maclean’s Third Secretary, Margaret Anstee, published in 2004. Apparently, Ms. Anstee was flattered when her boss asked her on Friday afternoon to stand in for him the next morning. The telephone intercepts did not pick up a message from Donald’s sister, Nancy Oetking, until the evening of May 26, saying that she and her husband would be arriving at about 8:30. Maclean could have performed his Saturday stint at the office.

Another useful contribution made by Philipps is his description of Maclean’s meeting with Anthony Blake at the Reform Club on May 24. Blake was an old friend who had been Secretary of the Cambridge University Socialist Club: the rendezvous was noted by the Watchers (and confirmed by Maclean’s office diary). Philipps uses KV 2/4150 (a file that I have not yet seen) to state that Maclean seemed very calm and composed, and talked about forthcoming holiday plans. That assessment would appear to go against the grain of other opinions that have pointed to Maclean’s anguished emotional state at this time.

Yet Philipps has a last flourish of his own to add to the melting-pot. Melinda Maclean was apparently stirred into action by a call from Maclean’s mother on the morning of May 28, when she expressed her regret to her daughter-in-law that Donald had not yet returned. Philipps writes that ‘the news was immediately reported to the Foreign Office’, but does not say who made the call. There Carey-Foster was able to confirm that Maclean had not appeared yet, but Carey-Foster himself believed that there was no cause for alarm, since Maclean had asked for a day off (verifiable in KV 2/4140). Then Philipps adds (based on ‘private information’ – thus presumably not the unpublished Makins memoirs held at the Bodleian, which Philipps elsewhere exploits) that Roger Makins thought that he might have given Maclean the Monday off as well. This is an extraordinary revelation, given how surprised Makins had been on learning, late on Friday, that Maclean had just been granted the morning off on Saturday. Philipps then adds a further disturbing fact, namely that Mrs Grist, who supervised the telephone-checking, did not record Melinda’s call to the Foreign Office until 10:58 on May 29. Was that a transcription error? Or was the Foreign Office really so slothful and unconcerned that it did nothing, not even calling the Maclean home, for the whole of Monday, and the first hour of Tuesday? It is unthinkable. Yet Philipps, like so many of such chroniclers, is unimpressed, and leaves the datum uninspected.

Enemies Within by Richard Davenport-Hines (2018)

‘Enemies Within’

The final book from this period to be considered is Enemies Within by the irrepressible Richard Davenport-Hines. It is a vastly entertaining offering, and the author bounces around with supreme self-confidence and sense of authority, plucking ripe plums from the archives when appropriate. Yet he can also be magnificently wrong over some of the basic elements of the story, and he makes some bold claims without providing any references to back them up.

His coverage of the events does not start well. He discusses the difficulties of surveillance of the Maclean house, and states that the Watchers followed Maclean ‘only as far as the ticket-barrier at Charing Cross station’. He assumes that Maclean must have been having regular meetings with Modin, but declares that they ‘will have been halted’ as soon as Philby’s reports reached the residency. He recognizes the role of Makayev, but then asserts that there were multiple ways for Moscow to forewarn Maclean. This serves to diminish any need to involve Burgess in alerting Maclean, but Davenport-Hines confuses the notions of the objective and the opportunity. He presents Burgess’s visit to Rees as coming from a need for Burgess to assess whether Rees would inform MI5 of his and Blunt’s connections with the NKVD. Again, no source is offered for this insight, and he ignores what Rees wrote. He is simply guessing.

The author’s style can be exemplified by what he writes as he approaches the week of May 21: “Accounts of the next few days by its chief protagonists are confusing: people later lied in self-defence, misremembered in wishful thinking, were too upset to be consistent, enjoyed a chance for malice or were inherently untrustworthy. Many of the details of this phase hold biographical but not general historical interest. The important points are these.” Presumably Davenport-Hines is the only chronicler not to be confused.  Yet one of his first assertions is that Morrison, on May 25, ‘was asked for authorization to interrogate Maclean on Monday 28 May and gave it’. He then makes the utterly illogical claim that ‘the interrogation was set for the Monday because, in accordance with the undertaking given to the FBI, Hoover had first to be told.’ The author’s source for this nonsense is one of the Maclean files, KV 2/4153. I have not yet inspected this series, but for Davenport-Hines to pluck out this erroneous item amid all the countervailing evidence is simply bizarre.

After judging that the NKVD probably misled Burgess about his ability to return, fearing what might happen under interrogation, Davenport-Hines then turns to Guy Liddell’s diary, and makes some further odd claims, stating that that the diary went out of kilter. “The entry for the Sunday is entirely redacted, but misdated as if it was Monday,” he writes, continuing: “The Monday entry is dated for Tuesday. MI5 and SIS were working at full pelt to find Maclean.” He is quite wrong. Liddell did not write diary entries over the weekend. A slim – and largely redacted – entry for May 28 appears, and the entry for May 29 is almost entirely whole. It may be that Davenport-Hins, in a rush, tried to reconcile Liddell’s entries with the timetable offered in Maclean’s file at KV 2/4140, but he ends up being as confused as anyone else.

Davenport-Hines’s account becomes less melodramatic after that, although he offers another list of unsubstantiated happenings, which will provide interesting fodder when I later try to sort out the facts. Hewit called Blunt on Sunday evening, when Burgess had not returned (suggesting that he waited until the weekend jaunt were over); Blunt told him not to worry, but he then called Rees, against Blunt’s advice; Rees then contacted Blunt and Footman; Footman contacted Liddell at about eleven o’clock on Monday morning (this item presumably being given from Davenport-Hines’s assessment that Liddell had intended to record the events of May 29 as all occurring on May 28); on Monday afternoon, Melinda Maclean reported to Carey-Foster that her husband was missing (thus going against the grain of what the KV 2/4140 report stated, where the approach is dated as May 29). The author then shows all the following events occurring on the Monday: Carey-Foster and Reilly inform Strang, and are joined by Sillitoe and White; Blunt visits Rees to try and still his voice; Blunt searches the Old Bond Street flat, and salvages some incriminating material. It is another mess.

One final gem imparted by Davenport-Hines is an anecdote from Chapman Pincher, namely that the latter had been told by a former Tory MP that Lord Talbot de Malahide had ‘tipped the wink to BURGESS to tell MACLEAN to clear out’. While a further investigation into Malahide may be fruitful, this story would appear to be without merit. Burgess was no longer persona grata in the Foreign Office, but he had already come to that conclusion before he arrived in the UK. Moreover, since Malahide also worked in the Foreign Office, he could presumably have alerted Maclean himself.

Phase 6: Fresh Archival Items

The last stage is the release of further Personal Files in 2022 – with more in 2025. Four sets from the 2022 batch in particular grabbed my attention. I have covered partially the files on Goronwy and Margery Rees (KV 2/4603-4608), at https://coldspur.com/an-anxious-summer-for-rees-blunt/, but my analysis has so far taken me up to August 1951 only, and I need to study the remaining years thoroughly. (I suspect that some revisionist thinking from Rees appears in the later files.) Likewise, I have reported in depth on the files of Victor and Tessa Rothschild (KV 2/4531-4534) at https://coldspur.com/the-still-elusive-victor-rothschild/. I have yet to study the files on Tomás Harris and his wife at KV 2/4636-4637, which are intriguingly titled ‘Rupert Honey’. The last, of Jackie Hewit, at KV 2/4526-4529, may be equally as compelling. A quick survey shows that Hewit had been employed in Victor Rothschild’s anti-Nazi project within MI5 in World War II, where his cryptonym was the unappealing DUMBO. He was a failure. Thereafter, the record shows him to have been a crook, a thief and a blackmailer. His closeness to Guy Burgess had the potential to shed much light on the events of May 1951, but I believe that his testimony has to be very cautiously used, as he was a liar as well. In fact, under pressure, when Hewit was threatening to disclose names of Burgess’s conspirators in the Foreign Office. MI5 claimed that he had recanted all his former accusations. I wonder, however, whether Hewit had been bought off with a tidy sum of money, and had been told to keep quite. I shall report further in due course.

Spies by Calder Walton (2023)

If Calder Walton’s effort (‘A masterpiece!!” – Christopher Andrew; ‘the definitive compendium’ – Paul Kolbe; ‘pioneering use of MI5’s imperial security files’ – Peter Hennessy) is supposed to reflect the authoritative judgment of intelligence experts in the third decade of the century, we the public are in deep trouble, and there is a lot of work still to be done. Walton treads a worn and errant path over the Missing Diplomats, while also bringing some bizarre fresh ideas to the narrative.

The author first echoes what his mentor, Andrew, wrote, in claiming that the Foreign Secretary, Herbert Morrison, ‘agreed to place Maclean under MI5 surveillance’. Yet there is no evidence of that. R. T. Reed made the application for telephone surveillance directly to the Post Office on April 18. Walton then breezes over Burgess’s recall, and simply remarks that there was nothing suspicious about Burgess and Maclean meeting in a pub on May 25 (i.e. the day of the escape, as Walton reminds us). Walton’s report is seen as simply sloppy when he adds that the MI5 report filed the next day [!] reported that Burgess was ‘worried’, and that there was ‘an air of conspiracy between the two’. The meeting had taken place on May 22.

Next, Walton writes that Modin orchestrated an escape as the net tightened, but in the next paragraph, after backtracking to describe how Philby and Burgess exploited the latter’s recall to send a message to Maclean in London, he comments that ‘Philby and Burgess worked out their plan without involving the KGB rezidentura or the Center’. (He later does describe, however, the rendezvous with Makayev.) He then takes up the Moscow line, that, since Burgess was in an equally dire mental state as that of Maclean, the KGB decided to extract the pair of them, and he reminds his readers that Burgess’s last promise to his colleague was that he would not accompany Maclean in the defection.

Walton’s analysis then shifts to accusing Philby of betraying Burgess and Maclean, a secret that he believes Putin’s Kremlin does not want published. “Philby lied to everyone to save himself”, he writes. This insight derives from his judgment that, when Burgess and Maclean were safely behind the Iron Curtain in Moscow, Philby ‘threw both Burgess and Maclean under the bus’, by suggesting that the two of them might well have been conspirators since their time at Cambridge! Since this was the conclusion at which MI5 and the Foreign Office had already arrived, Philby’s ‘betrayal’ might better be interpreted as a creative, though also clumsy, piece of subterfuge exercised in a desperate attempt to save his own skin. By this time, Burgess and Maclean had been securely fastened to the underside of a charabanc destined for a one-way trip to Moscow. In fact, Philby, reconciled to the idea that Maclean was doomed, had already performed this maneuver, and helped ‘throw him under the bus’ in April 1951 by writing a report implicating his friend.

Enough said. Walton’s effort is a dismal attempt at exploiting the latest archival material, and the mutual admiration society of other ‘experts’ performs its wretched work.

In January 2025 a large number of Personal Files were released by MI5, all digitized, and thus universally available, of which the most significant, for the purpose of shedding more light on the ‘Missing Diplomats’, were the long-awaited Kim Philby series (KV 2/4723-4743), and his first wife, Lizy [sic] Friedmann (KV 2/4664-4666). I point out, however, that the Philby PF 604584 is the one created when Philby emerged as PEACH: it is not his exclusive PF, although it borrows a few items from his father’s file, PF 40408, created in 1933. I had referred to PF 68261 a few months ago, suggesting that it was perhaps a shared file for Kim and Litzy, but PF 68261 has now been released as KV 2/4664-4666, and is described as a file for Lizy Philby only – see above. These are complemented by the files on Anthony Blunt (identified by his very arch codename ‘Blunden’), at KV 2/4700-4722, which will presumably contain a full set of his ‘confessions’. Of close interest will be the files on Llewelyn-Davies (KV 2/4668-4671) and those on Constantin Volkov, whom Philby betrayed in Ankara (KV 2/4674-4676). A surprisingly massive tranche of files for John Cairncross has also been declassified, at KV 2/4678-4699. I posted in mid-February a preliminary analysis of the PEACH file, and I shall embark on a further inspection of the critical items concerning Philby and Blunt in bulletins that I plan to deliver in the next few months. My first priority, however, is to process the largely undigitized files on Burgess and Maclean from 2015, for which I have made private arrangements for photographing.

Conclusions: Paradoxes, Contradictions and Conundrums

Readers who have followed me thus far will probably have concluded that I do not believe that the chroniclers of these events have done justice to them. One might claim that the objectives of most of the writers had not been to resolve paradoxes in the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean, but, since any clarification immediately rebounds on all the actors, from Philby to Reilly, from White to Hewit, I do not see how any biographer or historian can justify a refusal to engage with the conundrums head-on.

I list here twenty controversial topics that merit close inspection:

  1. ‘The Third Man’: Was the Third Man the leaker who first gave the warnings about HOMER? Or was he the person who supposedly precipitated the escape at the last minute? Did the UK authorities deliberately make the question ambiguous? Did the question help to divert attention from Blunt’s true ‘third man’ role?
  2. Maclean as HOMER: When was Maclean first suspected of being HOMER? Why did it take so long to identify him confidently? Did this process have any effect on the project?
  3. Guy Burgess’s Recall: Was it part of the plan to facilitate the escape? Or was Burgess’s return to London merely a fortuitous event that worked in Moscow’s favour?
  4. Communications with Moscow: Was Philby able to update his masters in Moscow, and receive instructions from them? When was Maclean in contact with Modin in London?
  5. Burgess’s Visit to Sonning: When was it set up? Was its purpose to discuss Burgess’ future journalistic career? Was it to verify that he would not betray Burgess, Blunt, and Maclean? Or was it something else?
  6. Surveillance of Burgess and Maclean: Was Burgess also under suspicion? What was the nature of the surveillance of Maclean? Why was it so obvious, and what were its goals? What was the reality of the telephone surveillance installed in his house?
  7. The Defection of Burgess: Why did Burgess have to accompany Maclean? Was it his own decision? Or was he ordered to?
  8. Burgess’s Behaviour: Why did Burgess socialize so promiscuously in the weeks before his defection? Why did he draw attention to the crisis so ostentatiously, to so many?
  9. The Role of the MVD: How authoritative was the MVD in making decisions? How much was left to Blunt and Burgess?
  10. The Interrogation: Why did the authorities dither and delay? On what date was it planned to haul Maclean in? Did this event change? Why were Foreign Office mandarins so insistent that it was about to happen on May 28?
  11. Maclean’s Leave: Who granted leave to Maclean for May 26? Why was the fact not broadly known? Why did Makins and Carey-Foster even think that he might have been granted leave on May 28 as well?
  12. Foreign Office Response: Why was the response to Maclean’s absence on May 28 so sluggish? Why did no official immediately call the Maclean household to determine his whereabouts?
  13. Telephone Intercepts: What did the telephone intercepts over the weekend tell the authorities about Maclean’s movements? Why were they ignored?
  14. Role of Jackie Hewit: Why did he act so hysterically? Why are there conflicting stories of whom he called? Which can be trusted?
  15. Role of Goronwy Rees: How can his reactions to the news of Burgess’s call be interpreted? How did he really follow up? When was he telling the truth?
  16. Role of Anthony Blunt: Who informed him of the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean? How did he communicate with Guy Liddell thereafter?
  17. Role of Guy Liddell: When did he first learn of the defections? Do his reactions make sense?
  18. Role of David Footman: Why, since he dined with Burgess earlier in the week, was he not immediately interviewed? How quickly did he react to Rees’s call, and what did he say?
  19. Intelligence from Southampton: Did Immigration Officers really report Maclean’s presence on the Falaise to MI5 on the night of May 25-26? If so, why was nothing done?
  20. Behaviour of Melinda Maclean: How much did she know? When did she really contact the Foreign Office? Did they believe her?

I shall analyze these questions in depth over the next two months. Because of the emerging size of the output of that investigation, and the substance of my analysis of the overwhelmingly important first question, the April coldspur will address that question only, with analysis of the remaining questions coming in May. Meanwhile, I invite coldspur readers to contact me in order to make the exercise as fulfilling as possible. Specifically, please advise me:

  1. Are there any works that I have overlooked?
  2. Are there aspects of the puzzle that need to be added to the above list?
  3. Do you have observations on the questions that I should know about?
  4. What interpretation do you put on the course of events?

I look forward to hearing from you at antonypercy@aol.com

(Latest Commonplace entries can be read here.)

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Special Bulletin: Not the Kim Philby Personal File

I post this Special Bulletin, outside the normal monthly cycle, to offer an initial commentary on the recent MI5 declassification of several Personal Files. I concentrate on the first of the PEACH (Kim Philby) files.

“Government files that are allowed into the public domain are placed there by the authorities as the result of deliberate decisions. The danger is that those who work only on this controlled material may become something close to official historians, albeit once removed. There is potential cost involved in researching in government-managed archives where the collection of primary material is quick and convenient. Ultimately there is no historical free lunch.” (Richard J. Aldrich in The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence, p 5)

The January 2025 Release

I came across this text when belatedly reading Aldrich’s epic 2001 volume for the first time last month. It has a bold ring of truth, and I implicitly agree with it. Yet, as with any such broad-brushed assertion, I believe it merits closer inspection. Who are those ‘authorities’? Are the persons who decide that files may be declassified in 2025 in essence of the same calibre and school as the experts who judged that some of the information revealed in them was too sensitive seventy years ago or more, and had to be redacted? Is there a level of corporate memory in existence here? Are regular meetings held, and minutes taken, whereby the lore and potential exposures are solemnly recorded for posterity, so that wise decisions are always taken to protect the surviving family members – and of course the Institution of MI5, the Foreign Office, and perhaps MI6 themselves? Can any individual, or Committee, hold all the relevant facts at their fingertips to be able to judge what is safe to release? For example, who at MI5 today can explain the whole FEABRE/PHILBY imbroglio, and provide guidance on its implications? And are there perhaps some subversive agents at work, resembling those who once leaked the essence of some documents to outsiders out of frustration at the misdeeds of their senior officers, their successors now believing that the public deserves to be told more? I do not know the answers to those questions, and I am not going to attempt any hypotheses.

The latest tranche of KV (MI5) Personal Files provides an excellent case-study. The announcement from The National Archives of January 14 was headlined by the following statement: “The release reveals new details in the cases of the Cambridge spies Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, and John Cairncross, including their confessions, and also sheds light on related cases including Constantin Volkov, and Philby’s first wife Litzi.” It then lists ninety-seven consecutively numbered Personal Files (PF), comprising those maintained on the three listed above, as well as several others (see https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/about/news/latest-release-of-files-from-mi5-2/). Is this a counter-example to Aldrich’s ‘free lunch’?

Apart from stating the obvious that it will take anyone months and months to analyze and interpret this material properly, I shall restrict my comments in this piece almost exclusively to one file, the first of Kim Philby’s set of twenty-one, comprising KV 2/4723-4743. I make a very important point, however, that I think has eluded other commentators. These files derive from Philby PF 604584, namely the file created when Philby emerged as the subject of the June 1951 investigation known as the PEACH Inquiry, PEACH being MI5’s codename for Philby. Indubitably, much information on him was maintained before the events surrounding the escape of Burgess and Maclean, but it is scattered among other files, the most important of which (in my judgment) has not been declassified.

Files on the Philbys

Notes on Kim first appeared in the file of his father, Harry St. John Philby (PF 40408), which was created in 1926, and was declassified as KV 2/1118 & 2/1119 in October 2002. Kim came to the notice of MI5 as a member of the Cambridge University Socialist Society in 1933, but the service presumably thought that, since the son had a famous father already under watch, it was appropriate to post occasional items about him in PF 40408. I have written earlier about the exchanges between Valentine Vivian and Guy Liddell concerning Kim’s application to join MI6 in 1939, which can be found there. Yet, in late 1939, a file was opened on Lizy [sic], aka Litzy or Litzi, Philby, in which can be found very provocative, and perhaps incriminating, information concerning her husband, such as a full list of the many trips abroad that Litzy made in the 1930s. (It seems that that information was collected only in June 1951, after Philby was called back to the UK: Helenus ‘Buster’ Milmo tried to exploit it in his interrogations of Philby in December, but he failed to break the suspect.)

This file is numbered PF 68261, and it was released simultaneously with the PEACH files listed above, as KV 2/4663-4667, and does not terminate until 1974. The catalogue description states that the file was opened on October 26, 1940, but it contains entries dated from 1939. (In fact it contains NO entries for 1940, which is very suspicious.) The presence of entries from 1939 is due to the transplantation of relevant items from her father-in-law’s file after her own file was opened. Yet, beyond these desultory items (that extend into 1942), the first entry in the file bears the date September 16, 1945, and several of them refer to a Litzy Feabre ‘who had married an Englishman’, the authors presumably unaware of her real identity.  It is remarkable that the file was developed seriously only at that late date: with her background, Litzy surely must have come under MI5’s microscope before then, especially since her husband had been a ‘person of interest’ during the 1930s. Why would a file be started on her only at the exact time that her husband became an officer in MI6, but then no entries made until the war was over? Her file shows clearly that many of her multiple trips abroad during the 1930s were recorded, and her activities during the war were surely worthy of notice. I suspect that PF 68261 was a holding-place for a whole lot more, but the evidence has been carefully weeded.

I referred to the existence of PF 68261 in coldspur postings two years ago (March and April 2023: see https://coldspur.com/litzi-philby-under-the-covers/ and https://coldspur.com/kim-philby-always-working-for-sis/ ), and assumed that it was a designated Kim Philby file, in which his wife was joined. I had found several references where items (from Georg Honigmann, for example) had been copied into the thinly disguised ‘Lizzy Feavre’ file, Feavre (or Feabre) being a clumsy and mysterious alibi for Litzi Philby.  Now that it has been declassified, we can see that it is truly dedicated to Litzy, with attention paid towards the end of the war to her relationships with such as Edith Tudor-Hart and Georg Honigmann. By this time, of course, her husband was established as an upright officer in MI6, and thus no longer merited any special attention – apart from the incidental questions raised by the behaviour and actions of his spouse. I shall have to return to the fascinating revelations from Litzy’s file another time.

What is nevertheless significant is that KV 2/4723 explicitly draws attention to the existence of PF 40408, and the annotations indicate that a few items have been extracted from it to be inserted in the PEACH file. Some have been removed to the PEACH file, and thus appear only as vestigial entries in the Minute Sheet of KV 2/1118. Curiously, the two items representing Vivian’s communications with Guy Liddell concerning Kim’s recruitment by Section D (sn. 57b and sn. 64a, of September 24 and October 2, 1940 respectively), have not been transferred to the PEACH file – whether this was by oversight, or done deliberately, I have no idea.  What is still surprising is the fact that so little information about Philby’s activities in the 1930s exists. We can be sure that some potentially damaging observations were recorded, by virtue of those few items that have survived after being extracted to PF 604584, but the cupboard is very bare. If there had been another Philby file, I believe there would have been references to it somewhere – unless the weeders have done a superlatively conscientious job.

One of the reasons that the research potential of these records is so great is the light they show on the suspicions about Philby. Last March, in ‘Dick White’s Tangled Web’ (https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-tangled-web/ , I drew attention to a passage in Bower’s biography of Dick White that ran as follows:

Shortly after that encounter, White immersed himself in the research prepared by Arthur Martin and Jane Archer about Philby’s past. For the first time, Archer produced a thin MI5 file compiled in 1939 and then forgotten. A report contrasting Philby’s communist sympathies at Cambridge and his sudden espousal of fascism made a deep impression. Alongside was Philby’s own résumé. One coincidence was interesting. Philby mentioned his employment by The Times covering the Spanish civil war. Krivitsky had claimed that among the Soviet agents he controlled from Barcelona was one unnamed English journalist.

I note a few important points from this passage. The encounter was White’s so-called ‘interrogation’ of Philby immediately after his return – actually three separate interviews on June 12, 14 and 15. (Transcripts appear in KV 2/4723, and I shall report on them later in this piece.) Bower states that White immersed himself in Martin’s research after the encounter: of course, he should have done so beforehand, in order to prepare for the interview properly, and surely had given it at least a cursory look-over, as Martin had left for Washington on June 11, with the dossier on Philby. Thus Archer would also have produced the ‘thin file’ some weeks before. Yet what was this ‘thin file’? It was clearly not the file on Philby père, which was quite fat. Moreover, that file does not contain any report contrasting Philby’s youthful communism and sudden conversion to fascism. Neither does it contain Phiby’s own résumé. The Litzy Philby file was indeed opened in 1940, but does not contain these two items, either. The PEACH file has been populated with five brief items from the 1930s, taken from PF 40408, (which I analyze below), but it does not contain those two critical pieces identified by Bower’s inside informant.

I thus conclude that a further file – maybe the special ‘List’ file for Kim and Litzy, namely L.212 (884), which is frequently referred to in the recent Philby batch – exists, and is yet to be released.  How it could have been ‘forgotten’ is simply unimaginable. It may well have been given special security status, so that no prying eyes of junior officers could casually look it over, but I am in no doubt that White and Liddell knew about it, and Jane Archer (who had returned to MI5 some time after the war, following her banishment to MI5 at the end of 1940) would have been extremely interested in it. I do not regard it as likely that she knew about it when she was still employed by MI5, as her sharp eye would have made the connection between Krivitsky’s hints and Philby’s admitted role as a journalist in Spain. Unless, of course, she was party to the Philby * volte-face as well  . . .

[* ‘The Philby ‘volte-face’ refers to my theory, unconfirmed by any archival material, that, after the Nazi-Soviet Pact of late August 1939, Philby, fearing that the defector Krivitsky might soon unmask him, broke cover, used the Pact as a pretext for claiming to MI6 that he (and Litzi) had renounced their communism sympathies, and announced that he was ready to serve British Intelligence. See https://coldspur.com/kim-philby-always-working-for-sis for further details.]

KV 2/4723 – Analysis

I now proceed through the file, offering comprehensive analysis of the miscellaneous items before moving to the bulk, which originates from 1951.

  • Pre-War Miscellanea

1a is extracted from 16x of KV 2/1118, dated 7.9.1933: a notice that H.A. R. Philby is a member of the Cambridge University Socialist Society.

2a is extracted from 17b of KV 2/1118, dated 15.11.1934: it refers to Smolka’s planned partnership with Philby (which exists in the Smolka file as well).

2b is dated 16.8.37, and is sourced from OF.511/3: it notes that Philby is now a member of the Anglo-German Fellowship, according to its 1935-1936 Annual Report. A directive indicates that it should be extracted to PF 604584, but, since that PF did not yet exist, the procedure may not have happened until December 1967, a date printed on the item.

3z is an undated extraction from a Special Branch Report on Smolka, dated 19.8.1938, in which Philby is mentioned. The original full report can indeed be seen at 220D in Smolka’s file at KV 2/4169.

3a is dated 27.9.39, and consists of the Trace Request from Section D of MI6 to MI5, recording that Philby was a correspondent with the Times during the Spanish Civil War. This has likewise been extracted from PF 40408, sn. 44a, confirmable from the Minute Sheet, although the item does not specifically state the source.

4z is another freshly typed extract from 121b in the Smolka file.

4a describes information gained from Special Branch about the Philbys from an acquaintance, a Nazi sympathizer named Gerhardt Egge, dating from 19.12.39, but not entered until 9.2.40, apparently in PF 68261/Y, as sn 1w. This item appears as 47a in KV 2/1118, and is noted there as being moved to PF 68261.

6a, dated 19.6.40, is another Trace Request on Philby from Section D of MI6 (although it had three days earlier been absorbed into SOE), to which MI5 notes the previous request, and confirms that Philby is working as B.E.F. correspondent for the Times. It is not explicitly sourced.

6b and 7a really concern Philby senior, the latter having written a letter referring to Kim, which had passed through censorship on 26.5.40. They reflect (but are not images of) sn.s 54a and 53b in KV 2/1118.

8ab & 8abb are minor items taken from Smolka’s file by Brooman-White in B1g, dated 12.9.42.

These few items constitute the total up to the end of World War II, confirming that the items ‘discovered’ by Jane Archer have not yet been released, and that the L.212/884 (List) file probably holds the key. The single entry for ‘5’ has been redacted.

The next few items are important records, but mostly unremarkable. Philby’s divorce from Litzy is noted as having been made absolute on 17.9.46 (without any details), and his marriage to Aileen (25.9.46) is recognized on August 1, 1947. The record then jumps forward a few years. On June 6, 1951, B2A recommends that a Home Office Warrant be placed on Philby in Washington, unaware that he is being ordered home the same day. Philby’s famous ‘re-think’ memorandum concerning Burgess, dated June 4, is registered. Data on Philby’s relatives are assembled, and Ronnie Reed seeks his passport papers. A note on June 11 points to White’s interview the following day, and indicates that B2b is preparing a brief for it – a bit late, one might say. Parts of an interview White has with one Flanagan (PF 604589), who knew Burgess and Philby well, are recorded.

  • Philby’s Statement

There next follow two long statements (11 and 7 pages, respectively) typed by Philby, at Dick White’s request, undated, describing his relationship with Burgess, and providing a potted curriculum vitae. It is scattered with outright lies, mischievous asides, and unlikely lapses of memory. His life-story is quaint: he claims that is father pushed him into the Cambridge University Socialist Society in 1929. About his time in Vienna, he states that his money ran out, and that he (not ‘he and his wife’) decided to return home in May. (So much for attending the May Day Parade in Camden Town, as Chapter 2 of his memoir, published in The Private Life of Kim Philby, later recalled). He also states that the marriage was ‘hurried’, and that it took place in April, two or three weeks before his [sic] return. He was only two months late in his dating: it is a foolish man who forgets the date of his own marriage. He claims that the marriage was ‘wrecked’ by the end of 1936, but he conveniently cannot remember his wife’s travels at this time. He vaguely remembers helping her get a passport in September or October 1939. (What he does not say is that, in his appeal to help Litzy get to Paris on September 26, 1939, he referred to the fact that they shared a lease on the flat in Paris, which would expire in October, and that Litzy needed to travel there to remove their effects – see KV 2/4663, sn.17a.)

When he joined SIS in 1940, he considered divorce, but his lawyers told him his chances were slim. He claimed he did not see Litzy between that year and 1945. (There is no mention of the job reference he gave her, as described to Seale and McConville by Vivian.) And then, in that same year, Litzy contacted him, wanting a loan. He helped her out, and raised the divorce question again. His lawyers were now optimistic, and Litzy agreed to start proceedings, ‘which were successfully concluded the following year’. After that he claimed that he neither saw her or heard from her, apart from visiting her in Maida Vale during the proceedings. Thus the sudden travel abroad in the summer of 1946, with Litzy meeting him in Vienna or Paris for the quickie divorce, is completely ignored. (If, indeed, a divorce had been granted in the UK, there would be a record of it. How come no one has been able to locate it?) An attached note recording the PF numbers of everyone mentioned in Philby’s statement indicates that he made his deposition on June 12, after White’s first interview.

At this stage, a clumsy attempt to obscure the name of Esther Whitfield, Philby’s secretary, is made. (She had a PF 604688.) White cables Washington, reporting on his ‘interrogation’ ‘(I saw Philby yesterday’). He is eager to promote the notion that Guy Burgess may have picked up information on the Embassy leaks from Ms. Whitfield, or happened to have seen relevant documents in Philby’s office. Philby deemed it impossible that Whitfield could have been indiscreet, but he also gave helpful hints about Burgess’s visits to New York, and White even ventures that Guy may have made contacts with Russians in America. A transcript of White’s discussion with Goronwy Rees of June 7 is then inserted in the file.

Director-General Sillitoe next sends a cable from Washington (dated June 14), reporting on the urgent investigations of the FBI and the CIA. “If they discover his first wife was a Communist realizing we had withheld this would inevitably disrupt present good relations with F.B.I.”, he wrote. Poor Sillitoe had been kept out of the loop. He did not realize at the time that Philby’s marriage to the Communist Litzy had been Point 4 of the dossier that Arthur Martin had carried with him when the pair travelled to Washington together. White responds the same day, indicating that Philby had been twice questioned. He confirms the Litzy details, but generally waffles about the outcomes. Another interrogation is set up for Saturday June 16. And thus we come to the main course.

  • The Philby ‘Interrogations’

I am not going to parse the transcripts of these interviews in detail. Yet I will strongly claim that the methods displayed by White are an object-lesson in how NOT to conduct interrogations. They took place in a room in which the noise of telephones and other movements interrupted the conversation, and interfered with the sound-recordings. White showed himself to be hopelessly unprepared for the exchange, not having read and internalized the papers prepared for him. He had not thought out the questions he wanted to pose to Philby, and, in those cases where the question was loaded, he did not know the answer when he should have done so. He interrupted his subject, talked too much, and mumbled vaguely when he opened his mouth. He led Philby by feeding him possible ideas. The whole exercise was not an interrogation at all, but an attempt to make Philby agree to make some sort of statement on the whole business while incriminating Burgess. Overall, White made Arthur Martin look like Buster Milmo. Moreover, while White did go back over the transcripts to correct the obvious errors, and undetected names, he did not perform a comprehensive job. He should have been – and probably was – utterly embarrassed by his whole performance.

In the first interview, White tried to get Philby to shed light on Burgess’s full career. Philby attempted to be helpful, actually winding White up. At one stage he replied: ‘That would be a –  do you mean for instance, that there was an early tie-up between GUY and MACLEAN  . .?’ and followed up with the speculation that MacLean’s nervous breakdown was ‘due to his catching some sort of wind of the Embassy leakage in Washington’. Philby then fostered his theory by describing how Maclean must have become on the alert since papers were being withheld from him, and how Maclean may have judged that, since Guy was okay after the leakage, he could organize the getaway. There are over forty pages of this stuff, the absurd aspect being that White has already made up his mind that Philby is guilty, something that Philby probably recognizes himself, yet they appear to be chatting away like old chums, with White’s objective at this time not to alienate Kim, and to have the indictment come from somewhere else.

White reported to Washington on his second ‘examination’ of Philby (which took place on June 14) on June 16, observing that Philby ‘answered all questions put to him about his own position and his association [with] BURGESS with frankness’. [Is that right, Sir Humphrey?] He emphasized Philby’s denial that he had ever been a Communist or in league with Communists, and that he had completed his separation from Litzy in 1936. Before the transcript of the second interview a few artefacts have been inserted, including copies of letters and a cable sent to Burgess by Philby from Ankara, an affidavit from his grand-mother, dated February 14, 1934, to support the legality of his marriage ceremony, and Kim’s letter from Washington of May 11 complaining about Lincoln car that Burgess abandoned. These items had all been recovered from Guy’s flat on June 7 (thus confirming an important date). Philby was apparently also interviewed by Percy Sillitoe, since the Director-General asked him to put on paper what he had said during their discussion. Philby’s report was entered on June 18. Next appears the highly inaccurate testimony by a diplomatic acquaintance (name redacted, but identifiable as Denis Greenhill) concerning Philby and Burgess ‘who were classmates at Oxford’.

This leads to the transcript of this second interview, delivered on June 19. It is another absurd, rambling conversation in which White again tried to encourage Philby to agree with him that Burgess may have had ample opportunity to pick up intelligence about the Embassy leakage. White even asked for useful facts from Philby which would help MI5 disassociate him from communists. He asked about Smolka, but got his first name wrong, and then became distracted by their bringing up names of Communists from the 1930s. It was all very pointless. White rather desperately brought up the abandoned trip to Moscow in 1940 made by Burgess and Berlin, but did not know what to ask about it. White confused MacArthur (the General) with McCarthy (the anti-communist Senator). They exchanged awkward sentences about homosexuals. White asked Philby whether he was ever a member of the Apostles. ‘No, no, no!’ was the reply. White wanted Philby to give the matter of a statement his utmost priority, and the session ended with his saying to his interviewee, with that crisp and elegant articulation for which intelligence chiefs are renowned: “I mean what is officially said eventually when this whole thing comes out according to how things go, I feel that sooner or later you will have to be in a position to make some statement, which you and ourselves can use vis-a-vis C.I.A. and F.B.I.” “Yes”, replied Kim.

For the dessert course of the meal we have a 57-page transcript of the third interview of June 16. At least by now White has read Kim’s statement about Burgess, and they compared notes about such important matters as the relative beauty of Goronwy Rees’s lover Rosalind [actually ‘Rosamund’: Ed.] Lehmann. White had very little to say about Philby’s statement on Guy, but was prepared to lay down the law: “I am afraid there is no escape GUY was working for the Cominform [actually, Comintern: Ed.] in 1936.” Kim was flabbergasted: “Is that so?????” (It is not clear why the transcriber has felt it essential to multiply the question-marks.) Dick reminded  Kim that he [Kim] never was a communist, lest he forget. And so they meandered on, talking about Vienna and Kim’s marriage. Kim told Dick that Litzy never lifted a finger on behalf of the Communists in England, although the couple had to correct themselves over Smolka and the unnamed Honigmann (whom Kim later claimed that he has never heard of). The exchange resembled more of a ‘Desert Island Discs’ radio programme, with White performing his Roy Plomley role by offering helpful prompts, such as that concerning the Philby’s circumstances in London: “You weren’t very rich at that time”. Kim suggested that Litzy must have reverted to Communism because of the influence of that unpleasant Honigmann fellow. The story about Litzy, and her movements and her finances, is a mess, but White failed to attack, or point out flaws in Philby’s responses.

They rambled for a while about Spain, and Philip Jordan (did he know Guy?). Klugman was discussed. And then they moved on to an important connection – which could be almost overlooked. An incoherent exchange concerning Burgess led them to discuss ‘Freddie’. The transcriber cannot make out the name, so she writes ‘(Coombe?????)’. Kim responded very positively to this reference, and Dick continued, as the transcriber valiantly tried to make sense of it all: “That’s one of the (things??) that were? under examination before he went out to (the United States???)”, helpfully adding ‘from security’, to suggest that Burgess was under surveillance because of the Coombe business. Kim got excited, and told Dick that he is ‘almost certain’ that he was correct in saying that Guy met the Coombe fellow in Washington.

White again failed to pick up the point, but then he was probably aware that he had said too much. For it came to me that this ‘Freddie Coombe’ was in fact ‘Freddie Kuh’, a notorious American journalist and spy for the Soviets. Burgess had been discovered passing secrets to Kuh in London before he left for Washington, as Guy Liddell’s diaries confirm (see especially January 23, 1950). The reason this is so important is that White had declared elsewhere that Burgess had been under no suspicion at the time he returned from the USA, and his revelation here confirms one of the multiple reasons for keeping a close eye on Burgess, as I related in my piece on Rees and Blunt a few months ago (see  https://coldspur.com/an-anxious-summer-for-rees-blunt/ ). White notably did not correct the name of ‘Coombe’ in the transcript.

Philby then described Burgess’s recall to London, explaining that it was all arranged by Burgess as a successful ‘wangle’. The pair discussed Burgess’s possible motivations for plotting with Maclean, with Kim suggesting that Guy perhaps felt responsible for his comrade. Kim helpfully added that the Russians must have come in at an early stage on the escape plan, and that it could have been Guy in the USA, or Guy in London. Or else through the Dane (Klixbull, probably, whose name came up in the Flanagan interview, though as Kilxbull) – a whole new vista to be opened. Dick nervously wondered whether Guy must have had a collaborator – who could have been Russian, of course. The discourse continued incoherently for several more pages. I leave it to Charlotte Philby to make sense of it all.

The file petered out with some details about Philby’s two sisters, and a note that there had been no trace of Lizzie Honigmann or Philby during the past two years. A cable from Washington dated June 26 indicated that the FBI wanted the results of the Philby and Auden interviews. (Readers may want to return to My Silent War to re-assess Philby’s account of these interrogations, the first of which, so he claimed, Jack Easton attended. Philby points out that White missed out on the opportunity to trap him over his expenses in Spain, when he had been a freelancer.)


  • I re-emphasize that what we have been given on Philby is an assortment of three separate files: the traditional file on Harry St. John Philby, and the newly released files on Litzy, and on PEACH. Vital information has still been withheld, and it will probably be found in the L 212(884) file.
  • Readers should be wary of trusting what breezy and broad-based analyses of these newly-released files may emanate from experts such as Calder Walton or Ben Macintyre. What I have presented above concerns just one file on Philby. There are another twenty to be processed. They need to be inspected closely.
  • If you ever wanted confirmation that Philby was mendacious and slippery, and that his word should never be trusted on anything, this file should provide it.
  • The ‘interrogations’ were a disaster. Dick White was a clown, and his antics were shocking. He was a man utterly out of his depth. He could not imagine how his plots could blow up, but he managed not only to survive, but to be so highly regarded that he headed both MI5 and MI6 in his career. Quite amazing.
  • Who are Flanagan and Klixbull? A pair of music-hall artistes? Or spies? Answers on a postcard, please.

[Postscript: 8:08 PM, February 14: I believe that FLANAGAN represents a clumsy attempt to conceal the name of David FOOTMAN. I notice that the PF allocated to FLANAGAN at sn. 11e in this file is 604589, the same as that allocated to FOOTMAN elsewhere.]

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Chapman’s HOMER: ‘The Fourth Man’ Movie

Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
    That deep-brow’d Homer ruled as his demesne;
    Yet did I never breathe its pure serene
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold.

            (from John Keats’s ‘On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer’)

(This report is dedicated primarily to an analysis of the 1987 movie The Fourth Man. I append an important correction to my recent observations about Anthony Blunt, and seek reader comments. I also mention here that an enormous trove of files was released earlier this month by the National Archives, including records on Philby, Blunt, Cairncross, and Litzy Friedmann. Fortunately, all these records have been digitized, so access is easy. I have made a brief inspection of these to look for obvious newsworthy items, but since I am still working my way through the undigitized Burgess, Maclean and related Foreign Office files, it may be a while before I can give them the treatment they deserve.)



Friendship and Betrayal

‘The Blunt Affair’

‘The Fourth Man’: The Storyline

The Sources

Chapman’s HOMER


Anthony Blunt: A Correction

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *


Andrew Malec encouraged me to view the 1987 TV movie The Fourth Man, from a screenplay written by Robin Chapman, about Anthony Blunt and his role in helping Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean escape in 1951. I resisted at first: it sounded rather dire, and I deemed that watching it might have been bad for my mental health. I had watched another series, The Cambridge Spies, when it came out in 2003, and remember it now as fairly dreadful. (I have not yet watched Philby, Burgess and Maclean, starring Derek Jacobi and Anthony Bate, made in 1977, from the pre-Blunt era.) Yet Andrew persisted, and I had to admit that anything with Ian Richardson in it (and, to a lesser extent, Anthony Hopkins) was probably worth seeing. So I acquired the DVD, viewed it, and, with some misgivings, even enjoyed it. It occurred to me that, at the time of its release, the movie might have influenced a number of persons who had hazy notions about the whole ‘Missing Diplomats’ fiasco, and I thus thought it would be worthwhile to conduct a deep analysis of it. I also thought it was a good place to start a project to try to unravel many of the anomalies and paradoxes in the ‘Third Man’ story that had vaguely occupied my mind for many years.

Some of the questions that exercised me were the following:

  • What was the storyline, and what lesson did it draw from the episode?
  • On which sources was the storyline based?
  • What errors did it make, given the paucity of archival information available at the time?
  • Where did the storyline break out into new activities and events?
  • Was the imagination in such ventures justified?
  • How should the movie be assessed in light of what we know almost four decades later?

Before I tackle these questions, however, I want to raise some broader issues that were provoked in my mind by watching the movie. For many years, I have been fascinated – and irritated – by the way in which highly dubious memoirs or testimonies by participants in intelligence scandals have been given an undeserved level of authoritativeness by being quoted by ‘serious’ historians. As examples, I offer four different accounts, one by an obvious scoundrel (Kim Philby), another by a fringe player of questionable integrity (Goronwy Rees), the third by an obsessive junior counter-intelligence officer (Peter Wright), and the fourth by a senior officer of good repute (Dick White). Their books (in White’s case, a biography to which he contributed) have been cited – usually carelessly – innumerable times, perhaps the most notable illustration being Christopher Andrew’s Defend the Realm. Thus the lies of those anxious to embellish their reputations become smoothly incorporated into historical lore. Level 1 – inaccurate history.

The next stage is when the events and characters are incorporated into fictional constructs – or that hybrid, fictional history. For example, John le Carré modelled Magus Pym (in A Perfect Spy) and Bill Haydon (in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) on Philby. Alan Bennett wrote a couple of screenplays, A Question of Attribution (with Blunt as the lead character), and An Englishman Abroad (using Burgess), where the boundaries between historical fact and artistic invention were blurred, while he drew carefully-crafted moral or philosophical lessons from the dynamics and conflicts behind the events. Such works probably gained a much larger audience than those who studied any ‘historical’ volumes, yet most of them were written before the appearance of the authorized history, and had little access to relevant archival material. Level 2 – muddled realities.

A further level of sensationalism, or misrepresentation, may then occur when such works are reproduced in visual media – movies made for TV or for general distribution, where the potential audience is even greater, and the influence even more impressive. Call it the ‘I Claudius’ Syndrome. The opportunity for heightening the emotional or intellectual impact is maximal. (I have to admit that this is a medium that has largely passed me by. I am not a frequent movie-goer: the last movie I watched at the time of release was The Imitation Game, and this is partly why writing this analysis has been such a revelatory experience for me.) Yet it seems that the line between historical fact and artistic license is rarely clearly drawn (a reason why The Imitation Game irritated me), and viewers taken in by the extravaganza may end up with an even more distorted view of the facts behind the story. Level 3 – distortion and melodrama.

Friendship and Betrayal

Apart from an earnest inquiry as to what sociological phenomena caused the Cambridge Five to become traitors, I seem to recall that a prominent theme in works based on their exploits was the matter of betrayal itself, and the conflict between betrayal of one’s country and betraying one’s friends. That idea was frequently accompanied by the hoary statement from E. M. Forster about having to choose between the two, and his hope of ‘having the guts’ to betray his country, as if that provided some excuse for the treacherous behaviour of the Cambridge Spies. I have always regarded that as one of the most fatuous pronouncements of the 1930s (made in 1939) – as I shall explain soon – but I decided I should go back first to ‘What I Believe’ in Two Cheers for Democracy to verify exactly what Forster was trying to say.

E M Forster

It is not a very impressive paragraph, and Forster is shown to be making ‘friendship’ equivalent to some sort of comradeship towards a cause, and the famous quotation above is introduced with the phrase: “I hate the idea of causes, but . . .” It is utterly illogical. He has pointed out that ‘personal relations are despised today’ – a vapid, passive claim that cries out for some identification of who the ‘despisers’ are. Yet friendship is not inevitably tied to shared political fervour, and one might enjoy only superficial intimacy with colleagues who are dedicated to the same political cause. Moreover, if Forster hated causes, why would his friends have been those who went to (presumably) fascist or communist gatherings, or whatever was the 1939 version of CND or Extinction Rebellion? Surely he would have been closer to persons who, like him, were ill-disposed to the earnest demonstration of ideological commitment?

Nevertheless, the idea caught on. My own reaction has always been that, in committing to betraying one’s country to communism, if the objective were reached, one of the first human faculties to be eroded would be sentiment. The movement was everything, and personal relationships were subordinate. Come the Revolution, any weak-willed hesitant ex-devotee would be the first to receive the bullet. In the Soviet Union, in the 1930s, you had to get your denunciation in first, before your friend denounced you. And that might apply to family members, too: for instance, Molotov denounced and divorced his Jewish wife after Stalin had her arrested for ‘treason’. If such persons showed any sign of anti-Soviet thinking, and you did not declare them to be an Enemy of the People, then you were as guilty as they, and off to the Gulag you stumbled. So much for not betraying one’s friends. In A Chapter of Accidents Goronwy Rees claimed that he protested to Blunt along these lines after the latter tried to talk him out of going to MI5 just after Burgess and Maclean disappeared. The same essential message – that when you betray your country to totalitarianism you risk fracturing the loose arrangements that foster long-standing friendships – can also be found in Noel Annan’s Foreword to Robert Cecil’s A Divided Life.

This idea of friendship hardly pertains to the Cambridge Five, however. Cairncross was an outlier, and hardly knew the other four. Maclean was something of a loner, and did not mix closely with the other three. Philby was inscrutable, and actually seduced the wives of his friends. Blunt and Burgess enjoyed a special kind of friendship, a homosexual relationship. Burgess, ‘The Spy Who Knew Everyone’ in the words of Hulbert and Purvis, may have been a sparkling conversationalist, but his predatory and louche behaviour alienated many acquaintances. Moreover, at one critical juncture, he wanted one of his special friends, Rees, murdered, lest he betray the group. That constituted a weird kind of loyalty, in which the cause dominates over friendship, and it undermines the whole notion, especially when Burgess is later shown to be applying emotional pressure to Rees.

As for the causes of the Cambridge Five’s betrayal of the nation to the communist movement, much nonsense has been written about the subject, from Andrew Boyle to Richard Davenport-Hines. It was a revolt against the Great Depression, it was their public-school upbringing that led them into deceit, it was a missing father (or perhaps a dominant father), it was disgust over the privileges of their class (or a dismay that those privileges were disappearing), it was the arrogance of Empire (or the loss of Empire), it was their homosexuality (or bisexuality, or frustrated heterosexuality), etc. etc. What is absurd about any such analysis is that hundreds, maybe thousands, of young men coming from a very similar background never felt the urge to endorse Stalin and become spies, but instead ended up perhaps as rather ineffectual servants of the Crown, or else straightforward citizens who got on with their lives, and maybe sacrificed those lives in World War II for a better cause.

And then, just after I had viewed The Fourth Man for the first time, I discovered that someone had written about these matters. At great expense, I acquired The Blunt Affair, by Jonathan Bolton, published in 2020. It is subtitled ‘Official Secrecy and Treason in Literature, Television and Film, 1980-1989.’ Bolton is the Hollifield Professor of English Literature at Auburn University in Alabama.

‘The Blunt Affair’

‘The Blunt Affair’

The fact that it is the immunity granted to Blunt, and kept secret for sixteen years, that dominates Bolton’s thesis, is revealing. The author attempts to use it as anchor for his analysis of several works of drama, fiction and film, from Dennis Potter to the movie Scandal, but flails around trying to find a convincing theme of any substance. Moreover, his text is replete with such banalities, misunderstandings, non sequiturs, and sociological jargon that this reader strained to make sense of it all. The book has been atrociously edited: for example, Bolton writes ‘Education Rita’, and ‘Citizen Cane’, and introduces the biographer of Blunt as ‘Miranda Martin’, perhaps confusing her with the elegant TW3 chanteuse Millicent Carter. Practically every time he introduces a historical episode, he gets several facts wrong.

His unifying idea appears to be that those writers who studied the Blunt affair, and the shenanigans of the Cambridge Five, were essentially protesting about the evils of the Thatcher era – namely monetarism, inequality, greed, the rapacity of the free market, bigotry against homosexuals, government secrecy, abuse of privilege, military aggression (the Falklands), etc. etc., and that they were offering a necessary challenge to outdated notions of patriotism and privilege. Somehow, the subjects, primarily active in the 1930s and 1940s, ‘exemplified modes of anti-establishment thought and action during the late Cold War era.’ What the authors, whose works range from Tom Stoppard’s farcical The Dog It Was That Died to Joe Boyd’s and Michael Thomas’s 1989 movie about the Profumo Affair (Scandal) think (or would have thought) about such assertions is not clear. I do not believe that Dennis Potter was familiar with that entity known as ‘the LGBTQ+ community’.

One of the problems is that Bolton, in trying to harness these works to his theme, unwittingly displays a number of paradoxes and contradictions in his text. For example, he blames the Tory government for granting Blunt his immunity, but then has to accept that Douglas-Home and his successors were not told of the MI5 initiative, and that it was in fact Thatcher herself who brought the case into the open. He continually adopts the voguish meme of criticizing ‘late-stage capitalism’, but he then has to point out that that system helped bring about the fall of communism in 1989. He frequently draws attention to the existence of bigotry against homosexuals within the Establishment, but then reminds us that it was the clannishness of the Foreign Office and MI5 that ignored the sexual preferences of Burgess and Blunt. He praises the authors of the works for their reliance on biography and memoir [sic!] for their factual accounts, as opposed to the melodrama of the tabloid media and the unreliability of official statements, but then points out that The Fourth Man was heavily criticized for the liberties it took with the truth. National Service was an unjust penance, and an infringement of personal rights: but those who were exempted from it felt excluded. Etc. etc.

This is all shrouded in verbosity (‘heteronormativity’, ‘the reality of reality’) and repetitiveness. Several times he invokes, and re-quotes, the Forster statement, without inspecting it closely (although he does credit the speech given to Rees in One of Us that pulls it to pieces). And behind it all is the constant theorizing about what drove the spies to their treachery, displaying a complete lack of insight concerning social causes that I highlighted beforehand. One can find a few valuable comments about the art of composition and the representation of character in the works, but overall the book is a mishmash, and should never have been published, to my mind.

I offer an example of the Professor’s style, a passage that he presents when he tries to sum up his argument:

As Russian operatives continue to interfere with the liberties of Western democracies, as late-capitalism mutates into corporatocracy, oligarchy and kleptocracy, producing precisely the kinds of economic inequality that the Cambridge spies found repellent, as national ideologies demand patriotic fidelity in order to enforce territorial boundaries and preserve misguided notions of ethnic homogeneity, and as powerful forces of religious orthodoxy foster a bigotry that challenges equal rights in the LGBTQ community, many should find the texts considered in this study to retain the value and relevance that they held back in the 1980s, and also find that they reward thoughtful reading and viewing.

If you enjoy sentences like that, this is a book for you. But I think the Professor should have gone back to an undergraduate class.

‘The Fourth Man’: The Storyline

The movie’s screenwriter was Robin Chapman, and the script was based on his two-act play titled One of Us, which enjoyed its first performance at the Greenwich Theatre, London, on February 12, 1986. The action of that drama takes place at the home of Goronwy and Margaret Rees, the first act on May 6, when Guy Burgess visits them, fresh from his return from the USA, scene one of the second act at night on May 27, two days after Burgess and Maclean fled, and scene two the following morning, when Anthony Blunt comes to talk to Goronwy. The author describes the play as ‘a work of the imagination based on fact’, and describes the hypothesis from which the action evolves, namely that Blunt recalled Burgess from the United States, as his own ‘imaginative but reasonable assumption drawn from the historical facts as they are currently known’.

‘One of Us’

The essence of the plot of One of Us can be told quite simply: Burgess visits Rees to explain the imminent escape of Maclean to Moscow, and Blunt’s role in it, and he manages to persuade Rees to promise that he will not betray him and Blunt as they prepare for the departure. Three weeks later, after Burgess signals his imminent departure to Margie over the telephone, Rees admits to his wife his past involvement with the Comintern. Shocked, she tries to convince him to have nothing more to do with Blunt, who has been pestering her by trying to call her on the phone while her husband has been away. When Blunt arrives the next morning, he reminds Rees that, if he denounces Burgess, the spotlight will be placed on his own shady past, and he emphasizes to him the necessity of being loyal to his friends first. Rees vehemently complains that Blunt is distorting the famous statement that E. M. Forster made about the betrayal of friends and country, and ripostes that he has other friends and family dearer to him than utopian comrades. Rees sends Blunt packing, and he tells his wife that he will indeed contact MI5.

There are some clever exchanges in the dialogue, although it is not clear exactly why Burgess sought out Rees so eagerly, and the role of Blunt as super-fixer of the whole operation is undermined by how Blunt himself describes his contribution. Burgess is the most colourfully drawn character, and is given an outrageously camp flow of language that would seem offensive today. Rees is shown as weak, and his much younger wife appears as a strong and imaginative foil to her vacillating husband. The play ends with Rees apparently set on telling MI5 all he knows, although he expects that he may end up feeling like a traitor.

When One of Us was transformed to the screen, several changes were made. The main thrust is that the attention switches sharply to Blunt, and his machinations behind the scenes. The freer format of film allows some events hinted at in the stage play to be delivered directly, and some new action to be created that sometimes illuminates but frequently undermines the essence of the story. Moreover, whereas the play ends with Rees’s apparent determination to tell MI5 all, the screenplay adds a substantial twist to the plot.

The main action starts with Blunt meeting his Soviet contact, Vasily, in a Gentlemen’s Public Convenience in early May, where, after Blunt reminds Vasily that it was he himself who recommended Burgess’s recall, Vasily informs him that Burgess has just arrived. Blunt is very much in charge, and rebukes Vasily for arranging to meet in such an exposed and dangerous place. (In this scenario, of course, with Blunt taking the initiative, and engaging Philby’s help, he would really have been the ‘Third Man’, with Philby related to the ‘Fourth Man’, but history had taken its course by then!) The next scene shows Burgess arriving at Blunt’s apartment at the Courtauld, and, after a loving reunion, Burgess explains how the CIA had forced Kim Philby’s hand, whereupon Philby had confused the issue in order to give his comrades time to prepare. Burgess claims that his speeding offenses were designed to make the Embassy send him back to the UK on the first boat home. Blunt explains that Burgess’s role is simply to ‘nanny’ the very distraught Maclean and get him out of the country. Maclean’s distress is shown when he and Burgess call Blunt from a public telephone box.

Blunt is then shown at a meeting with Guy Liddell of MI5, where he receives an update from the Assistant-Director on narrowing down the list of ‘HOMER’ suspects to four, one of whom is Maclean. The date is May 16. Blunt informs Liddell that Guy ‘sends his love’, and he tells him that Burgess has just gone to Sonning to visit Goronwy Rees. The action shifts to Sonning, where Burgess is ingratiating himself with the Rees family, although there is obvious tension between him and Margaret Rees. Privately, Burgess updates Rees on the HOMER business, and on Maclean’s achievements in purloining valuable atomic secrets, all the time subtly suggesting that Rees is as much a conspirator as the others. While Goronwy is on the telephone, Margaret asks Guy about the man in the club who had accosted her husband the previous November, and who had accused him of ‘ratting’. (It was Donald Maclean, but Burgess does not have time to reply to her.) Guy and Goronwy then have another serious discussion á deux, where Guy informs Goronwy of the plan for him to accompany Donald for the first part of his escape. He again reminds Goronwy that he is ‘one of us’, and he is able to extract from him a promise not to tell anyone – even Margie – about the machinations and connections. Rees, biting his lip, agrees to remain silent, as a friend, in order to protect Blunt.

Blunt is then seen entering Clifford Chambers, where Burgess has his flat. Finding Guy in bed with his friend picked up on the Queen Mary, he urgently extracts him, since he has learned that Maclean’s interrogation is planned for May 28. Blunt gives Guy instructions for the escape, handing him travel tickets, a visa (for Maclean), and cash. The plan is for Guy to accompany Donald as far as Paris, with instructions for Maclean to move on to Prague, while Guy will return home, all innocent, explaining that his friend gave him the slip. Guy will rent a car and pick Donald up at Tatsfield for the journey to Southampton, and then St. Malo. Burgess reminds Blunt that Kim’s last words to him were: “Don’t you go, too!”. Anthony and Guy plan to meet up again on Tuesday May 29. Burgess looks very thoughtful, as if considering the enormity of what is about to happen.

Guy is then shown calling the Reeses very ostentatiously from the Reform Club, finding Margie in (he knows Goronwy is in Oxford that weekend). He informs her in a drunken and incoherent state that he is about to do something astonishing, and will be away for a while, and reminds her that her husband must ‘do the right thing’. Blunt is then shown meeting Vasily at the more sensible Treffpunkt of Kew Gardens, where he again shows who is boss. He tells Vasily of the plans, and he instructs him that his bosses must take over when Maclean arrives in Paris.

The date is now Friday May 25. Maclean is tailed to Charing Cross station, at which point his watchers sign off for the day. Driving down to Tatsfield in a cheerful frame of mind, Burgess posts a letter to Blunt, confident, after he engages with the collector in banter, that it will be picked up that evening. The next morning, Blunt receives the letter, on Reform Club notepaper, which contains the simple message: ‘What’s Become of Waring?’. He looks up the text of the Browning poem, and quickly concludes that it is a coded message informing him that Guy is not planning to return. He thus hurries to Burgess’s flat (where Guy’s boyfriend Hewit is fortunately not at home), raids Guy’s private boxes and drawers to retrieve incriminating letters, film, photographs and documents, and takes them in bags to the furnace at the Courtauld Institute, where he incinerates them. One last item visible is Guy’s 1951 Communist Party membership card.

A short scene then shows Blunt trying to call the Reeses on the phone, with Blunt hanging up when Margie picks up. (Goronwy is still in Oxford.) Rees arrives home, and Margie tells him of Guy’s incoherent call, and then of the repeated hang-ups. She wants to know what is going on, and she is not convinced by Rees’s feeble attempt to explain that Guy was talking about his new job. Margie is suspicious – and maybe jealous – of her husband’s close friendship with Guy, and challenges him by saying that Guy perhaps means more to him than do his wife and children. Goronwy is torn between his promise, and what he owes his wife, and tries to explain it away by saying that Guy was a spy for the Comintern, and that he had tried to enroll him in it as well. That leads Margie to suggest that Rees had also been a spy, and she asks whether Maclean’s outburst at the Gargoyle Club was related to Goronwy’s previous affiliation. He struggles to explain: Margie cannot understand why Rees would not go to the authorities when he learned that Guy was still spying, and Goronwy resorts to the theme of not betraying one’s friend.

After a brief telephone call that Margie picks up, the caller (Blunt) simply identifying himself as ‘a friend’, Blunt tells Rees that he needs to see him urgently the next day (Monday). On hearing this, Margie asks whether Blunt is a spy too, as she recalls the flat in Mayfair where Rees, Blunt and Burgess met during the war. It is here that Rees shares his belief that Burgess has gone to Moscow: he does not know what to do, as he admits to Margie his low self-esteem. They argue: Margie does not want her husband to meet with Blunt, but he convinces her that he may be making too hasty a judgment about the flight to Moscow, and ought to listen to what Blunt will tell him. Reluctantly, she tells him that he must do what he thinks best.

Blunt visits Rees in Sonning: neither is in a good mood. Rees tells Blunt all he knows, somewhat to Blunt’s surprise. Rees admits that he told his wife the whole story, which shocks Anthony. Blunt then astounds Rees by telling him that he knows that Rees contacted David Footman of MI6 the previous evening, a nugget he had acquired from his friend Guy Liddell. He admits to making the anonymous phone calls that Margie picked up. While admitting that his fate is essentially in the hands of Goronwy and Margie, Blunt strenuously reminds Rees of his necessary loyalty to his friend, citing Forster again, and points out that the authorities will be very suspicious of Rees’s testimony, anxious to know why he had taken so long to inform them of his friends’ treachery. There is a hint that Rees’s absence in Oxford during the weekend of the escape was not purely coincidental. For the first time, Rees responds with appropriate passion, and stresses to Blunt that he has made up his mind to tell MI5 all. “On your own head be it!”, responds Blunt, and leaves.

Liddell has invited Rees to his club for luncheon, so that they might there discuss Rees’s concerns. Rees is surprised at the venue, and its lack of privacy. He is even more astonished when Blunt turns up as the second guest. It must be June 1, as Goronwy states that the Burgess phone call happened six days beforehand. Rees is set back considerably by the fact that Liddell and Blunt appear to be in complete sympathy as they encourage him to speak up. Liddell explains what little they know so far about the abscondment of the pair, but he does not appear to be greatly alarmed. Rees is stunned into silence by the conspiratorial nature of the spy and the counter-espionage officer.

A brief scene shows Blunt and Vasily meeting again. Blunt declines an order to escape to Moscow himself, reminding Vasily of his prominent position and reputation, indicating he is untouchable. It is the day that the ‘Missing Diplomats’ story broke – June 6. Lastly, Rees has a meeting in Liddell’s office, with Dick White in attendance. Again, Liddell does not appear concerned. Rees asks him when he is going to haul in Blunt for questioning, but Liddell indicates that he will mull on it, and keep a close eye on the former MI5 officer. And at that point the movie ends.

Neither One of Us nor The Fourth Man could be said to be didactic, but the lesson has changed in the transfer from the stage to the screen. In One of Us, Rees appears to come to a belated conclusion that the loyalty that he owes his wife and his country is more important than a promise he has made to his friends (and conspirators) that he will not betray their secret, and he prepares to undergo what may turn out to be a difficult conversation with MI5 with a degree of confidence that he will be able to overcome their suspicions, and explain away his tardiness. The Forster assertion gets its come-uppance.

The situation has become much more nuanced by the time that The Fourth Man is delivered. The same demands of personal friendship are emphasized by Burgess and Blunt, and Rees’s weaknesses are again exposed, but the denouement presents a shocking climax for Rees. The fact that Blunt has insinuated himself into Liddell’s confidence, and has succeeded in lining him up as an ally against Rees, presents Goronwy with a more alarming fact – that a personal and institutional loyalty between Liddell and Blunt has perverted the cause of justice, and made the question of betrayal of country or friend almost irrelevant. The fact that Rees’s prolonged silence is shown to be held against him reinforces the point that Rees has betrayed himself, by not coming to grips with reality early enough, by not facing up to the conflict in loyalties when it first occurred, and by not understanding what the bonds of love and marital faithfulness should mean in practice. Yet the relationship between Blunt and Liddell is left enigmatic: is it just a misreading of collegiality, or is there something more sinister afoot?

The Sources

What was available to Chapman when he wrote his works? Chapman had written about ‘the historical facts as they are currently known’, but he had a welter of ‘facts’ to select from. The published material available in 1987 consisted of a mixture of evasive official statements, unconfirmed press reports and rumours, leaked propaganda from ministerial offices, exculpatory tales from friends and family, mendacious memoirs designed to protect reputations, some probably accurate insights from intelligence insiders disgruntled about the cover-up, and misleading stories from participants planted to lay a false trail. Amid all this lay a host of contradictions that any person who was trying to transform the events into a dramatic work would have to pick from very selectively. One might assume that Chapman read all – or most of – the relevant literature: in any case, he encountered that pitfall of selection.

The first work to appear was Cyril Connolly’s The Missing Diplomats (1952), who exploited the fact that he had met Maclean socially in the two weeks before the escape to inform his readers that Burgess had bought the tickets on Wednesday 26 May, that Maclean was calm at lunchtime on the Friday he left, and that Burgess had his last drink in London that day at 7 o’clock. He also stated that the details of the journey from Rennes to Paris had been established.

Clare Hollingworth & Geoffrey Hoare

A couple of years later, Geoffrey Hoare offered his insights, in The Missing Macleans (1954). Hoare was married to the notable journalist Clare Hollingsworth, and was on close terms with Donald’s mother-in-law, who had married Charles Dunbar after gaining a divorce from Melinda Marling’s father. Hoare wrote that Donald had told Melinda on May 24 that ‘Roger Styles’ would be coming to dinner the following evening, although he asserted that Burgess did not book the two berths until the day of departure. Nevertheless, Hoare discounted the theory that a sudden warning precipitated the flight, and he suggested that Maclean had dropped broad hints to Melinda that he would be leaving. He expressed the opinion that neither Burgess nor Maclean believed that he would never return to Britain, but indicated that Moscow decided that it would be too risky to allow Burgess to return from accompanying Maclean to Paris, and ordered his flight, too. Hoare mentioned the very flamboyant way in which the pair drew attention to the details of their flight.

‘Empire of Fear’

Input from an unexpected quarter arrived when Empire of Fear, the ghost-written memoir of the defectors in Australia, Vladimir and Evdokia Petrov, was published in 1954. This was of importance, because Petrov’s MVD boss in Australia had been Kislitsyn, who had helped plan and direct the escape of Burgess and Maclean. (Kislitsyn had been in London between 1945 and 1948.) He stated that the plan was initiated because both of the spies were under investigation, and that they had reported the surveillance with some alarm to their Soviet handlers. Many plans were apparently put forward (and rejected – suggesting that the process took several weeks) before the final project involving an eventual air flight to Prague was approved. Petrov did not know how the couple reached Paris, but he was confident that Donald confided in Melinda before he left. [Melinda eventually escaped to Moscow, with her three children, in 1953.] Kislitsyn intriguingly suggested that Burgess and Maclean did not know each other as agents before the emergency. Robert Manne expanded slightly on this account in his 1987 book The Petrov Affair (which probably arrived too late for Chapman), in which he confirmed that Kislitsyn aided the escape working under Raina and Gorsky (the wartime minder of the London-based spies), adding that Petrov did not know the identity of the ‘Third Man’, but thereby confirming the role of an abettor. He opined that some London newspapers gained their stories from disgruntled MI5 officers disillusioned with their institution’s incompetence over the affair. He refers to a Times editorial ‘Too Little, Too Late’ from September 24, 1955, that I have not been able to locate.

‘The Petrov Affair’

An official statement, given under much pressure, was released on September 23, 1955. Titled ‘Home Office Report on Missing Diplomats’, it was compiled by the MI5 officer Graham Mitchell under the guidance of Dick White. Analysts such as Nigel West have criticized it for its many errors, but the report contained a few salient observations. It set out by claiming that Foreign Secretary Morrison had on May 25 indeed approved the proposal to interrogate Maclean, but that the interview had been delayed until mid-June (i.e. after Melinda’s confinement). [West lists this as an untruth, but in this case West was certainly wrong.] Thereafter, what Mitchell had to offer was bland: he indicated that Maclean knew he was under investigation (excluding Burgess implicitly), and then he related some of the details of the passage, and Melinda’s reporting her husband’s absence to the Foreign Office on the afternoon of Monday 28 May. He refers to the telegrams – both fake and real – that arrived from the two spies and, rather lamely, reproduces the evidence that the Petrovs had presented. It is not a very convincing or illuminating report, but it does contain some reckless language that embarrassed the government later. In Section 11, it states that Maclean ‘may have been warned’, and in Section 26 affirms that suspicion: “In the event he was alerted and fled the country together with Burgess.” Those statements would dramatically introduce the ‘Third Man’ controversy.

A compilation of mainly press reports, augmented by interviews with insiders, appeared as The Great Spy Scandal, which was published in 1955, with Donald Seaman and John S. Mather as the authors. It is for that reason not a very coherent account, but it does introduce several telling items. One of the first is the information that Burgess told his live-in boyfriend, Jackie Hewit, soon after he arrived back in Britain that he had a ‘friend in trouble’ whom he needed to help – surely a very incautious move. The authors add that Hewit and Miller (Burgess’s alleged pick-up from the Queen Mary) did not report that Guy was missing until Monday May 28. Hewit then called Blunt to let him know (on the authors’ assumption that Blunt knew nothing), and Blunt then contacted the authorities. As for Maclean, he apparently told his Hungarian contact (Ludwik Frejka, who was hanged in 1952) that he had taken Melinda into his confidence, and the story echoes the claim made elsewhere that both Burgess and Maclean noted that they were under surveillance. It may have been Hoskins of the Daily Express who aired the rumour that there was a ‘Third Man’ who alerted Burgess and Maclean of the imminent danger. Hoskins (perhaps receiving a dubious tip from inside the Foreign Office) had claimed that the warning might have arrived from Washington or London. A last, rather mysterious, anecdote describes how Hewit reported that Burgess had received a troubling phone call from Maclean at 5:30 pm on May 25, and that Burgess seemed upset by it. Burgess of the News Chronicle asserted that MI5 knew about this warning. [The variously attributed movements of the evening of May 25 merit a complete separate analysis, since they take on an Agatha Christie-like complexity. The accounts given here, and by Fisher, and later by Cecil, are in such blatant contradiction that a detailed inspection of train timetables and the geography of north-east Surrey is essential.]

‘The National Uproar’ (from ‘The Great Spy Scandal’)

Guy Burgess also made a contribution when Tom Driberg visited him in Moscow. Guy Burgess: A Portrait, written by Driberg, and published in 1956, is predictably misleading. Burgess claimed that Maclean was the second person with whom he got in touch after arriving in England (after Blunt? Rees?). They met at the Reform Club, and Maclean told him that he was being tailed, possibly because of his pro-Soviet remarks, and let Guy know that he wanted to clear out and go to Moscow, seeking his friend’s help in getting tickets. A few days before they left, Burgess decided he wanted to accompany him, too – how far is not clear: he also told his interlocutor that Petrov’s account that the Russians planned it was ‘pure rubbish’. Burgess then contradicts himself: he says that he did not know that he was going the whole way to Moscow with Maclean until he got to Tatsfield. He added that Maclean acquired his Czech visa at the Czech Embassy in Berne, that Burgess reached Prague with Maclean, and that he ‘decided’ to accompany him to Moscow when the story broke. What happened with Burgess’s visa requirements was not stated, and how the two managed their negotiations with the Czech Embassy without Soviet help is not explained. It is difficult to take Burgess’ account seriously.

[In July 1963, Edward Heath, Lord Privy Seal, acknowledged to the House of Commons that Philby had indeed been the ‘Third Man’ who ‘had warned Maclean through Burgess that the security services were about to take action against him.’]

The famed author and journalist Rebecca West picked up the story in her New Meaning of Treason (1964). While she brought little fresh insight to the mechanics of the escape (and indeed misrepresented many aspects), her independence of mind and her sceptical intellectual analysis highlighted many of the paradoxes of the events. Her account of the circumstances of the escape is unfortunately riddled with vague and unattributed rumours. For instance, she declared that Maclean fled with Burgess when he had just been informed ‘probably by several persons, including another person in the employment of the Foreign Office named Philby, that he had been detected and was under surveillance by security’. She provocatively asserted (without providing a source) that Maclean had been identified as the principal suspect as early as 1949. She bizarrely deemed it probable that Philby told Burgess that Maclean was about to escape to the Soviet Union, and instructed Burgess that he must therefore accompany him.

West is stronger in describing the inexplicable poor performance of the security authorities in failing to prevent the defections, or manage the fallout: the absurd way in which the disreputable behaviour of Maclean and Burgess was rewarded with further employment; the clumsiness of the surveillance; the questionable role of Roger Makins in watching Maclean at work; the ridiculous suggestions that Burgess and Maclean made a decision to leave on learning of Herbert Morrison’s approval of the interrogation; the unnecessary alerting of the Sûreté; the behaviour of Melinda Maclean; the amateurish explanations that followed. She also drew attention to the flamboyant way that Burgess went about his preparations, including the very obvious (and unnecessary) hiring of a car to enable the escape, and the reckless dash to Southampton, the failure of which would really have set the cat among the pigeons.

For some reason, Dame Rebecca – perhaps because she was considered an outsider meddling in matters she did not understand – did not receive the recognition she deserved from other journalists. Her conclusion, however, when she assessed Philby’s quoted admission that he had warned Maclean through Burgess that the security services were to take action against him, summarized the general way in which the notion of the ‘Third Man’ has been allowed to be distorted: “It [the statement] does not explain why a Soviet agent in England, certainly in touch with local agents, could be warned that he was being watched by English security agents only by another Soviet agent in America who sent a third all the way to England to tell him so. Soviet intelligence has better communications than that. This cannot be the story.”

Indeed. In these sentences, however, West revealed her own confusion as well as hinting at the generic fog that the British government managed to spread over the whole business, a miasma that has never properly been dispelled.

Kim Philby put his oar in, in My Silent War (1968). Predictably, it moves Philby himself to the centre stage, suggesting that he despatched Burgess to London in order to brief his Soviet control on what was happening – a scenario highly improbable for many reasons. Burgess was then to follow Philby’s instructions and contact Maclean to put him in the picture: there is no mention of Blunt, of course. At the same time, Philby reported how concerned he was at the lack of urgency with which the case was progressing, and he informed his Soviet contact of his worries.

Philby’s influence is also visible in The Philby Conspiracy (1968), also released as The Spy Who Betrayed A Generation (1969), by Bruce Page, David Leitch, and Phillip Knightley. Again, it is Kim who is instrumental in using Guy to send the alarm to London, and to warn Donald. Yet the authors remark on Burgess’s very leisurely return to the UK. The next movements between Burgess and Maclean mirror Burgess’s account of the story, with Guy agreeing to join Maclean when the latter asks him to. They diverge on the matter of the Soviets’ planning the whole affair, however, claiming that the Russians wanted to organize an escape-route in order to motivate other spies, should the occasion require it. And here is the first major push for the theory of the ‘last-minute alert’ – the notion that the interrogation was scheduled to begin on May 28, and that only on the Friday, when that decision was made, did an insider manage to get the news to the pair, so that their escape could be accelerated. They claim that Burgess received that fateful message as early as 10:00 am on May 25, whereupon Burgess made the final arrangements, told Miller that their trip was probably off, ordered the rental car, said goodbye to Hewit, and went to pick up Maclean in Tatsfield. In this wild and woolly scenario (‘a mixture of careful planning and last-minute improvisation’) the authors speculate that Philby could have received a cable in Washington on the Thursday night, and that he could thereby have notified the Russians! It is all very fanciful and absurd.

E. H. Cookridge (born Ernest Philo)

Also in 1968 a work with a significant title, The Third Man, by E. H. Cookridge, appeared. Cookridge was the anglicized name of Edward Spiro, who had known Philby in Vienna in 1934. Rather oddly, he does not introduce the concept of the ‘third man’ until he describes Philby’s interrogations after June 1951, when he records that Philby knew that there was nothing to connect him with ‘the missing diplomats’ or to brand him as ‘the third man’. It is not until Cookridge covers the defector Petrov’s deposition, published by the Australian Royal Commission on September 18, 1955, that the theme becomes clear. Here (according to Cookridge) appeared the statement that Kislitysn (who worked for Petrov in Canberra) had told him that a ‘third man’ in Washington had informed Colonel Raina that Maclean was under investigation,. This ‘third man’ had (so Cookridge claimed) also warned Maclean by sending a friend to London, but Kislitsyn did not know the names of either the emissary or the ‘third man’ in Washington. This essence of this reference had apparently been picked up by Marcus Lipton, M.P., on October 25, 1955, when he asked a question about the ‘third man’ in the House of Commons. Yet Lipton failed to join the dots properly, or else had misunderstood the information given to him. Foreign Secretary Harold Macmillan acknowledged the possibility of a tip-off, and even reported that Philby had been first secretary at the British Embassy, but he did not explicitly endorse the concept of a ‘third man’. This was potentially an extremely important disclosure by Cookridge, but he was in one significant way quite wrong. (I shall pick up this story in March.)

Cookridge had obviously had access to some insider information, and displayed a fresh account of Maclean’s last known movements, but he erred over a few other aspects of the story. Very provocatively, he argued that Philby quickly concluded that both Burgess and Maclean had become liabilities, and that they both ‘had to disappear quickly’. He even postulated that, had Philby been as ruthless as his masters, he might have arranged the liquidation of his two accomplices. This scenario, where Philby feels safer with both taken out of the picture, is clearly in contradiction of the favoured alternative, in which Burgess’s disappearance would lead to Philby’s unmasking, as well. It obviously casts doubt on the famed but questionable claim that Philby’s last words to Burgess were ‘Don’t you go, too!”

The timeline for the journey to Southampton is even more hectic in Cookridge’s narrative. He has Burgess driving to his club in Pall Mall at 6:30 pm, where he made several phone calls, before returning to his flat to collect his suitcase, and then driving to Tatsfield, which he surely could not have reached before 8:30. He and Maclean did not leave until 10:15, Burgess having to travel for nearly ninety miles in less than an hour and a half. With the state of the roads, and several towns to cross, it simply does not compute. Cookridge acknowledges Maclean’s rather unorthodox request to have the Saturday off, but he has nothing to say about the planned interrogation. He does indicate that Melinda called the Foreign Office, in some despair, on the Monday morning, and again, specifically to Carey-Foster, in the afternoon.

Richard Deacon made only a brief comment on the business in his History of British Seret Service (1969, revised and updated in 1980), but managed to mangle the story completely. His account reads as follows: “Gradually the counter-espionage service built up their case against Maclean, yet even when convinced reluctantly that Maclean must be interrogated on the subject of leakages of information to the Russians, a dilatory Foreign Office decided he need not be questioned until the weekend was over. Thus was Philby able to warn Burgess and Burgess to persuade Maclean to escape with him via Southampton and Le Havre on a secret route which took both behind the Iron Curtain.” How Deacon came to those absurd conclusions is unfathomable: it cannot be attributable to mere laziness, as his book elsewhere shows some diligence.

Goronwy Rees’s A Chapter of Accidents was published in 1972, and it has obviously exerted a powerful influence on many authors, especially Chapman. For details of Rees’s account, I draw readers’ attention to my analysis of his mendacious memoir in my coldspur bulletin of last September (see https://coldspur.com/an-anxious-summer-for-rees-blunt/ ). Of course, the archival material that shows up Rees’s deceitful account was not available in 1987, so perhaps some researchers and authors could be forgiven for believing that this eminent person would be providing them with an accurate story of the events of May and June 1951.

John Fisher was Chief Diplomatic Correspondent at the Times, and presumably well connected. His 1977 account, Burgess and Maclean, shows signs of being fed apparently useful nuggets, but Fisher should perhaps have cast a little more suspicion on what he was told. His account is remarkable for referring to Anthony Blunt several times – at a time, of course, when Andrew Boyle was being fed rumours about him. He offers some revealing details about the movements of May 25, including the potentially useful information that Maclean was normally driven from Woldingham Station to his home in Tatsfield – not from Oxted Station, which is farther down the line, a journey that Melinda Maclean claimed her husband regularly took. (I know that latter route well: it would involve a steep and eminently avoidable drive home up Titsey Hill. Yet Oxted has the advantage of a fast train from Victoria, which Maclean could pick up at East Croydon if he left from Charing Cross.) His description of the plans made is a bit of a muddle: he points out that Burgess’s journey home was not executed in a hurry, since Guy took a holiday in New York along the way. It is Fisher who reveals the essence of the VENONA program that led to HOMER’s unveiling, and he makes the alarming comment that Philby had ‘all along’ been a double agent. Fisher was apparently convinced by someone that catching spies and then turning them into double agents was a reputable and successful practice. (See my recent commentary on that phenomenon at https://coldspur.com/2024-year-end-roundup/ .) As for Burgess’s actions, he asserts that Guy went to Rees’s house first, after landing, that the plans had been made by the Russians in New York, and that Burgess booked the cabin on the Falaise on May 23 (the Wednesday).

It is not clear where Fisher is simply regurgitating stories that had appeared before. He credits Burgess with some skillful bluff over communicating plans for dining with Blunt on May 28, believing that Burgess knew that he was not returning, and that he set out to save his own skin at the expense of Blunt – and maybe Philby, who accused Burgess of doing just that. Miller has been taken in by the story that Burgess may have been alerted by Philby that Maclean was about to be interrogated, but he does not explain how that happened. With wild speculation, he suggests that Philby ‘might have slipped a message to Burgess on Friday afternoon’. He also identifies a call that Burgess made to the USA on May 25, for which Hewit paid the bill. As for Hewit’s activities, Miller has him calling Rees and Blunt over the weekend, and he echoes the statement that Culme-Seymour (Maclean’s luncheon partner on Friday) made that Melinda had known for a long time that she would end up in Moscow. All in all, it is another less than rigorous analysis.

The rather excitable and impressionable Richard Deacon (Donald McCormick) re-appeared, offering some commentary in his controversial book The British Connection (1979), which was recalled for pulping because of the Peierls errors, accusations made by Deacon in the belief that Peierls was deceased. Deacon had been told that Philby was tipped off to defect in 1963 because the CIA was about to kill him. He also claims that an anonymous letter was sent to the US Embassy as late as May 24, in which the writer asserted that Maclean had expressed to him sympathy for patriots who chose voluntary exile (such as the journalist John Peet, whom Maclean admired). The document was not made available until 1977, through the US Freedom of Information Act. Why it was concealed, or whether it was some sort of forgery, is difficult to determine. Deacon also makes anonymous remarks about Blunt, and the boasts that the latter made about his aiding the USSR during the war, which are interesting as further clues, but published just before the official disclosures about Blunt’s career.

And then came Andrew Boyle’s Climate of Treason (1979), which led to the unmasking of Blunt. [The revised edition of 1980 named Blunt explicitly.] Boyle states that Burgess visited Rees the day after he arrived, namely on May 8. He adds that Burgess and Maclean met several times between May 10 and May 20, sometimes at the Foreign Office itself – a factoid that would encourage the dual surveillance story. Maclean seemed to have accepted that the game was up, and he awaited the roll-out of the escape plan, which Blunt, in his ‘confession’ to MI5, had said had been worked out by him and his Soviet control. Boyle’s description of the fateful day is like that of many others a bit frenetic. Morrison had authorized the interrogation for May 28 (an item of misinformation supplied by Carey-Foster, the FO Security officer), and it was a closely guarded secret, but some form of warning from Philby arrived on May 23 or May 24 (i.e. before the decision had been made.) Boyle names Blunt as the source who told Burgess of the May 28 interrogation: Burgess knew of the escape plan, but he had no intentions of going further than Southampton until he undertook the drive to Tatsfield, when he decided on the spur of the movement to join Maclean across the channel. Yet Boyle next concedes that the Russians had decided that Burgess should abscond, too, as they could not trust him to keep the secret if he returned. Boyle echoes the main parts of Rees’s story, saying, however, that the critical meeting between Liddell, Blunt and Rees did not take place until June 7. He also inserts the idea that Burgess and Blunt had been farsighted enough to spring-clean Burgess’s flat, but he does not indicate when that happened.

In 1963, Donald Sutherland had co-authored with Anthony Purdy a work titled Burgess and Maclean. Sutherland updated it in 1980, under the title The Fourth Man. Sutherland rejects a lot of the common Philby-inspired story of his own role, namely that Maclean made up his mind to leave, and that Philby agreed with his Soviet control that Burgess should be entrusted with arranging Maclean’s escape. Sutherland’s judgment is that the RIS (Russian Intelligence Service) was in charge, but that it was a botched job, ‘badly arranged by a man on his own and in a panic’. Nevertheless, Sutherland has also been taken in by the story that Philby was able to cable Burgess on the morning of May 25, with the text being relayed by telephone. Somehow, it was a pre-arranged message that Maclean would be interrogated on May 28. (He even claims that MI5 later found the cable in the flat – an extraordinary achievement if the text had actually been read out to Burgess.) Sutherland then simply echoes the conventional story about Burgess’s partly rushed exit from London, without attempting to disentangle the paradoxical timings. He echoes the thought that Burgess intended to return, but that the Russians thought otherwise. Sutherland’s final flourish? “Alarm bells should have rung on the morning of the interrogation”, showing how he had been successfully deluded.

Chapman Pincher’s Their Trade is Treachery (1981) also takes a predictable path. He attributes no urgency to Burgess’s return to the UK, but that it was at Guy’s request that Blunt met him at Southampton. Burgess then described the purpose of his voyage, and that it was he who knew how to get in touch with Modin, the MGB controller. The Soviets decided to use Burgess as an intermediary to Maclean, who agreed to go to Moscow only if Burgess accompanied him. Thereafter, Pincher gets sucked into the last-minute warning syndrome, except rather than Philby being the agent, it was more probably a penetration agent in MI5 – namely Roger Hollis! Pincher’s bête noire somehow had taken part in, or heard about, the Morrison meeting, and had managed to contact Burgess between 10 and 11 on the morning of May 25 to let him know about the Monday interrogation. According to Pincher, when Modin heard the news, his bosses decided to move immediately. As my sometime doctoral supervisor, Professor Glees, informed me once, Pincher admitted that he invented things from time to time, and this anecdote would appear to emanate from that same fertile imagination. Pincher does add that Modin ordered Blunt to defect as well, but the art expert declined. That was something Pincher probably got right.

In A Matter of Trust (1982), Nigel West adds to the confusion. He is of the school that asserts that the interrogation of Maclean was indeed scheduled for May 28, to the extent of claiming that MI5 lied to the FBI in stating that the interrogation had been delayed a fortnight. West also claims that Liddell was ‘aghast’ when Carey-Foster informed him of Maclean’s disappearance that day. (Since Carey-Foster had learned of Maclean’s absence from Melinda only that afternoon, the surprised reaction does not ring true if Maclean was due to have been called in that morning.) West also states that Burgess had never come under suspicion as being a Soviet spy. He does, however, offer the intelligence that Liddell turned to Blunt for help, and that Blunt accompanied a couple of watchers from B2a to Burgess’s flat, where Blunt was able to sweep up some letters before the MI5 team found them. That episode was of course after the escape.

An important contribution was made by the Foreign Office insider Robert Cecil in his contributing essay to The Missing Dimension, edited by Christopher Andrew and David Dilks (1984). It was titled The Cambridge Comintern, and represents an interesting segue from what was largely gossip up to this time to the more formal and academic histories that followed in the next two decades. Cecil had known Maclean well, and he was appointed to replace him after the defection. His essay is an excellent tour d’horizon of the careers of the prime Cambridge Four, but it also reveals how susceptible the most expert witness can be to the attempts of those he respects to mislead. He is also a little imprecise in his chronology.

Cecil appears to trust what Goronwy Rees rote about his separation from Burgess and Blunt, although he claims that Rees gave an undertaking not to betray either of them back in 1939, which goes against the grain of how Rees represented his view of Blunt’s allegiance. He accepts Philby’s highly improbable divorce from Litzi without question. He implies that Maclean was still in touch with his control right up to the time of his surveillance, but he offers no evidence for that assertion. He rightly does not believe that the incidents of Burgess’s speeding in Virginia were part of any ruse to gain Burgess’s departure: instead he judges that Phiby exploited his expulsion in an ‘unprofitable’ venture to use him as a go-between. Yet Cecil was taken in by the claims of his Foreign Office colleagues that Maclean was going to be brought in on May 28, and that there was some kind of ‘Third Man’ who tipped the pair off. He even criticizes MI6 for not accepting that Philby was the ‘Third Man’, but does not explain whether, by this, he means the officer who raised the alarm in Washington, or the man who passed on the (false) secret about the imminent interrogation. He presents the American student Miller as Burgess’s ‘boyfriend’, which he clearly was not: he declares, without evidence, that Burgess was not under surveillance, which probably reflects what another inside told him. Finally, in what became a more controversial item, he criticizes Roger Makins (the Deputy Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office) for not passing on to Carey-Foster, its Security Officer, the fact that Maclean had asked for leave of absence for the morning of Saturday, May 26.

Chapman Pincher followed up his earlier work with his mammoth Too Secret Too Long (1984). He dedicated a chapter to the defections, which is replete with much earnest speculation, a lot of imprecise dating, and multiple insights granted to him confidentially, all of which he implicitly trusts. What truths he may have gathered in his investigations are swamped by the numerous hypothetical events he posits. Thus he confidently assumes that Philby accepted that, when Oldfield told him in September 1949 about the leakage from the British Embassy, the culprit was Maclean. Thereafter, Pincher relies too much on what the FBI agent Robert Lamphere told him, for instance that the FBI was not even told that Maclean was a suspect until after he and Burgess had absconded. He also cites Blunt’s various ‘confessions’, sometimes as ‘confidential information’, such as the claim Blunt made that Philby had managed to warn Maclean when he was in Cairo, and thus contributed to Maclean’s breakdown before he was recalled in May 1950. This might be a very important insight, but it is hardly verifiable.

Another confidence entrusted to Pincher was the claim that Burgess was under similar suspicion before he went to Washington in August 1950 and that, ‘organized by MI5 or MI6’, an army officer was sent out to keep an eye on him. He carries on in this vein, with stories about Maclean possibly having have met his Soviet controllers around Tatsfield just before he absconded, since he was not being surveilled in the country. Without giving any dates, Pincher declares that the KGB plotted Maclean’s escape in Moscow, and selected Burgess to warn him. Despite characterizing Burgess as being in addicted to drugs and alcohol at this time, the KGB also believed that Burgess was a suitable companion to prevent Maclean from getting drunk and distracted in France during the escape. Yet elsewhere he echoes Blunt’s claim that the Soviets had decided some time before that Burgess had to be part of the package. He mysteriously treats Burgess’s booking of the berths on the Falaise as a ‘coincidence’. With Pincher, all roads lead to Roger Hollis, of course, and so, while correctly rubbishing the theory that Philby could have had the time to warn his colleagues of the imminent interrogation, he assures his readers that it was Hollis who, as Security Officer for MI5, managed to get a message to Burgess on May 25 to accelerate the departure. Hollis’s role was, naturally, covered up. Enough said: it is a typical Pincherian muddle and bluster, all delivered with the confidence of the insider with connections.

The penultimate relevant work, which may have arrived too late for Chapman’s consideration, but is worth including for the record, is Conspiracy of Silence (1986-87), by Barrie Penrose and Simon Freeman. It is, like so many of the other accounts, much of a muddle, but it does shed fresh light on the supposed actions of Jackie Hewit and Goronwy Rees. Their narrative follows closely the notion of Philby’s propulsion of the plan, even to the extent of Kim’s ability to alert the duo to the need to escape at the last moment, despite his remoteness in Washington. The timetable indicates that Burgess was met by Blunt at Southampton, and proceeded to Sonning the next day, suggesting that Rees in some respect had an important role to play. The authors even make the provocative claim that Hewit had declared that Rees was ‘up to his neck’ in the whole business, was panicking, and that Burgess went to Sonning to re-assure him. That would shed a completely fresh light on the relationship between Blunt and Rees, if true, but would seem to fail the test of a realistic chronology. How would Burgess have known, from the USA, that Rees was already panicking?

Thereafter, their account follows the line that Maclean, in a state of nervous collapse, asked Guy for help in getting to the Soviet Union, Hewit offering the opinion that he would not go unless Burgess accompanied him. As for the circumstances of the fateful weekend, Penrose and Freeman indicate that Rees called both Footman and Blunt on the Sunday night, and that Hewit also called Rees and Blunt because of Burgess’s extended absence. They roughly follow Rees’s version of events, but they claim that Rees was so frightened by his own entanglement that he created a cover-story to implicate Blunt. They echo the story of the searching of the flat (on May 29), claiming that Rosamund Lehmann told them that Rees had helped Blunt on that project. Lehmann also believed that Rees knew a lot more about what was going on than he admitted.


I include here as the last book to be analyzed Nigel West’s Molehunt (1987), since, even though it was also too late to have been considered by Chapman, it seems to me to belong to the more novelistic approaches of the 1980s. West endows his description of the events with some flourishes probably intended to apply verisimilitude, but which serve only to undermine his authority. Thus his Introduction describes Maclean as ‘a well-dressed young man’ (it was his thirty-eighth birthday) ‘driving through the country lanes of rural Kent’ (both Oxted and Tatsfield are in Surrey), after which he ‘swung through the gates of a modest, two-story home’ (it was hardly modest, containing four bedrooms, but, if it had been, it would probably not have had gates). He goes on to write that Maclean had ‘caught his usual commuter train, the 5:19 from Charing Cross to Sevenoaks’ (it was the regular 6:10 from Victoria to Oxted). Without specifying any times, he then writes that ‘Roger Styles’ (Burgess) arrived about half an hour later (6:30 pm?), and that the Macleans and Burgess sat down to a meal at 7, after which Burgess and Maclean drove away in Burgess’s cream Austin A40 at about nine o’clock. How, if the escape had been a ‘last-minute affair’, arrangements were set up in France for them to proceed to Moscow, is not investigated by the author.

West’s tale then becomes a bit more interesting, yet still problematical. Melinda and Donald apparently maintained a pretense that she had never met Burgess, the purpose of whose visit was ‘to enable him to escape abroad’. Since Burgess had just been tipped off that the Foreign Secretary had that same morning consented that Maclean should be interrogated the following Monday, Burgess’s task that evening was to ‘persuade Maclean to flee, while taking precautions to being identified as a fellow-conspirator’. That was, to say the least, leaving the appeal a little late. Yet Donald and Melinda knew that their house had been bugged, and that all their conversations were being recorded even when the headset was not in use. MI5’s case officers had no idea that their project had been compromised. The play-acting in which the trio indulged was ‘just one of the countermeasures devised by Burgess to throw MI5 off the scent’. (Whether MI5 had picked up anything useful before Burgess’s arrival is not considered by West.) West observes that it was not until the afternoon of May 28 that Melinda telephoned the Foreign Office to report that her husband had disappeared. Presumably the interrogation team was sitting at Leconfield House just twiddling their thumbs waiting for the Foreign Office to bring in their victim  . . .

It is all a sorry affair.

Chapman’s HOMER

Robin Chapman

One could be forgiven for concluding that Chapman would have had an impossible task in making sense of this mélange of assertions. It was perhaps ingenuous of him to refer to the ‘known facts’ of the case without having to define what he thought they were. I could suggest, on the other hand, that, while the preceding analysis might be nugatory for assessing the decisions that the playwright made, it does offer some other advantages. The above accounts must overall be of great value for anyone trying to establish exactly what did happen in those few weeks in May 1951 – if only because the obvious contradictions have to be inspected and resolved. It is true that, before the end of the century, some fresh perspectives from overseas commentators (such as Newton in the USA, and Modin and Mitrokhin in the USSR) did enter the arena to add new dimensions to the story, and offered further ‘facts’ to be checked. There was, however, not much new independent analysis during the next decade or so. The authorized history of MI5 then followed, but it was particularly feeble (as I shall explain next month). Its appearance as the implied ‘last word’ may however have discouraged any new analysis for a while. It was not until the National Archives, during the 2010s decade, threw up a variety of information on Philby, Burgess and Maclean, as well as the very revealing Personal Files on the Reeses, that inquisitive biographers tried to pick up the challenge.

It seems to me that Chapman, perhaps overwhelmed by the conflicting stories published, stuck with his attachment to Rees’s memoir, believing in the authority of such artifacts, but enhanced it to try to take advantage of the very topical information about Blunt’s unmasking, and his subsequent ‘confession’. If Chapman had constrained himself in this area, he might have avoided much unnecessary complexity, but he latched on to the fact that Blunt had played a role in arranging the escape, and then amplified it to a degree that presented him with some plot challenges. His decision created several fresh clashes with the chronology and geography of the events as described by various of the other chroniclers.

In my opinion, Blunt, for reasons of temperament, ability, and circumstances, could not have been a decisive leader of the project. Yet Chapman presents him as essentially bossing Vasily (Modin), issuing the orders, and instructing what the NKVD/MGB should do. (In that way, he endorses Burgess’s’ view of things in defiance of what Petrov reported.) Blunt would have struggled to acquire travel tickets and visas for the itinerary across Europe without drawing undue attention to himself. Moreover, if he seriously believed that he could send Burgess over for part of the way, and then have him return home, with Maclean reputedly having ‘given him the slip’, Blunt seriously underestimated the problems that Burgess, under surveillance himself, would have encountered with the authorities, having accompanied the known suspect in such an underhand manner, and abetted his escape.

Moreover, Chapman then had to deal with the vital and central episode in his story, Blunt’s searching for and incinerating incriminating papers that he found in Burgess’s flat. Recall – in Chapman’s scenario, that took place on the morning of May 26, the Saturday, because Burgess was able to get a breakfast message to Blunt that vaguely hinted at the danger represented by the contents of Burgess’s flat. The impression is that Burgess was somehow suddenly alerted to the fact that he had to accompany Maclean all the way to Moscow. First, Chapman had to create a McGuffin – the ‘What’s Become of Waring’ letter, which Burgess had written on Reform Club notepaper, but had placed with a postal collector in the countryside early on the Friday evening. (The ‘What’s Become of Waring’ idea is taken from Rees’s memoir, where he retrospectively reflects on Burgess’s character, but Chapman’s deployment of it is simply a highly imaginative addition to the screenplay.)  Burgess may not have wanted to face his lover with the news by speaking to him on the telephone, but why did he not mail the letter from his Club, which action would probably have guaranteed the chance of delivery the next morning? And would Blunt interpret the message accurately?

And what had prompted Burgess’s sudden decision? Chapman does refer to the late decision to interrogate Maclean, and he shares the misapprehension that he was going to be hauled in on Monday 28. On the other hand, he never indicates that Burgess learned of that resolution. One clue that Chapman does offer, however, is an extended view of a very pensive, even, distraught, Burgess, immediately after Blunt has divulged the secrets of the plan to him, as if he then realized the enormity of what was about to happen, and resolved to defect as well. But why did he not discuss that outcome, and its implications, with Blunt, or take the time to clear out his flat at leisure? In addition, Burgess is shown to be in a very jaunty mood as he drives down to Tatsfield, which would be surprising given that he has probably seen his intimate friend Blunt for the last time, that there is a possibility that Blunt will not be able to clean up his possessions in time before MI5 gets there, and that he is facing a probably bleak residence in Moscow that he had not even imagined a few days before. (Rees wrote how much Burgess loved life in England.) It is psychologically very unconvincing.

The spotlight turns on Burgess’s relationship with Rees. Blunt is shown to inform Guy Liddell, gratuitously, that Rees has just gone down to Sonning, in a brief scene that is clearly dated as May 16, since Liddell’s desk calendar boldly informs us of the timing. (It serves as an intro to the next scene, in Sonning.) Yet that is a sharp departure from what happened in One of Us, where the stage directions state that the visit occurred on May 6. (This is itself a clumsy variation from Rees’s memoir, where he states that Guy arrived on Monday, May 8. We know that Burgess arrived in Southampton on May 7.) It might have seemed to Chapman that it would be dramatically more sensible for Burgess to contact Rees, in order to ensure that he would stay silent, when the plot had been hatched, and thus a mid-May visit would make sense. Yet in the stage version, Burgess tells Rees that Maclean is already in danger, and that Blunt is organizing a plot for his exfiltration. That would have been the day after Burgess disembarked at Southampton, when he did not yet know where Maclean lived, even. The description of the advanced state of the project is simply absurd.

And why would Burgess, who has reputedly not seen Rees for some time, want to inform him about the plot? Would it not have been better for him and Blunt to ignore Rees, carry out the procedure for exfiltrating Maclean (no matter to what extent Burgess was to accompany him), and leave Rees in the dark, so that he would not make any impetuous approach to MI5? Stirring up a hornet’s nest with Goronwy – as well as Margie, who had witnessed the ‘ratting’ episode at the Gargoyle Club the previous November – would appear to introduce some unnecessary risk to the equation. Why was the extraction of the promise from Rees not to divulge anything considered so important, especially when it was bound to cause tension between husband and wife? Moreover, Chapman inserted one or two provocative incidents in the story: he has Burgess noting early on that Rees will be away at All Souls on May 24, and the exchange between Margie and Goronwy indicates that she had had no luck in getting through on the telephone to Rees while he was in Oxford – not how her husband described it in his memoir.

The problem is that the account in A Chapter of Accidents is utterly unbelievable, as Burgess would not set up the self-invitation from the USA, and then rush to Sonning, simply to discuss his imminent expulsion from the Foreign Office and his probable job with The Daily Telegraph. Yet Chapman’s interpretation (which is not supported by anything Rees wrote) is likewise ridiculous, in that Burgess would not be describing the planned exfiltration of Maclean just after he had disembarked, when he had not even talked to Maclean. There must be another agenda behind the visit (which is hinted at by Chapman and other authors), one to which I shall have to return soon.

Lastly, The Fourth Man makes several glaring errors. It refers to the Soviet organization as the KGB, but the KGB was not created until 1954, after Stalin’s death. (This error appears in many of the books described above, as a kind of shorthand for the various guises the Soviet Security Service took on since the days of the Cheka.) Rees and Burgess discuss Maclean’s fate in terms of a probable death sentence hanging over him, as if that intensified his despair, but that punishment, as part of the Treachery Act, applied only to treasonable activities carried out to help a country with which Great Britain was at war. Chapman presents Bernard Miller, Burgess’s supposed ‘pick-up’ from the Queen Mary, as being in bed with him in mid-May. But Miller was not homosexual, he disembarked from the Queen Mary in Cherbourg, and he did not arrive in London until May 23. Chapman indicates that the shortlist for HOMER was reduced to Maclean as late as May 16, when it had happened over two weeks before. When Blunt incinerates Burges’s possessions, the last item visible is Guy Burgess’s Communist Party card for 1951. He may have been a member of the Party in the early 1930s, but he was certainly not so in 1951.

Other touches are simply clumsy. Just before his assignation with Modin in adjacent stalls in the Gentlemen’s Public Lavatory, Blunt, in prim office garb, with rolled-up umbrella, checks his watch before marching to the rendezvous, where a policeman is present. It is absolutely incongruous and absurd. In another scene, Burgess and Maclean, supposed to be under surveillance, crowd into a public telephone-box in broad daylight to await a call from Blunt. That is similarly ridiculous.


Did The Fourth Man succeed as an artistic venture with political overtones? As a reliable record of what events led to the escape of Burgess and Maclean, it is feeble and misleading, but one could not expect any viewer to know enough about the evidence behind the action to be able to challenge the apparent facts. Even today, because of the successful job that intelligence officers and civil servants such as George Carey-Foster, Patrick Reilly, Roger Makins, and Dick White executed in planting false trails, the mendacious memoir of Rees, the prevarications of Melinda Maclean, the unreliable testimony from Jackie Hewit, the boastfulness of Yuri Modin, etc. etc., even the ‘experts’, such as Nigel West, have a difficult time tracing an accurate and convincing sequence of events for those heady days in May 1951.

As a psychological study of intrigue and comradeship, however, it does carry some degree of truth, or at least, realism, even though the hackneyed quotation from Forster is overdone, and misrepresented. Since Rees was a liar over his experiences after May 27, there is no reason to suspect that he was telling the truth when he described his interactions with Burgess and Blunt before that fateful Sunday. Yet the existential dilemma that a former ideologue would find himself in when he no longer believed in the cause, but had failed to act with integrity immediately the crossroads appeared before him, is well-portrayed. The gauntlet thrown in his face that it was difficult to believe him now when he had stayed silent so long carries a lot of heft. Moreover, any apostate from the Comintern cause would have reason to fear for his life. Rees certainly did not know that Burgess wanted him killed at one stage, but in 1957 he was almost killed in a hit-and-run car ‘accident’ that could conceivably have been engineered by the KGB.

On the other hand, the theme of the betrayal of ‘friends’ carries a hypocritical and hollow ring. Guy appeals to Goronwy’s friendship to keep silent about the escape plan, as otherwise he, Kim, Donald and Anthony will all be at risk. Yet Burgess had been willing to have Rees killed to save his own skin, and the others were never friends of Rees. Rees and Blunt disliked each other intensely, and Rees hardly knew Maclean and Philby. On the other hand, Philby had reputedly impressed upon his friend Burgess that he should never accompany Maclean to Moscow, but Burgess had to let Philby down, and expose him, because of Moscow’s orders. That was an example of betrayal, and, in his unpublished memoir, Blunt accused Burgess of betraying his friends, including Blunt himself by (in Blunt’s opinion) ‘insisting’ that he accompany Maclean to Moscow. Philby (considering the prime fault was Burgess’s, not the MGB’s) refused to visit Burgess in hospital in Moscow in 1963, when his friend was dying and had asked specifically to see him. Nicholas Elliott, who admired Kim greatly and considered him a close friend, was devastated when he learned that Kim had lied to him and betrayed him.

Moreover, was Rees ever under any real pressure to incriminate Burgess and Maclean? Once they had disappeared, it was soon cut-and-dried that they had escaped to Moscow, and Rees’s reinforcing that idea, by indicating he had a hunch to that effect the weekend they left, but before the authorities learned about it, would only serve to invite embarrassing questions directed at himself. He could not damage his ‘friends’ once they were in Moscow. He did not directly point the finger at Philby, but he did let Blunt know, unnecessarily, it would seem, about his plan to tell all he knew to MI5. Being straight about one’s intentions may have seemed an honourable course of action, but it surely would have been wiser for Rees to watch and see what happened, and to wait for MI5 to contact him if they thought that he could help, rather than stirring up Blunt’s animosity. (That was what Stuart Hampshire advised him to, incidentally, between the escape and Rees’s first meeting with Liddell.)

As we now know from Rees’s Personal File, Rees did indeed retract his commitment to accuse Blunt head-on, either because Liddell persuaded him that a softly-softly approach to tackling Blunt was more appropriate, or because he convinced Rees that he had too many skeletons in the closet (as did Liddell, of course) to want to risk being dragged through the mud as well, or – heaven forbid! – because Liddell convinced him that Blunt was more useful left in place as a vehicle for carrying misinformation to the Soviets, as Sir Michael Howard claimed in a letter to the Times.

That assumes that Rees was a reformed character, of course. Yet that is not a waterproof assertion. So many loose ends, alarming coincidences, and contradictory items of evidence exist that they could well be exploited to propose another answer to the mysteries behind the evolution of the Rees dilemma. Some of these are hinted at by the Chapman scripts: others in the archival material. I have started to develop my own alternative theory, which I shall outline here on coldspur soon, after providing an analysis of the literature that has appeared since the release of the movie in 1987, and a discussion of the prevailing conundrums concerning the case. Those two exercises are so substantial that I shall have to defer the presentation of my hypothesis until April. Watch this space!

Anthony Blunt: A Correction

In my September and November bulletins, I presented as fact the idea that MI5 officers, primarily Guy Liddell and Dick White, had been aware at the time of Anthony Blunt’s espionage in World War II, specifically that he had passed on confidential information collected by Leo Long to his Soviet controller. I should have made clear that this was a hypothesis – quite a strong one, incidentally – but not a conclusion verifiable from any sources. My correspondent Keith Ellison had pointed out the fallacy some time ago, and I have acknowledged the flaw on coldspur, and have also expressed an intent to try to resolve it. Yet, somewhat absent-mindedly, in writing my report in September I considered that the evidence that I had used acted as a confirmation of the Long-Blunt incident when in fact it was the sole (possible) evidentiary item – and I repeated that mistake in my November bulletin. Keith has subsequently reminded me of the oversight.

I gave the story comprehensive coverage in Misdefending the Realm, on pages 190-199 in Chapter 7, under a sub-heading The Case of Leo Long. That analysis was based on a pattern of activity described by Joan Miller in her 1986 memoir One Girl’s War, which had to be published in Ireland since the British Attorney-General had sought to ban the book in the United Kingdom. The critical conclusion to which I arrived was that the unidentified department in which Miller had been working when she witnessed espionage must have been MI14. Yet that is not explicit, and Keith has rightly challenged me on it. The controversy has nothing to do with the fact of Long’s espionage, which is not disputed: it was acknowledged by Blunt, and by Long himself, in 1981. (see https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/written-answers/1981/nov/09/mr-leo-long-1#:~:text=I%20do%20not%20therefore%20propose,Security%20Commission%20are%20now%20conducting.&text=asked%20the%20Prime%20Minister%20what,being%20a%20traitor%20in%201964.&text=The%20Prime%20Minister-,Mr.,for%20under%20social%20security%20legislation. ) The Crown Jewels, by Nigel West and Oleg Tsarev, confirm the acts. It concerns the question of whether officers in MI5 learned about it at the time it occurred. And it is important because it has bearing on the later treatment of Blunt by Liddell and White.

‘One Girl’s War’

I here recap the key points of Miller’s story. In February 1944, MI5 (for whom she had earlier worked for Maxwell Knight, in B5(b)) arranged for Miller to work for the Political Intelligence Department. The position did not suit her, so she was soon transferred to another unnamed department that required knowledge of the War Office, the Foreign Office, and the Special Operations Executive, as the functions involved the correct re-distribution of decoded secret cables. Miller soon noticed that a colleague, a Major, would try to transcribe, covertly, messages arriving from the Middle East. She was able to alert her previous boss to this dubious activity, and the authorities detected that their content had been picked up in intercepts at the Communist party head office, in King Street. The outcome was that the Major was caught in the act of trying to smuggle his notes out of the office, and he was taken away by Special Branch officers. Instead of being prosecuted, however, he was moved away to a safer job. Later, when the war was over, the Major turned up in Germany, working for the Control Commission, an appointment that astonished Miller.

Now, if the department was not MI14, and the culprit was not Long, it means that an unidentified army officer, who, like Long, purloined confidential material from an intelligence unit to benefit the Soviets, was unpunished, and also served with the Control Commission in Germany, has essentially been allowed to be struck from the record. That would be a remarkable coincidence. So how reliable is Miller’s description of her workplace? As a footnote informs us, the PID was abolished in 1943, and it makes the claim that the Political Warfare Executive continued to operate under that label. Then why would Miller introduce it as the PID, and even name her chapter ‘PID’, when it was already defunct at the time she joined it, especially since she declared that she moved to a new department? I doubt, moreover, that the PWE was involved in routing highly sensitive cables on military matters to their correct targets. Was the naming of her employer a gesture made to offer some kind of concealment of what went on?

And why would Her Majesty’s Government be so sensitive about what the book described? Maxwell Knight’s homosexual proclivities could hardly have been that dangerous in 1986. And why have no files on Long been declassified? The National Archives describe two critical items that might be relevant – PREM 19/918 and CAB 301/885, but both are permanently closed. Leo Long must surely have had a Personal File created for him by MI5, but none has been identified let alone released, even after all this time.

Readers will perhaps understand why, even though Keith Ellison is technically correct, I express confidence about my hypothesis. And perhaps it is incumbent on the Ellison camp (if such an entity exists) to offer suggestions for who the mystery major might be. Keith has reminded me that Anthony Masters, in his 1984 biography of Maxwell Knight, The Man Who Was M, identified Joan Miller’s Major as a Major Bell. I have riposted, however, that Masters has no track record as a reliable informant, he provides no source for his claim, the assertion is unverifiable, and I have suggested that Masters may well have been fed this name to throw researchers off the track. I have suggested to Keith (a former member of the Intelligence Corps) that he come up with supportive evidence, but I have only very recently realized that Keith was not familiar with the Hansard report that carried information on Long’s confession, and thus did not understand some of the substance behind my theory. He now has access to it!

Can anyone shed fresh light on the events? Is there a register of army officers in the Control Commission who had been detected spying for the Soviets? Are there any Special Branch records of the arrest? What personnel records for PWE exist? Did it have duties distributing confidential cables? Are there any MI14 records as yet unexploited? Any relevant family memoirs or letters to be revealed? What other reasons might the Government have had for wanting to bury the book? And how would Burke Trend have adjudicated? I suppose also that a Freedom of Information request on the Leo Long files would be in order. Please contact me with your thoughts and reactions.

(Latest Commonplace entries are available here.)

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2024: Year-End Roundup

To welcome the New Year, I present a potpourri of current heartwarming stories, mostly from the world of intelligence. I wish all coldspur readers a happy, prosperous and inquisitive 2025!

[Coldspur: ‘Purveyor of Conspiracy Theories to the Gentry’ ®]


When Victor Met Venetia

(An odd sighting of Victor Rothschild and Venetia Montagu, with links to Blunt, Burgess and Maclean)

False Alarms: Sisman, Trevor-Roper and Philby

(Philby is falsely accused of prolonging the war)

‘The Airmen Who Died Twice’

(Some reflections on the romanticization of many WWII memoirs)

An Update on the Blunt Confession

(MI5 engineered Blunt’s confession before the Attorney-General approved it)

Philby the ‘Double Agent’

(Further hints that Philby was admitted to be working for MI6 and the RIS at the same time)

Christopher Andrew and the Minor Biographies

(Did the renowned authorized historian actually read his latest book?)

Borodin: Deception, Defection and Interception

(The experts let me down)

The Biography of Margaret Thatcher

(A slight quibble with Charles Moore’s masterful biography)

. . . and an aside on awards . . .

(Exactly that)

Michael Holzman, Proletarian

(A bizarre re-appearance of Holzman’s indigestible Kim and Jim)

Ruthenia Revisited

(Culture is not inherited)

‘Richie Benaud’s Blue Suede Shoes’

(A famous 1961 Test Match, and my association with it)

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

When Victor Met Venetia

While I was pursuing my research on Victor Rothschild, a correspondent alerted me to an article in the Daily Mail that claimed that the infamous Venetia Montagu (née Stanley) had had an affair with Rothschild (see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13804049/Torrid-trysts-bedroom-wheels-Prime-Minister-Asquith-lover-35-years-junior-lost-Britain-WWI.html ), where he is described as ‘the immensely rich scientist, spy and polymath Victor Rothschild’. (This article was prompted by the publication of a ‘novel’ about the affair between Prime Minister Asquith and Venetia, written by Robert Harris, and titled Precipice.) Now my immediate reaction was that such an alliance was highly unlikely: Venetia was twenty-three years older than Victor. It is of course possible that he could have been her toy-boy, but other snippets reinforced my doubts. The article suggested that Venetia’s described flings with her string of lovers occurred before 1924, when her husband, Edwin Montagu, died. Victor would have been a callow thirteen-year-old at Harrow School at that time.

Venetia Montagu

It may have been a case of mistaken identity. The Mail itself, in an article in 2016, described Venetia’s fling slightly differently, as being with ‘the banker Victor Rothschild’ (see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/books/article-3634319/The-PM-daughter-love-girl-Venetia-Stanley-won-heart-Herbert-Asquith-host-men.html ). Now Victor never described himself as a ‘banker’ (or even a ‘bonker’), and he denied strongly the assertion of a certain ‘Colonel B.’ to that effect, as his memoir Random Variables explains (page 92). I initially suspected that, if a Rothschild had been involved with Venetia, it is much more probable that it was Victor’s father, Nathaniel Charles who was the Rothschild who had been enchanted by her. Charles (as he was known) committed suicide in 1923 by slitting his own throat. His obituary indicates that he had encephalitis, but maybe he was also lovestruck, and brought to despair by the fact that Venetia no longer had time for him? While a keen entomologist and conservationist, he was primarily known as a banker. Victor excluded any mention of his father in the few memoirs he recorded.

An inspection of Kenneth Rose’s Elusive Rothschild deepened the mystery, however. Charles had apparently been struck with St. Louis encephalitis in 1916, and, on medical advice, left for Switzerland that year, while his wife remained in England to look after their four children. Charles returned to Tring, but he was not cured. After a few years of depression and debility, he gave up the struggle in 1923. (I discovered I had a copy of Frederic Morton’s 1962 history of the Rothschild family, The Rothschilds,in my library. All it says of Charles (‘Nathaniel’), ‘a gifted natural historian’, is: “Conscientiously but unhappily, he performed his duties at the bank until his suicide in 1923.”) Charles had an older brother, however, named Walter, who retreated from reality in a different way. His heart was also not in banking, but in zoology (as was Victor’s). He was forced to sit at a desk at Rothschild’s during the week, but he loathed it. And he led an unconventional life. As Rose puts it, exploiting Miriam Rothschild’s biography of him: “For years . . . his emotional life had been of labyrinthine disorder. Two mistresses, by one of whom he had a child, fought each other for his favours. A third, a peeress, systematically blackmailed him for thirty years by threatening to tell his strait-laced mother of their defunct liaison. Only Lady Rothschild’s death in 1935, two years before his own, defused that aristocratic conspiracy.” Walter sounds a much more likely candidate – but he was definitely not a banker.

Walter Rothschild

Venetia was not a peeress, either – merely the daughter of a baron. Edwin Montagu was also a son of a baron, Lord Swaythling, and thus brought no elevated nobility to his wife. Strangely, he was also judged to have died from encephalitis. Venetia bore a daughter in 1923, Judith Venetia, but her Wikipedia entry states that Judith’s father ‘was said’ (that weaselly anonymous expression) to have been ‘William Humble Eric Ward, then Viscount Ednam and later 3rd Earl of Dudley’. What these aristocrats got up to! Were ‘they’ correct about Viscount Ednam, or had the father in fact been Walter – from whom Victor inherited the baronetcy in 1937?  As Miriam Rothschild writes in her biography: “Walter’s irreverent nieces remarked that it was a wise man who knew which Rothschild was his own father  . . .”.

Yet I soon found that there were connections between Victor and Venetia. When Venetia eventually married Edwin Montagu in 1915, she had to convert to Judaism so that Montagu could keep his inheritance. This was an exact forerunner of what Victor’s first wife had to undertake to become accepted by the Rothschilds. Moreover, the files on the Rothschilds at the National Archives show that Victor and Venetia socialized, possibly through their acquaintance with another Cambridge scientist named William Grey Walter.

In the extensive follow-ups to the defections of Burgess and Maclean, when Victor was dribbling names of leftist Cantabrigians from the thirties to his MI5 interviewers, Walter’s name came up, on February 16, 1966. Evelyn McBarnet (D1, who appeared to be leading Peter Wright in the exercise) reported that Rothschild had recalled four more names since their last meeting: Mickie Burn, Harry Collier, Grey Walter and a man named Katz. (McBarnet noted that this was a very disingenuous offering by Rothschild.) Rothschild described Walter in somewhat alarming terms:

A very beautiful young man whom he thought of as a queer fish. He recalled that on one occasion when visiting a certain Venetia MONTAGU, a much older woman with whom Grey WALTER was closely associated, he had met MACLEAN staying at her house.

Grey Walter

Walter had a file already, PF 765553, so he was therefore known to MI5, but McBarnet did not then pursue the inquiry. Why Rothschild would choose to describe Walter in that way (his pretty looks did not survive into middle-age, it would appear) is bizarre, but the veiled hint is that Walter, who was born in the same year as Rothschild, was having an affair with Venetia. The implication was perhaps that Walter was tarnished in some way by the Maclean connection. But why was Rothschild visiting Venetia? Was Walter having an affair with her then? If Rothschild knew Walter well, why would he complicate matters by introducing Venetia?

MI5 followed up later – much later. On August 26, 1969, an officer (whose name for some strange reason has been redacted) interviewed Walter at his office in the Burden Neurological Institute in Bristol. The archived note does refer to an earlier discussion from August 4, and the interviewer sought clarity on something Walter had said about Guy Burgess. He wanted to know the date of a holiday that he had spent at Rothschild’s villa in Cap Ferrat, and who besides Burgess had been in attendance. Walter fumbled a bit: he thought it had happened before he was married, but he could not recall the exact date of the latter event. He concluded the visit was probably in 1932. (A note on the file says that Walter married his first wife, Katherine Monica Ratcliffe, in 1933. They divorced in 1945.) Walter then adds that the other attendees were Mary Rothschild, Venetia Montague [sic] and her small daughter, Anthony Blunt, and an auctioneer whose name he could not remember. I can find no trace of a ‘Mary Rothschild’ in the comprehensive Rothschild family tree which appears as an endpaper in Morton’s book: nor does Miriam Rothschild show one in the tree she provides with her biography of Walter. Did Victor perhaps present ‘Mary’ as some kind of relative? How did Walter misremember this person? Why did MI5 not follow up?

The report from the August 4 session is also perplexing. Grey Walter claimed that he had been Victor’s supervisor at Cambridge, which can hardly make sense, given that he was about six months older than Rothschild. He then expanded on his relationship, stating that he recalled attending parties at Llewelyn-Davies’s house in London after meetings of the Apostles. The report goes on: “The last, he thought, was about 1943, which, together with a lot of people he did not know, the following attended: Blunt, Burgess, Chesterman, Victor Rothschild, Alister Watson. . .”. He also expressed the opinion that it was paradoxical that a man of Rothschild’s wealth should join the Labour Party. Perhaps he might have wondered in that case why Rothschild had remained an Apostle, and had continued to mix with such a subversive lot.

So why was Victor friendly with Venetia, and inviting her (and her daughter) to his villa? Was it part of an obligation founded in his uncle’s abandonment of her? And did he introduce Venetia to Grey, or was the story of their affair all a pretence, to distract from his own entanglements? And what was going on with Burgess, Maclean and Blunt? I am not going to shell out $100 to buy Stefan Buczacki’s My Darling Mr. Asquith: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Venetia Stanley, which might help solve the mystery, but perhaps someone out there in coldspurland can contribute to solving the puzzle. Hallo, Nigel Platts! Hey, Richard Davenport-Hines! Help me out! (Has anyone read Precipice, and thus might be able to tell me if Harris has discovered any useful information?)

Nicholas Walter

Lastly, I should mention that Grey Walter’s elder son was Nicholas Walter, a prominent irritant to the authorities as a civil disobedience activist when I was growing up in the nineteen-sixties – a member of the Committee of 100, and of Spies for Peace. I notice that he also learned Russian while working for Signals Intelligence. His daughter, Natasha, carries on the family tradition, being an ardent feminist, anti-racist and climate activist (‘Extinction Rebellion’). She has also written a novel (A Quiet Life) based on the life of Donald Maclean’s wife Melinda Marling, which I have subsequently acquired. Perhaps being a gadfly is – ahem! – in her DNA. Then I noticed that she had written a memoir about her parents and grandparents, so I thought I ought to read that too, to see what she said about her paternal grandfather.

The book, Before the Light Fades, is primarily an elegy to the author’s mother, Ruth, who committed suicide as her dementia got worse, and Natasha spends a lot of time analyzing her own grief and sense of guilt. (As she admits, she makes ‘heavy weather’ of her grief.) She also describes the growth of the anarchist-protest movement that brought her parents together, and she appears to want to bear all the world’s woes on her shoulders. (You may not be surprised to learn that she is Honorary Professor of Climate Crime and Climate Justice [!] at Queen Mary University, without appearing to bring with her any appropriate qualification in meteorological science. As Dr. Heinz Kiosk constantly reminded us: “We are all guilty!”.) I found the story of her maternal grandfather’s sufferings under Nazism very poignant, but I was not moved by the overlarded lament about her own predicament and conflicts. In fact, I harbour some sympathies with her complaints about the condescending obscurantism and obsessive secrecy of British governmental institutions, but I have no time for persons who selfishly push their case by disrupting the ability of their fellow-citizens to carry on with their lives, and to go about their daily business. Moreover, the author is typically naive about the Soviet threat and influence during the Cold War. She writes nothing about the corresponding noisy protests demanding nuclear disarmament that did not take place in Russia while she and her friends were demonstrating so boisterously in Britain.

Natasha Walter

The disappointment was that I learned little about her paternal grandparents, since she concentrates on Ruth’s parents, Jewish refugees from Germany. I thus sent her an email (care of her press agent, of course), asking whether she was aware of the snippets in the Rothschild file, and whether she could add any information on her grandfather’s friendships and relationships. I received a very pleasant response from her, in which she revealed that she knew about Grey’s ‘connection with Victor Rothschild and Venetia Montagu’ – which statement implies that Venetia was closer to Victor than Grey was. She added that Venetia had given Grey a silver cigarette-case inscribed with the worlds ‘for services rendered’ – but what those services were is unknown. She said that her father had told her that her grandfather appeared to enjoy his association with the Cambridge spies, but that Nicholas believed that his father was probably not one himself. Apparently, Rothschild treated him poorly, refusing to see his old friend in 1970 after Grey underwent a serious accident. Maybe Rothschild felt awkward about having passed on his name to the authorities. And that was it.

I did read A Quiet Life. It is excellent. Walter’s novel was inspired by the life of Melinda Marling, but it does not attempt to embellish it. Instead, the author has written a very accomplished work of original imagination. Only towards the end, when the denouement of Edward Last’s escape is described, does Natasha Walter falter, as her details too closely mirror the circumstances of Donald Maclean, and a few jarring errors occur.

False Alarms: Sisman, Trevor-Roper and Philby

One of my correspondents, Moshe Evan-Shoshan, contacted me earlier this year to challenge me (very politely) over my treatment of Kim Philby, suggesting that I had downplayed his baleful influence on the course of the war, compared to the other members of the Cambridge Five. He referred me to a passage in Adam Sisman’s biography of Hugh Trevor-Roper, An Honourable Englishman, p 121 (in the USA edition), where the author claimed that Philby (as acting head of Section V of MI6, with Cowgill ‘out of the country’ at the time) had refused to allow a report by Trevor-Roper’s Radio Analysis Bureau (RAB) to be circulated further. The report, exploiting intercepted traffic, had reputedly indicated that the Sicherheitsdienst was encroaching on the work of Admiral Canaris’s Abwehr, pointing to a struggle for power between the Nazi Party and the German General Staff. “It implied that there was an opportunity for the Allies to exploit this widening rift”, wrote Sisman. Stuart Hampshire, representing RAB at the meeting with Philby, was reputedly astonished by Philby’s obduracy. When Trevor-Roper originally wrote about it, this incident had been eagerly picked up by other writers, such as Richard Deacon in The British Connection.

Adam Sisman

It was apparently not until two decades later that Hampshire and Trevor-Roper concluded that Philby had been carrying out Stalin’s orders, strongly discouraging any ‘dickering’ (as Philby described it in his memoir) with the Germans, as it was not in the Soviet interest to have the western allies colluding in any way with conservative Germans. Yet the strange thing about Sisman’s narrative here is that he provides no sources for any of his facts – neither the identity of the ‘Canaris and Himmler’ report, written by Hampshire in November 1942, nor its contents, nor the record of the meeting between Hampshire and Philby, nor the statement claimed to have been made by Hampshire immediately afterwards that ‘there was something wrong about Philby’. I dug around, and found that Edward Harrison, in his Foreword to Trevor-Roper’s Secret World, had identified the repository of the report as being HW 19/347 at the National Archives. So I turned to my London-based researcher, and asked him to photograph it: a couple of weeks later I received the package. I was at that time, however, consumed with other projects and distractions, and unable to give it any focussed attention for a while.

At about the same time, in April of this year, the Journal of Intelligence History published on-line an article by Renate Atkins and Brian Cuddy titled ‘The German opposition question in British World War II strategy: interpreting Hugh Trevor-Roger’s wartime intelligence reporting’. Moshe and I examined it. The authors were similarly puzzled. They had also located the ‘Canaris and Himmler’ report in HW 19/347, but they pointed out that it had a date of June 5, 1943. Sisman knew about this file, as he provides an Endnote to a report written in August by RIS (Radio Intelligence Service, the successor to RAB) titled ‘Abwehr Incompetence’, but all he writes about the puzzle is that the ‘Canaris and Himmler’ report was issued ‘in a bowdlerized form’ in June. That event occurred soon after Trevor-Roper had escaped a reprimand from Valentine Vivian, and been appointed the head of the new group, RIS, reporting directly to Menzies. (Sisman does not state who told him that it had been ‘bowdlerized’, or who had carried out such revisions.) On the other hand, Atkins and Cuddy, in their Footnote 27, gently undermine Sisman’s judgment concerning the virility of the struggle, pointing out that that opinion is not expressed in any of the three points that constitute the report’s conclusion, and that no recommendation for Allied intervention was made. They add that other scholars, such as P. R. J. Winter, who has written about the bomb plot against Hitler, have unwisely accepted unquestioningly what Sisman wrote, and they conclude that Trevor-Roper may have undergone an ‘embellished recollection’ when he wrote about the events in 1968. Yet Atkins and Cuddy do not express any scepticism about the claim that the earlier version of the report did exist.

An inspection of the file shows that the report, offered with Hampshire’s initials, and a date of June 5, 1943, could hardly be considered controversial. Its main conclusion is that Himmler’s Sicherheitsdienst was indeed intruding on the territory of the Abwehr, and that Canaris was therefore emphasizing tactical operational intelligence. Its issuance did provoke some minor debate, with Palmer, from Hut 18 at GC&CS, disputing some of the evidence. That prompted a partial climb-down from Trevor-Roper, who stressed that the conclusions were indeed tentative. So what happened to that more outspoken earlier version? Sisman writes that Trevor-Roper, frustrated by Philby, had enjoyed a meeting, probably in early April 1943, with his ally Lord Cherwell, Churchill’s top scientific adviser, and given him the earlier version of the paper. This news had found its way to Valentine Vivian, the vice-chief of MI6, who demanded, in a meeting with Menzies, that Trevor-Roper be fired for bypassing the proper channels. Trevor-Roper managed to defend himself, and even gained his promotion after the incident.

Yet, again, Sisman provides no source for the events apart from Guy Liddell’s diary, since Trevor-Roper had looked for sympathy from his friend at MI5 when his ideas kept being rejected. As it happens, Liddell wrote admiringly of Trevor-Roper’s report in his June 19 entry, quoting large chunks of it – but he expressed no knowledge of the earlier ‘unbowdlerized’ version. Sisman did not start work on his biography until after Trevor-Roper’s death: he had access to diaries and other papers, but he refrains from citing them in reference to these episodes, so it is impossible to verify the claims he makes. The description of the events in the summer of 1943 sounds realistic, but what about the skirmish with Philby the previous year? Trevor-Roper was not present. Did Sisman rely on the testimony of that very dubious character Stuart Hampshire? And was Hampshire embellishing his description of the Philby meeting as a way of bolstering his anti-communist credentials, and highlighting his good nose for spies? After all, what Philby stated about not wanting to circulate the paper would have harmonized well with what Churchill himself had instructed about not negotiating with any Germans, as Sisman himself acknowledges on page 122. Philby would have had the support of Cowgill, Vivian, and Menzies.

Another sub-plot was carrying on at this time, however. Sisman describes how Trevor-Roper, frustrated by the excessive secrecy and territorialism of his new boss, Cowgill, had contacted Cherwell on December 17, 1942, seeking his help in finding him a new job. He had been feuding with Cowgill for over a year. This was just a month after the supposed creation of the elusive first folio of the ‘Canaris and Himmler’ report. Sisman does not tell us what Cherwell’s response was, but it seems rather anomalous that Trevor-Roper would not have discussed with him then the essence of his controversial findings, and the regrettably undated contretemps between Hampshire and Philby, but instead have waited until April the next year to ‘mention casually’ to his mentor the fact that his unit had detected ‘signs of a power struggle’ in Germany, and passed him a copy of his report only then.

Elsewhere, Trevor-Roper wrote equivocally about his dealings with Philby. In his book The Philby Affair (the first chapter of which, rather confusingly, is also titled The Philby Affair), he provides two passages concerning these events. The first, in The New Machiavel, describing his summons to the meeting with Vivian and Menzies, runs as follows:

            I was, I fear, distrusted by our superiors, who suspected me, with some justice, of irreverent thoughts and dangerous contacts. I was secretly denounced as being probably in touch with the Germans, and more openly and more justly – accused of consorting with the more immediate enemy, M.I.5. I was once summoned to be dismissed.

Here, however, he does not single out Philby as being the prime agent of the accusations, or of behaving obstinately. Indeed, Trevor-Roper did not report to Philby, but to Cowgill (his immediate ‘superior’). The accusation of ‘being in touch with the Germans’ does, however, suggest a stronger liaison/sympathy than the eventual paper expressed, but Trevor-Roper’s failure to attribute to Philby the dramatic action which Hampshire described is a bizarre oversight.

A second passage (which is cited by Atkins and Cuddy, and of which Moshe carefully reminded me) appears in the chapter An Imperfect Organisation. Now Trevor-Roper is highly specific about Philby’s obstructiveness, and I reproduce the vital passage:

            Late in 1942, my office had come to certain conclusions which time proved to be correct – about the struggle between the Nazi Party and the German General Staff, as it was being fought out in the field of secret intelligence. The German Secret Service (the Abwehr) and its leader, Admiral Canaris, were suspected by the Party not only of inefficiency but also of disloyalty, and attempts were being made by Himmler to oust the Admiral and to take over his whole organization. Admiral Canaris himself, at that time, was making repeated journeys to Spain and had indicated a willingness to treat with us: he would even welcome a meeting with his opposite number, ‘C’. These conclusions were duly formulated and the final document was submitted to security clearance to Philby. Philby absolutely forbade its circulation, insisting that it was ‘mere speculation’.

I noted a few things about this passage. Nowhere does Trevor-Roper state that his report made a call for high-level action, as asserted by Sisman, or that the information, in Sisman’s words, ‘implied that there was an opportunity for the Allies to exploit the widening rift’. He does not explain why the report had to be approved by Philby: he says nothing about Cowgill’s absence. (I cannot even find evidence that Philby was officially Cowgill’s deputy at the time.) Philby was a junior officer who had been with MI6 for just over a year. How could he be expected to voice an opinion on behalf of Menzies, when the Chief was explicitly named in the report? Even if he had been deputizing for Cowgill, would he not have pushed the issue upstairs, rather than making a rash and very revealing decision on his own?

Moreover, Trevor-Roper is sophistical about his citing of Philby’s comments about ‘dickering with Germans’. Philby made these in the context of the state of the war at the end of 1943, not at the beginning. Philby himself writes that it was then clear ‘that the Axis was heading for defeat’. For Trevor-Roper to link his probably imaginary report of late 1942, and Philby’s apparent rejection of it, with the emerging dissentient voices in Germany a year later, is deceitful and unworthy. Neither Trevor-Roper nor Hampshire nor Philby was in a position to exert any influence on strategy, and the historian’s posturing looks like a piece of grandstanding, trying to show his moral superiority at the time, but also suggesting that he was outwitted by the evil Phiby.

Then other questions occurred to me. If Trevor-Roper had indeed stepped too far in interpreting intercepts, and recommending action, how come that Menzies (who needed to keep in favour with Churchill) had so swiftly accepted his arguments, and promoted him after the tense meeting with Vivian and Menzies? And why, if Cherwell had received a copy of the original RAB report, had it not surfaced in the Cherwell archive – perhaps with some indication of the action he took? Moreover, in the light of Trevor-Roper’s appeal to Cherwell in mid-December 1942, had the celebrated historian perhaps behaved especially provocatively in order to try to be transferred somewhere else? And why was Guy Liddell seemingly unaware of the earlier version of the report that got Trevor-Roper into so much trouble? Unfortunately, the historians involved here do not help much. Trevor-Roper’s Wartime Notebooks (edited by Richard Davenport-Hines) say nothing about the business. (It appears that the diaries have not been abridged.) Sisman uses Cherwell’s papers less intensely than does Edward Harrison, who, in Secret World engages in deep analysis of the disagreements between Trevor-Roper and Palmer, but studiously avoids any coverage of the genesis of the ‘Canaris and Himmler’ paper, or the resulting controversy.

RSS Arkley

I dug around a bit more. Guy Liddell’s Diaries were very revealing. They show that, in the winter of 1942-43, Liddell, as the chief of counter-espionage (B Division) at MI5, paid regular visits to St Albans for meetings of the RSS Committee, where Section V was based at the time: Trevor-Roper worked out of nearby Arkley, but reported to Cowgill of Section V. Thus Liddell kept in close contact with other Committee members, and was involved with the disputes over sharing ULTRA intelligence. Moreover, Cowgill was clearly present at the weekly RSS Committee meeting on December 3, 1942, at which everybody except Cowgill and Maltby voted not to dissolve the Committee. My records show that it was in early December 1941 (not 1942) when Cowgill and Montagu went to New York to help Stephenson with Double-Cross activities. It is highly unlikely that Cowgill would have left the country at such a critical period for the Committee – certainly for any length of time that meant he had to appoint someone to deputize for him. On January 7, 1943, Liddell and White discussed Cowgill’s behavior with Vivian, and Vivian had to admit that Cowgill’s perceptions were narrow.

I had also been surprised by Liddell’s reaction to the July version of the report, since his comments clearly tell (unless he was being massively deceptive) that this was the first time he had seen it – whether bowdlerized or not. His knowledge at the time would appear to be confirmed by another diary entry. On January 17, 1943, he comments on intelligence gained from Abwehr POWs about the incursions of the Sicherheitsdienst into Abwehr affairs, but Liddell makes no reference to any earlier RAB conclusions. Since he was in constant communication with Trevor-Roper (the contact that Vivian so strongly deprecated), it would be astonishing if the case of the inflammatory report had not been described to him by his friend.

Moreover, Liddell had known about Canaris’s dubious loyalty for some time. In his diary entry for November 12, 1940, he refers to testimony that the Soviet defector Walter Krivitsky had given MI5 the previous January, namely the suggestion that Canaris was in Russian pay. (This item does not appear in the official report, but Liddell had enjoyed private sessions with Krivitsky.) Liddell even suggests a possible meeting in Portugal, and he indicates that he has recommended to Valentine Vivian that they should ‘try to get at’ Canaris. Over a year later, on January 7, 1942, he makes the astonishing observation that the Times has reported that Canaris ‘is intriguing with Gen. Marschner for the overthrow of the Nazi regime’. Thus intelligence of rifts in the German ranks and specifically of Canaris as a rebel, that, according to Sisman’s allegations, was gathered by Trevor-Roper, was hardly news, and was even in the public sphere. Trevor-Roper may well have been echoing received wisdom within MI6 when referring to the possibilities of a rendezvous in Portugal.

The obvious answer was to contact Sisman, and to ask him why he had published such claims with so flimsy material to back him up. Accordingly, I sent to his agent (no direct email access to Mr. S. being available, as he is an important man) on August 8, a ten-point questionnaire, preceded by a suitable introduction. It ran as follows:

* Who was the source of this story?

* Have you seen the original RAB report?

* Where may the report be found/inspected?

* How do you know that it was later bowdlerized?

* What changes were made to Hampshire’s original draft?

* Where is the evidence that Trevor-Roper sent Hampshire to St. Albans to discuss it?

* What evidence is there that Philby refused to allow its circulation?

* Did Hampshire write up the outcome of his meeting with Philby?

* Where did Hampshire record his statement that ‘there was something wrong with Philby’?

* Who were the other RAB officers who were ‘baffled by Philby’s obduracy’?

I should greatly appreciate any other information you can give me on this puzzling incident.

I never received any acknowledgment from Sisman, let alone a response. He has thus been added to my ‘List’. I wonder whether he is embarrassed by what he wrote: he should be.

Thus the claim that Philby may have helped to frustrate a rebellion and coup against the Nazis lies on very shaky ground. Philby’s probably mendacious boast is not backed up by any other evidence. The story of Hampshire’s indignation, and of Trevor-Roper’s frustration, is supported by no archival evidence, not even a confidently attributed conversation. Cowgill was around in November to process the report himself. Any relevant exchanges between Trevor-Roper and Cherwell remain elusive. The true cause of Trevor-Roper’s summons by Vivian and Menzies cannot be determined. The so-called ‘unbowdlerized’ report has not been located. Guy Liddell did not appear to be aware of its existence. I cannot identify any reference by Stuart Hampshire to the incident. Moreover, if Philby had obstructed a report that encouraged Britain to interfere in a potential conflict between the Nazi Party and the General Staff, he was only expressing a policy that emanated from Churchill and was passed through Menzies, Vivian and Cowgill to him.

As with so many incidents, we outsiders should be very wary of trusting what so-called ‘experts’ write on intelligence matters, whose authority relies solely on the fact that they have developed a certain reputation. If their unsupported pronouncements go unchallenged, they frequently become cast in stone, are cited and reinforced in other works, and thus become very difficult to dismantle. (I explored this problem seven years ago, in Officially Unreliable, at https://coldspur.com/officially-unreliable/, but the defect is not restricted to authorized histories.) Historical figures, irrespective of their reputation, tend to embellish their own achievements, and biographers should be very cautious before accepting such claims. Sisman has been shown to be a very slippery and imprecise chronicler, and his subject, Trevor-Roper, turns out not to be the completely ‘Honourable’ Englishman that Sisman dubbed him.

‘The Airmen Who Died Twice’

I must confess to an enormous amount of disappointment that my researches into the crash of Flight PB416 did not result in any recognition by the authorities (Squadron 617, the Foreign and Colonial Office) that the disaster was the result of an incredibly stupid decision that turned fatally wrong. My dismay was intensified by the fact that it was the official historian at the F&CO who had put me on to the Crash Report where I discovered the shattering but embarrassing facts about the subsequent investigation which confirmed my theories. I posted my analysis of the file well in time before the eightieth anniversary of the event, but it was sadly ignored. I had imagined that the British Embassy in Norway would be participating in a commemoration service at the church in Nesbyen, as they had done ten years ago, but its representative informed me that they had not been invited to any such event.

I feel that I have been let down by several persons – not just the obtuse ‘historians’ at the 617 Squadron Association and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, but also by reporters in the national media, whose invitations for stories were clearly bogus, as the newspapers did not even acknowledge my emails. I failed to gain any response from more independent reporters who should have had a professional interest in what I wrote, and there even ‘friends’ I had acquired through coldspur who made promises, but turned out to be utterly useless. And the person who started the whole project off has turned out to be an empty vessel, and has done nothing detectable to promote my story in the UK. It is all quite astonishing, as my ‘conspiracy theory’ offers much substance, and a good deal of hard evidence, and I repeat my suspicion that some kind of celestial D-Notice may have closed out any discussion.

In late September, I noticed on Facebook that the 617 Squadron Society had posted a story, with photographs, reporting that the ‘Nes’ [presumably ‘Nesbyen’] Historical Society had held a ceremony at the crash site in September, and it offered photographs of those attending, including the mayor of Nesbyen. I immediately posted a message of support, recognition, and thanks, and provided a link to my analysis of the Crash Report. By the end of the month, fifty-three persons had indicated their approval of the ceremony: none had showed any appreciation of my message, which is prominently displayed. Is that not weird? I then dug out the email address of the mayor from the Web, and sent her a message explaining the history, and providing a link to my analysis. I never heard back from her.

Nesbyen Churchyard

I believe that a strange dynamic is at work here. I detect a very strong interest from amateur historians and aficionados in the fortunes of WWII frontline soldiers, airmen, seamen and agents – especially those who lost their lives in a good cause. Much of this derives from an appreciation of their heroism in confronting dangerous odds, and sometimes having to undergo unspeakable cruelty. I believe that a continuing remembrance of what they went through is admirable, and I have shown my support in my attention to the victims in F Section of SOE, and to the unfortunate casualties from Flight PB416 of the ‘Dambusters’ squadron.

Yet such concerns display all too often a sentimental and unrealistic side. Many books are written about the failed operations in which these heroes and heroines took part, and many of them are not very well put together. I have learned, from some of the chat-sites on the Web, that the mere publication of a book is an occasion for intense excitement and congratulations, irrespective of its quality. There are a few excellent authors out there, such as Clare Mulley and Stephen Tyas: on the other hand, too many clunkers are published. I recently read one, titled Behind Enemy Lines with SOE, based on the memoirs of Major E. C. R. Barker, introduced and annotated by Michael Kelly. It is a clumsily compiled work, and poorly edited. It is an account of Barker’s participation in Operation Arundel of the CLOWDER mission in the Balkans, which took place in the autumn of 1944. As the flyleaf describes: “The team’s brief was to find safe routes into Austria and infiltrate agents in order to encourage resistance against the Nazis.” It carries the obligatory blurb from Nigel West: “At last a brave officer on a clandestine assignment in the Balkans receives the recognition he deserves”.

This was, however, a foolhardy mission, conceived with poor intelligence, and launched without sensible logistic support. It should never have been undertaken. Yet to suggest that some of these schemes dreamed up in London were hare-brained frequently touches a nerve of those who are very reluctant to accept that the adventures of their relatives and heroes might all have been in vain. (Barker actually survived the CLOWDER operation, although Hesketh Pritchard, about whom I have written, did not.) Such persons can become very defensive about the units (SOE, Squadron 617, Bomber Command, etc.) for which the subjects of their attentions served. The epitome of this syndrome is Francis Suttill, Jr., who, naturally holding a life-long grief about the death of his father in the collapse of the PROSPER network, cannot face the facts about its betrayal and his father’s subsequent execution, as it would depreciate the sacrifice that he made. It is as if a criticism of the Gubbinses, Wilkinsons, Buckmasters, Harrises – all looking out carefully for the medals to be awarded to them – implies a criticism of the agents and airmen they sent out, many on doomed missions. As an antidote to some of the romanticism depicted in books about such exploits, I recommend Jim Auton’s bitter, but balanced, account of his aerial experiences, mostly in eastern Europe, titled The Secret Betrayal of Britain’s Wartime Allies.

I cannot help feeling that the lack of interest in my findings displayed in The Airmen Who Died Twice is largely explained by the same reluctance. The doubters would rather believe that the crash was a sad accident, an incident in which an airplane went off-course in a storm, rather than the outcome of a cruel and desperate project, devised by Churchill in a desire to appease Stalin, which could have enjoyed no satisfactory outcome whatever. It is, of course, complemented by the desires of the authorities I named earlier to bury any theories that might provoke very awkward questions as to why they had ignored the facts for so long.

An Update on the Blunt Confession

I have on this site occasionally referred to the startling discoveries of archival items that suddenly vindicate my previously tentative judgments, or break open startling new research avenues. These include – but are not limited to – the note on Burgess’s contacts with the Comintern, the letter to Len Beurton from SIS in Geneva, the reference to Francis Suttill’s two visits to France in 1943, the report by Jane Archer on Philby, the admission by Guy Liddell that George Hill’s cipher clerk with the SOE in Moscow, George Graham, was actually a Russian born as Serge Leontieff, and the reference to two Russians in the PB416 crash report. I now draw attention to a recent revelation, which might have been overlooked by some readers when it appeared in the September coldspur.

Readers are no doubt familiar with the story of Blunt’s ‘confession’. Andrew described it on page 437 of Defending the Realm, and accounts since have emphasized that MI5 sought the permission of the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions and the Attorney-General before approaching Blunt on April 23, 1964. The Cabinet Secretary, Sir John Hunt, described the episode thus to Prime Minister Jim Callaghan in December 1978, and his successor, Sir Robert Armstrong, wrote similarly to Margaret Thatcher in November 1979. Thatcher’s statement to the House of Commons on November 15, 1979, spelled out that the Attorney General concluded that ‘the public interest lay in trying to secure a confession from Blunt’, which duly occurred in that April of 1964, and she echoed the claim that new information had arrived earlier in 1964 (when the revelations from Straight had in fact been received the previous summer).

I debunked this account in my two pieces in January and February 2021, titled ‘The Hoax of the Blunt Confession’. My reasoning was primarily as follows: 1) Michael Straight had admitted, in the early summer of 1963, that Blunt had recruited him at Cambridge; 2) Roger Hollis visited the FBI soon afterwards; 3) Straight came to Britain that October, and had meetings with Blunt and with MI5; 4) John Cairncross, whom Blunt shopped, ‘confessed’ to Arthur Martin on American soil in February 1964; 5) the very stagey confrontation with Blunt, described in very melodramatic (and conflicting) terms, did not officially take place until April. My conclusion was that the deal had taken place in December 1963, and that Blunt had accepted the offer of immunity, and (partially) confessed.

[Incidentally, when reading Christopher Andrew’s recently published profile of Cyril Mills, an officer in B1A in MI5, titled The Spy Who Came in from the Circus, I noticed, in a Footnote on page 275, the following laconic text: “In 1963 Blunt had made a brief confession in return for a promise of immunity from prosecution.” 1963? Andrew has always, so far as I know, dated Blunt’s confession to April 1964! Why did he revise his opinion? No source or attribution is given, but I can only assume that the Professor has been reading coldspur, and that he was persuaded by my analysis. In any event, it would be useful for all of us to hear the facts from him.]

Yet, when I wrote those pieces about the Blunt Confession, I rather simplistically assumed that the approval process had also taken place that December, before the actual interrogation that gained the result that MI5 wanted. A couple of months ago, however, I stumbled upon another minute written by Sir John Hunt, this time to Harold Wilson, dated July 3, 1974. Here he wrote: “Following his [i.e. Blunt’s] confession, the case was referred to the Attorney General of the day, Sir John Hobson, who decided that the public interest lay against prosecution.” It was obvious from this that MI5 had forged the immunity deal when it lacked the authority to do so, and that the officials properly responsible had been informed after the fact. Hobson had to decide whether they should honour MI5’s clumsy initiative, or whether they should indeed prosecute Blunt, and explain to him that the offer had been made fraudulently. The authorities (presumably Prime Minister Douglas-Home – although he later claimed to have been uninformed – Cabinet Secretary Sir Burke Trend, Home Secretary Henry Brooke, and the Attorney-General) chose the safer course. And thus the myth was promulgated.

Cabinet Secretary Sir John Hunt

Gave the game away about Blunt.

In a careless memo he conveyed

That the ‘confession’ was all a charade.

One important aspect of the deal is the legal wording that protected Blunt. In Thatcher’s statement she refers only to ‘the offer of immunity’, i.e. without a guarantee that the fact of his espionage would not be disclosed by the government. In the Epilogue that Andrew Boyle wrote for the paperback version of The Climate of Treason (in which he very provocatively presented Jim Skardon, not Arthur Martin, as being the successful emissary!), the author described how Thatcher’s Attorney-General, Sir Michael Havers, having studied the documents, felt strongly that Blunt ‘deserved to be shielded from exposure as well as from prosecution’. But Thatcher overruled him. Nothing could have prevented Blunt from being exposed by the media, of course, though that might have entailed a costly libel action. But did the agreement actually spell out the implications of non-prosecution and non-disclosure? I suspect the original, non-authorized, offer was given only orally, and discussed in a collegial fashion after Blunt was faced with the Straight evidence. In any case I can’t imagine Blunt saying: “Oh, I’d better check that with my lawyer before I sign anything”. Moreover, the official version not so smoothly elides over the business of a written document to be signed. If Blunt had been unprepared, would he have not simply rejected the whole idea indignantly, rather than asking Skardon/Martin to show him the paperwork? Any hesitation would have given the game away. It is all very absurd.

While on the subject, I record here another story on Blunt. I read somewhere that T. E. B. Howarth, in his book Cambridge Between Two Wars, which appeared in 1978 (i.e. the year before Blunt was unmasked) had contained broad hints about the identity of the Fourth Man, and I wondered whether his disclosures had helped fuel the Fleet Street rumours. I acquired the book, and noticed that the text on the end flap encouraged such speculation, since Howarth harboured his own suspicions. The author wrote in his Preface (dated 1977) that the hypothetical ‘Fourth Man’ ‘was believed to have recruited [believed by whom? a passive formulation I abhor] Philby, Maclean and Burgess as Soviet spies’, but stated that he doubted whether the truth would come out without access to Soviet sources. Nevertheless, with his suspicions, he added: “Now that the period is being intensely studied, it would not be surprising if more light were soon to be shed on these murky corners. Perhaps a few glimmers may be found in the following pages.”

The most obvious statement would appear to be one found on page 210, where Howarth writes: “In a 1937 compilation of left-wing essays, characteristic of the times, and ironically titled ‘Mind in Chains’, we even find a future Keeper of the Queen’s pictures, Anthony Blunt, then a fellow of Trinity, torturing his critical sensitivity to conform with the new orthodoxy. He quotes Lenin to Clara Zetkin: ‘Every artist . . . has a right to create freely according to his ideals, independent of anything. Only, of course, we Communists cannot stand with our hands folded and let chaos develop in any direction it may. We must guide this process according to plan and form its results.’” The absurd aspect of this public expression is that Blunt, unlike Burgess, Philby and Maclean, made no attempt to conceal his true political opinions, right up to his recruitment by Military Intelligence in 1939. And yet he was the last of the Five to be exposed.

Lastly, my loyal correspondent Andrew Malec encouraged me to watch the 1987 TV movie on Blunt, The Fourth Man. I initially intended to offer a short review here, but its story and origins are so fascinating that I shall dedicate a coldspur bulletin to them. It will appear next month.

Philby the ‘Double Agent’

This one will not go away. Regular readers will be familiar with my disdain for writers who refer to members of the Cambridge Five (most frequently Kim Philby) as ‘double agents’. They were more correctly ‘penetration agents’, initially recruited by the Russian Intelligence Service (a useful term to represent Soviet Military Intelligence, the GRU, and its companion Federal Security Agency, in the guise of the CHEKA, OGPU, NKVD, MGB, MVD, KGB, etc. over the years), who then infiltrated various British offices and intelligence agencies under false pretences, with their undivided loyalty remaining to the Soviet Union. Just because a Soviet agent happened to be employed by a British intelligence organization did not make him or her a ‘double agent’.

A ‘double agent’ is one who is believed by his (or her) new employer to have switched his allegiance from an enemy service to the domestic one, without the initial recruiting agency’s being aware of the change of allegiance. Of course, the representation might be false, and the enemy might actually still control the individual. That is why John Bevan of the London Controlling Section in WWII preferred to refer to the agents working on behalf of the Double Cross System as ‘controlled enemy agents’. That was also a misnomer, however. It was an accurate term only for those agents – e.g. Wulf Schmidt (TATE) – who had been recruited as loyal Nazis before being poached by MI5. Some of the agents were in fact ‘penetration agents’ who had been recruited by the Abwehr while intending all the while to work for the Allies – e.g. Pujol (GARBO) and Popov (TRICYCLE).

Yet the ‘control’ aspect is vitally important. With Schmidt, for example, all his wireless messages were prepared to be transmitted under his name by MI5 officers, and of course he was never let out of the country. If he had been, he surely would have blown the whole operation (in the early days, anyway). On the other hand, part of the ruse with Popov was that he was allowed to meet his Abwehr handler on neutral territory – a sure sign that he was trusted completely by his British mentors. If control could not be ensured, and doubts came to threaten the confidence the institution had in an agent – as happened with Arthur Owens (SNOW), or Eddie Chapman (ZIGZAG) – then that agent had to be dropped. That was a difficult operation, as the enemy might have wondered why the agent had been taken out of service, and perhaps it would have suspected that its negotiations and discussions with the gentleman in question could have been intercepted.

The inevitable conclusion from all this is that the life of a double agent is normally a very perilous one. It demands a great ability for dissimulation, and the commitment to memory of stories and facts supporting each discrete role. The threat of being caught out by the crueller of the two powers will cause immense stress – unless, of course, the person is safely ensconced in a remote house, such as Schmidt, with the work being done on his behalf. Yet, even up to the end of the war, Schmidt feared for his life that the Germans would discover who he was, and how he had allowed himself to be used in the Allied cause. Overall, true ‘double agents’ do not last long (and the disposition of such by the Soviets in World War II tells a very gruesome story.) Their eventual loyalty is solely to their own survival.

I was thus pulled up in my tracks, when reading John Fisher’s 1977 book Burgess and Maclean: A New Look at the Foreign Office Spies, by a brief assertion the author makes, on page 100, when writing about the leakages attributable to HOMER. The passage starts as follows: “Kim Philby, the spy who, all along, had been a double agent, says that he was briefed in London . . . .” What does this mean? It is not written in the context of a careless reference to Philby’s treachery. It follows a serious evaluation where Fisher writes: “In some cases they [counter-espionage officers] are prepared to work with double agents, that is, men who are betraying information to both sides, in the belief that they can feed more false information to the enemy through a double agent than he can feed to them – or alternatively they hope to win over the agent so that he or she will work exclusively for them in the future.”

It sounds as if these nuggets were fed to Fisher by some naive officer in MI6 who truly believed that such a policy would work with Soviet agents, but, more astonishingly, that Philby had actually been cast in that role, and was carrying out such disinformation exercises to his original masters in the belief that the messages would be trusted. But what if the first thing that Philby had done was to inform his NKVD handler that he was under British ‘control’, and that nothing he was passing on to the Soviets should be trusted? I have made the same point about Anthony Blunt, when the historian Michael Howard absurdly claimed in the Times that Blunt was being used for such purposes. And why would Philby submit to such a scheme, since he must have realized that, if ever he were suspected of having switched sides, his remaining days on this earth would have been drastically reduced? If he did consider volunteering such a recusancy to MI6, and agreeing to be ‘turned’, the first thing he would have done would be to contact the NKVD and gain its permission to do so. (One major irony of this whole exploit is that, for a while in 1943, the NKVD deemed that Philby and the rest of the Cambridge Five were indeed under control of British Intelligence and passing on misinformation to the Kremlin.)

And yet this leaker indicates that Philby had been a double agent ‘all along’. Since when? Since Vienna in 1933/34? Since September 1939? Since he was recruited by SOE in 1940? By MI6 in 1941? It is not clear, but it echoes other vague assertions that I have noted in my previous research. (The conundrum implicitly posed by Fisher is irritatingly not addressed, let alone resolved, in his later chapter focused on the ‘Third Man’.) The murkiness of the Vienna days still bemuses me, but I have made a strong case that Philby did indeed offer his services to British Intelligence in September 1939, when, fearful of possible revelations from the coming Krivitsky visit, he used the Nazi-Soviet Pact as a pretext for coming to an ideological volte-face. He thus pretended to have recanted from his former Communist allegiance, and he promised that he and Litzi would now work for the Allied cause.

The continued belief held by many officers in MI6, even after the events of the summer of 1951, and Philby’s recall from Washington, that Kim had been a loyal officer throughout the war, and beyond, would tend to support my theory that he very skillfully effected a change of heart in 1939, deluding the big shots in MI6 and MI5. The problem was that the leaders of British intelligence simply did not understand guile and subterfuge, and certainly did not understand how the intelligence agencies of their enduring antagonist, the Soviet Union, worked. Their first reaction was to pat themselves on the back for the coup of gaining a Communist convert, when they should have been suspicious, sent Philby into exile in the Outer Hebrides, and asked themselves: “How many more might there be out there?”.

So where does that leave Philby’s status? To MI6, he was a counter-espionage officer who had been reformed, and seen the light, after the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, and could be relied upon to pass on disinformation to his former controllers, who had been gulled, and (so they thought) continued to believe misguidedly in the loyalty of their agent. That illusion started to crumble after the Volkov incident of 1945, the embarrassment of the Litzi/Georg Honigmann elopement in 1946, and the association with Burgess in 1950 and 1951, with the ensuing ‘Third Man’ suspicions. In that sense, doubters of his integrity might justifiably have offered the opinion that Philby was some variety of ‘double agent’, working at times for both sides, but one who was not ultimately controlled by MI6. As for the Soviets, they believed they had installed a very capable agent who had hoodwinked British intelligence, until in 1943 they started to harbour doubts about the reliability of the information they were receiving, and considered that Philby might indeed be a creature of British intelligence. For a while they might too have judged that he was a ‘double agent’. (And later, in Moscow, they protected state secrets from him, still not trusting him utterly.)

I can think of no analogous example the other way – of a native German or Soviet citizen recruited by MI6 who confessed to his totalitarian organs his past role as a traitor, and volunteered to work for his national intelligence services in some role – while thinking that he could continue his work as a spy. I maintain that such a person in that situation would more probably have been executed on the spot. It could only happen in Britain, where the Soviet Union was a temporary ally, under a non-totalitarian system, with radically different cultural norms, accompanied by a rather simplistic approach to security by its intelligence services, that such events could be allowed to happen. Meanwhile, these hints about Philby’s transfer of allegiance continue to accumulate, without yet offering any conclusive evidence . . .

In that last respect, a dishonourable thought occurred to me. When Michael Howard wrote that notorious letter to the Times, he might have entertained one of two contrasting beliefs. The first might have been that he was disingenuously offering a cover story for MI5’s lamentable failure to prosecute Anthony Blunt, not seriously believing in the pap he offered to the newspaper. On the other hand, he might have been one of those intelligence officers who had convinced themselves that Philby had been working on behalf of British intelligence since the outbreak of the war, had been helping to pass misinformation on to the Soviets, had included Blunt (and maybe Burgess, too) in his team of fresh loyalists, and that such exercises were actually successful. After all, why was Liddell ‘consulting’ with Burgess and Blunt over the Borodin business unless he devoutly believed that they were reliable assets who would pass on disinformation to the Soviets? Such an idea is so preposterous, it might even have some validity.

Christopher Andrew and the Minor Biographies

Scattered around my shelves are the biographies of minor players in the intelligence world –  those of Kitty Harris, Klop Ustinov, ‘Tar’ Robertson, and the like. I had to read them all, because there were bound to be nuggets that appear only within their pages. But many of them are indifferent – and frequently have to be padded out with historical background material since there is not enough to write about the character to fill a book properly. Thus, for the neophyte who seeks an introduction to the hoary old stories (the Cambridge Five, ULTRA, the birth of SOE, the Double-Cross System, Gouzenko, etc. etc.) they can represent an engaging few hours of productive leisure-reading, but I cannot imagine anyone who is unfamiliar with the broad outlines of the canvas wanting to pick up such specialized volumes, unless they are dedicated aficionados like me, or are perhaps members of the extended family of the subject.

I have read at least four such books over the past year: A Faithful Spy: the Life and Times of an MI6 and MI5 Officer, by Jimmy Burns (about Walter Bell: the rather sad ‘Life and Times’ highlights the problem); Spy Runner by Nicholas Reed (a 2020 re-issue of the 2011 memoir of his father, Ronnie Reed); The Spy Who Came in from the Circus, by Christopher Andrew (about Cyril Mills of the circus family: I suppose he actually came in from the circus into the ‘Circus’, namely MI6, of John le Carré); and A Suspicion of Spies Risks, Secrets and Shadows, by Tim Spicer (about the no doubt ‘legendary’ but elusive figure of Wilfred Dunderdale, who rejoiced in the nickname of ‘Biffy’, at home alongside all those ‘Jumbos’, ‘Busters’, ‘Fruitys’, and ‘Sinbads’). I plan to write in detail about these four books in a coming coldspur bulletin, but wanted to make a few observations now about Andrew’s enterprise, as I found some aspects of its delivery very puzzling.

I can live with that that rather ponderous title: Mills was actually a spy before and after the war, while working in counter-espionage for MI5 during it. Andrew does have to cover, however, for the fact that Mills was not actually involved with many of the events that he describes, reflected in such speculative phrases as: ‘Though only twelve, Cyril Mills cannot fail to have been struck’. . . ; ‘He must have been impressed by Ramsay MacDonald’s acceptance. . . .’; ‘Abrahams must have told Cyril. . . .’; ‘Mills could not fail to have been moved by the speech . . .’; ‘The key intelligence breakthrough, of which Mills was unaware . . .’; and perhaps the most classic of all: ‘Cyril and Mimi . . . were not present on 8 July 1961 . . .’ (at Cliveden, on the day that Ivanov and Profumo first met Christine Keeler), alongside a lot of other more famous names who were curiously absent from the scene that day.

Yet it is the presentation by the author himself that I find bizarre. He offers an absurdly long bibliography (of which no less than seventeen items are by Andrew himself), and in his Footnotes adds a number of personal touches, describing his own interactions. In at least one, however, he refers to himself as ‘Christopher Andrew’ (p 201), instead of ‘the author’, or ‘me’, the more frequent designation. Furthermore, one remarkable passage appears as follows (p 102): “Despite this mess, the somewhat singed and water-damaged files from the First World War and interwar period, saved by Mills and his helpers, were a crucially important source for the history of MI5 published almost half a century later by its official historian, Christopher Andrew.”

Why would the author want to refer to himself in this pompous manner, in the third person, as if the readers have not already been reminded enough of his history of MI5 by now? And why ‘almost half a century later’? He is referring to the fire in Wormwood Scrubs in 1940: Defending the Realm was published seventy years later. How could he commit such an obvious error? Lastly, why would he refer to himself as the ‘official’ historian of MI5 – a mistake reproduced in the inside flap? He was the ‘authorized’ historian – which is quite another category. (He makes the same mistake about Keith Jeffery, described as the ‘official’ historian of MI6.) One wonders: did Andrew really write this book? And did he even read it before it was published?

Borodin: Deception, Defection and Interception

I enjoyed the exercise of researching and writing about N. M. Borodin, the biological spy. It was a change from the regular beat, and I learned a lot in the process. I was happy with the way my piece turned out, with a pattern evolving that allowed a reasonably coherent story to be laid out, while still leaving some unanswered questions. I have made one significant discovery since. Stewart Purvis and Jeff Hulbert, having inspected the Burgess file KV 2/1115 (which I am awaiting from my London-based photographer), wrote in their biography of Burgess (p 287) that, one of the visiting speakers at a joint MI5-MI6 event held at Worcester College in 1949 was ‘a defector from Soviet military intelligence, Nikolai Borodin’. While that description is wrong (and Borodin has no entry in the index), the note in the archive records that Burgess, Rees and Footman were in the forefront of those who attacked Borodin’s credibility after he spoke. It is the brazenness of that onslaught that amazes me, and I believe that it is very significant.

Amazingly, on December 30, I stumbled on a remarkable passage on Borodin, written by Guy Burgess. It was buried deep in one of Petrov’s voluminous files, KV 2/3453.  A letter from Moscow, perhaps to Tom Driberg, had been intercepted, dated March 15, 1956, and the passage read as follows:

Of course what you say about PETROV is true – he was ‘paid nark. As far as I can make out, he gave his original information C.O.D. and subsequently added to it – in different and self-contradictory forms in England and America – on the hire-purchase system. They always do – and the Foreign Office and Intelligence services should know that perfectly well. I remember I once stayed for some days at a joint Secret Service-M.I.5 ‘house-party’. One of the visiting lecturers was a Soviet defector, rather like PETROV, called ‘Borodin’. After he had given his talk containing sensational secret revelations about the USSR, he was whisked away. The audience, all of whom, except me, were members of either the Secret Service or M.I.5 and hence people of whatever experience the officers of those strange services do have – even they smelt obtrusive rats in the revelations we had heard. They attacked the organizer of this proto-PETROV. This was an officer of great experience. He sadly admitted that scarcely a word was to be believed, but that it was always the same. People had to invent to earn their keep. He quoted the cases of KRIVITSKY, KRAVCHENKO and others as examples. Had PETROV been about then, no doubt he would have cited him.

The attitude of the officer who was responsible for bringing in Borodin is even more fascinating than that of Burgess himself. I shall have to return to these matters before long.

Yet the immediate aftermath has had its disappointments. Having performed my due diligence, I wanted to return to the letter by Richard Davenport-Hines in the Times Literary Supplement, which seemed more absurd the more I looked at it. I had written a long letter to the journal at the time, but its content represented augmentation rather than refutation, since I had not yet carried out my research. So I re-approached my contact at the TLS at the end of November, inquiring whether the Supplement would consider another letter. Unsurprisingly, he responded that the matter was no longer topical, but he did promise to alert Mr. Davenport-Hines to my piece after I published it a few days later.

I accordingly sent him an email on December 3, giving him the url. Shortly afterwards, I was alerted by academia.edu that someone had recently looked me up on Google, and had found my review of Agent Sonya on the academia website. It also told me that the inquiry had come from Hackney. I didn’t think much about it, until my contact told me that he was working at home, and that he had been blocked from inspecting my piece. Very innocently, I asked him whether he lived in Hackney, and he replied that he did – without asking me how I guessed. When I expressed my frustrations at the way that coldspur was routinely blocked in some parts of the UK, he replied that he did not think that Mr. Davenport-Hines lived in the Peoples’ Republic of Hackney, and he promised to advise one of the periodical’s major reviewers and correspondents of the existence of my article.

I never heard from him again – nor from Davenport-Hines. After a week or so, I inquired of him whether he had heard back, out of courtesy, from Davenport-Hines, noting at the same time that I was not greatly surprised by Davenport-Hines’s studied aloofness, and reluctance to engage with me, but thought that he should have at least responded to my contact. That email was ignored as well. However, on December 16, I received an email message from academia.edu informing me that Richard Davenport-Hines had accessed my review of Agent Sonya  . . .  Maybe the TLS had prodded him into action? Yet I have heard nothing since.

And then there was Kevin Riehle, an academic with whom I have enjoyed cordial exchanges in the past. He is the author of Soviet Defectors, which focusses on defectors working in intelligence, not trade groups. When an enthusiastic new coldspur reader pointed out to me that Riehle had claimed that Borodin had still been alive in 1979, I immediately emailed Riehle, asking him for the source. Within an hour, he had responded, regretting that he could not recall wherefrom he derived the factoid. I thanked him, and encouraged him to read my article, asking him specifically to comment on my analysis of Davenport-Hines’s text, and my interpretation of the ‘defection’ itself. I never heard back from him.

Regular readers of coldspur will recognize this distressing phenomenon: an established authority declines to engage in debate, or withdraws from it, because of self-importance, a sense of proprietorship, or simply embarrassment – or some combination of the three. I don’t know what happened to scholarship, but it is all very sad. I do not believe that the TLS would have published that letter had it not come from their insider, Davenport-Hines, and they trusted him implicitly. Yet my hunch is that he has been used, in the way that Alan Moorehead, Chapman Pincher and others were exploited for propaganda purposes.

The Biography of Margaret Thatcher

As I reported in October, my reading of To Catch a Spy prompted me to acquire, and read, the massive three-volume biography of Mrs. Thatcher by Charles Moore. I acquired a set (each in a different format) of all 2,500 pages from abebooks, at a cost of about $18, which must have been a bargain. It is a monumental achievement by Moore, who shows utter control of his material, and writes in (almost) impeccable English (even correcting Maggie’s frequent grammatical and syntactical lapses with a careful ‘sic’). I have to confess that I found many chapters stodgy: the negotiations over the Exchange Rate Mechanism left me slightly woozy, and trying to capture exactly what the Westland Helicopter crisis was about resembled attempting to come to grips with the Schleswig-Holstein question. Yet, overall, Moore covers his subject with not completely uncritical sympathy, and shows an amazing familiarity with the highways and byways of political manœuvering in Britain in the 1980s.

It is salutary to consider how alive many of the challenges that Mrs. Thatcher faced in her time in office remain with us (or with those of you in the UK, I should say) today – the threat of striking workers, and the power of the unions; the need for some sort of energy policy (I read about her struggles with Arthur Scargill the same week that I learned that the last coal-fired power plant in the UK was shutting down); the constant debate of how ‘Europe’ should be treated, with Thatcher uniquely recognizing that a steady move to complete political integration would consist in the disappearance of democracy at the national level; the threat from the Soviet Union, and the tentative idea that what replaced it should even become part of NATO; perennial problems with Northern Ireland (then involving terrorism, and the murder of two close friends, Neave and Gow); enduring financial stresses, concerning austerity measures and the attempt to balance the budget and reduce the national debt; the vexing problem of how to privatize organizations that were effectively public monopolies. For a while, Thatcher was even an early advocate in the cause of climate change – until she discovered what a negative effect drastic measures to curtail it would have on the economy, and on shared prosperity (the Reeves-Miliband conflict in all its barest dimensions). It was all very fascinating.

Perhaps the most striking – and controversial – aspect of Moore’s research is his exclusive access to Cabinet and Prime Ministerial files, indicated by his voluminous references to ‘DCCO’ (‘Document Consulted in the Cabinet Office’) – a phenomenon that is apparently restricted to Volume 3. I have commented in depth on the relevance of such to matters of intelligence (see my October report: https://coldspur.com/to-catch-a-spy-actually-no/ ), but my observations extend to all domains of Moore’s research into Margaret Thatcher’s premiership. The lack of attention paid to this disturbing phenomenon is astonishing. (A Google search on ‘DCCO and Moore’ comes up with nothing relevant.) Not only does some dedicated researcher need to catalogue these incidents: the unjust and discriminatory policy should be challenged at the highest level in the cause of the integrity of historiography.

Apart from Moore’s oversight in not discussing the creation of the University of Buckingham, Britain’s first private university which Thatcher supervised and encouraged – one aspect of Moore’s book really irritated me. It is a feature that attracts the attention of some of my coldspur correspondents, namely the use of Footnotes. Endnotes are a necessary component for the serious reader who needs to follow up references, and they do not interrupt the flow of the prose. But Footnotes can be disruptive, and should be minimized, in my opinion. If the incidental observation is important, the author should try to incorporate it into the main text. If it is largely irrelevant, it should be abandoned. And if it is of a repetitive, formulaic nature, it should be relegated to an Appendix.

Moore decided that, each time he introduced a new politician (or, occasionally someone from another sphere), a potted biography of him or her should appear as a Footnote. This information invariably includes the secondary school that he or she attended, and the college or university. And, with the politicians, the entry normally ends up with the date the MP was knighted (they are almost exclusively male), and, for many, when they were elevated to the peerage. I have no idea why the educational establishments are deemed to be of such interest, and it seems that even the less competent of Britain’s political representatives, so long as they hung around long enough, would end up with such awards or ennoblements. It just reminds me how absurd the whole UK Awards and Honours system is. (I have written about this before: see  https://coldspur.com/enigma-variations-dennistons-reward/ ) All such entries should have been placed in an Appendix for the benefit of those readers who consider such details important.

And then I read in The Times of November 7 the obituary of Sir John Nott, which summed up the nonsense very well:

He was bitterly disappointed to be awarded only a KCB. Compared to the peerages that Thatcher bestowed on virtually all her former cabinet ministers, as well as many junior ministers, it was matter of comment and seen as a mark of her disapproval. Yet he had been offered and refused a peerage only to regret it and request in vain if the offer could be repeated. In public he said he was glad not to be in the Lords and did not need the £300 allowance.

This was an aspect of Thatcher philosophy – the exaggerated power of patronage – that the very traditionalist Moore did not analyze in his work: nor did he remark upon the Nott incident.

. . . and an aside on awards . . .

Moore’s Footnotes reminded me of my father, a schoolmaster and amateur (in the best sense of the word) historian. He wrote an excellent history of the school at which he was educated and at which he taught for several decades, and he acted as the honorary archivist for most of that time. He was dedicated to local social history and fine arts groups, and he was a frequent speaker at gatherings of such devotees. He thus garnered an enormous amount of respect for his intellect and research. Astute readers may recall that, when I asked Sir Anthony Seldon at my doctoral viva whether he recalled F. H. G. Percy (from his teaching spell at Whitgift), he immediately responded; ‘Oh, that great man!’.

In that vein, a few years before he died, a group of former pupils conspired to recommend him for an award, and put the necessary paperwork together. But when my father discovered what was going on, and that he was going to be recommended for an M.B.E., he declared that he would rather have nothing than be dignified with a medal that was customarily (as he put it) handed out to the Warlingham postmistress for managing the local office for thirty-five years. (This was of course a long time before the Horizon IT debacle.) That reaction may have seemed ungracious to the well-intentioned team who wanted to have his contribution recognized, but I understood his opinion entirely. He knew his own worth, and what he had achieved, he knew that the persons he respected appreciated it as well, and having those three letters after his name, after all that time, would mean nothing. Would he have accepted an O.B.E.? A knighthood? Probably. One of the ironies was that he religiously scanned each announcement of the Queen’s Honours and Awards to ensure that any Old Whitgiftian thus recognized did not escape the notice of the archivist.

I was amused to read John Cleese’s take on the charivari, quoted in Jonathan Margolis’s biography of him:

I’m very proud. With all these bloody silly showbiz awards around nowadays there are really only three left worth having – the CH, the OM and this one [The Queen’s Award for Industry]. I should mop that lot up in a couple of years. I certainly wouldn’t want any old OBE. They’re like school prizedays where you go up and get patted on the head for being a good boy.

And, as a final comment, I quote the irrepressible and ubiquitous Richard Davenport-Hines, from his review of Hugo Vickers’ biography of Clarissa Eden, in Literary Review. He cites the Duke of Wellington complaining to the Countess: “The trouble with the Order of the Garter these days is that it is full of field marshals and people who do their own washing up”.

Michael Holzman, Proletarian

I was surprised to see an advertisement, in the Times Literary Supplement of September 6, for a book by Michael Holzman rather exhaustingly titled Spies and Traitors: Kim Philby, James Angleton and the Friendship and Betrayal that Would Shape MI6, the CIA and the Cold War. It was placed appealingly below Richard Davenport-Hines’s review of To Catch a Spy, and it declared that the volume was ‘available now from all good bookshops’. Well, that ‘available now’ suggested that this was a fresh publication, but I thought ‘from all good bookshops’ was a slogan that went out of fashion a couple of decades ago, when so much book-buying started to take place on the Web. But hadn’t Holzman written a similar book, titled Kim and Jim, which I had rather disparagingly reviewed a couple of years ago? Was this a rewrite?

I thus checked on amazon. S&T is given as having been published on October 5, 2021, by Pegasus books. K&J (Kim and Jim: Philby and Angleton, Friends and Enemies in the Cold War) was published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson on October 26, just three weeks later, and is indeed the same version that I acquired at the time. I offered a brief review of it in my 2021 Year-end Round-up (see https://coldspur.com/2021-year-end-roundup/ ), and it appears that I must have been able to get hold of it during the summer, maybe directly from England. I was rather dismissive of it, putting it alongside James Hanning’s Love and Deception, which I affectionately dubbed Kim and Tim, after Philby’s friend Tim Milne, and it provoked me into writing a spoof about similar books that might have extracted a snippet from Philby’s life and then puffed it out into a whole new story.

If you go back to study the various comments on that posting, you will find that on September 7, 2022, Michael Holzman offered some kind of delayed ‘correction’ to what I had written. I rather caddishly responded to his comment by writing the following: “I recall that, last November, you wrote me a message that read as follows: ‘I would not encourage you to read “Kim and Jim”. It might give you indigestion.’ That would appear to be a less than enthusiastic endorsement by an author on his contribution to the lore of writing on intelligence matters.” Holzman and I have not been in contact since. Yet I wonder: did Kim and Jim indeed give indigestion to a number of readers, and was it the title that caused their dyspeptic reaction? Or is Spies and Traitors a completely revamped version of his study that will not require the reader to keep the Pepto-Bismol on hand? From the descriptions on amazon, despite a new blurb, the given publication date would suggest that the text is unchanged. I am not going to purchase the version ‘available now’ just to ascertain what is going on.

I think this is all a bit underhand of Mr. Holzman. He is a strange fellow. He has written two useful but unprofessionally produced books on Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess, where he showed his redoubtable sleuthing strengths, by digging around in FBI archives as well as in many letters and memoirs of participants in the events in which the Cambridge Five were embroiled. (And my name appears in the Acknowledgments of both of them.) Yet he gets many of the bigger picture items wrong, and he is a difficult man to debate with. He is an inveterate Marxist, and allows his dogma to get in the way of clear thinking. He also manages to get far more of his letters published in the Times Literary Supplement than I do (maybe because of that political stance, but, more probably, because he is a TLS reviewer and insider).

A few weeks ago, in one of his letters to that periodical, he was twittering on about William Morris, and wrote: “I believe this understates the importance of his commitment to improving the conditions of the working-class (that is, the vast majority of people). . . .” What did he mean? That most of us (readers of the TLS? citizens of the UK, and of the USA? the world’s population?) are proletarians, exploited by the wicked capitalists, even though we may reside in a comfortable house in upstate New York, write letters to the TLS, and use mendacious marketing techniques to promote our books that did not sell very well the first time round? Of course, it might be more accurate to say that most of the elitist group that reads the TLS are capitalists, since everyone who owns any shares in an enterprise is presumably contributing to that evil system. I suppose it is safe to assume that Holzman is not tainted by any such grubby commerce, unless of course he excludes himself from the category of that ‘vast majority of people’. Perhaps he is simply one of Keir Starmer’s ‘working people’.  

Ruthenia Revisited

Ruthenia 1939

One of the pleasures of managing the coldspur website is the surprise of reading messages from persons around the world who have come across my writings. Ten years ago, before my thesis had even started, I wrote a somewhat self-indulgent essay about the territory of Ruthenia, an area squashed between Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and Ukraine that had captured my imagination. (See ‘Homage to Ruthenia’ at https://coldspur.com/reviews/homage-to-ruthenia/ .) Suddenly, in October, a native Rusyn named Vladimir Skala posted a comment that informed me that he had stumbled upon my website while reading Jonathan Franzen’s Corrections. (If anything, this proves to me that coldspur scores very well in Google search algorithms.) He overall agreed with my assessment while providing links to two fascinating articles on the history of the region.

His message ran as follows:

I stumbled upon this piece while reading Corrections by J. Franzen. In one passage, the female protagonist travels to the place of her ancestors, Ruthenia, looking for shtetls.
Anyways, being a native of Ruthenia (Karpatska Rus), I thought I could shed light on this topic. I have written down some of my thoughts on this topic, links below.
I essentially agree with your thesis, that is that Rusyns should find a way within a democratic Ukraine (I reject wholesale the notion you put forth that we should be satiated by folk dresses and folk songs, as that is just scraps), but democratic Ukraine means a country that, like it’s neighbors to the west, recognizes Rusyns as a separate ethnicity and supports Rusyn organizations and institutions. Ukrainian nationalism is in its essence antagonistic to that notion, thus this is not a matter of democracy, but one centered around deep-seated cultural norms and those are nigh impossible to change.
That much is clear in Ukraine’s refusal to recognize the democratic vote on Pidkarpatia’s autonomy from 1991 (close to 80% of people voted for autonomy), which is what had led to local frustrated leaders to push Kiev with an ultimatum in 2008, as you’ve briefly mentioned.
EU accession talks are a great opportunity for this issue to be resolved once and for all. But this issue is of little concern to Brussels, it seems. The last top western politician who took up our cause publicly was Senator McCain. That was a while back.


To which I replied:

Thank you so much, Vlado, for posting this. (After ten years, I had to go back to recall exactly what I wrote!) I very much enjoyed your articles (I have also read Snyder).

While I obviously share your fascination with the disappearing tribes/nations/peoples/communities of Eastern Europe (and elsewhere), I am not enthusiastic about the current media focus on ‘ethnicity’ – so much favo(u)red by sociologists, demographers, and census officials, and so often a refuge for lost souls struggling to find an ‘identity’. The question always arises: if a Rusyn (or other ‘ethnic’ individual) marries someone who is not a Rusyn, what is the ‘ethnicity’ of their offspring? It seems to me, what with cosmopolitanism, increased travel, and some exclusive taboos dropping, such phenomena will occur more and more. And the emphasis on ‘ethnicity’ may not just be a romantic delusion, it can become dangerously divisive.

I give the example of the US golfer Jim Furyk. His Wikipedia entry states that his mother is of Czech-Polish heritage, his father of Ukrainian-Hungarian. (And Jim’s wife Tabitha probably complicates matters when their kids ask: ‘Where are we from?’) I have written about these issues elsewhere on coldspur.

I shall follow your future postings at rusynsociety with great interest.

As was perhaps clear, I am not convinced about the reality of ‘deep-seated cultural norms’. I recall Arthur Koestler making a similar point about Jewish ‘culture’ in The Thirteenth Tribe.  And then I came across two further examples about ‘ethnicity’ that reinforced my point. Lauren Markham recently wrote a book titled A Map of Future Ruins: On Borders and Belonging, which includes the following passage:

Though most of my living family members have never been to Greece, the story of our Greekness is central to our identity. Its significance is teleological: being Greek means something because it is important to us that it mean something…. Many white people in the United States are animated by a similar longing to claim a faraway homeland, even as they support, explicitly or tacitly, the exclusion of contemporary migrants — people making a journey parallel to those their own ancestors made generations ago.

Unfortunately, this romantic belief turned out to be illusory. Colin Thubron wrote a review in The New York Review of Books on October 13, where he noted the following: “She writes, almost as an aside, that her brother recently took a DNA test and found that their family was not Greek after all. They were Italian and vaguely Balkan – themselves bearing witness to the fallibility of nations and the agelong flux of the world’s peoples.”

Next, I picked out the following passage from Harald Jähner’s Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955, on page 69.

Many people saw the internal German migration as a kind of multi-cultural attack on themselves. Tribalism blossomed and people distinguished themselves with customs, practices, faith rituals and dialects that set them apart from their neighbours, let alone from German Bohemians, Banat Swabians, Silesians, Pomeranians and Bessarabian Germans – all of whom were dismissed as ‘Polacks’.

I have nothing against attempts to protect and celebrate harmless customs that are dying out. (There used to be a group of ‘Brits’ at St. James Plantation, where I live, who in the early days wanted me to join them to celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Night with bangers and baked beans. I declined.) But these practices should not be imbued with ‘essentialism’ – the notion that they define who you are, and are somehow inherited, as in that mendacious phrase, ‘in one’s DNA’. In that context I was dismayed to read what Ernst Chain thought about his genetic material, as recorded in Ronald Clark’s biography of him: “Visits to Russia had tended to qualify his views of the Soviet system but as he wrote to his elder son he felt what he called the strength of the Russian genes in his blood, and to the end of his life hoped that some rapprochement between East and West would be possible.” Of course, there are no such entities as ‘Russian’ genes. If biochemists who are Nobel laureates can express such nonsense, no wonder so many ‘ordinary’ people get the wrong message.

‘Richie Benaud’s Blue Suede Shoes’

My attention was drawn to this book, reviewed in the Spectator of August 31. Some readers may recall my solitary encounter with Benaud, the great cricketer and broadcaster, from my coldspur posting back in April 2015 (see https://coldspur.com/richie-benaud-my-part-in-his-success/ ). In that piece I highlighted Benaud’s triumphant spell of bowling in the Fourth Test at Old Trafford in 1961. (The link I originally gave in that piece is no longer available: the highlights of the match can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFDt3YlRLCM .) As Marcus Beckmann points out in his review, the bulk of the book is dedicated to this Test Match, and the authors David Kynaston and Harry Ricketts contrast the captaincy skills of Benaud with those of his opponent, Peter May. The title derives from the fact that Benaud, at the end of the fourth day of the match, went out to inspect the wicket wearing blue suede shoes, a fashion choice that probably would not have endeared him to the members had he done it at Lord’s.

Richie Benaud

I mentioned that one of Benaud’s victims in his second-innings 6-70 spell was Raman Subba Row, my sometime captain of the Old Whitgiftians’ Cricket Club. He can be seen in the video moving rather recklessly down the pitch to Benaud, and missing the ball completely, out for 49. Yet Raman had an exemplary Test career against the Australians: he played in only one series, but scored a century in both his first and his last appearances, after which he retired from first-class cricket at a young age. I was there at the Kennington Oval in August 1961, on the day he scored his second hundred, and I recall one outstanding event. Raman, not recognized as the most graceful of left-handers, was well-known for keeping the ball on the ground as much as possible, and carefully placing it wide of the fielders. He suddenly lifted a long hop over the head of ‘Garth’ Mackenzie at deep square leg for six, where the ball landed a few feet from where I was sitting. It was the solitary six of the match.

Raman Subba Row

One of my most precious cricketing memories is batting with Raman against Sunbury, in a Surrey Championship away game in the mid-1970s. The OWs had struggled, and I went in at number ten, with the score at about 80 for 8. Yet we put on a stand of over 90, which was a new ninth-wicket record for the Championship, and remained so for many years. I recall being given out LBW, having scored forty-five runs or so, and Raman sought to confirm from me as I trudged back to the pavilion that I had indeed gained an inside edge on the ball before it hit me on the pad. I think the opposition umpire was fed up by then. We lost the match, unfortunately, but the opposition was still complaining about Raman’s late declaration in the bar afterwards. It was the year that I managed to achieve the Championship ‘double’, namely over 200 runs and over 20 wickets, and I was listed in the Handbook alongside some eminent players who had achieved the same feat. (I have that Handbook in a box somewhere in the attic.)

Raman died earlier this year, aged 92. He had been England’s oldest living cricketer. I feel honoured to have played so much cricket with him. He was the kindest of men, though sometimes enigmatic as a club captain. Richie Benaud’s Blue Suede Shoes gives a good profile of him. Sixty-five years ago I devoured cricket books like this, although RBBSS is a different specimen, analyzing not just that famous Old Trafford Test Match, but the competitions between England and Australia over the intervening sixty years. It contains a little too much irrelevant insertion of contemporary events that have nothing to do with cricket, so that you will learn, for example, that on the evening of the Saturday of the match, ‘by a swimming pool at Cliveden, the Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, was introduced by Stephen Ward to a semi-naked Christine Keeler’. (Note that, Christopher Andrew: Peter May and Richie Benaud must have been two others apart from Cyril and Mimi Mills who were not invited to the festivities and excitement that evening.) And the book contains one or two pretentious passages worthy of Pseuds’ Corner, such as “Trueman is all Sturm und Drang, Statham is the epitome of Pinteresque understatement.” But an enjoyable break from Philby and Rothschild.

(Recent Commonplace entries can be seen here.)


Filed under Economics/Business, Espionage/Intelligence, General History, Literature/Academia, Management/Leadership, Personal, Philosophy, Politics, Sport

Biological Espionage: The Hidden Dimension



Primary Sources

‘One Man in his Time’ – Reprise

The Development of Penicillin

Penicillin in the Soviet Union

Borodin’s First Mission

Borodin’s Second Mission

Bacteriological Warfare

The Communist Threat

Ominous Undercurrents

After the Defection

Florey and Chain Redux

A Real Defection?

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *


In 1984 Christopher Andrew and David Dilks famously described intelligence history as the ‘missing dimension’ of historical inquiry. I borrow their phraseology to represent biological (mainly bacteriological) espionage as the missing dimension of Cold War rivalries. A vast amount of print has been dedicated to exploring the protection and purloining of secrets concerning atomic weaponry, but I can find very little on the subject of bacteriological warfare. The re-release of the Soviet scientist and defector N.M. Borodin’s memoir last summer prompted me to perform an intensive investigation into the topic.

I have to declare that I find much about the tale of N. M. Borodin’s defection very bogus. Readers will recall that I devoted a Special Bulletin (see https://coldspur.com/special-bulletin-the-conundrum-of-n-m-borodin ) to a brief analysis of the memoir – originally published in 1955, and this year re-issued unchanged – complemented by some references to the biologist that I found in Guy Liddell’s Diaries and in sundry other archives. I promised to return to the subject, and this report consists of the results of my studies into miscellaneous articles, CIA reports, and books on the history of penicillin and bacteriological warfare, integrated with other archival material, and the exploitation of a closer reading of One Man in His Time.

I suspect that I am only scratching the surface of what appears to be a complicated series of events. I hope that this report stimulates further discoveries.

Primary Sources

  1. One Man in His Time by N. M. Borodin (1955, re-issued 2024)
  2. The Mold in Dr. Florey’s Coat by Eric Lax (2005)
  3. Howard Florey: Penicillin and After by Trevor I. Williams (1984)
  4. Ernst Chain: Penicillin and Beyond by Ronald W. Clark (1985)
  5. A Higher Form of Killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman (2002)
  6. Britain and Biological Warfare by Brian Balmer (2001)
  7. A Suspicion of Spies by Tim Spicer (2024)
  8. Cold Drugs, Circulation, Production and Intelligence of Antibiotics in Post-WWII Years by Mauro Capocci (Journal of History of Medicine, 2014)
  9. Nikolai Mikhailovich Borodin: the little-known person involved in the USSR penicillin project by E. V. Sherstneva (Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med. 2022 May)
  10. CIA Vault: www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP83-00415R001300030006-7.pdf
  11. CIA Vault:  www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP82-00457R002100040005-3.pdf
  12. Daniele Cozzoli,’Penicillin and the European response to post-war American hegemony: the case of Leo-penicillin’ in ‘History and Technology’, June 2014, at http:/ / dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/ 07341512.2014.902232
  13. The Spy Who Came in From the Mold by Anthony Rimmington (https://medium.com/@t.rimmington/the-spy-who-came-in-from-the-mold-n-borodin-the-first-russian-biological-defector-to-the-west-516d8dfa03b3)
  14. The Diaries of Guy Liddell (National Archives: KV 4/470 & 4/471)
  15. Personal File for Goronwy and Margaret Rees (National Archives: KV 2/4603-4608)
  16. Personal File for George and Ada Eltenton (National Archives: KV 2/2166)
  17. Biological Warfare Sub-Committee Minutes, 1947 & 1948 (National Archives: DEFE 10/261-262)
  18. Letters from Ernest Chain to the Soviet Trade Delegation, 1948, from the Wellcome Foundation (https://wellcomecollection.org/works/aqmau24k)
  19. ‘The case for a state-owned penicillin factory in this country’, 1948, from the Wellcome Foundation (https://wellcomecollection.org/works/ycu4j9hg )
  20. ‘The Industrial Production of Penicillin’, 1948, from the Wellcome Foundation (https://wellcomecollection.org/works/kvrua3z3 )
  21. Letter by Richard Davenport-Hines to the Times Literary Supplement (August 2, 2024)

‘One Man in his Time’ – Reprise

Borodin’s memoir is a very strange composition. The brief Foreword he wrote in 1955 appears unembellished and uncomplemented in the new edition, apart from a not very helpful Introduction by the BBC sage John Simpson. In the Foreword, Borodin asserted that he wrote the book in English, which he had spoken only since 1945 (when he was being trained for a mission to the United Kingdom), and continued: ‘. . . nevertheless I like to use this tongue for thinking, speaking and writing equally well with my native Russian’. That was a strange and bold claim to make, and the phrasing itself is a little clumsy: ‘with a proficiency equal to what I have in my native Russian’, perhaps? And it would be a rare individual who would gain that expertise in those few years, no matter how broadly exposed he or she was to the English language.

No mention of a translator, or even an editor, appears in any acknowledgment. Yet the text, to me, often shows the habits of a competent, but slightly careless, translator from the Russian. For instance, it reads (p 331): “One night his deputy, Natradze, myself and Katkovsky, earmarked for the function of chief of penicillin production, were discussing a project of the Ministry’s scientific council.” A more elegant writer would lay it out as follows: “One night, his deputy, Natradze, Katkovsky, earmarked. . . . . , and I . ..” (“Myself” is reflexive, and inappropriate as the subject of a sentence, and “I” should be the last nounal item.) Second-rate English writers (and even those who are frequently regarded as first-rate, such as Anthony Powell) frequently get this wrong, as they display obvious discomfort distinguishing between the proper use of ‘me’ ‘myself’, and ‘I’. A native Russian speaker would be much more sensitive to the inflections here: the Russian form of this construction is an unusual ‘we with Natradze and Katkovsky’.

Other errors caught my eye. ‘A verbal report’ (p 192), when ‘oral is meant: that is a very common mistake among English speakers. I would expect a Russian to be more careful. Borodin writes about ‘bottles of “Molotov’s Cocktail”’ (p 286), which again suggests that the phrase has been provided by a translator not familiar with this aspect of warfare. An enormous gaffe occurs on page 121: “Vyshelessky started to work with this terrible bacteria.” It should, of course, be the singular form, ‘bacterium’. No scientist worth his salt would allow such a clumsy malformation to appear on the page. [I was dismayed, however, to read, in Howard Florey: Penicillin and After, by Dr. Trevor Williams – who worked in Florey’s laboratory during the war – the following ugly sentence: “The bacteria he named Micrococcus lysodeikticus and the dissolving agent. . . . was called lysozyme.”] There are other such examples to be found, which leads me to believe that his manuscript was in fact written in Russian, and then handed over to an anonymous translator.

It is not clear to me why this deception (if, indeed, it is such) was carried out, but I also have reservations about the authenticity of his text. Overall, Borodin comes across as a hard apparatchik, a loyal servant of Stalin, who is complicit in the denunciations, violence and executions that occur through the tribulations of that era – the atrocities, the famines, the purges, the exiles, the liquidations. Occasionally, however, he protests, but is miraculously allowed to get away with it. It is not until the final pages that he yields completely and decides to defect. Yet whole aspects of his life are overlooked. We can learn from other sources that he had a wife and family in Moscow, but they are never mentioned, and his interactions with women are very coyly described. The facts of his life up to World War II can obviously not be verified, but then matters take an odd turn. Borodin gets very cavalier with his chronology, and very selective in his reporting.

I tried to date the many events, from World War II onwards, to which Borodin does not give precise information. He participated in the deportations of (primarily) Germans from Elenendorf to Central Asia – which can be verified as occurring in 1941. The next event he describes is his award of the Lenin Prize in Moscow, on a cold winter’s day, when he remarks that the Soviets have just freed Warsaw. (That places it in January 1945.) Yet he states that the award was given by the Chairman of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet, Shvernik. (Shvernik was Chairman from March 19, 1946 to March 15, 1953, however.) He is appointed factory director in Baku, where it is clear the war is still raging. He describes soldiers ‘going to the front’, and his friend Antonov being burned in a tank fighting against the Germans. There are further adventures in Baku, with episodes involving illicit black-market activities based on penicillin stolen from his factory, and then he is recalled to Moscow, where Mikoyan informs him he is to be sent to England.

Yet Borodin is not ready for the mission. He has started learning English, but is not proficient enough, and has to take more lessons. Furthermore, he reports a long delay in screening, and getting his passport approved. Nevertheless, he flies with Anita, a cipher clerk, via Finland and Sweden and arrives at Croydon Airport. (The date is not given, but in his official self-supplied biography to the authorities, he wrote that it was in September 1945.) He describes a New Year’s Party at the Soviet Embassy. (It must be January 1946.) He writes nothing about the circumstances of his invitation to stay in Oxford, but remarks that Gouzenko’s defection (September 1945) was a hot topic of conversation. He refers to a newspaper that had an article titled ‘Who invited Doctor Borodin?’ on its front page, but does not say which newspaper, or when. [I have not been able to track this down.] Nor does he indicate who might have concluded that he was on some possibly illicit information-gathering mission.

Borodin is recalled in December 1946, and soon gets into trouble for comparing Soviet techniques for manufacturing penicillin unfavourably with those in the West. His friend Parin is arrested, and later executed, for wanting to share information with the Americans (as opposed to merely stealing it from them.) Borodin receives a warning, and is urged to reinforce the claim that penicillin was a Soviet invention. Nevertheless (one can work out it is July 1947 now), he is entrusted with one more mission – to go to the USA in an effort to acquire American know-how and equipment. He travels there with two assistants, cannot gain export licenses, gets into some trouble again for not denouncing one of his assistants, and is then ordered to England to try there instead. He arrives in time for Christmas (1947).

By now, Borodin is starting to get fearful about the purges taking place in Moscow. He is anxious about the fate of his assistant Utkin, who has been recalled, and whom he failed to denounce. The Ministry of Medical Industry is abolished. At the beginning of August 1948, a session of the All Union Academy of Agricultural Science is held, at which a purge takes place. When he is asked in London to report on the performance of a nervous visiting technician, Gerchikov, who is not a party member, Borodin funks out. When he receives the recall himself, he decides to defect. Without apparently having contacted the British to verify that he will be accepted, he sends his letter to the Ambassador the very next day, leaving him with no clear exit strategy.

What I find extraordinary is the blatant, flamboyant, and unnecessary letter that Borodin claimed he wrote to Ambassador Zarubin on August 27, 1948, which he brazenly describes as ‘High Treason’. (The text appears on pages 350-352 of the book, and, in a very bizarre and provocative presentation, is the sole item in a National Archives file, FO 1093/552, that bears no outward mention of Borodin.)The criticism of the USSR, and implicitly, Stalin, was a reckless move that would immediately have brought in Sudoplatov’s ‘Special Tasks’ force to hunt Borodin down and kill him. Among defectors, only Vladimir Orlov was allowed to get away with such an insult, since he promised to stay silent about Stalin’s pilfering the Spanish gold if the vozhd left Orlov untouched in the USA. If Borodin really wanted to defect with a chance of survival, he would have slunk quietly away in the night, picked up a new identity, never shown his face again, and been protected by the British authorities. But that did not happen, and that is what perplexes me.

Moreover, how did this matter of penicillin manufacture become so controversial?

The Development of Penicillin

Alexander Fleming

Every schoolchild knows that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, and many are aware that he, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain (who collaborated in the project of purifying, stabilizing and testing it, and developing manufacturing processes for it) were awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1945. But few have probably learned of the feuds, conflicts, and arguments that bedevilled the relationships between the trio. These were to do with professional rivalries, contrasts in temperament, behaviour and methodology, suspicions of secret dealings, and failures to give credit. Furthermore, as the project of scaling up production advanced, some deep philosophical divisions emerged as to whether the availability of penicillin should be universalized, and about the role of commercial interests in reaching that goal.

Alexander Fleming had discovered penicillin in 1928 when working at St. Mary’s Medical School in London. He had noticed that some colonies of staphylococci had degenerated after being contaminated by some spores of mould. Yet he did not conceive of the potential of this finding, that it might contribute to the manipulation of a powerful antibiotic agent, and he thus continued his research into lysozyme, an enzyme that had almost no efficacy against deadly microbes. He wrote up the experience, and spoke about it, but he was not a great writer or communicator, and the opportunity to pursue the phenomenon further was ignored for several years.

Howard Florey
Ernst Chain

It was not until 1935 that serious study of the phenomenon began. In that year Howard Florey, then Professor of Pathology at the Dunn School of Medicine at Oxford University, was introduced to Ernst Chain, a biochemist who was working under Sir Frederick Hopkins at Cambridge University. Both men were immigrants: Florey was a second-generation Australian, and Chain a German Jew, with a Russian father, who had escaped from Hitler’s Germany in 1933. They differed in temperament: Florey was down-to-earth, overall very patient and a good man-manager, but prone to brusque behaviour on occasions. Chain was highly-strung, insisted on Prussian-style disciplines, was protective and jealous, and felt much more alienated in the country where he had landed than did Florey, who had been able to make a much more deliberate choice of destination. Chain accepted Florey’s invitation to join him in Oxford. At first, they co-operated well: Florey recognized that he needed the talents of a chemical biologist to complement his work. Moreover, Chain brought an excellent laboratory technician with him, Norman Heatley, whose imaginative design of equipment to refine the process of assaying penicillin has in my estimation been undervalued in the story of success in proving that penicillin was both safe and effective.

Yet Florey and Chain soon fell out. While they made steady progress in refining the amount of penicillin that could be used to fight infection, while ensuring that it did not have deleterious effects on other tissue, their philosophies on making it a compound for broad distribution clashed. Heatley began working for Florey: Chain was jealous. Chain urged Florey to approach an American firm for mass production: Florey was not yet confident that predictable yields could be harvested from the mould, and its therapeutic value had not been proven. In June 1941, Florey and Heatley left for the USA on an exploratory mission: Chain did not learn about it until the last minute, and he was justifiably upset. Chain, working from his German background, believed strongly that penicillin should be patented. The Medical Research Council (supervising the whole operation) looked askance at commercialization, and financial rewards for pure researchers. Florey agreed with that policy. When Florey returned to Oxford in October 1941, he found the laboratory in somewhat of a shambles under Chain’s management.

The development of penicillin in mass amounts was a missed opportunity by the British. In an important paper written in 1948 ‘The case for a state-owned penicillin factory in this country’, almost certainly written by Florey, but appearing in the Chain archive *, the author complains about the lack of entrepreneurialism among British pharmaceutical companies, with the result that the Americans forged ahead. He also criticizes the Ministry of Supply for continuing to pursue the surface culture method of production when the Americans had shown that deep culture fermentation was far superior. Their methods had also accelerated the deployment of penicillin taken orally rather than through injection. The author concluded by recommending that the government counter the US dominance by funding a native penicillin factory for an outlay of £120,000.

Penicillin Structure

The essence of the story is that the Nobel Prize was awarded to Alexander, Florey and Chain in October 1945, but by then, Florey and Chain were not on speaking terms, with Chain expressing strong grievances that his contribution had not been properly recognized. Both of them, however, resented the exaggerated claims that Fleming made about his achievements, belatedly seeking more of the limelight – and gaining it in the Press. These tensions and rivalries would play out fully in the complex political world of the Cold War. By 1945, however, penicillin had played an enormous role in saving lives in the battlefields of World War II (ironically against syphilis as much as gas-gangrene), and American companies had invested heavily in manufacturing techniques and plant to produce vast quantities of the drug. Why an antibiotic that surely was of benefit to the whole of mankind suddenly became a technological secret that required confidentiality is an accident of deteriorating political relationships between the USA and the USSR.

[* It seems that this unsigned paper has been attributed to Chain, since his biographer Ronald W. Clark describes his push for a state-owned factory, and Daniele Cozzoli comes to the same conclusion in directly citing the words as Chain’s. The author of the piece refers to himself as ‘the author’ but also mentions Florey and Chain in the third person. The style, context, and tenor of the piece, however, all point to Florey’s authorship, an assertion that would appear to be reinforced by the fact that the author refers to his recent work with Mrs. Philpot in converting aqueous solutions of penicillin to a dry state. Flora Philpot worked alongside Florey, and co-authored papers with him. Moreover, with his mind clearly focused on his Italian and Russian projects at this time, it is highly unlikely that Chain would have been concerned about the British government’s constructing its own penicillin factory.]

Penicillin in the Soviet Union

In fact, tensions between the UK and the USA over the production of penicillin had already arisen, with claims that the Americans had hi-jacked the whole area from the Britons. Conflicts between commercial opportunism, the seeking of patents, and possible anti-trust collusion in the United States were apparent. In 1943, the United States imposed a ban on any material relating to the chemistry of penicillin, a prohibition that remained in force until the end of 1945. All this occurred at a time when the USA was an ally of the USSR, and there were many politicians on both sides of the Atlantic who throughout this turmoil advanced greater collaboration with the Communists. At the Teheran Conference at the end of November 1943, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin agreed to a joint American-British mission to Moscow by two scientists from each country, so that they could discuss a number of medical advances, primarily penicillin, with their counterparts. Florey according left for Moscow with his assistant Dr. Gordon Sanders (who had worked in the Middle East in deploying penicillin) on December 23. They took with them phials of the agent, and several reports, but did not arrive in Moscow until a month later.

The story of penicillin in the Soviet Union is predictably murky, what with the Politburo’s control of information, and its need to control the dissemination of facts, and to emphasize the virtues of communist methodology in science. The history consists of a bewildering account of overlapping institutes and organizations, all entrusted with the Party’s indelible correctness of mission, but all tripping over each other as responsibilities are shuffled. Borodin’s memoir provides some possibly reliable insights, and more recent research has rescued him from the obloquy of being a treasonous non-person for several decades, and has thrown some more realistic light on the political struggles and rivalries of the 1940s and 1950s. The Soviets had enjoyed some access to the breakthroughs of Florey and Chain in the early 1940s. Before further publication of successes was banned in 1943 (under the necessary policy of trying to prevent Hitler’s scientists from learning about the discoveries), copies of The Lancet would have been distributed to neutral countries such as Switzerland and Sweden, and both the Nazis and the Soviets would have been able to pick up valuable information. My correspondent Edward M. provided me with the valuable information that the spy George Eltenton, ostensibly with a mission to acquire nuclear secrets from Oppenheimer, had in 1943 been approached by his handler Peter Ivanov to try to gather information about penicillin.

Zinaida Yermolyeva

The case of Zinaida Yermolyeva is characteristically ambiguous. As Head of the Department of Microbial (or Bacterial) Chemistry in Moscow, she was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1943, and two Orders of Lenin, for her pioneering work in penicillin production. Yet some doubts have been recorded concerning her integrity. Borodin met her shortly before his first visit to England, described her as ‘ambitious’, and noted that, while her first husband had been arrested twice, and her second had died in prison having been arrested as a ‘wrecker’, Yermolyeva herself remained untouched. Borodin learned from the secretary of the Party in the institute (a pretty girl named Ksana) that Yermolyeva had won Stalin’s prize for the discovery of ‘Soviet’ penicillin, but when her department sent sample ampoules of the compound to the Central Committee, they actually contained American penicillin, since it was of a purer strain. Yermolyeva had also made herself famous (and maybe notorious) by writing a paper in which she described how she had swallowed a solution containing the bacterium vibrio cholerae, and how she had survived owing to the ingestion of penicillin crustosum.

Florey was not impressed with Yermolyeva when he met her in 1944, stating that he believed she owed the success in her career more to her charm than her scientific ability. He did not think much of her production facilities, and did not trust her accounts of success with penicillin crustosum – thus perhaps echoing the substitution story. He was more impressed by what Dr. Gause had developed at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, including the production of gramicidin, although it turned out to be too toxic for systemic use, but useful for local infections. Florey concluded that the Soviets knew virtually nothing about penicillin, but he exchanged his vials of penicillin with them for some ampules of gramicidin.

The CIA has published information on the Soviet penicillin project, but it is largely reliant on what they learned from Borodin itself. Borodin told them that Yermolyeva’s strain of penicillin was probably not crustosum, but notatum. He confirmed that the batch submitted to the Academy of Medical Sciences probably had American penicillin substituted. (The Soviets, rather perversely, seemed to think that penicillin had been an American discovery, whereas the Americans had contributed mostly to production breakthroughs.) Between 1943 and 1945 Yermolyeva struggled to scale up any serious production capability. She could provide penicillin only in a soluble form, as freeze-drying capabilities for creating powder were not available. Borodin told Smirnov, the People’s Commissar from the Meat and Dairy Industry, that the process for creating the antibiotic was flawed, but his advice was ignored. For a couple of years, the potential for co-operation between the Soviet Union and the USA/GB remained solid. Florey even recommended a mission by the Soviets to visit production capabilities in the UK, but his suggestions came to nothing. In the summer of 1945, however, Mikoyan, the Minister responsible for the penicillin project, realizing that the project was in danger, became fearful about failure in this critical endeavour, and summoned Borodin to Moscow. Equipment would have to be purchased from the Allies.

Borodin’s First Mission

Considering that he was in the UK for fifteen months (September 1945 to December 1946), Borodin was very reticent about what he was up to. In his memoir, he mentions Oxford, encounters with English Communists, parties at the Embassy, even a disturbing article in the newspapers about his dubious activities, but that is it. I relied upon Trevor Williams to provide some initial depth. He wrote that Borodin came to work in Florey’s department, and that he, Florey, and Philpott ‘published an account of an antibiotic, tardin, produced by Penicillium tardum’, but that ‘it proved to have no clinical value’.

That was not all that Borodin achieved, however. E. V. Shertseva’s 2022 profile states that ‘he systematically and continuously transmitted materials on penicillin and other antibiotics to the Motherland – using various methods’. She goes on to write that, through the Trade Mission in the UK and Professor Sarkisov, he built good relationships with Florey and Chain. Borodin acquired ‘secret’ materials on penicillin, which he sent through diplomatic mail to USSR. This strongly suggests that Borodin was betraying his hosts by committing espionage. Indeed, after the Nobel Prize was announced (in October 1945, shortly after Borodin’s arrival), Florey and Chain, no doubt flushed with their success became more welcoming, but still allowed only perusal of some material. Shertseva reports that Borodin photographed such documents overnight, and wanted his name concealed from any article that was published. He sent an important letter to Mikoyan, dated April 23, 1946, with appendices: Mikoyan kept the information to himself, treating the knowledge as power. Borodin also managed to secrete to Moscow two new strains of penicillin, notatum and streptomycin.

Shertseva had access to some of the letters that Borodin wrote from Oxford. In a bold foray, he explicitly criticized his Soviet bosses, telling them of their inferior approach and organization towards producing penicillin. In April 1946, he informed them that they did not understand the essential chemical heterogeneity of the substance. The Soviet form was very labile, and thus soon perishable. Meat-peptone broth (on which Borodin had apprenticed himself) was no longer used as a culture for preparing the antibiotic in the United Kingdom. He outlined a seven-point plan for getting the Soviet project on track, which included the acquisition of technology from the USA. When the Minister of Medical Industries, Tretyakov, received the news, he accepted it, but did not dare tell Stalin, as it was unwise to suggest to the leader that Soviet science was again lagging in a vital sphere. The Ministry had been founded only in the autumn of 1946, and in December of that year the USSR Council of Ministers decreed that all penicillin production was to be placed under Tretyakov.

The fact that Borodin was given such extended hospitality throughout 1946 is a bit surprising, since both the USA and the UK were tightening up on the confidentiality of information on such strategic programmes. The Gouzenko defection had occurred just before Borodin’s arrived, and the blatant and overt attempts of Soviet spies to gain access to atomic secrets alarmed many politicians. In November 1945, the procedures for producing penicillin were labeled as state secrets. Yet many scientists were still strongly sympathetic to the Soviets, and may have concealed their sharing of information from the authorities. In the USA, as late as January 1946, as Williams reports, a group of eminent scientists launched a fund to provide the Soviet Union with materials and know-how to construct a plant capable of producing 80 billion units of penicillin a month, matching the output of a typical large American factory. It even had the notorious useful idiot Joseph Davies on the committee. By September, however, the project was fast collapsing because of the political climate.

When Borodin returned to Moscow in December 1946, he found a very tense situation. He describes how the ideology of Soviet supremacy in science was rampant: hence describing the discovery of penicillin as being a British achievement was heretical. Nevertheless, Borodin’s multiple bulletins from the United Kingdom had found favour with Stalin. In April 1947 the Council of Ministers approved Tretyakov’s proposal to create an All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Penicillin and Other Antibiotics, and, despite some questions about his loyalty, Borodin was appointed its head. Meanwhile, his ex-colleague, Parin, had been arrested, and then executed, on the charge of being an Anglo-American spy. The Ministry was in perpetual crisis, and in great danger of not meeting its production targets. Dismissals, demotions and purges were rife. Borodin was not afraid to speak his mind to Mikoyan about the dysfunctional approach to the project. With this fraught background, he was sent to the USA on a second mission, to acquire plant, and learn more about production techniques.

Borodin’s Second Mission

When he left, in late summer 1947, for the USA, Borodin was accompanied by two colleagues, named Utkin and Zeifman. The need for a triad derived from the requirement to keep surveillance on possible untrustworthy elements. Two characters might plot silently, or exchange counter-revolutionary ideas. If a third person was there, and heard about such whispers from the first person, while the second person had not reported them, the second was as guilty as the first. And, indeed, Borodin got into exactly that trouble, when Utkin’s anti-Soviet behaviour was criticized by the dedicated Stalinist Zeifman, who then threatened Borodin for not informing on Utkin. Borodin managed to deceive Klimov, the head of the Communist Party in Amtorg, the trade organization, about what went on in the denunciations.

The USA mission fizzled out just as this conflict heated up. The team initially received a warm welcome in New York, and then visited many universities, colleges, and industrial firms. But all the negotiations had to be made through Moscow, with approval coming from the capital. Moreover, the atmosphere had changed. New legislation made the selling of plant to the Soviet Union almost impossible, with penicillin another strategic technology just behind atomic power and weaponry. The companies they encountered (primarily Merck) all declined any opportunity to do business: no export licenses were granted. In December 1947, Borodin was ordered to stop all negotiations and to go to the UK instead.

Borodin came to Britain, as representative of Technopromemport, and as one of a triad again, the watchful Zeifman still keeping an eye on him, alongside a man called Chernyarski. He found a more responsive chord with one of his old allies from his first mission, Ernst Chain. Chain had the advantage of being able to speak Russian (from his father), and displayed some enthusiasm for a joint venture with the Soviets. Borodin conducted long discussions with Chain on the purification, crystallization and assay of penicillin, and by July had prepared memoranda on the production in the Soviet Union of a project to build a very large plant for the production of penicillin and streptomycin. As Williams writes: “The longer-term intention was that, for a substantial consideration, Chain should visit Russia from time to time to advise on the building of the plant and thereafter act as a consultant on an annual basis.”

The Soviet Trade Delegation in Highgate

The details of this agreement are quite extraordinary. It involved a premium of £35,000 (an enormous sum for those days) to be paid on signing, with an annual fee of £3,000 to follow during the course of the project. A draft of Chain’s initial proposal, in manuscript, written in early 1948, lies in the Chain Archive at the Wellcome Institute, as well as typed letters to the Soviet Trade Delegation in Highgate. Chain is careful to inform Borodin that ‘I am not aware of any regulations in this country which could be an impediment or the signing of this agreement’. The implication would be that the agreement was completed on July 20, since Chain follows up with a request for expenses on August 17, referring to the agreement of the previous month. The following day, aware that Borodin and Zeifman are due to return to Moscow very shortly, he provides a full inventory of all the information on manufacturing methods that he has compiled. Whether any money changed hands is uncertain. Neither is it clear how the nature of this agreement might have rebounded adversely on Borodin, although Chain’s correspondence in September suggests that he is unaware of the defection. All that Chain’s biographer, R. W. Clark, writes about it is that ’Borodin fell out of favour, and the project was still-born’.

This was quite a dramatic turn of events, and one wonders how much the authorities knew of the arrangement. An undated report from Chain’s archive suggests that the scientist was quite open about his recommendations for helping the Soviets to construct a modern factory. Trevor Williams suggests that there were no objections, but how much did the JIC and MI5 know about the project? The legality might have been true in respect of any lack of conflict with his obligations at Oxford, as he was about to depart from England, with leave of absence, to take up an appointment in Rome at the Istituto Superiore di Sanitá. At this stage, the Communists in Italy exercised a lot of power, and were in regular contact with Moscow. Yet what sounds like an underhand deal to have Chain handsomely remunerated by the Soviets for undertaking activities that surely would not have gained government approval is quite shocking. When the Americans later heard about it, they took a strong view, and Chain’s trafficking with eastern bloc cost him his US visa.

The turmoil in Moscow intensified. As I recorded above in my description of his memoir, Borodin apparently began to feel intensely worried. He felt responsible that his colleague Utkin had been recalled, and probably executed. A purge in the Academy of Agricultural Science took place in August. A visit by a suspect functionary, Gerchikov, to London required Borodin to listen to his presentation at a meeting, and report whether he was ‘on message’. And when Borodin was ordered to sail on the next boat, he feared for his life, decided to defect, and wrote those two extraordinary letters. At least, that is his version of events.

Guy Liddell’s Diaries, on the other hand, suggest that British Intelligence had been well aware of what Borodin was up to for some time. In a startling observation on February 4, 1948, after a Joint Intelligence Committee meeting on Bacteriological Warfare (the first time that this subject had been recorded in Liddell’s Diaries, I believe), Liddell writes that Borodin has been reported as buying up penicillin equipment. It is obvious that a close watch is being maintained on him. Moreover, William Hayter, chairman of the JIC, asked about the possibility of Borodin’s becoming a defector. What the motivation behind this was is not clear. Presumably, the Committee considered that Borodin possessed valuable information about the Soviet Union’s progress in penicillin production and bacteriological warfare. While it is clear now that they were several steps behind in many ways, that may well have been a story that Borodin had started to spin for them as he considered his next steps, and contemplated and compared a future life in England with an ominous recall to Moscow.

But how did the penicillin business become transformed into an issue of bacteriological warfare?

Bacteriological Warfare

It is difficult to determine the links between penicillin production and bacteriological warfare from a study of the relevant literature and archival material. The biographies of Florey avoid any inspection of his post-war role in research into offensive weaponry. The accounts of the committees that discussed the need and prospects of such capabilities refer only obliquely to the contributions of Florey. Indeed, the whole history of bacteriological warfare activity in the UK is couched in very cautious terms, and the details are scattered across multiple archival sources.

What is significant is the fact that Florey, from the time soon after his arrival in the United Kingdom when he worked at London Hospital, developed a strong professional relationship and personal friendship with Paul Fildes, who was the prime activator of bacteriological warfare research during and after the war. Fildes had come to prominence when Sir Michael Hankey had recommended to the Committee of Imperial Defence (CID) in 1936 that ‘an expert official body’ be set up to consider the offensive and defensive aspects of bacteriological warfare. Ironically, Edward Mellanby, the Secretary of the Medical Research Council (MRC), who had been such a significant influence in getting Florey appointed to the chair at Oxford in 1935, refused to have anything to do with any project that invoked medical research for destructive processes. This stance opened the door to Fildes, who became a leading member of what was initially called the Microbiological Warfare Committee, later the Bacteriological Warfare Committee (BWC).

Porton Down in WWII

When Hitler warned of ‘secret weapons’ in 1939, the Committee for Imperial Defence feared that he might be referring to biological (i.e. bacterial or viral) armaments, and the very secret laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire, was set up in 1940 under Paul Fildes. Fildes was considered the country’s expert in bacterial physiology, focusing on bacterial nutrition, but he was also an energetic champion of the need for offensive research, since the deployment of bacteriological ‘bombs’ of some kind might be the only effective method of retaliation against an attack. He interpreted what were admittedly very loose guidelines given to him by the Committee, and selected anthrax as the most suitable pathogen to deploy, even visiting the United States to review progress, and to prod George Merck, the head of the War Research Service, into more vigorous research.

Paul Fildes

Yet Fildes soon encountered opposition from a truly startling figure – Victor, Lord Rothschild, another member of the BWC, who represented MI5 on the Committee. In 1943, Rothschild voiced his strong concerns about Fildes’ surpassing his remit, and not taking into consideration the security hazards of storing anthrax ‘bricks’, which might be exposed to enemy bombing attacks. Rothschild even described Fildes’ attitude as ‘ghoulish’. In response, Fildes regarded Rothschild as ‘uninformed’, interfering with his plans. Rothschild continued by elevating his protests to the War Cabinet. Matters looked as if they might meet an impasse, but, just as the BWC was fortified by representatives from the armed forces, the disintegration of the German war effort was noted, and the plans were shelved. Yet Rothschild’s awareness of what was going on has enormous implications when the activities of his sidekicks and affiliates such as Burgess, Blunt and Rees are examined later.

As the war concluded, attention turned to the new threat of the Soviet Union, reflecting an interest that went back some years. The Committee of Imperial Defence was chaired by Lord Hankey, but the members of the committee were not aware that Hankey’s secretary in 1941 was one of the Cambridge spies, John Cairncross. In 1941 alone Cairncross delivered 3,449 documents to his masters. On May 31, May 1941 (i.e. before Barbarossa), a large package of vital documents was sent to Moscow from London in the diplomatic bag. Among the articles was a report, from the commission of the BOSS (Hankey’s cryptonym), on the means and methods of bacteriological warfare. If the NKVD’s interest had not already been sparked, it certainly would have been energized now.

Fildes declared that he did not want to be involved in biological warfare anymore, and he left Porton Down in August 1945 to work at the Lister Institute again, with his retirement due in two years’ time. Yet he maintained a close interest in the subject: in November 1945 he dismissed the notion that the country could defend itself against bacteriological attack merely through a program of research and vaccination, and his views were reinforced by Brigadier Wansborough-Jones, Scientific Adviser to the Army Council, who judged bacteriological research to be only in its infancy. By the summer of the next year, the Chiefs of Staff had elevated bacteriological armaments to the same level of priority as atomic weaponry. It was decided to build a new germ warfare base next to the chemical warfare station at Porton Down. In July 1946, the Biological Research Advisory Board (BRAB) was established.

And it is here that the link becomes clearer. The capability of creating and stabilizing antibiotics, and taking them into mass production, closely matched that of the process of building a mass store of pathogens for military purposes. What was more, the capabilities of the enemy (now seen clearly as the Soviet Union) in the sphere of penicillin production could probably provide a useful pointer to how advanced it was in the bacteriological warfare race. Fragmented snippets of minutes of meetings indicate that ‘meagre’ intelligence reports indicated that the Soviet Union was not well advanced in penicillin production. Borodin’s name is never mentioned in these accounts, but it is clear that the intelligence derived from him in 1947 and 1948, as the earlier section confirms. After all, why would the Soviets be so anxious to make such a blatant attempt to acquire techniques and technology if they were well advanced along the project?

The Communist Threat

It is difficult to weave a fluent account of the events of 1948 from the fragmented items available. The final months of 1947 had seen general concerns about Soviet intentions deepen. Colonel Grigory Tokaev [STORK] had defected in November, and he had given severe warnings about Stalin’s warlike plans. This led to the Joint Intelligence Committee’s calling for tighter registration of all Soviet citizens working in various guises in the country, but especially those visiting factories. The first suspicions about Klaus Fuchs, the atom spy, had surfaced at this time. The government was undertaking a purge of communists holding positions in strategic government departments. Early in 1948, Prime Minster Attlee, on MI5’s advice, had decided not to appoint the prominent scientist Patrick Blackett to head the Atomic Research Committee, as his political opinions were too far to the left.

Guy Liddell, the deputy director-general of MI5, made some incisive comments about such matters, and especially on bacteriological warfare (BW), in his Diaries for 1948. On February 4, a lengthy discussion on BW took place at a meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee, where the difficulties in establishing solid information about Soviet capabilities were aired. Liddell suggested that contacting those factories that were producing such material for Britain’s own purposes might lead to identification of those foreigners who were seeking equipment and know-how vital to the production effort. It is here that Borodin’s name first comes up, as Liddell is obviously aware that Borodin ‘is ostensibly purchasing penicillin plant’.

A few weeks later, at an internal MI5 gathering, a group of officers discussed the case of ‘X’ [a name redacted], who was stated to be at the centre of BW planning, but was known to be a Marxist of long standing. The entry adds that ‘up till 1943 he was a member of the C.P.’. Thus, in the event of war, his loyalties might be doubtful, and the opinion of C Section of MI5 was that an approach should be made to the Ministry of Supply to have him removed elsewhere. Who was ‘X’? I considered J. D. Bernal, Dorothy Hodgkin, and J. B. S. Haldane, all famous biologists of some kind, and all admitted friends of communism. I quickly eliminated Hodgkin, as the text indicates that the person was male, and I considered of the other two Haldane the more likely candidate.

On February 26, Liddell actually attended a meeting of the BW Committee, and I believe it is useful to cite the complete paragraph from his Diary entry for that day:

Johnstone and I attended a meeting of the BW Committee, to discuss the penicillin problem. Sir Paul Fildes, who I believe is the last word in B.W., said that, if the Russians tried to cultivate B.W. Agents with a penicillin plant, those concerned would probably die of a foul disease, since any plant of the kind would be much too leaky, but when challenged by Professor Wilkins, he agreed that the technical “know-how” of the penicillin plant might give the Russians valuable clues. This, however, was a matter to be explored with the firm of Glaxo, who are apparently the principle suppliers of the best penicillin. It was agreed that Wilkins and Sir Paul Fildes would see Glaxo tomorrow and report immediately on their views. Meanwhile it was felt that we should clear up our position vis a vis America, who had sold us their manufacturing rights. If it was their policy to refuse penicillin plant and technical “know-how”, we should have to keep in step.

Apart from the fact that the British might be judged as to have already transgressed against their agreement with the Americans, the re-entry of Fildes into the business is significant. By this time Fildes was working under Florey, who had of course been the mentor of the dubious Borodin during his first mission. Brian Balmer’s book points to some of the dynamics of the arrangement. In November 1947, Fildes had written to the Biological Research Advisory Board (BRAB), claiming that advances in research on the physiology of pathogenic bacteria and viruses would come from the schools of bacterial chemistry, at Oxford and Cambridge, thus pointing to his own institution. Yet Florey soon afterwards hinted at struggles. Described as ‘a senior BRAB member’, he reported on January 18, 1948, that ‘the pilot experimental fermenter was experiencing setbacks’, and that valuable staff might be lost if the new laboratories were to suffer similar delays.

The fact that various groups might be working at cross-purposes is shown by Liddell’s Diary entry for May 19. He had sent John Marriott to see Howard Florey, who had indicated to him that ‘there would be no harm in allowing the Russians to purchase penicillin plant in this country’. Liddell pointed out that this opinion was irreconcilable with what ‘the eminent Professor Fildes’ had expressed, although a more subtle interpretation might be adduced. Florey may have been encouraging the sharing of penicillin techniques with the Soviets on humanitarian grounds. Fildes, on the other hand, had ventured the opinion that, if the Russians tried to deploy penicillin-manufacturing plant and techniques to the creation of BW agents, the project would blow up in their faces – literally. In any event, Florey displays a level of ignorance concerning the control that the Americans claimed to exert over the systems they had developed.

The Seduction of Comrade Borodin

I wrote earlier how Liddell’s Diaries reveal that MI5 in early 1948 was keeping close tabs on Borodin and his activities, and how the British authorities were considering encouraging him to defect. A critical part of the entry for February 4 is another worth citing in full:

On the other hand, we have a very considerable interest in a man like BORODIN. If BORODIN is in fact purchasing chemical plant consciously for B.W. purposes, he may also be seeing information about our own efforts, and for all we know he may have got in touch with somebody important. If we could satisfy ourselves about his intentions and knowledge, we might consider him as a potential defector, and take steps accordingly. Quite apart from the espionage or defector aspect of the case, it seems to me that we are the only department which can exploit the field to the full extent. J.I.B. can talk to the firms, but it may be necessary for us to apply all our resources where BORODIN goes and whom he visits. Hayter [the Chairman of the JIC] asked about BORODIN’s potentialities as a defector. I said that we were looking into his case but were far from being able to say that he was a likely bet. Apart from the many difficulties in making an approach in a case of this sort, it was first of all essential to know whether he had near relatives in Russia.

That seems to me to be a very complacent and uninspired piece of analysis from Liddell. He implicitly admits that he knows nothing about Borodin’s first mission to the UK, where he had for several months been purloining secret material, and passing it on to the Soviet Embassy. Even now, MI5 appears uncertain of Borodin’s whereabouts: would representatives of Soviet trade missions not have to report their movements, especially if they were visiting factories manufacturing strategic material? Thus encouraging him to defect seems a very defensive measure, as if committing him to stay in the United Kingdom would somehow prevent the leakage of strategically valuable information, when the damage had already been done. And, if they thought that he might have useful information to give them, they should instead have tried to pick his brains there and then, and held open the hope that he might return to the UK with fresh updates at some time in the future – in other words, turning Borodin into an ‘agent in place’ rather than a defector.

A cryptic follow-up occurred on February 18, where Liddell conspired with Kenneth Strong and Lamb of the J.S.T.I.C. (Joint Staff Technical Intelligence Committee?) to exploit the Borodin case as a superior method of gaining intelligence, allied with overt sources and signals intelligence. Liddell wrote that the three agreed that using SIS (MI6) and its assumed spy network, except in a limited sphere, was a waste of money. This entry suggests that the investigation of Borodin had moved quickly over the past couple of weeks.

George Thomson

At a critical meeting of the Bacteriological Warfare Sub-Committee (reporting to the Chiefs of Staff) on February 26, 1948, some contradictions in policy, as well as some unresolved differences in opinion, were evident. Sir George Thomson, representing the Imperial College, showed remarkable naivety in his assessment of Soviet ambitions and progress in both atomic weaponry and BW. He recommended sharing intelligence with Soviet scientists, since ‘such discussions might serve a useful purpose by informing the world at large of the true potentialities of BW’. Wansbrough-Jones and Fildes disagreed with him, but thought that, while British industrialists could be trusted not to give away secrets, any international fora should be avoided. The Committee showed confusion over the value of penicillin plant, believing (despite what Fildes said elsewhere) that it could be useful for creating pathogens, but nevertheless deemed it advisable to sell such capabilities to the Russians anyway, on humanitarian and commercial grounds.


Despite all this, the Committee, showing its familiarity with the impending expansive contract between Glaxo and the Soviet Delegation, wanted the JIC to check with the Americans that they approved the venture, and requested that the Ministry of Supply investigate how the export of plant might be prevented, given that an export license was not required. It was familiar with Borodin’s past movements in the UK and in the USA (where the Soviet Union had already spent $500,000), and it also showed awareness that Borodin was currently trying to acquire a deep culture plant from Bennett and Shears. There was, however, ‘no indication he has any interest in Penicillin than in its curative or prophylactic properties’. Nor was there presumably any doubt about the integrity of the ‘British industrialists’ controlling the project. The Committee was evidently at sea, and it needed a stronger Chairman on the tiller.

In any event, some more successful overtures were apparently made over the next few months. As the Soviet sources indicate, Borodin was working primarily with Florey’s adversary Ernst Chain at this time, and he was formulating ambitious plans for building plant in the Soviet Union. Chain was apparently encouraging such projects quite openly, to the degree that he filed copies of his letters to the Soviet Trade Delegation. On July 2, however, Borodin had turned up at the premises of his earlier mentor, Florey, in Oxford. Florey had contacted Dick White in MI5 to let him know that Borodin was seeking his assistance. John Marriott was despatched to Oxford to speak to Florey, and he returned the same day to give Liddell a positive report. Yet the way in which Borodin’s intentions were articulated is very confusing – partly, perhaps, because of sloppy recording.

Despite his belief that ‘he thinks he will be liquidated if he goes back to Russia’, Borodin was reported to be ‘not in the least apprehensive’. He had apparently thought out everything carefully, and part of the plan seemed to be that he would return to Russia. There is no conditional verb: “He does not think that his return to Russia will [i.e. not ‘would’] have any effect on his family either one way or the other, but is certain that he himself will be liquidated.” That is hardly the mood of someone who declares himself unapprehensive, unless it reflected a death wish to save his family, who would surely suffer if he decided not to return. Borodin also expressed how he wanted to clean house in England, so that there could be no accusation of misappropriation of funds. Was he perhaps concerned about the financial agreement with Chain, and how it might cast suspicions on his role and interest? The report closes: “He has a great deal to tell us and is willing to co-operate to the full.”

Something must have caused his plans to change, as his memoir suggested. Liddell has nothing more to say about Borodin, although his Diaries have an extraordinary vacant patch between July 30 and September 23 – a period for which he simply states that he had been ‘away’.

Ominous Undercurrents

Meanwhile, a possibly shady exploit was carrying on. MI5 had been making some clumsy moves in investigating the suppliers of penicillin-manufacturing material, as Liddell’s diary entry for February 19 attests. The offender was William Skardon, who took time off his interrogation duties to visit the premises of Bennett and Shears, one of the firms involved in the manufacture of penicillin, and to ask questions about industrial mobilisation in Russia. When the proprietors wondered what his game was, he discovered that he had not brought any identification with him. Liddell was introduced to the embarrassing problem, and he was asked to sort it out.

Henry Yorke

What is astonishing is the communication channel by which Liddell learned about the incident. In all innocence, Liddell records that the news came to him from Anthony Blunt, who himself received it from Guy Burgess, who had been in contact with Goronwy Rees. Rees had some sort of justification, because he was working for his friend Henry Yorke at Bennett and Shears, which worked out of Shoe Lane in London, and specialized in manufacturing brewing and distillation equipment. This might seem an unusual appointment for a Fellow of All Souls, but maybe he simply managed the books, as he had skills in this area, and managed the estates of his illustrious college. In A Chapter of Accidents, Rees describes his less than arduous duties sitting alongside Henry Yorke, a writer he admired, as he led the family firm. In Looking for Nobody, however, Rees’s daughter, Jenny, presents the firm as Pontifex. Pontifex had apparently acquired Bennett and Shears back in 1908: Jenny states that her father worked in George Street, Marylebone in the mornings and walked to the MI6 building at 54, Broadway for his afternoon stint. In any case, when Liddell talked to Rees, the latter thought it had all been a misunderstanding, but he confirmed that the Russians were buying penicillin plant. Whether Rees had been inserted at Bennett and Shears by MI6 is a possibility that has to be raised.

Anthony Blunt, however, had retired from MI5 in 1945. True, Liddell often used him as a ‘consultant’, but what was Blunt doing getting involved with penicillin-manufacturing, and what was Guy Burgess’s role in all this? Apart from hinting that Burgess and Rees were co-operating in some way, which contradicts the way that Rees tried to distance himself from Burgess in the years to come, the events suggest a very conspiratorial network, in which Victor Rothschild, probably in his role as an outspoken member of the BRAB, was probably colluding with the three cronies listed above. Perhaps, with Rees reporting to MI6, it was a canny way of getting a message to Liddell without ruffling feathers at 54, Broadway. Yet for Liddell to be ignorant about Rees’s position at Bennett and Shears, and for him to send in a poorly-prepared snoop to check out what was going on, seems utterly amateurish. Moreover, he would not have been pleased that MI6 was meddling on his turf.

Liddell had a further meeting with Blunt and Rees on March 11, where they discussed penicillin. Why Blunt had to be at the lunch is unexplained, but Liddell took time to explain to Rees that British Intelligence was concerned about the possibility that the Soviets could use penicillin plant to create BW agents. He rather undermined his own advice by stating next that expert judgment (i.e. Fildes) indicated that the project ‘would come to a sticky finish’. How Rees was supposed to process this advice is not clear, and the issue of US manufacturing bans was not overtly mentioned. But the details of the conversations were surely transmitted to the Soviets by Blunt. Liddell must have cast out of his mind the fact that Blunt had been caught red-handed passing over military secrets to the Russians in 1944.

In addition, the actions and motivations of Rees cast further doubts on the story he compiled for himself. If he was indeed upright and loyal in his position at Bennett and Shears, he showed lamentable judgment in confiding in the known subversives Burgess and Blunt about the investigations of Skardon, and the deeds and acquisitions carried out by Borodin. On the other hand, the chain of Rees-Burgess-Blunt-Liddell anticipates the same eerie set of communications that occurred in the summer of 1951, when Burgess and Maclean absconded. Rees’s MI5 Personal File proves that some officers in the service considered that Rees had unlawfully helped the Soviets gain penicillin equipment from the USA, in contravention of the ban, and others have suspected Rees of having been involved in nefarious activities well after his declared change of heart in 1939. These events would tend to reinforce the argument that he was still working closely with Burgess at this time. My analysis is necessarily sketchy. The episodes cry out for the release of more useful archival material – which must surely exist.

Of course the implications are dire. While MI5 was starting to understand the extent of Soviet penetration of the secrets of atomic weaponry, it did not appear to have any idea that a more blatant exercise was being carried out in the field of bacteriological warfare. That was doubly dangerous, since secrets would be passed on about the progress being made in technical research, thus fostering an ability to kick-start the Soviet program. Yet the exposure was more complex. The intelligence would also have included the fact that Chiefs of Staff were not simply considering defensive mechanisms, but also harbouring plans for attacking the Soviet Union with pathogenic substances, which would indubitably have increased Stalin’s fears about aggressive Western intentions. One cannot avoid the suspicion that Rothschild may have been passing on to Burgess some highly confidential material derived from his role on the BRAB.

After the Defection

Richard Davenport-Hines

So Borodin dramatically – melodramatically – defected in August 1948. Information about his movements thereafter are very sketchy. Richard Davenport-Hines, the noted historian of the early twentieth-century British intelligentsia, made a bizarre contribution by writing a letter to the Times Literary Supplement after that magazine published a review of One Man in His Time in July of this year. It is a strange, anecdotal account without sources or references, under that quaint literary tradition by which ‘experts’ are allowed to make apparently authoritative statements in the Letters pages, without any fact-checkers interfering, and where the only critics may appear among the magazine’s correspondents. I reproduce the main content of his letter:

The Security Service gave Borodin the codename of Julep after his defection. He was secreted in a safe house called Barrow Elm between Quenington and Hatherop in Gloucestershire. Before Borodin could be established in a new identity in Canada, the former literary editor Goronwy Rees, who was then dividing his working hours between a department in the Secret Intelligence Service run by his friend David Footman and a manufacturing business run by his Friend Henry Yorke, learnt from his official work of the Russian’s defection. He improperly divulged the incident to Yorke, who is best known as the novelist Henry Green. Yorke’s business was involved in a project to supply a penicillin plant to India: he was dissatisfied by its temperamental technical adviser, the Nobel laureate Ernst Chain. Accordingly, in March 1949, Rees approached Guy Liddell, deputy director general of the Security Service, and proposed that Yorke might be allowed to consult or recruit Julep. Footman backed Rees’s proposal in a separate talk with Liddell. This curious initiative seems to have been quashed by the Security Service’s refusal to jeopardize Borodin’s new identity in Canada before he had taken it.

‘Barrow Elm’

There is enough apparent insider information in this story to give it a gloss of conviction. But where does it come from? [If you perform a Google search on ‘Julep Defector’, the search returns just the TLS letter – a true hapax legomenon.] Moreover, Davenport-Hines displays a bewildering ignorance of the barrage of facts that preceded these events, and he suggests a story that defies all reason. Overall, what use would a defector be if he had immediately to be secreted away to Canada? If Borodin had been nosing around at Bennett and Shears looking for knowledge and techniques, why would Yorke think that he might be a valuable resource to replace the testy but expert Chain? If he needed assistance, and his project was legal, why did he not contact Howard Florey or Paul Fildes, who would presumably have been able to point him in the right direction in a far more security-conscious way? Was it really India or Italy (see below) that was the target for the plant? And why would Footman and Liddell even think twice about the wisdom of hiring Borodin for such a venture? And, if someone as high as Liddell approved the scheme, who was it in MI5 that quashed the initiative? I cannot see Percy Sillitoe interjecting himself sagaciously into the debate.

I suspect that Davenport-Hines may have been given a dodgy dossier at some stage. Moreover, the account of Borodin’s hiding away in leafy Gloucestershire does not hold water. In another diary entry, dated August 9, 1949, Liddell offers his readers the following gem:

There has been a successful conference on Russian affairs at Oxford. We put up a strong team, who apparently acquitted themselves extremely well, which stood out in strong contrast to others present. E. H. Carr, late of the ‘Times’, and also Borodin, gave talks. Outstanding on our side on Far Eastern matters was MacDonald. Guy Burgess was there from the Foreign Office, but was not nearly so good.

In A Chapter of Accidents, Goronwy Rees describes this event as a weekend summer school run by the Foreign Office, where Burgess ‘was chosen to lecture Britain’s representatives, who included members of both MI5 and MI6, on Red China’. So much for protecting Borodin’s new identity, and hiding him away from prying eyes. He is paraded at a conference where he has apparently been openly identified, in a forum bound to provoke questions, and one of his fellow-speakers is Guy Burgess, who has been acquainted with the saga from the Bennett and Shears days. It is difficult to imagine how Borodin could have lasted long after this episode. As a reminder of the Soviets’ need for revenge against traitors at this time, I quote from Tim Spicer’s recent biography of ‘Biffy’ Dunderdale, A Suspicion of Spies, where he describes what happened to the defector Tokaev the previous year, when he and his wife were placed in a safe house protected by MI5 and the Metropolitan Police:

Soon after their arrival, a suspected assassin was detected outside the house which prompted a rapid evacuation to Frittiscombe, a very remote farmhouse at Chillington near Kingsbridge in Devon, then owned by Fred Winterbotham, who had, by this time, retired.

‘A Suspicion of Spies’

An eerie coda to this episode occurred later in 1948, when Tsarev, another defector who had been recommended by Tokaev, fled from his safe house in Kensington in search of the Soviet Embassy. Spicer writes: “SIS concluded that CAPULET’s change of heart had been prompted by his fear of retribution against his 20-year-old son, Vasili, who was living in Moscow.”

Florey and Chain Redux

The feud between Florey and Chain did not die. On September 30, 1948, Guy Liddell recorded a visit made to him by Florey, accompanied by one Lang Browne. They had come to discuss the case of Dr. Chain, which formulation suggests that a controversy over the Nobel laureate was already alive. The entry reads:

Dr. CHAIN, who had somewhat improperly entered into a contract with the Trade Delegation (Soviet) to sell them information on penicillin, has gone on a years [sic] holiday to Italy. Florey would like to edge him out, but if necessary would like, at some future date, to inform the appropriate authority at Oxford that we could confirm the Professor’s information about the disreputable conduct of Dr. CHAIN. I said that I could see no objection.

It was left that Florey would make fresh contact with MI5 if the necessity arose. The main conclusion from this entry, however, is the fact that MI5 knew about the Chain-Borodin agreement, and disapproved of it, although the ‘somewhat improperly’ is a weak qualification (litotes? irony? or simply inadequate knowledge?). It would seem that the Security Service did not know the extent of what Chain had promised to deliver, but that it was perhaps generally supportive of an exercise designed to lead the Soviets up the garden path.

The impression given here is that Florey is unaware of his rival’s true mission in Italy, and expects him to return to the UK soon, at which time he wants him expelled from the Dunn School of Pathology. Eric Lax reports that Chain had been requested by the British Council in 1947 to give several lectures on penicillin in Rome. His visit was such a success that it prompted the Istituto Superiore di Sanitá to invite him to organize and direct a research centre for chemical microbiology and a penicillin plant. He left Oxford in the summer of 1948 without resigning his post – or informing Florey of his departure. Instead he wrote an awkward letter of apology when he arrived in Rome (Florey had been in London the day he left town!), and regretted their severe falling-out.

Chain, however, had multiple irons in the fire. Mauro Capocci’s article informs us that he had been helping many governments at this time, include the Czechs. In the spring of 1948 (Capocci writes) Chain had been approached by Soviet representatives (i.e. Borodin, Zeifman and Cherniavskii) to set up a fermentation facility, and agreement was signed on July 20. Soon afterwards, namely just before Borodin’s defection, Chain compiled a 100-page report for the Russians: he said that their surface culture method of producing penicillin was antiquated. The British government had by then stopped the Soviets from receiving training from Distillers and Glaxo. Italy was a convenient cover for Chain’s work, as the Communists were still strong in northern Italy at that time, a red takeover having been averted only in April 1948. For some years Chain exercised significant influence behind the Iron Curtain, and he acted as the World Health Organization chairman in the early 1950s.

What is astonishing is the indulgence shown to Chain, the lack of enforcement of bans on selling equipment to the Soviets, and the neglect of close surveillance of Borodin. It suggests that MI5 and the JIC were indeed taken in by his potential as a defector, and that allowing him to deliver some success to his masters in Moscow was part of the plan for maintaining his reputation, and perhaps developing him as a useful agent in place. In that respect, however, the handling of Borodin could well point to a disinformation exercise. Knowing that penicillin-manufacturing techniques could not be safely adapted for creating mass bacteriological agents, the authorities might have allowed Borodin to learn all he could, and pass it on to his masters, in a show of humanitarian generosity. The US ban on selling related equipment could have been an enormous bluff to suggest to the Soviets that the technology was indeed highly strategic and valuable for offensive purposes in BW. Whether Chain was in on the scheme is uncertain, but Florey’s comments would tend to confirm that he was aware of what was going on. The bitterest irony, however, was the fact that Anthony Blunt had learned from Liddell the nature of the scheme, and had surely passed the intelligence on to the Kremlin, which might have given the Soviets a pretext for keeping Borodin on a leash in the United Kingdom.

A Real Defection?

In conclusion, what does my analysis indicate about the reality of Borodin’s defection? Recall the following (apparent) facts:

* Borodin was sought out as a possible defector more out of propaganda value than for the reward of his knowledge, since he had already disclosed all he knew to the Americans.

* Borodin wrote an unnecessarily flamboyant and destructive letter to the Soviet Embassy, which would immediately have jeopardized his chances of surviving in exile.

* His letter was compiled the day after he made his decision to defect, when he had no guaranteed refuge in Britain.

* Borodin’s appearance in Oxford in 1949 would have broken all the rules about keeping defectors in seclusion.

* Borodin’s defection occurred at exactly the same time that Chain was armed to undertake penicillin development work in Italy and behind the Iron Curtain.

* Despite the alarms expressed by MI5 and Borodin himself about possible harm to his family, Borodin went ahead with the defection.

* Nothing reliable about Borodin has surfaced anywhere since, and his memoir published in 1955 was shrouded in mystery, and lacked any context.

* Soviet archives represent him as an ‘unperson’, recognizing him only in the 2000s, but relegating him to an insignificant role, and undermining Soviet excellence.

I thus consider three scenarios: 1) A legitimate defection; 2) A modified defection that went wrong; and 3) A fake defection engineered by the Soviets.

  1. If we take Borodin’s account at face value, the scientist, shocked by the new atmosphere at the Embassy, and fearful of being executed if he returned to Moscow, applied to the British for asylum, and was accepted, leaving his family members to their fate. He was never heard of again (apart from the possible appearance in Oxford) until he published his memoirs, in English, in 1955, and revealed the brazen declaration of his defiant letter of August 27 to Ambassador Zarubin. He was regarded as a pariah by Moscow: nothing reliable about his life and whereabouts after 1948 can be ascertained.

This scenario contains so many contradictions and paradoxes that it is hard to take seriously. MI5 and the JIC had been considering trying to persuade Borodin’s to defect for months, but they had expressed concern about his family. In early July (i.e. several weeks before his alleged decision), Borodin had contacted Professor Florey, and discussed defection, and his possible return to the Soviet Union. He was thus not a sudden asylum-seeker, but he had practically no value as a defector, since he had passed on all he knew, and his main role as a functionary was to gather information. One might expect an account of one of Sudoplatov’s squads attempts to assassinate Borodin – an inevitable outcome if the facts are true – but no record of such has appeared. Borodin’s presence in Oxford would surely have energized the hunt.

2. If MI5 and the JIC had become excited about the prospect of enticing Borodin to defect, they might have originally seen it as a propaganda coup. On reflection, however, they may have asked themselves how they would exploit him once he defected, as he would have been of little utility. At that stage, they might have considered trying to use him as an ‘agent in place’, having him return to the Soviet Union, and then provide them with constant updates on the state of the Russians’ work on bacteriological warfare (rather in the manner that Oleg Penkovsky was used.) Such a strategy would have overcome their humanitarian concerns about Borodin’s family, and the conversations in early July hint at such an arrangement, even though Borodin fears for his life.

While this scenario reflects in principle a more practical strategy for exploiting Borodin, there is no solid evidence for its existence. Liddell’s Diaries never explicitly indicate such a tactic. And it would encounter some severe obstacles. Once Borodin returned to the Soviet Union (and his declarations concerning his probable execution express a grim reality, since Stalin still regarded citizens who had spent too much time abroad as dangerous influences, and there was a deadly purge still going on), it was highly unlikely that he would be allowed to return to the United Kingdom, and attempting to contact him to have intelligence passed over would have been futile and fatal. If Borodin had indeed been tempted to consider such a course of action, he either talked MI5 out of it, or MI5 itself must have undergone a quick re-think.

3. Could the whole defection have been a set-up by the Soviets? If Borodin received an overture from the British, he probably reported it to his party bosses. They had their man in place, who had delivered the goods by stealing secrets, and now was conspiring with Chain to construct a detailed program for them to follow. If Borodin stayed in the United Kingdom, he could keep in touch with progress made in bacteriological warfare (and they knew that Britain’s intentions were serious, from what they learned from Burgess and Blunt). Thus the MVD might have encouraged Borodin to negotiate, and stall, while he was executing his assignment with Chain at Oxford. If his utility ran out, or his access to fresh intelligence were prevented, there would come a time when he could be safely exfiltrated, and re-united with his family. If Borodin did indeed escape later, that would explain the complete silence thrown over the affair by the embarrassed British authorities, as the propaganda exercise would have been thrown back in their faces. Yet Borodin, as someone who was on the blacklist for maligning Soviet science, might have experienced the cellars of the Lubyanka soon after his return to the homeland. Mikoyan may well have suspected (learning from his spies in the UK) that Borodin was about to make a serious defection, and he might even have wondered whether the scientist had made a secret deal on the side to benefit from the large payments to be made to Chain. Thus Borodin may have taken fright, and decided that he needed to break away completely.

This seems to me the likeliest explanation. I have not seen any evidence that the Soviets boasted about such a coup, suggesting that Borodin may have double-crossed them. But what about the inflammatory letter to the Ambassador? I suspect it was never issued, as it would have been far too clumsy a ruse for MI5 to be taken in, and the Security Service would have even more dramatically pulled their horns in, and made Borodin utterly useless to the adversary. I believe it far more likely that the letter was compiled to accompany Borodin’s memoir, at a time when he may no longer have been in this world. I expressed my doubts earlier about Borodin’s ability to write such a memoir in English at that time. He probably wrote it in Russian, and left it with MI5, who had it translated. When the book was published (after Stalin’s death), an MI5 officer probably wrote the letters and had them inserted as a last fling, with a pinch of authenticity, to publish what many Soviet functionaries truly thought about the Communist regime. After all, the standalone letters appear as the totality of the file FO 1093/552. Why would that be? Only the ruse now looks hopelessly naive.

If I imagined I might find some sort of closure in this research activity, I was severely disillusioned. Yet I believe I have uncovered enough facts to set the hares running. A large number of questions remains to be investigated, and I hope that this report finds the right persons to help answer them.

(Recent Commonplace entries can be see here.)


Filed under Economics/Business, Espionage/Intelligence, General History, Literature/Academia, Management/Leadership, Politics, Science, Warfare

‘To Catch A Spy’? Actually, no . . .

‘To Catch A Spy’

For casual browsers, here is the short version of the book review, in the form of a clerihew:

Margaret Thatcher

Vigorously hounded ‘Spycatcher’.

For Wright’s attorney the clincher

Was her indulgence to Pincher.

For those of you who are fully paid-up subscribers to coldspur, and want to read the full version, start here:



Parallel Narratives

The MI5 Report  

Jonathan Aitken

The Plot

The ‘Spycatcher’ Trial

The Epilogue



Appendices 1-9



Someone (I do not recall who or where) recently pointed out that the one thing that Peter Wright, the author of Spycatcher, failed to do was to catch any spies. It seems that Tim Tate did not get the email, since he has titled his new book on the ‘Spycatcher’ affair To Catch A Spy. Since Wright was keen to boast that he was ‘the only senior officer in MI5 to have spent twenty years in counter-espionage’, either he was not a very capable sleuth, or else his energies were for some reason thwarted. It is the latter tale that Wright vigorously promoted, and it is the story that Tate has chosen to endorse. As an account of the catalogue of woe that Margaret Thatcher and her administration brought down on itself in trying to suppress Wright’s memoir, To Catch A Spy is, for the most part, excellent: on the other hand, as an investigation into the realities of Wright’s claims that MI5, and the UK government in general, were riddled with Soviet spies, it does not grab the nettle, makes some spectacularly wrong assertions, and is disappointingly bland and incurious. It fails to unravel the complexities of the establishment plots to control the narrative, and is far too accepting of what Wright and his accomplices claimed about the extent of Soviet penetration.

I approach volumes on intelligence like this one with three primary questions: What is the track-record of the author, and what credentials does he [or she] have? What fresh sources does he bring to the table that may cause a revised history of the events to be justified? What methodology does he apply in sifting the evidence, and dealing with the multiple obfuscations and dissimulations that inevitably bedevil the records and testimonies?

Tim Tate

I had encountered Tate in two previous books: Hitler’s Secret Army, and Agent SNIPER (published in Britain as The Spy Left Out in the Cold), his biography of the Polish defector Michal Goleniewski. He describes himself as a documentary film-maker and investigative journalist. I gained much from both books, although I believe Tate exaggerated the Nazi threat in the first book, and Goleniewski, who rapidly entered the predictable world of fantasy when his intelligence ran out, hardly had enough substance to warrant a full book about him. Rating: B.

On sources, Tate has performed a phenomenal job in rooting out arcane material – especially in British Government archives, where critical information was released to select historians, but weeded from the files before they were released to the public – with many still withheld. He has also scoured the records of the ‘Spycatcher’ trial in New South Wales to deliver valuable new material from the transcripts and affidavits. He has secured several personal communications with prominent members of the controversy, from Nigel West through Jonathan Aitken and others, to Peter Wright’s offspring (although such confidences should not be automatically trusted). Rating: A-.

Sadly, Tate has not applied the methodology of a professional historian to his material. (The qualifications for adoption as a Fellow of the Historical Society must be low.) He is far too trusting of what Wright said in his book, and in his affidavits, when careful checks and third-party testimony lead one quickly to the conclusion that he was a consummate liar. His exaggerated respect for Wright is shown by the fact that a majority of the chapters in his book are introduced with a statement from him. All too often I looked up a reference in Tate’s Endnotes to find it simply cited a page from Spycatcher, and Tate shows no discrimination in deciding when Wright should be believed, and when he should not. That weakness extends to his coverage of other witnesses. Tate also quotes, far too often, Christopher Andrew and his unverifiable references to ‘Security Service Archives’ in Defending the Realm, and he never attempts to engage the authorized ‘historian’. He accepts all such information as gospel – except when it tends to contradict his main thesis. The unwillingness to challenge Wright’s lies is in contrast to his justified contempt for the prevarications and perjury of Sir Robert Armstrong. This failing undermines a dominant theme in his book – that dozens of Soviet spies remained unchallenged and unprosecuted in Britain’s offices of state. I was tempted to redeem Tate’s grade slightly in recognition of the industrious work he has performed in comparing declassified files with published texts, but found the process of unravelling his cross-references so laborious that I stayed with my more negative appraisal. Rating: C+.

To illustrate some of my points, I present some extracts from Tate’s Introduction, with commentary. It is not a good beginning.

P 1 “Peter Wright, a senior Security Service officer for more than twenty years, had been at the centre of many of the most damaging intelligence scandals of the 1950s and 1960s. He had been MI5’s chief counter-espionage officer, leading its efforts to catch Kim Philby, to uncover Soviet penetration of Britain’s twin intelligence agencies, MI5 and MI6, and to root out the long tentacles of Moscow’s infamous ‘Ring of Five’ spies, embedded in the heart of the British Establishment.”

Wright had not been a senior MI5 officer for twenty years. He had been recruited in 1955 as a scientific officer, and had been appointed head of research in D Branch in January 1964. By then, Guy Burgess was dead, Donald Maclean had been in Moscow for thirteen years, John Cairncross had been encouraged to resign in 1951 after owning up to espionage and had formally confessed in December 1963 after being named by Anthony Blunt, Kim Philby had absconded from Beirut in 1963, and Blunt had confessed to being a Soviet agent not in April 1964 but in late 1963 (as my original articles strongly hypothesized, at https://coldspur.com/the-hoax-of-the-blunt-confession-part-1/ and https://coldspur.com/the-hoax-of-the-blunt-confession-part-2/ , and which I reinforced last month, at https://coldspur.com/an-anxious-summer-for-rees-blunt/ ). Wright was never head of counter-espionage, although he did chair the combined MI5-MI6 FLUENCY Committee to investigate Soviet penetration, and before his retirement he was a special adviser to Michael Hanley, the Director General from 1972 to 1978. That the ‘Ring of Five’ had tentacles, and that the level of commitment to the Soviet cause dedicated by the persons supposedly representing them was high, is not questioned by Tate. He is intuitively sceptical of anything MI5 directors-general say, and (for instance) criticizes Antony Duff for carrying out a stringent internal inquiry in 1987 without reaching out to contact Wright himself!

P 2 “It [the government] had also allowed retired Director General Sir Percy Sillitoe and its in-house traitor Anthony Blunt to write their own memoirs . . . .”

Unlike Sillitoe’s book (which boasted a foreword by Clement Attlee), Blunt’s memoir was never published. In light of other indiscreet revelations provided by unnamed MI5 officers, coupling Sillitoe and Blunt is a bizarre choice. In PREM 19/1952, John Masterman’s The Double Cross System in the War of 1939-45 is listed alongside Sillitoe’s memoir as the only other book by an ex-MI5 officer that received authorization by the government – although that statement misrepresents what was in fact a very awkward process.

P 2 “Wright’s allegations of Soviet penetration of MI5, and of MI5’s habitual law-breaking, were simultaneously admitted as true for the purposes of the Australian trial but pronounced false in the House of Commons.”

That statement constitutes a dubious representation of the truth. Tate echoes it on page 245, where he writes of the government’s ‘admission that – for the purposes of the trial –  every word in Spycatcher was true’, and again on page 290, where he claims that Thatcher’s denials to the House of Commons about the Wilson plot were contradicted by the fact that the government had accepted during the Spycatcher trial that ‘all Wright’s allegations were true’. I cannot locate any passage in Tate’s book that supports this thesis: the whole point of the Government’s defence was that Wright’s claims could not be dissected at all because they were all confidential. I believe that these assertions may be a lazy paraphrasing of what Charles Moore wrote in Volume 3 of his biography of Margaret Thatcher, on page 239. The relevant text runs as follows: “It [the British government] agreed, for the purposes of the court case alone, to admit the truth of Wright’s allegations and information, disputing only the author’s right to publish them. This was a legal technicality, but of course it was not understood as such.”

This is an uncharacteristically sloppy passage by Moore, and his heavily annotated book provides no sources for these claims. With whom did the government ‘agree’? What was the implication of ‘for purposes of the court case alone’? How public was that statement? What are the implications of the words ‘legal technicality’? Who were the agents and figures who did not ‘understand it as such’? Moore predictably did not start to answer such questions, but, in my opinion, Tate should have taken it upon himself to analyze them further before promoting the underlying assertion as gospel.

P 4 “The Security Service was determined to cover up the truth about Soviet moles in its ranks, to conceal its habitual domestic law breaking and to prevent any democratic supervision of its actions. . . . . .  At its behest, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Secretary conspired to defuse the ticking time bomb of the investigation into Sir Roger Hollis by leaking top-secret information.”

While Tate appears, rather alarmingly, to have pre-judged that the existence of moles within MI5 was an inarguable fact, he provides no evidence of MI5’s determination to cover up such a ‘truth’ in the critical period under review. As he records, when Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979, the Security Service presented to her a detailed report that outlined the investigations into possible ‘moles’ in the service, and particularly that into Roger Hollis. Yet the Director General of MI5 at the time (1978-1981), Sir Howard Smith, does not even appear in the Index of To Catch A Spy, and it is moreover unlikely that Armstrong and Thatcher would have been persuaded to engage in such conspiracies by the arguments of such a weak character. The claim that it was MI5’s ‘behest’ that convinced Thatcher and Sir Robert Armstrong to initiate the leakage operation thus lacks any supportive evidence, and runs counter to the narrative as presented in Tate’s text. [In Volume 3 of his biography of Thatcher, Charles Moore attributes Smith’s supportive role in responding to Pincher to a conversation he had with Lord Armstrong, as he became, and the claim is thus not seriously verifiable. Moreover, in Volume 1, Moore had reported that the Director General had advised Thatcher not to make any announcement when the Blunt rumour first surfaced in ‘late’ 1979. Since Moore recorded the D-G as being Michael Hanley, who had retired the previous year, this unsourced item must therefore be treated as another vague observation. The whole section covering the Blunt revelation is very loose.] After Their Trade is Treachery began serialization in the Daily Mail, the newspaper reported that Thatcher had ordered Smith to provide an explanation, but that may have been a supposition inserted by Pincher.

Howard Smith

P 4 “He, with official approval and the backing of Lord Victor Rothschild, himself a former spy, used this material to publish a book about the case in 1981. And Pincher’s secret co-author as the British government knew – was Peter Wright.”

Lord Rothschild – who strongly protested when his name appeared in the form given by Tate, by the way – was never a ‘spy’ for British intelligence (though he had been an ‘agent of influence’ for the Soviets). [Tate, mimicking the unfortunate example of Tom Bower, who titled his biography of Dick White The Perfect English Spy, regularly classifies counter-espionage officers as ‘spies’, a practice that may have started with Isaiah Berlin’s career advice to Philip de Mowbray.] Tate also fails to draw clear lines in the conspiracies to exploit Wright’s findings via the media of Chapman Pincher. In his main text, he judges it a ‘coincidence’ that Armstrong and Thatcher were plotting to use Pincher at the same time that Rothschild and Wright were doing exactly the same thing. He fails to explain why the backing of Rothschild was significant if ‘official approval’ had already been registered.

As a parenthesis, I point out that I have added several Appendices to this report, the first and second consisting of a comprehensive guide to the National Archives files used by Tate – which would have been a useful component of his supportive material – and a summary of the information exceptionally provided to Charles Moore. The others constitute a record of the incumbents in critical positions during the period of these events (broadly 1945-1990). I compiled these partly for my own edification, as it is useful to be able to verify personalities when a record refers simply to the ‘Prime Minister’ or the ‘Director General’ of the time, but also to show the general lack of continuity among most political appointees or electees. MI5 and MI6 reported to the Home Office and the Foreign Office, respectively, so I include the Ministers responsible, many of whom must have been overwhelmed by the intelligence shenanigans they encountered, but did not remain long enough in office to have any influence. Amid all this was the relative permanence of the Cabinet Secretaries, solidly ensconced in the engine-room of the ship of state, with only four such civil servants holding the office between 1947 and 1987, thus confirming the importance of their interest and actions as the investigations into Soviet infiltration evolved. Robert Armstrong uniquely served only one Prime Minister – Margaret Thatcher.

Parallel Narratives

One of the most extraordinary aspects of Tate’s story is the manner in which his narrative and that of Christopher Andrew run on parallel but contradictory lines. Tate shows much ingenuity in expanding on Pincher’s account, explaining how in early 1980 the MP Jonathan Aitken approached Thatcher and Armstrong to warn them about the level of Soviet penetration in the intelligence services, augmenting what a report given by MI5 to Thatcher soon after her assuming office in May 1979 had declared about the FLUENCY investigation. That initiative led to a plot by Thatcher and her Cabinet Secretary to try to deliver the unsavoury news about Hollis through a supposedly friendly journalist, Chapman Pincher. As I pointed out above, Tate never mentions the current MI5 Director General, Howard Smith. Andrew, on the other hand, says nothing about Their Trade is Treachery until describing the occasion on which Thatcher was forced to make her statement in the House of Commons. He writes nothing about the MI5 report that educated her to the threats back in 1979. According to him, the ruse to employ Pincher was cooked up solely by Rothschild and Wright (although Andrew does confirm that Wright had been leaking information to Pincher for some years). On the other hand, Andrew has several things to say about the ineffectual Howard Smith, who had been brought by James Callaghan from the Embassy in Moscow to lead MI5 in 1978, but thereafter stayed in the background, was a weak leader, and did not concern himself with operational affairs.

It is perennially difficult to assess how reliable Andrew’s judgments are. We do not know (for instance) the extent of his access to MI5’s files. (He describes it as ‘virtually unrestricted’, but how does he know?) We do not know how many he himself inspected, or whether those cited were perhaps summarized or sanitized by his research team of ex-MI5 officers. We do not know whether relevant files from other government departments were placed before him: certainly he cites resources such as the FCO and the PREM categories, but his narrative would suggest that some vital files escaped his notice. The status of the files his team did inspect – whether still unclassified, or since released – is unknowable. It is a very sorry state of affairs that I – and other historians – have lamented.

‘Their Trade is Treachery’

Andrew’s oversight in this particular domain is all the more remarkable since Pincher first referred to Aitken’s letter to Thatcher, dated January 31, 1980, in Their Trade Is Treachery (hereafter referred to as TTIT; 1981) and published its full text as an Appendix in his 1988 book A Web of Deception. Pincher, rather disingenuously, claimed that he had gained most of his material for TTIT from Aitken, who had, in turn, been indoctrinated by James Angleton of the CIA, and then further educated by Arthur Martin (at that time retired from the intelligence scene). Pincher then claimed that Thatcher and Armstrong had brushed off Aitken’s warning, assuredly after receiving guidance from MI5 to ignore it (though Pincher provided no evidence of such), and that Armstrong did not become alive to the imminent revelations about Hollis until he received an early copy of TTIT in January 1981. His thesis (as I explained in coldspur two months ago, at https://coldspur.com/the-still-elusive-victor-rothschild/ ) was to judge that the government had stumbled into allowing TTIT to be published out of a misguided concern for secrecy rather than from any devious plotting.

Tate’s coup has been to exploit archival material declassified in 2023 to blow a hole in both these stories, thus resolving the conflicts that puzzled me last month – why Thatcher and Armstrong would behave so passively over Pincher’s subversive book, and why Rothschild would risk so much in dealing with, and encouraging, Wright. Reproducing information from PREM 15/591, Tate shows that Thatcher and Armstrong considered, in June 1980, that allowing the leaked story to be communicated by a ‘sympathetic’ journalist, namely Pincher, would defuse the volatile Hollis situation and allow them to control the risks embodied by Wright. These revelations hold enormous significance for the encounters between Rothschild and Wright, and the ‘introduction’ of Pincher, in late summer 1980. But first, I want to step back and consider the implications of the 1979 MI5 report, and the incongruous entry of that popinjay and perjurer* Jonathan Aitken into the narrative.

[* Aitken was convicted of perjury in 1999, and served prison time for it.]

The MI5 Report

The May 1979 report, which consists of eight pages, in PREM 19/120, offers a broad summary of the (unidentified) FLUENCY Committee investigations. It is anonymous, but was probably compiled by the Deputy Director General, John Jones, who had been working for MI5 since 1955. It explains the disclosures by one defector (Gouzenko) and one would-be defector (Volkov) that had encouraged the inquisition, and Tate’s text briefly outlines the trail that led to Roger Hollis’s being considered the prime suspect. Yet it also provided an important qualification: “No information was discovered to confirm the supposition of espionage . . .”, which suggested that all the claims of ‘failures’ of counter-Soviet operations rested on shaky ground. My contention has always been that the first responsibility of MI5 and MI6 should have been to try to determine why such projects had misfired, and whether such failures could reasonably be attributed to leakage, rather than blundering around looking for scapegoats. For instance, in ‘Peter Wright’s Agents and Double-Agents’ (see https://coldspur.com/peter-wrights-agents-double-agents/ of May 2022), I debunked the notion of MI5’s having a hope of running ‘double-agents’ against the Soviets in London, and I expanded on this theme earlier this year in ‘Some Problems with Westy’ (see https://coldspur.com/some-problems-with-westy/ ).

Yet Tate disposes of this report in a very perfunctory manner. First of all, his introduction is inaccurate. On page 115, he states that Thatcher would not have been able to rely on Sir John Hunt for guidance, since she had replaced him with Sir Robert Armstrong in October. Hunt, however, had been supplying the Prime Minister with analysis, draft written responses should the crisis erupt, and supplementaries to possible parliamentary questions, from her accession on May 4 right up until October 10, five days before Armstrong officially took over. (Tate lists only Volume 3 of Moore’s biography of Margaret Thatcher in his ‘Selected Bibliography’.) In this communication, he showed how alive he was to the situation by pointing out that Blunt might a) initiate libel proceedings, b) make a public confession, or c) commit suicide. Armstrong’s first recorded memorandum is dated November 8th, after Climate of Treason had been published.

John Hunt

Furthermore, Tate misrepresents the essence of the MI5 report. He dedicates only a single paragraph to it, and summarizes it as referring to ‘the facts which had pointed at Hollis as the most likely traitor in its ranks’. Yet the report expressed no such opinion. It stated that there had been no evidence of penetration for twenty years. Over a hundred leads had been investigated (presumably including those that Wright identified), but they had been cut down to only five by 1973, and to a single case in 1976 –  which was still being looked into. Tate’s immediate judgment is that MI5 ‘was determined to keep its political masters in the dark about the extent of the problem’ (p 110), but he offers no evidence for that conclusion, and appears not to consider that, since MI5 had opened up the project, the Security Service might have expected to receive further questions from their bosses about the process and the eliminations. Yet that apparently did not happen. Simply because MI5 was evasive and dilatory concerning the activities of some spies, it did not automatically mean that it was concealing information about a clutch of others.

In addition, nothing incriminating had been found against Graham Mitchell or Roger Hollis, and the judgment was that Volkov’s identification was much more likely to have been Philby rather than Hollis (even though the report characteristically misrepresented Hollis’s role during World War II). One of the most ridiculous suggestions is that, when Blunt resigned from MI5 in 1945, Moscow might have wanted a spy within the service to carry on the work, and thus they ‘activated’ either Mitchell or Hollis, or both – as if they had been waiting quietly in the wings for that day. Meanwhile, as Blunt admitted, he carried on supplying information to the Russians through the 1951 events (exploiting his excellent relationship with Liddell and White), and beyond – and was probably involved in the tip-off to Philby in 1963.

What is more astonishing is that in MI5’s report the original trigger for the investigation into possible infiltration was ascribed to an interview by MI5 of Philby’s wife Eleanor after the defection. She stated that her husband had become very nervous, and started drinking heavily (again) in 1962, and the Security Service assumed that one of the only five senior officers who knew about the renewal of the investigation into Philby must have leaked that information to him. That led to Mitchell and Hollis, but, later in the report, the author pointed out that Philby might well have become very anxious because of the news that the defector Golitsyn was starting to talk, and might be able to finger him – which indeed was the case. If Eleanor Philby’s claim truly was the prima facie cause for the whole inquiry, it rested on very shaky ground. Tate ignores that observation, preferring to trust the version that Wright offered.

Tate largely ignores the tenor and details of the MI5 report. I hoped, nevertheless, that he would apply some rigorous analyses of the failures claimed by Wright. Yet, in his critical Chapter 7, title ‘DRAT’ (the code-name for the investigation into Hollis), where he covers the allegations, he first refers to the August 1975 report submitted by Sir John Hunt, the Cabinet Secretary, to Prime Minister Harold Wilson, which mentioned in vague terms the possibility of espionage leads beyond proven spies, but then for his next seven sources relies almost exclusively on Wright’s testimony, from the Granada television program, from Spycatcher, and from his affidavit in Sydney. These are notoriously unreliable, as several commentators have pointed out. Tate later admits that Wright was accused by other MI5 officers of inventing evidence where none existed, but he largely ignores the consequences of such claims.

There have never been any documents released from the FLUENCY Committee, or the DRAT investigation, so Tate cites Christopher Andrew for two important anecdotes. In Defending the Realm, on page 511, Andrew wrote that Hollis and White, the respective chiefs of MI5 in 1965, had accepted the conclusions of the FLUENCY Committee that Soviet penetration of both services had endured, and that they authorized further investigations. The circumstances of these judgments are maddeningly elusive, as, again, Andrew is exploiting an unverifiable source. White’s reasoning, and the possibility that his protégé was influenced by him, must be one of the most important aspects of the whole case. And on page 517, Andrew describes a June 1970 report written by John Day titled ‘The Case Against DRAT’. (By then, both Hollis and White had retired, although White was active as Intelligence Co-ordinator for the Cabinet office until 1972.) Andrew was probably the only outsider who had read the report. In his Endnote, however, Tate writes: “The only account of its contents . . . . unsurprisingly denounces it as ‘threadbare’ and ‘shocking’.” Why would Tate characterize Andrew’s analysis in such a deprecatory manner? Does he think that Andrew was prejudiced? Why does he not trust Andrew’s assessment of the significance of its contents? Why did he not attempt to have a conversation with Andrew about it, as he did with other participants?

I should record that Andrew took a dim view of Wright and his fellow ‘conspiracy-theorists’. He wrote of Day’s paper: “It remains a shocking document – a classic example of a paper written to support a conclusion already arrived at which excludes important evidence to the contrary and turns on its head evidence which does not fit the preconceived conclusion”, and Andrew gives examples of Hollis’s positive track-record, and how misguided the characterization of Hollis’s roles was as presented in the report. Now, one could not expect Tate to argue on the merits of Day’s report, since he had not read it, but it seems to me utterly cavalier and irresponsible of him not to record Andrew’s judgment, and instead to imply that Andrew was party to a cover-up. I encourage readers to re-inspect these pages 517-521: Andrew also cites at length a 1988 report issued by K10R/1 that catalogues Wright’s dishonesty and fabrications, and points to the lack of intellectual rigour on the part of many of the investigators. Sadly, it is another of those anonymous items footnoted solely as ‘Security Service Archives’. Yet Tate should have at least recognized its existence.

‘The Spy Who Came In From The Circus’

Andrew has recently added further testimony to support one of his claims – that Wright had created false evidence to incriminate Hollis. In his 2024 biography of the MI5 officer Cyril Mills, The Spy Who Came in from the Circus, he reinforces his argument by quoting Mills’s disparaging view of how Wright, in Spycatcher, completely misrepresented Mills’s contributions in surveilling the Soviet Embassy. When Wright’s book was published, Mills – who had up until then been a stickler about confidentiality, and honouring his commitments – told his family that the real traitor was not Hollis, but Wright himself. The distortions by Wright that Mills documented for his bosses were later confirmed through an internal MI5 inquiry.

Tate makes no mention of another distinguished critic of Peter Wright – Hugh Trevor-Roper. In a withering review of Spycatcher in the Spectator of October 10, 1987 (republished in The Secret World of 2014), Trevor Roper lambasted Wright’s ‘advocacy coloured by personal prejudice’, noted some further errors to those that had already been listed, and characterized his approach as ‘somewhat paranoid’. Trevor-Roper was also the first to refer to the complaints made by Cyril Mills, as echoed by Andrew. He vented at the hypocrisy displayed by Wright, who claimed that he was on his crusade for the public good when he had already admitted that MI5 was ‘mole-free’ by the time the book was published.

That intellectual flabbiness was evident at the top is, nevertheless, undeniable. Andrew cites another unverifiable archival item in which Furnival-Jones (the Director-General between 1965 and 1972), ‘despite his own scepticism about “The Case against DRAT”’, informed the Permanent Under-Secretary at the Home Office (Sir Philip Allen) and the Cabinet Secretary (Sir Burke Trend) of the investigation of Hollis, but for some reason failed to tell either the Home Secretary (Reginald Maudling) or the Prime Minister (Edward Heath), who had replaced Wilson after the June 1970 election. One might have expected a disciplined leader of MI5 to have carried out his own rigorous assaying of his subordinates’ extravagant claims before sharing with his political masters the facts of the internal divisions, but Tate characterizes Furnival-Jones as amiable and unenterprising.

Thus Tate allows Wright’s presentation of the ‘twenty-eight solid cases’ to hold sway. I shall not here analyze in depth such episodes, but merely record some of the obvious errors made in Wright’s presentation of the interrogation of Hollis in 1970, as recorded by Tate, since I have written about these beforehand. The first is Volkov’s claim about ‘the acting head of a section of the British counter-intelligence directorate’. Tate echoes the assertion that that must point to Hollis, the ‘acting head’ of F Branch during WWII. Yet B Branch was responsible for counter-intelligence; the mission of F Branch was controlling subversion, and Hollis was its permanent head after June 1941. Philby in MI6 was the obvious candidate. The second is a complete misrepresentation of Gouzenko, and the ‘ELLI’ accusations. The third is the outlandish suggestion that both Hollis and Mitchell owned the combination of length of service and access to information that would have allowed them to tip off Philby before his defection. To this, Tate notes without comment Wright’s claim that the evidence against Hollis was ‘far greater than any of the other people’. It is quite absurd. If Tate sincerely believed that the MI5 report was a stitch-up, and that Wright’s case was strong, he should at least have examined the evidence more carefully, and not have misrepresented the conclusions of the report.

Jonathan Aitken

Jonathan Aitken

Aitken’s insertion of himself into the controversy is quite extraordinary. Aitken had become a Conservative Member of Parliament in 1974. He was a colourful showman of solid ‘pedigree’, with a varied and stimulating background career. He had been introduced to James Angleton at the Army and Navy Club in December 1979, whereafter events took an alarming shape. Angleton expressed his suspicions about the security of Britain’s intelligence services, introduced him to Arthur Martin (now employed as a clerk in the House of Commons), and Aitken was excited enough about what he was told by Martin and his wife (who had been Guy Liddell’s secretary) to join the bandwagon.

On January 31, 1980, Aitken thus wrote a long letter to Margaret Thatcher, attempting to bypass normal Civil Service channels, outlining his concerns, and recommending action. (Tate refers to it as an exhibit of the Supreme Court of News South Wales: as I mentioned earlier, the full text appears as Appendix A in Pincher’s A Web of Deception, and it has recently been published in PREM 19/951.) It comprises an astonishingly arrogant set of largely unsubstantiated claims, laying out a supposed case against Hollis, and asserting that ‘Hollis and Mitchell between them recruited other unidentified Soviet Agents into the Security Service’, and that it followed from that the Security Services [sic] ‘may still be severely penetrated today’. In summary, he recommended a full independent inquiry, an interrogation of Mitchell (Hollis was dead), statements to be made to the House of Commons, and a reform of the Security Service with a view to amalgamating MI5 and MI6. He signed off by expressing his hope to the Iron Lady that his suggestions would be ‘helpful’.

An even more melodramatic dimension to this outburst is the background. When Aitken met Angleton, he was apparently on his honeymoon, having just wedded Lolicia Azucki. Yet he had for some time before been dating Thatcher’s daughter, Carol, and had jilted her just after the election in May 1979, an event that apparently provoked almost as much grief to the Prime Minister as it did to her daughter, and caused her to overlook him for a ministerial post. (As a woman of traditional customs, Mrs. Thatcher may well have wanted to ask Aitken if his intentions towards her daughter had been honourable. Charles Moore wrote that she ‘deliberately overlooked his talents’ after he dumped Carol.) Thus the bold approach could be interpreted in different ways: as a cold-blooded gesture to remind his boss of his independence and imaginative ways; as an innocent and sincere initiative, since he might have supposed that romance was inevitably a messy business, but outside the realm of politics; or as a means of trying to ingratiate himself with her by genuinely alerting her to a real and present exposure. In any event, one might have expected Thatcher to have responded to his unsolicited advice with disdain.

Indeed, some years later, when confronted by Aitken again on the need for parliamentary oversight of MI5, she replied (as Tate records, citing Aitken’s biography of Thatcher): “What rot! That would mean people like you poking their noses into security matters they know nothing about!” It is a shame that she did not respond that way back in February 1980, although, with her rather two-dimensional view of the world, she was as much a novice in the world of intelligence as Aitken himself was. Outwardly, that was what happened. The letter nevertheless found its way to Sir Robert Armstrong (as Tate reports), who advised her to ignore Aitken’s recommendations, and a few weeks later Aitken received a curt response, indicating that Thatcher knew about the allegations.

The Plot

Yet Martin continued to leak. Aitken later told Tate that he was not concerned about the Official Secrets Act. Jonathan Penrose and Chapman Pincher were reported to be working on new embarrassing stories. It was probably Pincher’s approach to the Attorney-General Sir Peter Rawlinson, indicating that he was writing a book about Hollis, and was looking for some government help, that provoked the fateful decision by Armstrong and Thatcher. On June 10, 1980, Armstrong wrote to Thatcher, suggesting that Pincher, as a friendly right-wing journalist, might be relied upon to defuse the coming Hollis scandal by declaring that he had been found innocent, by the original investigation as well as by Sir Burke Trend’s lengthy analysis. Thatcher soon agreed to the scheme, although the cut-out of the Attorney-General was used to provide deniability about an official government leak. As Tate writes, the move was not only probably illegal, but also naive. “Armstrong grossly underestimated Pincher’s willingness to cause mischief and his genuinely extensive contacts among the group of dissident molehunters who fervently believed in Hollis’s guilt.”

Robert Armstrong

Thus the conspiracy to try to exploit Pincher as a way of muffling Martin – and Wright – has to be seen in a new light. Tate presents the parallel negotiations between Wright and Rothschild as completely unrelated to the Armstrong/Thatcher dealings with Pincher. “By a remarkable coincidence,” he writes, “Rothschild’s plan for publishing Peter Wright’s dossier involved the same intelligence muckraker.” Yet Rothschild had been in contact with Wright for some years, he had been keeping MI5 informed of Wright’s grievances and plans, he had been feeding Pincher with juicy tales from MI5 for some time, he had been in regular contact with Dick White on intelligence matters, he had his own ambitions for playing a dominant role in the Intelligence Services *, and he was on close terms with Armstrong. Furthermore, he had experienced that visit when in hospital (almost certainly by White: see https://coldspur.com/the-still-elusive-victor-rothschild/ ) where he had been encouraged in the plan to dismantle the Wright detonator by transferring the authorship elsewhere. He later requested cover when Wright planned to reveal his role at the trial, and warned Armstrong that he would disclose the names of other conspirators, prominently Maurice Oldfield #, if the Law continued to harass him. He was the ideal candidate to be the medium for the Armstrong-Thatcher plot.

[* Tate reports, using Moore’s biography of Thatcher, that Rothschild had in June 1979 recommended himself to the Prime Minister for the post of overseer of both Intelligence Agencies.

# Later in this report I debunk the notion that Oldfield would have been involved.]

Dick White is noticeably absent from Tate’s account of this period. Indeed, he has fewer entries in Tate’s Index than does Nigel West. Yet it is difficult not to see him as the ghost in the machine. As I wrote in my August posting, a few years later White told his biographer that he had warned Rothschild not to get involved too deeply with Wright. But Rothschild was dead then, and it was a typical example of self-serving mendaciousness from the man who for decades had been pulling the strings behind the scenes to protect his own reputation. I am confident that White and Rothschild were as involved with the plot as deeply as were Armstrong and Thatcher.

Before long, however, things began to turn sour. Pincher turned out not to be the compliant and sympathetic supporter Armstrong had judged him to be. For some reason, Rothschild was sluggish with his payments to Wright, who became impatient. When the first reactions to TTIT were somewhat quashed by Thatcher’s denials, Pincher wrote to Wright requesting new stories. Wright believed that he should be receiving royalties from the serialization of TTIT in the Daily Mail. Wright was angered by the way that Thatcher had evaded the challenges in her public statement, and wanted to renew the battle. He started to seek new outlets and fresh collaborators. Meanwhile, Armstrong and Thatcher had constructed a huge future hole for themselves by not taking any action to censor TTIT. The file PREM 15/591 shows the level of confusion reached, as memoranda are exchanged offering reminders that they were not officially supposed to have seen TTIT yet, and disingenuous questions being lobbed around as to who Pincher’s informant could possibly have been. And that error would turn out to be the vital factor that made the ‘Spycatcher’ trial such a disaster for Her Majesty’s Government.

One of the triggers that prompted Wright’s ire was the statement that Thatcher made to the House of Commons on March 26, 1981. Tate categorizes all three of her major points as ‘substantially false’, but I think he is being a bit shallow. Thatcher was careful to state that the leads gained by MI5 suggested that there ‘had been a Russian intelligence agent at a relatively senior level in British counter-intelligence in the last years of the war’, and she reduced the pressure on Hollis by stating that the leads could have pointed to Philby or Blunt. Wright, on the other hand, recalling the conclusions of the Fluency Committee, in his later affidavit asserted that the evidence of penetration had occurred ‘throughout the fifties and early sixties’, which would probably exclude Blunt *, and, since the betrayed operations were carried out by MI5, would presumably take a by now much less influential Philby out of the picture. His point on timing was no doubt correct, but no one who was hearing these statements for the first time knew exactly what Fluency had reported. On the other hand, Thatcher was essentially correct in the way she described how Burke Trend had examined the evidence in the files, and how he had offered a corrective to the shaky accusations made by Wright and his team. When Tate writes: “Her account of Trend’s verdict was the clearest evidence of her willingness to lie to parliament”, I believe he picks the wrong target.

[* I should point out that, in PREM 16/2230, John Hunt reports that Blunt had admitted providing information to the Soviets up until 1956. Of course, Blunt may have been lying, and he was probably involved with Philby’s escape in 1963.]

The ‘Spycatcher’ Trial

The account of the trial is where Tate really gets into his stride. Readers may be familiar with the broad outlines from Andrew’s history, from Malcolm Turnbull’s The Spycatcher Trial, and Richard Hall’s A Spy’s Revenge. They can cheerfully skip Chapman Pincher’s mendacious account in The Spycatcher Affair: A Web of Deception (although Tate lists it in his ‘Selected Bibliography’.) The trial in which Thatcher sent out Armstrong on a fool’s errand is the prime focus of Tate’s attention, and drives his story of how MI5 was placed into a proper statutory position (’Brought in from the Cold’) after the experience. The vital – and winning – point in the argument of the defence was that the government had taken no suppressive action in the cases of TTIT and Nigel West’s MI5: A Matter of Trust, even though both works had shown clear evidence of the leaking of secrets by intelligence insiders. What makes Tate’s narrative outstanding is the fact that he has carefully exploited files that have been declassified in the last few years, and, what is more, has identified several critical passages derived from secret archival material that was made available to Charles Moore, the authorized biographer of Thatcher (in particular Volume 3, 2019), and to Ian Beesley, who wrote a monumental Official History of the Cabinet Secretaries (2017), but which were removed from the files before they were released for public inspection (if the relevant file has not been permanently ‘closed’).

The government was in a bind in trying to ban the publication of Wright’s book. It had not seen the full text, of course, but it had to claim that the complete story was too confidential to be dissected and discussed, in order that it not be required to disclose secret documents in court. Otherwise it would have had to resort to discussing individual passages, which would have been embarrassing. Broadly, the contents would have fallen into five categories: 1) items that were known to be true, and dangerous, such as the accounts of ‘bugging and burgling’ across London; 2) items that were known to be true, but harmless, such as Wright’s description of his early career; 3) items that were known to be untrue, but dangerous, such as Wright’s more outlandish claims about Soviet penetration; 4) items that were untrue, but harmless, such as his account of explaining Blunt’s confession to Tess Rothschild; and 5) items that the authorities were really in the dark about, such as the accusations against Hollis, and MI5’s campaign against Harold Wilson – suspicions of whom, as Wright later admitted, had been harboured only by himself and one other colleague.

The trouble was that Robert Armstrong was ill-equipped to understand the context of any of these issues, and, while his resorting to the ‘too confidential to be discussed’ argument enabled him to conceal his ignorance, the reluctance of the government to enter into any challenges to Wright’s text contributed to the propaganda fall-out. The more energetically that the government tried to ban the book, the more Peter Wright was believed. The fact that the defence had to imply, for legal reasons, that Wright’s allegations were essentially valid, and did not offer any discrimination of them, gave even more power to the ‘Hollis is guilty’ chant.

The most significant item uncovered by Tate is clearly the idea expressed by Armstrong in June 1980 that the government should use Pincher as a way of controlling the narrative. While Charles Moore was allowed to see that memorandum, it was not released until December 2023, as part of PREM 19/591. Moreover, it was of course not divulged to Wright’s legal team, so that Armstrong was able to perjure himself quite shamelessly in the witness-box, claiming that Turnbull’s claims of complicity were just an ‘ingenious conspiracy theory’. Tate covers all this deception in his Epilogue [see below], where he justifiably lambasts the repeat of the policy of selectively releasing sensitive information to certain ‘approved’ writers, and then enforcing some level of control over what they are allowed to say.

It is worth recording some of the most important ‘bootlegged’ findings that, if they had been known at the time of the trial, would have had a very dramatic effect. They include Rothschild’s bid to become intelligence czar, and his discussions with Thatcher on the subject (p 116); the recognition by the Cabinet Office in the summer of 1980 that Rothschild and Wright were already acquainted (p 141); Armstrong’s warnings to Thatcher about being indulgent in allowing former intelligence officers to be indiscreet (p 151); and Thatcher’s subsequent deep concern, in June 1983, about the disclosures. Immediately after the trial, Armstrong started voicing deep concerns that MI5 should be brought under statutory control, and the debates and arguments that followed were heated (pp 275-278). One noticeable exception is the revelation that Armstrong recommended to Thatcher, in June 1980, that Chapman Pincher could be used to defuse the situation: the memorandum was included as part of PREM 19/591, although that file was not declassified until December 2023, which is why the item is such hot news now. Another important item (in PREM 19/1592), which I think Tate overlooks, is the statement made by Sir Anthony Kershaw, the head of the House of Commons Select Committee, in a letter dated November 29, 1986, that the government knew that Wright was the source of information for Pincher’s book. He wrote that two MI5 officers had read the text, and had come to that inescapable conclusion. He thus undermined the case that the government was making about not prosecuting the publishers of TTIT because it appeared not be reliant on an insider source.

The Epilogue

I believe the most significant chapter in the whole book is Tate’s Epilogue, where he describes the scandalous way in which archival material on the ‘Spycatcher’ case has been withheld – but very selectively released to a couple of writers. As stated above, the beneficiaries were Beesley, and Moore, whose Volume 3 of the authorized biography of Margaret Thatcher is the more important. Both writers describe, without any apparent sense of shame or unease, how they were allowed access to papers which had not yet been released to the public, or in fact would never be released at all (or which, individually, were removed from files before they were packaged for declassification, and, in some cases, digitization). What is outrageous, as Tate unequivocally spells out, is that this egregious behaviour is a carbon-copy of the original Thatcher-Armstrong plot. Civil servants have been making judgments about how to propagandize history, and try to ensure that the correct spin is put on events, without any apparent understanding that their highly improper actions would eventually come out in the wash.

‘The Official History of the Cabinet Secretaries’

Tate uses both Beesley and Moore, although in a rather chaotic and uneven manner. Despite being an ‘Official History’, Beesley’s work has been very poorly edited, with multiple typographical mistakes and a chaotic set of indexes. Beesley is a bit out of his depth in intelligence matters, makes several mistakes in his nomenclature, and fails to gain insights into the intrigues going on. As an example, in his chapter on John Hunt, he fails to make any mention of the coming crisis over Blunt in the late 1970s, where Hunt was intimately involved, an astonishing oversight given the evidence shown in PREM 16/2230. Yet he offers a wide range of items – primarily from ‘Cabinet Office Archives’ (or ‘papers’: the distinction is not clear) and from ‘Prime Minister’s Papers’ – hardly any of which boast an official file identifier, and are referenced solely by date. It is somewhat surprising that Beesley was not able to provide any file numbers, unlike Moore, since their research was roughly contemporaneous. Tate quotes thirty of these items, and they cover an assortment of Armstrong’s and Thatcher’s communications on how to handle the impending crisis, including evidence that Armstrong clearly spoke perjuriously in the witness-box in Australia.

Charles Moore

As for Moore, Tate invokes him more cautiously, offering only about a dozen references. Moore, however, does supply file numbers in his supporting Endnotes, and Tate has thus been able to inspect the files that have subsequently been declassified, primarily PREM 19/2506, which was released in December 2023. He claims that he has been able to determine that all the important documents that he cites from Moore have been removed from the relevant file. He is thus dependent upon Moore’s interpretation for what he read, and investigative historians like me cannot verify the sources. (Moore’s Endnotes are dotted with the rubric ‘DCCO’, namely ‘Document Consulted in the Cabinet Office’.) In Moore’s Chapter 8 of Volume 3 (‘Spycatcher: Wright and Wrong’) appear several documents described in this way [see Appendix 2], although it would take another extensive project to discover which of the items in Moore that are not specifically annotated by Tate, but catalogued with a file name (such as PREM 19/591, which was also declassified in December 2023), have been promulgated, and which had been removed beforehand. One very significant item that Moore was allowed to browse – and which he quotes from – is PREM/2500, which covers discussions about the Official Secrets Act, but it is still firmly closed.

I do not believe that all of Tate’s assessments are accurate: for instance, the document described in Note 92 of Chapter 8 in Moore’s book, which is among those that Tate says were removed, appears to exist on page 10 of the digitized version of PREM 19/2006. He makes a reference to Moore’s use of PREM 19/2500 on page 251 of the Thatcher biography, but that file is not listed in the relevant Endnotes. He attributes the reference to Rothschild’s ambitions to lord it over both intelligence services to Moore (p 234), but fails to mention that Moore’s Endnotes indicate that the two items cited came from PREM/2843. The descriptor of that file at TNA indicates that it covers meetings with the heads of the three intelligence services, as well as correspondence with Rothschild. Moore was able to ‘consult’ it, but it has been ‘closed and retained by the Cabinet Office’. This must be one of the most significant partially ‘bootlegged’ files. I thus do not have complete confidence in his process. A rigorous re-evaluation of Moore’s sources needs to be made.

‘Margaret Thatcher’ (Volume 3)

Moore has written a much more engaging book than Beesley’s, and has a sharper nose for the political nuances. Unfortunately, he has also been susceptible to the interview with participants, and Lord Armstrong – as he was when interviewed – was probably as notoriously deceptive in speaking to Moore as he was when appearing in New South Wales. Why should one expect otherwise? And he is also very indulgent with Wright’s character, describing him (in a footnote on page 237) in the following flattering terms: “  . . . his knowledge of the facts was strong, his experience at a senior level in MI5 lengthy and his record of zeal in pursuing treachery unblemished.” In one respect, however, Moore sheds greater light on the machinations behind the dealings with Pincher, when he describes Rothschild’s role. Yet, for some reason, Tate ignores Moore’s very detailed coverage of Rothschild (pp 241-246), where the author, having set up the rather ingenuous statement made by Armstrong to Thatcher in March 1981 that ‘Pincher is known to be acquainted with Lord Rothschild’ (an item acknowledged by Tate), goes on to explore Rothschild’s movements behind the scenes, and his desires to be publicly exonerated.

Moore grasps at Rothschild’s close involvement with the protagonists, but, possibly because of Armstrong’s input, fails to connect the dots. He justifiably raises the important rhetorical question: “If such a person as Lord Rothschild, so close to the world of secrets, had been orchestrating Pincher and Wright to disclose things illegally, why were he and Pincher not being chased by the authorities?”, and goes on to mention the probable conclusion with the government that Christopher Mallaby in the Cabinet Office had pointed out. Yet he fails to drive the point home, leaving the question unanswered, since his primary focus is Thatcher, not the wannabe Spycatcher.

Tate’s studied overlooking of these crucial passages is bizarre, however – almost as if he did not want to undermine his prominent claim that the Wright-Rothschild-Pincher arrangements were coincidental to what Armstrong and Thatcher were plotting. Readers will recall that I recorded two months ago how, according to Bower, both Armstrong and White were convinced that the sick-room adviser to Rothschild had been Maurice Oldfield. Yet the evidence from Moore (including an exchange that the author had with Armstrong) indicates that Rothschild’s introduction of Oldfield into the saga was the first and only time his name had been mentioned. Armstrong apparently did not believe Rothschild’s claim. I suspect, again, that Armstrong was covering up for White. The undeniable fact remains: Armstrong and Thatcher were planning to use Pincher in June 1980, just as the Rothschild-Wright negotiations were about to heat up.


I do not like the way that the supportive collateral information has been packaged. I have referred earlier to the arduous exercise of tracing Tate’s connections. It starts with his Endnotes, which lack clear associations with the pages to which they refer. Unlike, say, Andrew’s ‘History’, or Volumes 2 & 3 of Moore’s biography of Thatcher, the Endnotes lack any page header information concerning the pages or chapter to which they refer. I had to inscribe the relevant series of pages at the top of each Endnote page, in order to keep track. When Tate makes a cross-reference to either Beesley or Moore, instead of providing a link to the page number and relevant Endnote number, he simply enters a page number and a date of the minute or letter. Thus I had to turn to the relevant text, take note of the range of Endnote numbers on that page, and check Moore’s and Beesley’s Endnotes to identify the item of interest by its date. All too often, an item for that date could not be found on the page. It seems that the entries were not made by a dedicated professional. All this represents some unnecessary clutter that could have been prevented by the attentions of a qualified Editor.

The ‘Selected Biography’ is very sparse, and while excluding several books mentioned in the Endnotes, does list four volumes written by the notorious fabulist Chapman Pincher. The Endnotes themselves are messy. Apart from the regrettable practice of not providing page numbers above them to guide the reader, the notes themselves are very cluttered, with much repeated information. Each time Beesley’s or Moore’s book appears, for instance, the whole title and publication details appear within the Endnote itself. It is as if the Notes had been prepared by a well-intentioned intern who has not been guided in the correct use of ‘op. cits.’ and ‘ibids.’ The space saved could have been diverted to a structured list of archival sources and descriptions. I created such an inventory myself, finding over forty individual files, or sets of files, that Tate refers to, and which are described on the website of the National Archives. They range from KV (MI5) through HO (Home Office) and FCO (Foreign and Colonial Office) to CAB (Cabinet Office) and PREM (Prime Ministerial) items. A brief description of each would have been invaluable for the occasional researcher: I attach this list as Appendix 1.

Tate’s judgments are sometimes suspect. As I explained in my analysis of his Introduction, I am very critical of his consistent faith in what Wright wrote in his book and in his testimonies. He is in my opinion a bit too trusting of his conversational sources – rather as Moore was with Armstrong – thanking in his ‘Acknowledgements’ Lord Neil Kinnock, Jonathan Aitken and Nigel West, who were all ’refreshingly frank’ about their experiences. He makes an odd judgment that the surveillance of the union leader Jack Jones (who had been in Moscow’s pay, and was later recognized as one of its agents) ‘demonstrated that MI5 had abandoned any pretence of political neutrality’. MI5 did indeed engage in some dubious decisions about perceived threats, but it seems to me that the notion of ‘political neutrality’ should not extend to rejecting surveillance of confirmed subversives intent on overthrowing the constitution. (Jones turned out to be in the pay of the KGB.) He echoes unquestioningly legends such as that of ‘Gibby’s Spy’ (see https://coldspur.com/gibbys-spy/ ), which shows that a reading of coldspur archives might have benefitted him.

The author is rather cavalier about dates. Several times, when I wanted to pinpoint the timing of a statement or event, I turned to his Endnotes only to find that none was offered, and it would require access to Beesley or Moore to discover exactly when the episode occurred. That is a luxury that should not be demanded of curious readers. His style tends to be journalistic and clichéd (especially at the beginning of the book), a characteristic that is shown by the rather melodramatic presentation of personalities involved in the background to this story.

I also believe that he could have exploited to a greater extent recently declassified files. From my initial inspection, they are quite rich, and show the extraordinary lengths to which Armstrong, Thatcher and their minions went to conceal the deceptions, and to spin their messages for outlets such as the House of Commons. Certainly, the PREM 1951-1953 series offers more than appears from Tate’s references, and I judge he could have raided them more deeply instead of relying so heavily on Beesley and Moore. PREM 19/1634, on the Security Commission, and especially the instructions given, in April 1981 – shortly after her statement about the inquiry into Roger Hollis – to Lord Diplock and his team to ‘review security procedures and practices’ is also a very revealing file. Given that the report ascribed the impulse for the inquiry as being the revelations displayed in TTIT by Pincher, and that the Commission had no idea that Thatcher and Armstrong had facilitated that publication, the irony is heavy. Perhaps it was no surprise that the Cabinet Office and the Prime Minister could well have been hoist with their own petard, and did walk into a minefield.

One of the troubling outcomes was another secret story that had been carefully protected. At the time the Security Commission issued its report in December 1981, Robert Armstrong, with some alarm, informed the Prime Minister that, because of the written evidence that Chapman Pincher had given the Commission, it was probable that a person identified as ‘FOLIO’ would soon be exposed. Pincher had claimed to know FOLIO well, and that he had visited him shortly before he died. Armstrong’s hint was that FOLIO was a spy, but Thatcher must have known to whom the Cabinet Secretary was referring. It was certainly Maurice Oldfield, an admitted homosexual who had died in March of that year. (She had been shocked and disbelieving when she learned the truth.) A faint handwritten inscription on Armstrong’s note confirms my conclusion by indicating that the memorandum should be copied to the ‘Oldfield’ file.

Maurice Oldfield

Yet the anecdote would reinforce the fact that it would have been very unlikely that Oldfield was the mystery person who had advised Rothschild in hospital, since he had lost his security clearance by then. Tate continues to assert that the ‘former MI6 chief’ was Oldfield, not White. If Tate had inspected Moore’s biography more closely, he would have discovered that another file, PREM 19/2483, also ‘closed’, but to which Moore had access, would show that Oldfield’s homosexual activities had been reported to Thatcher as early as November 1979, and that Thatcher wanted him out of his job by June 1980. By then, Oldfield was already dying from cancer. He would hardly have been in a position to advise Rothschild what action to take on the emerging Wright problem. Furthermore, his reputation would scarcely have been harmed by Rothschild’s naive threat to Armstrong, in January 1987, that he would expose ‘Oldfield’ for conspiratorial work on the Hollis case. He was conveniently dead, and could thus be maligned. On April 23, 1987, Thatcher informed the House of Commons that Oldfield’s security clearance had been cancelled in March 1980 because he had admitted to homosexual activities.

The reason that this possible exposure was embarrassing was the fact that the Commission’s Report had strongly made the point that homosexuals should not be recruited to sensitive government posts because of the risk of blackmail, and the outing of Oldfield would have been a difficult case to explain. (The report had also stressed that, during Positive Vetting, two of the characteristics that should disqualify a candidate were that the subject i) ‘has grossly infringed security regulations’, and ii) ‘has shown himself by act of speech to be unreliable, dishonest, untrustworthy or indiscreet’. Ironically, those exclusions would well apply to Armstrong’s own behaviour through the whole Pincher-Wright-Spycatcher business.) Armstrong also expressed the fear that Pincher might reveal the identity of Oldfield in the coming paperback version of TTIT, showing that he recognized what an unreliable medium the journalist had become. In fact, in the re-issue of TTIT, Pincher was guarded in his references to Oldfield. He did state that, on being posted to Washington, Oldfield had agreed to undertake a CIA polygraph test to confirm that, though a bachelor, he was not a homosexual, and, in his fresh Postscript, Pincher remarked that after Oldfield’s death, MI6 officers had carefully combed his living quarters to look for dangerous evidence. It would have taken a very sharp observer to put two and two together.

The initial leak, as Moore reports, actually came via the editor of the Daily Express, John Junor, who had himself been told by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir David McNee. It was McNee who had earlier advised the Home Secretary, William Whitelaw, of the evidence found at Oldfield’s flat. Somehow, the actions that MI5 took in confronting Oldfield discouraged Junor from printing anything about the scandal, his rivals did not get wind of it, and Oldfield’s rapidly failing health may have induced a measure of sympathy. Thus the story lay buried for a few years. Whether Rothschild was responsible for the fresh rumours in the press that provoked Thatcher’s statement is another open question. The timing is very provocative, but what Rothschild had to gain from it is obscure, unless it was another collusion between him and Armstrong to distract attention from his role in the Wright business.

I noticed a number of errors that the author might want to correct should the book be considered for a re-print. It should be ‘Richard V. Hall’ (p 371). Auberon Waugh’s article (‘Lord Rothschild is Innocent’) appeared in the Spectator, not in Private Eye (p 354). The biographer of Harold Wilson was Philip ‘Ziegler’, not ‘Zeigler’ (p 347). The reference in Note 19 on p 345 should be to PREM 19/120, not to PREM 19/12. It is ‘Anthony’, not ‘Antony’ Blunt (p 352). On the other hand, it should be ‘Sir Antony Duff’, not ‘Sir Anthony’ (p 380). Victor Rothschild was not recruited by MI5 in the autumn of 1939, and his second wife was an ‘alumna’, not an ‘alumnus’, of Cambridge University (p 61). Tate means ‘orally’, not ‘verbally’ (p 175). The Oxford college should be identified as ‘Christ Church’, not ‘Christ Church college’ (p 213). ‘Peter Wright’s’ appears as ‘Peter Wight’s’ on page 145. In his review of the book in the Times Literary Supplement of September 16 (which I read after completing the first draft of this bulletin) Richard Davenport-Hines points out that Stanley Baldwin was never a member of the Cambridge Apostles (p 46), that David Footman did not study at Oxford in the 1930s (p 63), and that it was Macmillan’s Conservative administration of 1962-63, not Wilson’s Labour government in 1964, which appointed Stuart Hampshire to review the operations of GCHQ (p 62).


The primary message behind Tate’s book, with its subtitle ‘How the Spycatcher Affair Brought M5 in from the Cold’ would appear to suggest that the embarrassing events in Australia were a critical trigger in putting MI5 on a proper statutory footing. Yet that is hardly news: Christopher Andrew’s chapter ‘The Origins of the Security Service Act’ (Section E, Chapter 11) covers the events very logically, and attributes the courtroom debacles as being a strong provocation for such legislation, with Armstrong quickly getting behind the move, and Thatcher eventually being persuaded. Yet, in the promotional description within the covers of the book, this aspect is ignored. The text instead focuses on Peter Wright: “This is the story of Peter Wright’s ruthless and often lawless obsession to uncover Russian spies, both real and imagined, his belated determination to reveal the truth [is there a missing comma here?] and the lengths to which the British government would go to silence him.”

Tate does not deliver on that mission, in my opinion. I see so much tension in the proximity of ‘obsession’, ‘real and imagined’, and ‘reveal the truth’ that cries out for some more profound examination. Until the FLUENCY Committee reports are released, I imagine that a close inspection of the claims of Soviet infiltration will be difficult to assess, but it should be possible to examine more critically the assertions as they are outlined in Spycatcher. I have started that exercise in my analysis of Wright’s double-agents, and of the ELLI controversy, in my debunking of ‘Gibby’s Spy’, and in my comments about the Lonsdale/Cohen case, and I hope some day to pick up the remaining pieces. While Tate has delivered strong and impressive new evidence about the conspiracies and cover-ups within the Cabinet Office, he has carefully avoided tackling the intriguing topic with which his flyleaf entices his readers. He characterizes Wright’s behaviour as ‘obsessive’, but spectacularly fails to analyze how that mania may have affected the accuracy of his accusations.

Another important comment concerns the role of conspiracy theories in intelligence historiography. Christopher Andrew has been quick to deride those unsatisfied by official explanations of puzzling events as ‘conspiracy theorists’ who live in a world unrooted in reality. This saga proves, however, that, when inexplicable events suggest a conspiracy at work, a theory should perhaps be developed for them. That is what Malcom Turnbull did, and challenged Robert Armstrong in court over it. Under oath, Armstrong told Turnbull that his theory was ‘totally untrue’. Baron Armstrong died in 2020: Moore’s devastating description of the deceit appeared in 2019. I wonder whether Armstrong read it, and whether a mischievous civil servant had judged that it was only proper that the secret be leaked before he died . . .

I should also record an important impression. To Catch a Spy led me to reading all three volumes of Moore’s biography, and that exercise clarified for me what enormous pressures Margaret Thatcher was under at the time the ‘Spycatcher’ business required her attention. In her struggles to make her economic policies concerning inflation and the reduction of the annual deficit work, she underwent strong resistance within her own cabinet. She had to deal with militant unions and growing unemployment. There was severe unrest in Northern Ireland, and she faced the ongoing challenge of defining a nuclear defence capability to deter the Soviet Union. It was an enormously onerous time for a new Prime Minister: while she had good instincts, and a solid eye/ear for loose or sloppy thinking, she was not a strategic thinker or a good delegator. Thus I think Robert Armstrong was very foolish to have encouraged her to enter picaresque games with Chapman Pincher. He should have been wise enough to steer her away from such intrigues rather than putting such ideas in her head.

Finally, what about the still unreleased files? In his Epilogue, Tate produced a stirring statement of outrage about the failure of the Cabinet Office to declassify so many important items – including the thirty-two files on the Peter Wright/Spycatcher case. Even Armstrong’s successor, Robin Butler – who declared that he knew what they contained – believes that they should be released. It is difficult to judge how anybody could in this decade be harmed by what they might divulge. Malcolm Turnbull already knows that he was cruelly deceived. The withholding of these important items represents a shocking evasion of responsibility, and a great insult to the intelligence of the public. Someone should make a fresh FOI request for all those items that were exceptionally shown to Charles Moore.

Appendix 1:

Kew Archives referred to by Tate:

Legend: ! = closed; # = declassified; * = digitized

BT 11/2835                 #         Sale of jet aircraft to Russia

CAB 21/3761              #          Publication of Sillitoe’s biography

CAB 21/4971              #         Minelaying in the Gulf of Bothnia

CAB 63/192-193        *          Hankey’s investigation into Security Service

CAB 164/1870-1901 !           Peter Wright: ‘Spycatcher’ case

CAB 301/30-31          #          MI5 Postwar Organizational Issues

CAB 301/270             *          John Cairncross

CAB 301/855              #          Prime Minister’s 1974 visit to Paris

CAB 301/861              *          Allegations about possible coup in 1968

CAB 301/927-2          *          Notes on Philby (1967-68)

FCO 30/7004              #          European Parliament & ‘Spycatcher’ extracts

FCO 40/2343              #          Publication of ‘Spycatcher’ in Hong Kong

FCO 158/28                *          Philby (PEACH) File 2

HO 287/145                #         Police Pensions

J 157/76                      #          Attorney-General vs. Newspaper Publishing PLC

KV 2/1420-1428         *          Gouzenko

KV 2/4607-4608         *          Goronwy Rees

KV 2/4393-4397         #         Flouds

KV 2/1543-1544         #         Clarks

KV 2/1555                  *         Cockburn

KV 2/1636-1646         *         Marshall

KV 2/3030-3031         *          Zuckerman

KV 2/3221-3222         *          Bernstein

KV 2/3444- 3448        *          Petrovs

KV 2/3993-3995         #          Dewick

KV 2/4531-4534         *          Rothschilds

KV 2/4601                  *          Rudolf Katz

KV 4/88                      #          Petrie’s 1941 Report on MI5

KV 4/466-467             *          Liddell’s Diaries

PREM 11/2800           #          1959 leak on space research

PREM 16/2230           #          PM briefings on Blunt

PREM 16/2230-1        !           Notes to briefings on Blunt

PREM 19/120             #          Blunt and Security

PREM 19/120-1          !           Notes to Blunt and Security [open 2032]

PREM 19/591             *          ‘Their Trade is Treachery’

PREM 19/918             !          Activities of Leo Long

PREM 19/1621           !           Publication of book by Bloch and Fitzgerald

PREM 19/1634           #          Review by Security Commission

PREM 19/1951-1953 *          ‘Their Trade is Treachery’ & Hollis

PREM 19/2500           !           Reform of Official Secrets Act

PREM 19/2504-2511 *          ‘Their Trade is Treachery’ & Wright

PREM 19/3942           *          Blunt & Home Affairs Select Committee

Appendix 2:

Moore’s DCCO Sources in ‘Spycatcher: Wright or wrong’

Additional Legend: % cited material removed before release (acc. Tate)

PREM 19/591 *%

PREM 19/1951 *%

PREM 19/1952 *

PREM 19/1953 *

PREM 19/1954 *% John Bettaney

PREM 19/2074 ! Defence: Zircon satellite Project Part 1

PREM 19/2483 ! Security: Sir Maurice Oldfield

PREM 19/2500 ! OSA [cited erroneously by Tate]

PREM 19/2505 *

PREM 19/2506 *%

PREM 19/2507 *

PREM 19/2508 *

PREM 19/2509 *

PREM 19/2510 *

PREM 19/2843 ! Security: Prime Minister’s Briefing

PREM 19/3530 ! Reform of OSA: Part 3

Appendix 3:

Directors General of MI5

1941-1946       David Petrie

1946-1953       Percy Sillitoe

1953-1956       Dick White

1956-1965       Roger Hollis

1965-1972       Martin Furnival-Jones

1972-1978       Michael Hanley

1978-1981       Howard Smith

1981-1985       John Jones

1985-1988       Antony Duff

1988-1992       Patrick Walker

Appendix 4:

Prime Ministers

1945-1951       Clement Attlee

1951-1955       Winston Churchill

1955-1957       Anthony Eden

1957-1963       Harold Macmillan

1963-1964       Alec Douglas-Home

1964-1970       Harold Wilson

1970-1974       Edward Heath

1974-1976       Harold Wilson

1976-1979       James Callaghan

1979-1990       Margaret Thatcher

Appendix 5:

Cabinet Secretaries

1947-1962       Norman Brook

1963-1973       Burke Trend

1973-1979       John Hunt

1979-1987       Robert Armstrong

1987-1997       Robin Butler

Appendix 6:

Chiefs of MI6

1939-1952       Stewart Menzies

1953-1956       John Sinclair

1956-1968       Dick White

1968-1973       John Rennie

1973-1978       Maurice Oldfield

1979-1982       Arthur (‘Dicky’) Frank

1982-1985       Colin Figures

1985-1989       Chris Curwen

Appendix 7:

Attorneys General

1945-1951       Hartley Shawcross

1951-1951       Frank Soskice

1951-1954       Lionel Heald

1954-1962       Reginald Manningham-Buller

1962-1964       John Hobson

1964-1970       Elwyn Jones

1970-1974       Peter Rawlinson

1974-1979       Samuel Silkin

1979-1987       Michael Havers

1987-1992       Patrick Mayhew

Appendix 8:

Home Secretaries

1940-1945       Herbert Morrison

1945-1945       Donald Sorrell

1945-1951       James Chuter Ede

1951-1954       David Maxwell Fyfe

1954-1957       Gwilym Lloyd George

1957-1962       Rab Butler

1962-1964       Henry Brooke

1964-1965       Frank Soskice

1965-1967       Roy Jenkins

1967-1970       James Callaghan

1970-1972       Reginald Maudling

1972-1974       Robert Carr

1974-1976       Roy Jenkins

1976-1979       Merlyn Rees

1979-1983       William Whitelaw

1983-1965       Leon Brittan

1985-1989       Douglas Hurd

1989-1990       David Waddington

Appendix 9:

Foreign Secretaries

1940-1945       Anthony Eden

1945-1951       Ernest Bevin

1951-1951       Herbert Morrison

1951-1955       Anthony Eden

1955-1955       Harold Macmillan

1955-1960       Selwyn Lloyd

1960-1963       Alec Douglas-Home

1963-1964       Rab Butler

1964-1965       Patrick Gordon Walker

1965-1966       Michael Stewart

1966-1968       George Brown

1968-1970       Michael Stewart

1970-1974       Alec Douglas-Home

1974-1976       James Callaghan

1976-1977       Anthony Crosland

1977-1979       David Owen

1979-1982       Peter Carrington

1982-1983       Francis Pym

1983-1989       Geoffrey Howe

1989-1989       John Major

1989-1995       Douglas Hurd

(Latest Commonplace entries can be seen here.)


Filed under Economics/Business, Espionage/Intelligence, General History, Literature/Academia, Management/Leadership, Politics

An Anxious Summer for Rees & Blunt

Goronwy Rees
Anthony Blunt after his exposure

[I had been intending to study closely Goronwy Rees’s files at Kew ever since they were released in October 2022. My correspondent Edward M. prompted me to bring forward my analysis when he recently drew my attention to MI5’s tentative idea about offering immunity to Anthony Blunt soon after the abscondment of Burgess and Maclean. I thank him for his percipience. Here is my analysis. In short, Blunt should have been nailed in 1951  . . .  Now read on.]



Players and Predicaments

The Sources

Phase 1: May 7 to May 25

Phase 2: May 25 to June 2

Phase 3: June 4 to June 12

Phase 4: June 13 to August 27



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When Donald Maclean disappeared in May 1951, while it was a setback and an embarrassment to MI5, the Service could hardly have been shocked. After all, Maclean was shortly to be brought in for interrogation after a confident conclusion had been made, arising from the VENONA decryption project, that he was the spy HOMER who had passed on confidential material to the Soviets from Washington in 1944. The surveillance on him had been very obvious, but not comprehensive. On the other hand, his accompaniment by Guy Burgess by all accounts astonished and perturbed Guy Liddell and Dick White. Burgess was a troublesome character, but he was apparently not suspected of any treacherous activities. While he had had meetings with Maclean since his return to the UK in April, MI5 did not believe that the couple maintained a longstanding relationship. Yet Burgess had resided with Kim Philby, already under some suspicion, in Washington, and if a maverick like Burgess could have been a Soviet agent, what others might be lurking?

Moreover, the escape carried a strange twist. According to Burgess’s long-time friend, and former conspirator, Goronwy Rees, whose account of the events has been allowed to dominate the histories, MI6 and MI5 were alerted to Burgess’s disappearance – and maybe to the suspicion that he might have fled to the Soviet Union – the day before Maclean’s absence was officially noted by his employer, the Foreign Office, namely Monday May 28. (It may amuse some readers to learn that on Tuesday, May 29, J. D. Roberston of B Division applied for a Home Office Warrant to intercept Maclean’s mail. It was granted the same day.) The reason that Rees was ahead of the game was because Burgess had carried on a long and rambling telephone call with Margie, Rees’s wife, the morning of his escape, and her husband decided to inform MI6 and MI5 of his hunches when he returned home on Sunday, May 27, and learned about the conversation. Why would the academic draw unnecessary attention to his own dubious past, and his association with the traitors, at such a perilous time? And how could he have been so sure, after Burgess had been absent for just a couple of days, and before he knew that Maclean had also disappeared, that he had absconded to Moscow? This report explains the story that other accounts have overlooked. As with many of his cohorts and contemporaries, Rees left behind him a deceitful memoir, but his main adversaries in MI5 also showed a false trail.

Players and Predicaments

The action takes place between May 7 (a Monday), when Guy Burgess returns in disgrace from Washington, and August 31, when MI5 takes a closer look at Goronwy Rees’s collusion with Anthony Blunt. The key figures are Burgess, Blunt, Rees, David Footman (an MI6 officer), Guy Liddell (deputy director-general of MI5), and Dick White (head of B Division).

Burgess: Guy has been sent home in disgrace, and he is shortly facing dismissal from the Foreign Office. He thus needs to find a new job. With the net closing around Donald Maclean, he must quickly assess his own vulnerability, and ascertain from his fellow-spy Anthony Blunt what plans are in place to exfiltrate Maclean. He realizes that events in recent years, including his residing with the Philby household in Washington during his spell there, will provoke suspicions about his integrity. He must also check whether he can rely on his old friend and recruit Goronwy Rees, who had disastrously changed sides at the time of the Nazi-Soviet Pact, and whom he wanted killed at the time, not to denounce him. He has thus set up early assignments with Blunt (who, according to some reports, meets him at Southampton), and with Rees, at whose house in Sonning, Berkshire, he arrives later on the day he landed, May 7.

Blunt: Anthony Blunt, who left MI5 at the end of the war, has been kept informed of the progress on the HOMER case by his handler Yuri Modin, fed via Moscow Centre by the communications of Kim Philby, who, as MI6’s representative in Washington, has been privy to the investigation, and has passed on information to his handler. Contrary to many accounts, Moscow was thus not dependent on the arrival of Burgess to learn that Maclean indubitably fitted the profile of HOMER, identifiable by his trips to New York. Blunt is nervous: he had been recruited by Burgess in the 1930s, and he has a more obvious shadow hanging over him because he was known to have had communist sympathies in the past, and to have been caught passing on military information to the Soviets in 1944. That misdemeanor appears, however, to have been forgiven as a case of exuberant solidarity with the wartime ally, and he remains good friends with Liddell and White. Yet the possibility of a chain of disclosures, what with Philby coming under deep suspicion in the preceding years, and Burgess’s closeness to him in Washington, seriously unnerves him.

Rees: Goronwy Rees has three dark clouds hanging over him: i) in the late 1930s, he had agreed to supply Burgess with information (to the extent that he was given a cryptonym by the NKVD), although he knew that his friend was working for the Comintern; ii) he knew that Blunt had fulfilled the same role, since Guy had told him so; and iii) he has never disclosed any of this information to MI5, out of loyalty to his friends. The longer that time passes, the more awkward it would be to explain away any of these embarrassments. Since the breach with Burgess in 1939, he had restored his friendship with him, and after the war seen him frequently, to the chagrin of his wife and relatives, but he is grateful that Burgess has recently been an ocean away. He assumes that Blunt made a similar breakaway in 1939, but he is not certain.  A recent chance encounter, and a verbal assault by a drunken Maclean, accusing him of ‘ratting’, has caused him to think that Maclean may have been a Burgess recruit, as well. Thus, when Burgess writes to him from the U.S.A., requesting to visit, it fills him with some anxiety, even though he knows nothing about the revelations gained from the VENONA project. Rees had been working alongside David Footman in MI6 – though only part-time – at least until September 1949.

Footman: David Footman is a minor player, but as a friend of Burgess, Rees and Blunt, and as a vital conduit from MI6 to MI5, plays an important role in the scenario. When Burgess was working at the BBC in 1936, Footman had recruited him to report on communist activities in the universities. He is a novelist, and an intellectual historian of some stature in MI6, but also not utterly trusted because of his left-wing views. Indeed, items in Goronwy Rees’s file explicitly state that MI5 suspected that Footman had himself at some time been an agent of the Russian Intelligence Service. This testimony may have been supplied by Stuart Hampshire, whose identical claim can be seen in the Personal File of the Rothschilds.

Liddell: The deputy director-general of MI5 has had an uncomfortable time under Percy Sillitoe, a figure out of his depth and little respected by his subordinates. Liddell is not closely involved with the day-to-day counter-espionage projects, since the more politically astute Dick White has kept the HOMER investigation under his wing. As Blunt had been his personal assistant during WWII, Liddell retains a close admiration for him, and treats him as a consultant, meeting him frequently. One critical aspect of the case is that Liddell is away on leave in Wales from June 3 to June 12, a fact that is vital for verifying some of the claims made by Rees.

White: Dick White, the head of B Division, has steered the HOMER investigation, sometimes in ways that indicate that he would prefer the whole project be abandoned, yet he has been pushed to the climax by the growing evidence. He struggles in trying to control his sister intelligence organizations, GCHQ, which has exclusive control over some vital decrypts, MI6, which is overall protective of Philby, as well as the Foreign Office, which wants to prevaricate. He is, however, a more commanding figure than Sillitoe in the multiple meetings that take place. His main concern is that the FBI should not find out about the identity of HOMER before MI5 can inform them, and he is intent on controlling the damage when the news does come out. While he judges that Maclean is acting alone, he has for a few years held, alongside Liddell, strong suspicions about the possible treachery of Kim Philby, but he has been reluctant to speak out because of the entrenched support for him held by senior MI6 staff. He has, however, recently instructed his team to create a dossier on Philby for passing clandestinely on to the FBI, and this package contains suspicions about Burgess, partly owing to his close companionship with Philby in Washington. Yet White’s failure to act earlier means that he might later be held partially responsible for Philby’s disastrous posting to Washington.

(For further background reading, see https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-devilish-plot/ and  https://coldspur.com/dick-whites-tangled-web/.)

The Sources

The primary sources are the memoirs (as personally written, or as described to biographers) of Goronwy Rees (A Chapter of Accidents, 1972), Dick White (The Perfect English Spy, 1995), and Yuri Modin (My Five Cambridge Friends, 1994). Rees’s contribution is extended by the reflections of his daughter, Jenny (Looking for Mr. Nobody, 1994 & 2000). Yet all these volumes must be treated with some caution, as each participant had reasons for disguising his exact role, and thus for omitting certain events, or for providing misleading information. A faulty memory (especially in the case of Rees, who drank more heavily than most of his colleagues and friends) may play a part.

‘A Chapter of Accidents’

Also important is Andrew Boyle’s Climate of Treason (1979), the revelations of which largely derived from what he was told by Rees. Conspiracy of Silence, by Barrie Penrose and Simon Freeman (1987), is a noble endeavour to unravel the complexities of the Blunt case, but relies too much on oral testimony, and the authors fail to resolve the multiple contradictions that their narrative throws up. John Costello’s Mask of Treachery (1988) offers a solid couple of chapters on the events: Costello brings some very useful analysis of the FBI files to the case, and is good on the American connection, but he is less insightful on the aspects of the case concerning Rees. Boyle and Tom Bower (who took over the biography of White after Boyle’s death) conducted multiple interviews with persons who knew, or who were associated with, Blunt, Maclean and Burgess in 1951: these individuals occasionally provided dates to encounters that can probably be regarded as reliable, but The Perfect English Spy is overall a very untrustworthy guide to the events of this period.

‘The Spy Who Knew Everyone’

Two biographies of Burgess are useful. Andrew Lownie’s Stalin’s Englishman (2015) and, even more so, The Spy Who Knew Everyone (2016) by Stewart Purvis and Jeff Hulbert, bring some important background research to the table. For example, Purvis and Hulbert’s research into David Footman is particularly enlightening. Miranda Carter’s profile of Blunt, Anthony Blunt: His Lives (2002), is insightful, though now much out-of-date. The most significant source, however, is the set of files on Rees released to the National Archives in October 2022 (KV 2/4603-4608), which were obviously not available to Purvis and Hulbert when they wrote their book. KV 2/4603 is the most relevant to this inquiry, although some of the interrogations and interviews carried out in the 1950s and 1960s shed important light on the accuracy of statements made in 1951. (I hope at some stage to analyze in depth the five other files.) This resource is complemented by a rich timeline detailing the activities of Maclean and Burgess in the critical weeks of May 1951, which can be inspected at serial number 607P in KV 6/145, one of the files concerning the investigation of the ‘Leakage of Top Secret Foreign Office Telegrams in the U.S.A.’

A last, but problematic, resource is Nigel West’s Cold War Spymaster (2018), which contains a long (ninety-page) chapter on the Burgess-Maclean business, and how it contributed to Liddell’s decline. It offers a rich array of facts and background material, but it is densely packed with long extracts from Liddell’s Diaries, and from the archival material on MI5’s investigation, and is short on proper integrative analysis. Rather alarmingly, West cites as a source Goronwy Rees’s files (which he erroneously lists as KV 2/3102-4106), yet they were not released until October 2022, four years after his book appeared. Whether West was given privileged access to this material, or whether he was simply advised of its existence and future release, is never stated. In any case, he fails to exploit the files and the contradictions implicit in them, or to compare the ‘facts’ in them with other accounts, as I have set out to do.

One of the most significant aspects of this timeline is the detail concerning Burgess. Whereas Maclean was under constant surveillance (and thus his encounters with Burgess reliably recorded), and Maclean told Burgess that he knew about it, Burgess was officially not under suspicion. Yet the chronology shows many of his May 1951 activities when he was not in Maclean’s company. Regrettably it rarely indicates the source of each datum: while some may have been compiled from interviews with his friends and associates after the disappearance of the duo, many would suggest that Burgess himself was under surveillance from the time he landed at Southampton docks. (And he admitted to Blunt that he believed he was, a claim that Blunt passed on to Robert Cecil.) For example, the first entry upon his arrival on the Queen Mary on May 7, 1951, states that he was met at Victoria Station by Blunt and Burgess’s boy-friend Hewit, and that he or Hewit then telephoned Rees. This is contrary to other accounts that assert that Blunt met Burgess in Southampton, including statements made by Peter Wright. It strongly suggests that he was immediately being closely surveilled, even to the extent of a phone warrant. If the story about the telephone call had come from Rees, he surely would have recalled who it was on the other end of the line? Moreover, Burgess’s visit to the Reeses the same day is attributed to ‘Rees’s signed statement’, suggesting that the other information was gathered by less conventional means.

The last vital source consists of the Diaries of Guy Liddell. Since they had immediacy, being written up almost exclusively every night, they are probably very accurate – although Liddell certainly dissimulated occasionally. Moreover, much critical information has been redacted. Yet the journals show unfailingly Liddell’s attitudes, especially towards Blunt and Burgess, and help pinpoint some critical meetings.

There are many accounts of this period in the literature, but I believe all are flawed by relying too much on the testimony of Rees, Philby, Blunt, Burgess (via Driberg), and Modin, all of whom probably distorted the facts deliberately. The stories told by Costello, and by Purvis and Hulbert, are probably the most comprehensive. Overall, so many contradictions are evident, such as in the multiple claims that were made as to whose idea it was that Maclean should escape to Moscow. In my analysis, I shall not attempt to reconcile all the conflicts, but instead concentrate on summarizing the evidence as it relates to Rees’s behaviour. I shall occasionally present parenthetical comments to identify some common traps into which writers have stepped.

Phase 1: May 7 to May 25

The village of Sonning, Berkshire

Burgess did not immediately seek out Maclean when he arrived in England: his first encounter was with Blunt, whom he had telephoned from the Queen Mary to request to be met at Victoria Station. He then went that afternoon to stay with the Reeses at Sonning. In his memoir, Goronwy described how he had received letters from Guy outlining his speeding incidents, and the fact that he was being sent home in disgrace. Burgess wrote that he would probably have to resign from the Foreign Office, and he added that he wanted to discuss a job opportunity with Goronwy. Strangely, Rees wrote that he arrived ‘after a night in London’, a timing that does not tally with the surveillance record. After some spirited debates, Guy explained that he had received an offer as diplomatic correspondent to a national newspaper (the Daily Telegraph). He was also on his best behaviour, to the degree that Rees invited him to stay the following weekend (presumably that of 18-21 June).

That did not turn out: Rees (who had been ill) called off the invitation by telephone. During that call, Burgess told him that he had since shared with Maclean a contentious memorandum he had shown Rees, which came as a surprise to Rees. He stated in his memoir that he never saw Burgess again, but in his interrogation by Peter Wright in March 1965, he told him that he did in fact meet Burgess again a few days later, and that it was then that Burgess told him about the exchange with Maclean over his memorandum. (Whether that was a lie, or a failure of memory, is not clear: the surveillance reports do not indicate a second meeting.) Rees wrote that he ‘later’ [unqualified] heard from friends that Burgess had relapsed into erratic patterns of behaviour again, drinking heavily and taking lots of medication of various kinds. Indeed, Burgess seemed intent on being visible in the company of his friends at regular drinking-haunts: he had lunch with David Footman at the Reform Club on May 8; he lunched with Cyril Connolly the next day, and with Footman again on May 11, and was noticed at the Reform Club the following day.

Yet, by then, moves to exfiltrate Maclean had quickly developed. (The Mitrokhin Archive, as cited by Christopher Andrew, indicates that it was at Philby’s insistence: I have not been able to inspect the original note.) According to Yuri Modin, his Soviet handler, Blunt had passed on to him news from Burgess, the day Burgess left Sonning, and Modin was perturbed enough to contact his superiors in Moscow. (Much has been made of the fact that Burgess’s role was to deliver news about Maclean from Washington, but that is clearly absurd given the time it took him to make his passage, as I have explained elsewhere.) On May 10, Modin met Burgess and Blunt, accompanied by the rezident Korovin. Moscow had approved a strategy for Maclean to escape, and Burgess was instructed to prepare Maclean for the process. If the two met soon after, surveillance failed to pick up the encounter, although a telephone watch recorded that they spoke on May 14. Yet two provocative events occurred on May 11: Burgess was noticed telephoning Rees – a conversation that Rees did not record in his memoir – and that was the same day that Burgess had lunched with Footman. Had he perhaps confided in his two friends what was actually going on?

It would not be surprising that Burgess was under surveillance. In the past few years he had drawn undue attention to his behaviour and affiliations. It went back to 1940, when he was shown to be in touch with the Comintern when he embarked on an eventually aborted mission to Moscow with Isaiah Berlin. MI5 had opened a file on him in 1942, although Liddell wrote in his Diary, on June 15, 1951, that the Foreign Office had first referred his name to MI5 only in January 1950. He had misbehaved in Gibraltar and Tangier in December 1949, and soon after he was detected leaking information to Frederick Kuh, an American journalist with dubious connections. His misdemeanours, including other drunken incidents were investigated, but he was merely ‘admonished’, not ‘reprimanded’. He was, however, considered a security risk because of his association with Moura Budberg and the Halperns. Yet, despite this track-record, in 1950 he was posted to the highly visible and important Embassy in Washington, as second secretary, where Kim Philby agreed to have him as a lodger, in the belief that he could ‘control’ him better that way. But Burgess misbehaved there, too, and the association just confirmed the suspicions.

On May 15 (Tuesday), Burgess went to see Maclean at the Foreign Office, and lunched with him at the RAC Club. According to Modin, Maclean was depressed when Burgess had to tell him of the escape-plan, Burgess giving Korovin a report after the meeting. Maclean was judged to be in such a frail state that Moscow decided that Burgess should accompany him for part of the way, and then return to Britain. But this plan was quickly rejected as impracticable, and Burgess was set up to disappear for good. The availability of the weekend ferry from Southampton to St. Malo was discovered (by Blunt? Burgess? Modin?), and a plan to exploit it on May 25, the weekend before Maclean was originally due to be brought in for questioning, was developed. Some accounts have claimed that the day of escape was accelerated because of the imminence of the interrogation, but that is not borne out by the evidence. In addition, the stories about Kim Philby’s assumed role as the ‘Third Man’, and his supposed ability to warn Burgess so late in the day by sending him a coded message, ignore the impossibilities of his passing information from Washington to London, and the fact that the logistics of the escape, involving reception parties and transport in Europe, would not have been able to be adjusted at such short notice.

What is certain is that the Foreign Secretary approved the interrogation on May 25, but the actual date had been postponed until at least June 18, to allow time for Maclean’s wife to have her child. During that last week before the abscondment, the investigating committee continued to dither, with Sillitoe expressing extreme caution lest the FBI not be suitably informed first, but with further evidence mounting against Maclean. Burgess continued to lead a busy social life, being seen at several clubs, and lunching or dining with Maclean, and again with Footman, and meeting Tomás Harris, Halpern, Miller (his pick-up from the Queen Mary), Blunt, Pollock, Kemball-Johnston, and even his one-time headmaster at Eton, Robert Birley. His solitary drinking was recorded, which proves that a watch was being maintained on him. It was almost as if he was keen to gain attention, and to drag as many of his friends into the whirlpool that would be created when he left the country. One has to wonder what this garrulous individual said about his emotional stress and predicament to these close friends.

The S.S. ‘Falaise’

Burgess and Maclean made their infamous escape when Burgess, on the evening of May 25, picked up Maclean at his house, in Tatsfield, Surrey, and drove to Southampton, where they boarded the Falaise. The official MI5 account claims that Maclean’s absence was not noted until May 28. In his 1989 book, Molehunt, Nigel West, relying on MI5 insider information, asserted that a watchful Immigration Officer had noted Maclean’s identity when he passed through the port, and had alerted Leconfield House. The lack of acknowledgment of that tip might encourage theories that MI5 were in no haste to prevent the duo’s departure. West’s account is useful, although he is mistaken over the timing of the interrogation plans for Maclean, and he is also adamant that Burgess had not come under suspicion before he absconded – something we now know is not true. West includes the feeble White Paper written by Graham Mitchell concerning the defection, issued on September 23, 1955, as an Appendix to his book. He identifies multiple errors of fact in Mitchell’s text.

Phase 2: May 25 to June 2

Goronwy Rees had left for Oxford on May 24, to attend a meeting at All Souls, where he was the Estates Bursar, and he consequently missed some important action. Burgess had started the day on Friday May 25 by calling Footman, and then speaking to Blunt, where he gave his listeners a false alibi, telling them that he would be helping a friend over some difficulties during the weekend, but looked forward to having dinner with him the following week. After trying to contact W. H. Auden at the Spenders’, Burgess then apparently called the Rees household, wanting to speak to Margie. (He presumably knew that Goronwy would be away.) The events were recalled by Rees in his memoir, and were later described to his MI5 interrogators. There is an incongruous aspect to the account.

Margie called her husband on the morning of May 26 (Saturday), asking him whether Guy had come to Oxford to see him. She posed this question because Blunt’s boyfriend, Jimmy Hewit, had just called her in some agitation, as Burgess had not returned to the flat on Friday night. When Goronwy expressed only mild surprise at such an absence, she then informed him that Guy had telephoned her on Friday morning, but had rambled on in a very incoherent fashion. Rees again was not much perturbed, but it was not until he returned home on Sunday evening that his wife told him more about the conversation, which, rather oddly, Rees states occurred ‘the previous Friday’. Guy had implied that he was about to perform some startling act, and that he would not see the Reeses for some time.

Why had Margie waited until she saw her husband to describe the essence of Guy’s call? And, why, given what Guy told her, would she imagine that he might have sought her husband out in Oxford? Her behaviour simply does not make sense. Goronwy does not comment on the irrationality of her communications, but instead jumps to a highly controversial conclusion, interpreting Guy’s implied departure in the following terms: “ . . . having got so far I suddenly had an absolutely sure and certain, if irrational, intuition that Guy had gone to the Soviet Union.” Well, yes, intuitions are by definition irrational.

I believe Rees loses much credibility here. According to the book, he knows nothing about the Maclean investigation and threat to him, he believes that Burgess had probably given up his espionage some years before, and he recognizes only a vague friendship between Burgess and Maclean. He has recently dismissed Burgess’s absence as trivial. And then simply because of a puzzling speech by Guy to his wife, he makes an enormous conceptual leap in concluding that his friend has fled to Moscow – something he tells his wife. It seems to me far more likely that Burgess had confided in Goronwy (and probably in Footman, as well) what was afoot, and that Rees had concealed from Margie what Guy had told him.

In any event, Rees jumped into action. He claimed that, late on that Sunday night, he phoned ‘a friend, who was also a friend of Guy’s and a member of MI6’ [in fact, David Footman]. (A few years later, in March 1956, as his scandalous disclosures were starting to appear in The People, he would recall that these initiatives did not occur until the Monday morning.) He told Footman that Burgess had apparently ‘vanished into the blue’, said that he might have defected to the Soviet Union, and that MI5 should be told. Footman was incredulous, but promised to inform MI5 of what Rees had said. The following morning, Rees received a message from Footman saying that he had done as requested, and that MI5 would be contacting him. Before that, however, Rees wrote that he told another friend of Guy’s, ‘who had served in MI5 during the war’ [i.e. Anthony Blunt] what he had done, and that this person, ‘greatly distressed’, insisted on coming to see Rees the next day at Sonning, and there made a convincing case to him that his accusations concerning his friend were based on very flimsy evidence. He pointed out that Rees had not done anything when Burgess had told him, a long time before, that he was a spy. Rees nevertheless was determined to tell the authorities what he knew and thought, much to Blunt’s chagrin.

One can imagine Blunt’s consternation at this time. Rees believes that he is doing his friend a favour by declaring that Blunt had terminated any information-passing to Burgess in 1939. Yet Blunt must know that his ‘indiscretions’ of 1944, treated then as a foolish but well-intentioned act in reaching out to the Soviet ally, will be interpreted very differently if MI5 discovers that his unauthorized disclosures had in fact started in pre-war days. It is no surprise that he is ‘greatly distressed’ and wants to talk Rees out of his plan.

Rees’s story then goes astray, however. He wrote that he went to MI5 the next day (i.e. May 29) and saw an unnamed MI5 officer, to whom he poured out his story, being rather surprised that he was listened to with utter seriousness. The officer then startled him by saying that Burgess had not departed alone: he had been accompanied by Maclean, which made Rees think matters were even worse than they were. He completes his chapter by saying that he stepped out of the office, and immediately saw the newspaper headlines announcing that two British diplomats had vanished into the air. A few pages later in his memoir, he repeats the timing of his meeting: “When I first told them I believed Guy had gone to Moscow, it was largely out of a sense of desperation and urgency. Guy had hardly been two days gone . . .”

There are several things wrong with this story. First, Guy Liddell’s diary states that Rees came to see him on June 1. Second, Rees would later make much of the fact that, when Peter Wright questioned him in 1965 why he had not informed MI5 earlier about his suspicions, he had to wait ten days until the Security Service invited him in: see KV 2/4607. Third, the news that two diplomats were missing did not appear in the British press until June 7, when the Daily Express had a scoop. * Fourth, while a record of the meeting does occur in Rees’s file (at KW 2/4603, sn. 3H), and Dick White refers to it in his recollections to Bower, Peter Wright was completely ignorant of this June 1 meeting between Liddell and Rees. Wright reminds Rees that he came to Leconfield House on June 6 to see Dick White, and Rees agrees with Wright’s statement.

[* Newspapers.com does not maintain Daily Express issues from that time. I instead present a Daily Telegraph item from a few days later.]

‘The Daily Telegraph’, June 11, 1951

Now it is possible that, in 1972, when Rees was completing his memoir, with his memory possibly impaired by drink, he might have conflated two meetings, but the circumstances are such that it appears he wanted – or was instructed – to bury the June 1 encounter with Liddell. It was definitely White who informed him, on June 6, that Burgess had been accompanied by Maclean, at which Rees feigned such surprise, but the build-up to those conversations was so extraordinary (as I shall explain in the next section) that it stretches the imagination to think that Rees could have got the details so wrong. He incidentally also dithered evasively to Wright in 1965 concerning the truth of whether he had called Blunt immediately after phoning Footman, something he had no trouble affirming when he wrote his memoir.

Rees also claimed to Wright at that time that all that he had told Footman on May 27 was that Burgess was missing, and that he had definitely not told him the whole story. It makes Rees’s claims in his memoir look even more threadbare. Yet Rees persevered with his original assertions, no doubt thinking that any MI5 records would remain secret. Indeed, Andrew Boyle, in The Climate of Treason (which relied very much on Rees’s disclosures to him) reported that Rees told him that he had informed Footman of his suspicions about Burgess and Moscow, and that Footman confirmed that Rees indeed told him that over the telephone. Boyle also reinforces the account that any meeting that Rees held with MI5 did not take place until much later (he actually states June 7), thus implying that Rees tried to conceal his June 1 meeting with Liddell from the author.

Liddell’s diary entry is perfunctory, and not very useful, but it shows little sign of shock, given that, at the time, Liddell and White knew only that Burgess and Maclean had disappeared in France, and, perhaps surprisingly, harboured no hunches that they might have moved on to Moscow. He wrote: “Garonwy [sic] Rees came to tell me about a conversation his wife had with Burgess before the latter’s departure. I said that I would very much like to have as accurate an account as possible. He promised to do this in conjunction with his wife and let me know. He thought the conversation sinister.” Either Liddell was being very deceptive and cagey, or Rees had backed off at the last minute from his intuitions, or perhaps he had even invented his description of them to Footman for the purposes of spicing up his memoir. What is also very suspicious is that accounts of the exchange that appear in Rees’s file in April 1956 state that Liddell ‘received a message’ from Rees that day: for some reason, somebody was anxious to conceal the fact from the officers in B Division that a meeting between the two had actually taken place. That misrepresentation was echoed in R. T. Reed’s note to file on June 6, where he states that ‘Geronwy [sic] Rees telephoned Captain Liddell last week to say that REES’ wife, MARGIE, had a very ‘alarming’ conversation with BURGESS the day before he left this country.’

Liddell’s diary entry was a verbatim reproduction of a memorandum that Liddell posted in Rees’s file that same day, which proves that Liddell’s fellow-officers (e.g. White, Reed, Robertson, and much later, Wright) should have known about the conversation. It does not display any element of outrage, which one might have expected if Rees had related his full story, including his own, and Blunt’s, transgressions, and his strong belief that Burgess had fled to Moscow. Of course, he was not supposed to know of Maclean’s disappearance (and maybe he did not), and, if he had leaked that, he would surely have raised the alarm, and would have been brought in for sharper questioning. Liddell’s note has been delivered in a very low-key manner, although Reed the same day imaginatively interprets Rees’s statement that Burgess’s comments were ‘alarming’ that it ‘presumably means that he intended to go to Russia’. This is a very paradoxical entry: was Reed much sharper than Liddell, or was he merely echoing what the Deputy Director-General had hinted to him orally? Liddell’s opinion about Burgess, expressed a couple of weeks later, might indicate the former, even though the March 1956 entry (see above) attributes the statement about Russia to Liddell himself. In any event, Dick White’s team in B Division was further along in the investigation than White later claimed.

The initial conclusion might be that Rees had been persuaded by Blunt to restrain his disclosures, and stick to the bare facts, which immediately casts doubt on how much Rees told Footman on the Sunday evening, and how little Footman in turn passed on to Liddell. Yet events were a little more complicated, I suspect. I judge that Blunt was not aware of Rees’s meeting with Liddell on June 1, and that he believed that his successful later insertion into the interview with Dick White was part of the first encounter that Rees had with MI5 officers.

[As an aside, Tom Bower presents an utterly incongruous account of the events of this week. He has Blunt calling Liddell on the morning of May 29 (the reason not given), when we know from Liddell’s diary that Blunt had been out all day, and that Liddell had called Blunt that evening. According to Bower, Liddell then confided in Blunt that Burgess had disappeared, and Blunt feigned surprise. Bower’s other illogical observations concern Rees’s lunch meeting with Liddell ‘later that week’. He declares that one outcome of that meeting was that Liddell ‘fell under suspicion as a Soviet agent’. That would imply either that Rees at the time expressed that view to other MI5 officers, or that Liddell learned of that belief from Rees himself, and passed it on to White and company. It is all very nonsensical. Rees did much later voice his concern (to Wright) that Liddell might have been a Soviet agent, but Liddell had been dead for several years by then.]

As Liddell’s diary entry confirms, however, he had instead, on the evening of May 29, asked Blunt what he knew about Burgess’s disappearance – perhaps as a reaction to Footman’s message, wanting to consult his friend before he met Rees. Blunt volunteered to him that he knew that Hewit had reported Burgess missing. The next day, Blunt and Tomás Harris (the MI5 officer who had been GARBO’s minder, and who was later also suspected of being under the control of the Soviets) came to see him, and Liddell (rather irresponsibly) told them that Burgess had left the country with another Foreign Office official. Thereupon Blunt asked whether that official was Maclean. Liddell confirmed that it was, at which Blunt gave his thumbnail sketch of Maclean, saying how astonished he had been at returning to Cambridge in 1934 to find that he and Burgess, as well as Cornford and Cornforth, had drifted into the Communist camp.

Blunt and Harris then shifted gears. They explained that they had come to their supposition about Maclean because Burgess had told Blunt that he would, that weekend, be having to help a friend who was in some sex trouble and was being blackmailed. The pair had speculated that the friend might have been Maclean, since he was known to be a homosexual. The three of them then discussed the money that Hewit had found in Burgess’s luggage when he returned from America, and pondered over its source – from the Russians? Lastly, Liddell gained an assurance from the two of them that they would not disclose to anyone that Burgess had been accompanied by Maclean. Yet the naive Liddell had already gone too far, disclosing such information to outsiders. His action in seeking out Blunt, and speaking confidentially to him, suggests to me that he had no inkling of the seriousness of Rees’s charges at the time. Moreover, Blunt and Rees must surely have discussed the matter in depth by then.

Liddell was also to enjoy a long discussion with Harris on the night of May 30, since Harris and his wife had the previous Wednesday entertained Burgess, who had apparently become quite emotional. Burgess had burst into tears when asked about Kim Philby, avowing how wonderful Philby had been to him. Liddell showed how out of touch he was with the whole situation by writing in his diary: “There may possibly be some significance in this, in spite of everything the Philbys had done to keep him straight, he had betrayed Kim through getting to know something about the MACLEAN case and acting on the information. There is no doubt that Kim Philby is thoroughly disgusted with BURGESS’s behaviour both inside his house and outside it.” Thus did the finest mind in British counter-intelligence work, with his firm belief in the good nature of those persons he liked: hoodwinked by Blunt, Burgess, and Philby, and even forgetting his recent (1947) suspicions about Philby, Liddell seemed to lag the insights then held by his protégé, Dick White, about the menace represented by him.

Dick White returned from Paris on June 1, and Liddell was able to tell him that Blunt had been ‘helpful’, and to describe his meeting with Rees earlier that day, explaining that he had asked Rees to provide a written account of the Burgess phone-call. But how much did he tell? He surely did not let White know that he had revealed to Blunt and Harris that Maclean had been the official who had accompanied Burgess (see below). My belief is that Rees had communicated to Liddell his serious accusations, but that Liddell had instructed Rees to write a much less incriminating report, and instead to save his critical exposures concerning Blunt and Burgess in 1939 for his session with White. Liddell thus posted a harmless note on file, failed to give White the full details, and tried to wash his hands of the whole business. It was all too painful for him. Yet the record of the ‘meeting’, not just a telephone conversation, endured.

Saturday June 2 was a working day: Liddell also engaged Blunt to explore possible places in France and Italy where Burgess and Maclean might have stayed. Then Liddell left for his week’s holiday in Wales, delegating the management of the case to White, having advised Sillitoe on his coming visit to Washington to appease the FBI. It was not the most auspicious time to take leave, but, as readers may recall when Philby explained the dalliance over the Volkov business in 1945, leave arrangements were treated with a high degree of respect in the intelligence services. Liddell felt he probably needed a breather, given what Rees had told him, but to absent himself while Rees was creating his report was very eccentric. He was nevertheless much more comfortable delegating everything to White, and letting him sort out the Blunt problem.

Phase 3: June 4 to June 12

Monday June 4 was a busy day for White, having to deal on his return to the office with a clumsy memorandum from Philby attempting to distance himself from Maclean, and to set about organizing the final dossier on Philby and Burgess. Arthur Martin took over preparing a brief for Sillitoe should his planned trip be finalized. Obviously pre-occupied, White agreed that no further interviewing of Rees should occur until his report had arrived and been digested. Little happened on June 5, although plans were being made to recall Philby, and MI6’s Drew left for Washington with a letter to be handed to him. Telephone intercepts allowed Blunt and Hewit to be overheard discussing how depressed Goronwy and Margie Rees were.

‘Looking for Mr. Nobody’

The next day (June 6) Rees handed his statement to Footman, who delivered it to White at 2:30 pm. The formal interview could now take place. Yet again, Rees’s account (as he passed on to his daughter) does not hold water. In Looking for Mr. Nobody, Jenny Rees writes: “When Rees met Guy Liddell, on 7 June [sic], he was surprised to learn that the meeting was not to take place in an office, but at an informal lunch. When he arrived, he was even more surprised to find Blunt there, too.” This is absurd, since Liddell was of course in Wales at the time. And in fact it was White who experienced the surprise. Rees’s MI5 file suggests that White was taken aback when Rees turned up for his interview (on June 6, incidentally) accompanied by Blunt! What is also outrageous is the fact that, in March 1956, after Rees had had his scandalous stories about Burgess published in The People, provoking fresh interest in him by MI5, he told Reed that, on the morning of his interview (on May 29!), he had dropped by at Blunt’s flat, and Blunt had insisted on accompanying Rees to the meeting . . . (See KV 2/4605 sn.165a)

A very amateurish recording of the meeting was made. White had hardly had time to read Rees’s report, since the time-stamp on the meeting reads as 3:10 pm. Yet what Rees put together was underwhelming. Far from spilling the beans on Burgess’s shady past, and Rees’s suspicions of him, Goronwy had put together an anodyne document that hardly touched on the dynamics of the Margie-Guy conversation as he represented it in his book. The report is spent largely describing Burgess’s professional problems, saying nothing about any communist links. Contrary to how Margie had characterized Guy’s demeanour beforehand, Burgess comes across as coherent, almost sensible. Only in the last sentence is a suggestion of turmoil hinted at: “M. said that during the conversation she had the impression that, if G. had come to some decision, he had only just made up his mind and had not made any definite plan.” This was a very timid performance by Rees, and sharply shows that the testimony he later provided in his memoir was an undignified show of braggadocio. If his report did truly correspond to what he had told Liddell a week beforehand, it is no wonder that the Deputy Director-General did not get excited. On the other hand, as I have suggested, Liddell had probably instructed Rees to turn in a very subdued account.

White made several mistakes in trying to interrogate Blunt and Rees at the same time. He should have rejected their group approach and insisted that they be interrogated separately. He should have prepared himself for the encounter, so that he knew what questions to ask, and would not have been caught out in so many mistakes of memory or ignorance. And he should have arranged for a proper transcription of the exchanges. As it is, the record is a technical failure, and an intelligence disaster. One outcome, however, of Rees’s stumbling effort to describe Burgess’s experience with the Comintern in the 1930s, and Rees’s and Blunt’s involvement with him in 1937, is that Rees was obliged to write up a more coherent account of what he admitted during the interview. And he did so immediately afterwards.

While it is difficult to unscramble the flow of the discussion from a very garbled transcription, White’s lack of reaction to what Rees (who dominates the briefing) says is extraordinary. He does not appear to be unduly perturbed when Rees describes Burgess’s association with the Comintern, and Blunt’s involvement in passing information to him. When Rees states that ‘Anthony was of course working for him’, White merely interrupts mildly, saying: “Can we stop a second – Were you consciously doing that, Anthony?”. When Blunt replies ‘No’, White simply echoes the ‘No’, but Rees then carries on in full flow before White can pick up the thread. White must have recalled the Comintern connection from Burgess’s aborted trip to Moscow with Isaiah Berlin in 1940 (see Misdefending the Realm, Chapter 4), and Blunt’s being detected passing on secrets to the Soviets in 1944. At this juncture, White should have reacted with horror at the news that Blunt had a possible espionage track-record going back over a decade, and had been helping Burgess in the 1930s. Either he was simply very slow on the uptake, or it came as no real surprise to him, since Liddell had already confided in him, and he concealed his horror. I suspect the former: he was simply overwhelmed, and his head was in a spin.

White does not give a very poised performance. He appears confused over the list of names of furtive Burgess cronies given to him by Rees (e.g. Katz, Arnesto, Pfeiffer). In any event, White suddenly discloses that Burgess was not alone when he disappeared, saying, with a Bondian flourish: “He’s not alone. He’s with a man called Maclean. Donald Maclean”, as if his two interlocutors would not have known who that person was. A few minutes earlier, Rees had even mentioned Maclean’s name alongside that of Blunt as one of those ‘who always worked with Burgess’, but White could not have been thinking clearly. Moreover, he was also unaware that Liddell had already confided in Blunt (and Harris) that Burgess had been accompanied by Maclean. So much for close cooperation: Liddell had not told him all.

At the close of the meeting, Rees was then instructed to provide a write-up of what he had just said. I do not believe that his report has been reproduced anywhere: it should be. I extract from it the following main points:

  1. Rees knew Burgess as an active Communist in 1932-1933. He left the Party in 1935, an action that offended many of his friends.
  2. After the rift, Rees became friendly with Burgess again in 1937.
  3. Burgess told Rees that he had left the Party under direction, and was now working for the Comintern.
  4. Burgess sought help from Rees, and stated that Blunt was also assisting him with information.
  5. Rees believed that Rolf Katz and Edouard Pfeiffer were two of his Communist associates, and he thought that Burgess was acting as an intermediary between Daladier and Chamberlain.
  6. Burgess told him that he passed on information to a Russian whom he met in small cafes.
  7. After the Nazi-Soviet Pact was announced, Rees told Burgess that he wanted nothing more to do with his organization. Burgess said that Blunt was of the same mindset.
  8. Burgess pleaded for silence over the relationship: Rees told him (untruthfully) that he had deposited a statement about it in his bank.
  9. Rees nevertheless said that he believed that Burgess had given up his pro-Soviet commitment at the time of the Pact.
  10. Since then, and especially recently, Burgess had expressed anti-American views.
  11. May 7 was the last time that Rees saw Burgess, but the latter had a strange and long conversation with his wife on May 25, on which Rees had reported elsewhere.

I believe that Numbers 4 and 7 are the most important items in this statement  – Rees’s explicit incrimination of Blunt as a communist sympathizer like himself, who had similarly been assisting Burgess in his criminal endeavours, but who reputedly had abandoned his ideological commitment in September 1939. This should have been a red flag to White. It was the outstanding fact that Liddell did not want to deal with.

Yet it was this confession that White later stated brought him to apoplexy, in the way he described it to his biographer. White claimed that he challenged Rees on why he had not come forward beforehand, to which Rees responded that he thought that MI5 knew all about Burgess’s background. Both men were distorting what happened to aid their particular mission: Rees to conceal his moral dilemma, White to assert his individual ignorance about Burgess’s accepted misdemeanors, and to blame someone else for MI5’s institutional failure. What is important to underline, however, is that this statement was not made by Rees when alone with Liddell soon after the disappearance, as Rees claimed, but to White, in the company of Blunt, who must have been compliant in the story Rees told. (Bower’s account is muddled and chronologically wrong, by the way. For instance, he introduces Rees’s accusations against Hampshire and Liddell being made at this time, which is patently untrue.)

Unfortunately, Jenny Rees is responsible for further confusion surrounding these events, mixing up the chronology. She has her father meeting Stuart Hampshire ‘shortly after Guy and Maclean had disappeared’ at a party, where Rees expressed his terror over a meeting he was soon to have with Jim Skardon. (Yet Rees had no planned meeting with Skardon at this time.) Rees had confided in him that Blunt had been an agent, too, and Hampshire, to his eternal shame, admitted to Jenny that he had advised Rees to do nothing, and let MI5 sort it out for themselves. Yet Jenny places this before the June 7 meeting, and associates it with Rees’s accusations against Zaehner and Liddell, which happened much later. She also quotes what Rees reputedly wrote after the June 7 meeting with Liddell [!], in which Rees claimed that Liddell and Blunt tried to talk him out of his delusions about Burgess. (I cannot trace this passage: it is certainly not in A Chapter of Accidents, and Jenny Rees provides no sources.) Rees claimed he dug his heels in, and then, a few days later, kept a further meeting with Liddell and White. It is another sorry mess.

Yet there was a June 7 meeting, this time between White and Rees alone, which was also recorded – and with greater quality than that of the previous day. This time, White and Rees chat as if they were old friends, and they try to identify the roots of Burgess’s alienation, discussing Burgess’s friends and associates, and, after a tortuous discussion, coming up with the name of James Klugman as a probable recruiter. Rees also voices his suspicions about Footman. The whole exchange is very rambling, and does not reveal much, except to point out that White and Rees obviously enjoyed a collegial relationship, and the exchange was not at all antagonistic in the way White framed it later. White was far more perturbed about Blunt than he was angry with Rees.

Nothing dramatic concerning Rees happened for a few days. White was busy arranging for Martin to accompany Sillitoe to Washington, charged with taking the dossier on Philby and Burgess with him. The same day that Sillitoe and Martin flew out of London, Philby was in the air returning to Britain, and White prepared to interrogate him immediately he arrived, on July 12. Liddell had returned from his leave on June 11 (Monday), and he started catching up with what had happened in his absence. White updated Liddell on the meeting with Rees and Blunt, indicating that he had gained an unfavorable impression of Rees, who seemed very nervous, but White apparently did not tell Liddell about the more amiable discussion the following day. Liddell would surely have mentioned it in his diary if he had.

Liddell did record that King George VI had shown an interest in the case, and had requested that Liddell speak to the King’s secretary, Tommy Lascelles. Liddell said there was not much more to tell than could be read in the newspapers, and that the disappearance of the pair was probably due to blackmail or ‘to some espionage past’. He went on to write: “I was a little inclined to fear the latter, only there was no firm evidence on which to do beyond the fact that both parties had gone through a period of Left Wing activities while at the University. It seemed to me unlikely that a man of Burgess’s intelligence could imagine that he had any future in Russia, and I was rather forced to the conclusion that he might have thought that his past was catching up with him and the alternative was a stretch in Maidstone gaol.”

Yet this assessment was contradicted by a later diary entry for that day. After describing White’s experiences in interrogating Philby, and positing that Burgess may have had access to secret files on Philby’s desk, Liddell brings up the Volkov incident, and how badly it reflected on Philby’s role. He then records having dinner with Blunt, who felt he was being hounded by the Press – a revealing declaration that proves that the Burgess-Blunt association was public knowledge. “No new facts emerged”, Liddell wrote, “except that I feel certain that Anthony was never a conscious collaborator with BURGESS in any activities that he may have conducted on behalf of the Comintern (vide Rees’s statement).” At least White had informed Liddell about the Comintern connection, but it was a very lazy and unimaginative conclusion by Liddell, who was too trusting of what Blunt told him, and still reluctant to face the truth.

Phase 4: June 13 to August 27

Meanwhile, Rees was undergoing further setbacks. His ‘confession’ prompted Reed, on June 14, to submit a Home Office Warrant request to tap his telephone. When Burgess’s flat was searched on June 7, hundreds of letters addressed to him had been found in a guitar-case at the bottom of his wardrobe, including a few from Rees, which might have been incriminating. (Source: KV 2/4605, sn. 177a). And an enterprising journalist had uncovered telephone records from the Reform Club, which showed that Burgess had called the Reeses at Sonning just before he absconded. The Reeses’ house was soon besieged, and Goronwy and his family were severely harassed.

Yet Rees in fact enjoyed a brief respite from MI5’s attentions. The tranche of letters discovered in Burgess’s flat prompted a broader large-scale inquiry, with multiple new files opened and acquaintances interviewed, with the Rothschilds in particular becoming a focus of attention. Martin and Sillitoe were still in Washington, and the ruse to plant the dossier on Philby and Burgess was proceeding satisfactorily: they returned to London on June 18. White’s interrogation of Philby was inconclusive, but Menzies was persuaded that Kim would have to resign from MI6. Liddell reported that awkward questions had been asked in the House of Commons concerning the lack of screening of Burgess, and on June 23 Prime Minister Attlee agreed to set up a committee, under Alexander Cadogan, to investigate Foreign Office security.

Rees then drew unnecessary attention to himself. He gave an interview to a reporter from the Daily Mail, which resulted in a story headlined: ‘Burgess: One of the Nicest Men I Know’ appearing on June 18. Starting by saying ‘To my knowledge he is not a communist’, Rees went on to offer a grovelling defence of Burgess as a patriotic Englishman who would never harm his country. He attributed any eccentricities of his conduct to a fracture of the skull he incurred a few years before when he fell down some stairs. Why Rees volunteered this hypocritical nonsense is unclear: the malfeasance of Burgess and Maclean was becoming very public, and MI5 knew that Rees had given strong evidence incriminating Burgess. It made Rees look very foolish, and MI5 eventually decided to haul him in again.

On June 19, Robertson noted that Rees had been suspected of helping the Soviets acquire equipment for making penicillin from America, something the USA had been trying to ban. (This was an extraordinary series of incidents, involving the defector N.M. Borodin, that merits detailed coverage. Rees was not honest about his business relationship with the writer Henry Green, and the Pontifex company, at a time when Rees was working for MI6. I plan to pick up this story in my November bulletin.) The same day, John Lehmann, in an interview by Jim Skardon, criticized Rees and Blunt for not notifying the authorities of the politics of Burgess and Maclean. Around this time, Lehmann’s sister, Rosamund, had informed MI5 of the fact that Rees had told her in the late thirties that Burgess was working for the Comintern: Skardon interviewed her in October 1951 to confirm her story. Rees had told Reed and Robertson on July 24 that he had confided in Rosamund. MI5 maintained the telephone check on Rees: when his wife phoned Hewit on June 27, they learned that Rees had been ‘in an awful state over Guy’, not sleeping, and weeping every night. Following some ‘unusual’ conversations between the Reeses and Blunt, on July 6 Reed requested a re-imposition of telephone checks on Blunt.

Liddell continued to come to Blunt’s defence. On June 27, he reviewed a report on Philby that MI6 was about to send to the FBI. He deemed that it was too sympathetic to Rees’s claims concerning Burgess and the Comintern, he trusted what Blunt had claimed about ignorance of Burgess’s affiliation, and he judged that Blunt would have been very unlikely to get involved in such political activities. Moreover, he expressed his disbelief that Burgess could have been ‘a Comintern agent or an espionage agent in the ordinary accepted interpretation of these terms’. So what had Burgess been running from? And, if Maclean, why not Burgess or Blunt? Liddell does not examine such ideas.

Nevertheless, the interest in Blunt increased. On July 7, Owen O’Malley, a retired Foreign Office diplomat, informed Sir William Strang, the Permanent Under-Secretary, that Blunt had been a Communist at Cambridge alongside Burgess. And Dick White asked Liddell to arrange an interview with Blunt in the light of correspondence found in Burgess’s flat. Liddell took the opportunity to have lunch with Blunt, and quiz him about his communist activity at Cambridge. Blunt finessed the issue, stating that he had taken an intellectual interest in Marxism, but had never been attracted by the Russian implementation of it, and reiterated his belief that Burgess had been working for British Intelligence. Liddell seemed impressed enough with this testimony to pass it on immediately to White and his lieutenants, recording that what he told them appeared to ‘dispel their suspicions’ on a number of points. Robertson and Martin accordingly interviewed Blunt on July 14, when he gave them an utterly mendacious account of his association with Burgess, suggesting that the disciplines of the Communist Party were objectionable to Burgess, and, again, that any information that he had given him was in the belief that Burgess was working for British intelligence.

Yet sharper counter-espionage officers would have asked more penetrating questions. How could it be that Blunt received such a different impression from that of Rees, never believing that Burgess was working for the Comintern? Why would Rees have implied that Blunt was assisting him in that goal? Had Blunt not been a communist himself? (It seems that Robertson and Martin had not been informed that Blunt had been suspended from an Intelligence course at Minley Manor in 1940 because of his communist sympathies.) And why would Burgess have been ‘stunned’ by the announcement of the Nazi-Soviet pact, if he had simply been working for British intelligence? Had Blunt really not worked everything out only when Rees recently told him that Burgess’s active work for the Russians had ceased?  In that case, when had Blunt believed that Burgess had really been working for the Russians? Yet the opportunity was missed.

On July 18, Dick White wrote a letter to Rees, asking him in a friendly fashion whether he could ‘look in’ at the MI5 office for an hour or two the following week. The outcome was that Rees underwent a more searching interview by Robertson and Martin on July 24. Yet he immediately tried to control the process, refusing to provide a full account of his knowledge of, and association with, Burgess, but stating instead that he would simply answer direct questions. What ensued was not a very revealing exercise: overall, Rees stuck to his guns, although he tripped up occasionally, describing Burgess’s attention to security in contradictory fashion, and letting some facts slip out about which he had previously expressed ignorance. His representation of Burgess as ‘the most complete Marxist he had ever known’, while expressing doubt as to whether Burgess would have considered spying after 1939, was, to me, a very flabby argument, but was not picked up by his interrogators. Robertson and Martin concluded that Rees was holding something back, instead revealing a part of the story as an insurance policy against MI5’s discovering the facts on their own. They also made the significant observation that ‘he may also have conferred with BLUNT before making his statement in order to give BLUNT the opportunity of producing his own denial’. They also noted that Rees had been very keen in trying to elicit from the two of them whether his statements concerning Burgess had been confirmed by any other source.

After reflection, Robertson wrote a note to White concerning the interview, in which he repeated some of the frustration arising from Rees’s evasiveness and contradictions. He pointed out the curious manner in which Rees and Blunt had presented themselves at the office to volunteer a statement, and then he turned the spotlight on Blunt, who seemed to him to have much more to lose because of his public position. “It seems to me very possible”, he wrote, “that, REES having informed BLUNT that he could no longer withhold from the proper authorities at least a part of what he knew about BURGESS, the two men came to an agreement whereby each would make a mutually agreed statement. This agreement would include an understanding that REES, in implicating BLUNT in Burgess’s activities, would do so in a manner that would not prevent BLUNT from denying it convincingly.”

This was a shrewd observation from Robertson, but his follow-up was less than stellar. He had suggested to Liddell himself that the latter ‘attempt to draw’ Blunt on the subject before the latter left for Greece, but the opportunity had not arisen. How a softball approach from Liddell, Blunt’s crony, might extract any breakthrough insight is not clear, but then Robertson himself displayed a similar indulgence towards Blunt. Addressing his boss, White, he wrote: “I should be grateful if you could now reconsider the matter yourself, with regard to the possibility of our telling BLUNT, on his return to this country, that we do not accept the truth of his statement unreservedly, at the same time guaranteeing to him (if you think we can go so far), that he will not suffer in his career or reputation, if he tells us with complete frankness of his knowledge of BURGESS’s espionage.”

This was a dramatic conceptual leap: suddenly considering immunity from prosecution for someone who had apparently been treated as a loyal ally up till then. Thus did the steely minds of MI5 deal with potential traitors in their midst. White could not have been happy that his junior officers were now starting to suspect Blunt. Maybe he had put Robertson up to this suggestion: White referred the memorandum to Liddell, and asked whether the Deputy Director-General would be prepared to interview Blunt. But nothing happened for a while. By the time Blunt returned from Greece, Liddell had left for the USA, being absent for the whole of September. Nevertheless, Liddell had time to issue a more disciplined riposte to White, who, on August 27 (having just returned from leave himself) reported to Robertson that Liddell had firm objections to giving Blunt open assurances without any considerations of the consequences of what he might say. (Liddell’s lack of expressed surprise at this initiative is telling: it was a canny attempt to cover his back.) White minuted to Robertson that they would have to re-think their strategy. It is clear that White again would have preferred that the whole matter be hushed up. Thus did the days of summer wind down, and the intensity of the investigation fade away. Not long afterwards, an officer in MI5 was present at a cocktail party also attended by Rees, and the latter was notably relieved to learn that the officer’s interpretation of events was that the BURGESS/MACLEAN case was being dropped.


Guy Burgess created havoc before he absconded. Aware that he was being watched, he drew in as many of his friends and associates as he could, leaving an obvious trail behind him. The cause of this may have been a degree of spite, not seeing why he should be singled out for banishment, but it may have taken place with the objective of causing MI5 to spend an inordinate amount of time and effort in chasing down his links, and in that way distract attention away from Blunt. In this project, the Security Service may have trawled up one or two confirmed miscreants (such as Alister Watson), but they also interviewed at length a number of misguided leftists from the 1930s who were now reformed characters, and no danger to the nation. The fact that the Foreign Office had not sacked Burgess earlier, but instead searched to find him a comfortable job, is shocking.

Anthony Blunt played a wily game, but he should have been doomed. Even Goronwy Rees’s reduced accusations should have been enough to condemn him. He believed that he had shrewdly manipulated Rees, and for most of the summer of 1951 appeared to be able to exploit his good relationships with Guy Liddell and Dick White to present himself as a useful consultant rather than a potential candidate for conspiracy. He was able to gain some respite because of their absences, and the welter of other events. That situation would not last, of course, but he surely persuaded his Soviet controllers (who had ‘ordered’ him to defect as well) that he was more useful keeping a watchful eye on matters back in London, and frustrating MI5’s inquiries. The insinuations made against Blunt at the end of this summer confirm the fact that he was by then already under grave suspicion as a Soviet agent of some long standing.

MI5 itself was dysfunctional. It was led by an ex-policeman, Sillitoe, who had to cable back to London from Washington for instructions on sensitive matters. His deputy, Liddell, largely stayed out of the picture, recording his private impressions and thoughts in his diary, and failing to take a leadership role in the investigation of Maclean and Burgess. A single man again, he could not even consider cancelling his summer holiday at a time of great intensity for the project. That was possibly because he keenly wanted to adopt a low profile. He did not communicate regularly with White, head of B Division, who himself did not show the discipline appropriate for a mature counter-intelligence officer. White had started to guess as to the enormity of the errors that MI5 had committed in its indulgence to communist sympathizers, and he feared that any public acknowledgment of the recruitment disasters that MI6 and MI5 had undertaken would probably destroy his career, as well as the independence of MI5.

The problem was that MI5 had no strategy in place for proceeding after the probable guilt of Soviet agents had been established. VENONA evidence could not be brought to any trial, and a confession from the subject was thus a necessity. The latter tactic worked in the case of Fuchs and Blake (who were not true-blooded Englishmen anyway, and thus should not have been trusted), and with Nunn May, but the thought of bringing Maclean to trial, after he had confessed (as he was surely about to) must have filled the hearts of White and his colleagues with extreme nervousness, when the indulgences over (for instance) Maclean’s abject behaviour in Cairo would have been received derisively. The theory that Maclean had been allowed to escape should not be discarded completely, as it was a pattern with Philby and Smolka, among others. Moreover, the skills of the interrogators were inadequate. They did not have the historical training to understand fully the political background to the events. They ambled into their sessions unprepared, they were not briefed properly, they were too deferential, and they were outwitted by university graduates who demonstrated sharper mental acuity. Dick White was a poor role model.

The other aspect was the pretence that such suspects should be allowed off scot-free on the condition that they told their inquisitors everything they knew. It probably started here, with Blunt. Of course, this policy of granting immunity from prosecution was based on self-delusion. How would they know that the candidate would tell them everything, or that what was divulged was true? Yet the indulgence was considered, for the benefit of a quiet life. John Cairncross was encouraged to resign at this time when confidential notes from him were found in Burgess’s apartment, while MI5 at this stage had no idea about the duration, breadth and depth of Cairncross’s espionage. Liddell’s cautiousness in this regard was praiseworthy (thought it may have been a ruse), but it was not authoritative enough, and he was not to last much longer in MI5.

The most troublesome, but also revealing, event is the meeting between Rees and Liddell, which Rees stifled in his memoir, and the existence of which was later concealed from junior MI5 officers, being downgraded to a ‘telephone conversation’. Indeed, soon after the meeting, on June 6, Reed confirmed it as such, but indicated that Liddell had used the word ‘alarming’. My suspicion is that Rees did indeed tell all to Liddell, who demanded that he downplay his suspicions in his immediate report, and that he reserve his full disclosures for his future interviews with MI5, namely with White. Liddell sanitized the essence of the discussion in his diary entry and his posting to Rees’s file, gave a careless hint to Reed, but withheld the frightful news from White, preferring that White discover it for himself. If Liddell now began to harbour severe misgivings about Blunt, he did not share them, but his laconic response when reading White’s suggestion for immunity for Blunt indicates to me that he understood the severity of the problem. It took Michael Straight to accuse Blunt, and prompt his confession, over a decade later, but Rees’s fury over the lack of action undertaken against him would lead to the eventual exposure of the art historian.

As for Rees, he comes out of this adventure with his reputation even more tarnished. It is difficult for me to understand how someone reputedly so smart as he (he was awarded a Fellowship at All Souls, after all) could be so gullible and impressionable. A mild flirtation with communism in the early 1930s was perhaps pardonable, but for him to reject Stalinism only in 1939, at the time of the Nazi-Soviet Pact, shows a cavalier and obtuse blindness to the evils of Stalin’s oppression and purges. (The photograph below shows Rees at the May Day Parade in 1935.) Moreover, Rees had visited the Soviet Union in 1935, and he could have seen for himself what Communism meant in practice.

Rees on May Day 1935 (from ‘Looking for Mr. Nobody’)

His admiration for those two charlatans, Burgess and Blunt, is also astounding. Apparently impressed by Burgess’s brilliant mind, and his vivid and convincing explanation of Marxism, he was equally attracted to that woeful humbug, Blunt.  And that breach in 1939 did not allow him to reset his opinion of Burgess, despite the latter’s admission that he had broken with Communism, and taken up the fascist chant, on Moscow’s orders. Thereafter, Rees showed, in his mendacious and self-serving memoir, that he himself was a humbug who could easily be manipulated by Blunt, and he did not have the courage to tell a consistent story. He lived and died in the belief that the archival records would never appear to disprove his story.

Five years later, his world would fall apart when he was reckless enough to sell his story to The People, in which he pointed the finger closely at Blunt, without naming him, but brought down bitterness from his former friends for making such outrageous accusations. By that time, he was furious that Blunt had managed to escape undamaged and protected while Philby had been hounded and expelled from MI6. That outburst leads me to believe that he at some stage learned much more about Blunt’s long-standing espionage and treachery. He may have shared this with Liddell alone, but he had to soften his accusations when he underwent his formal interrogations, since Blunt was present. He set out doing what he did what he did out of a desperate attempt to salvage his honour, and to protect him and his friend from criminal charges, but he ended up feeling betrayed by Blunt.


This article was prompted by my correspondent’s noticing the initiative to offer immunity to Blunt as early as 1951, and that episode is the main driver of this revision of history. When I wrote about the dissimulation over Blunt’s confession three-and-a-half years ago (see https://coldspur.com/the-hoax-of-the-blunt-confession-part-1/ and https://coldspur.com/the-hoax-of-the-blunt-confession-part-2/ ), I noted that Arthur Martin had been credited with the idea of offering Blunt immunity, but regarded the gesture as highly dubious. The evidence in Rees’s file proves that the idea had been simmering for thirteen years.

Moreover, while other Prime Ministers had inquired of their Cabinet Secretaries the circumstance of the Blunt immunity deal (with Jim Callaghan perhaps being the most perspicacious), it was Margaret Thatcher who was obliquely required to draw attention to it. I quoted in my first piece part of her statement to the House of Commons in November 1979, and I reproduce the key paragraphs here:

It was early in 1964 that new information was received relating to an earlier period which directly implicated Blunt. I cannot disclose the nature of that information but it was not usable as evidence on which to base a prosecution. In this situation, the security authorities were faced with a difficult choice. They could have decided to wait in the hope that further information which could be used as a basis for prosecuting Blunt would, in due course, be discovered. But the security authorities had already pursued their inquiries for nearly 13 years without obtaining firm evidence against Blunt. . . .

They therefore decided to ask the Attorney-General, through the acting Director of Public Prosecutions, to authorise them to offer Blunt immunity from prosecution, if he both confessed and agreed to co-operate in their further investigations.

Yet I believe I accepted too much of what Thatcher said, and I misrepresented the facts back in February 2021. I wrote: “Straight was invited over to the UK in October [1963], where he briefed Hollis and White, and a highly confidential immunity agreement for Blunt was made with the help of Cabinet Secretary Trend, Home Secretary Brooke, and Attorney General Hobson.” I am now certain that the deal was not arranged until April 1964 – but was done in haste. When John Hunt, the Cabinet Secretary, in December 1978 described to Prime Minister Jim Callaghan the events, he declared that MI5 had approached the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions on April 18, with a following exchange of letters, and that it was all set up for the ‘interrogation’ of April 23. A similar (but not identical) account, given by Robert Amstrong in November 1979, appears in PREM 19/120. Everything was performed with a speed uncharacteristic of the wheels of bureaucracy.

John Hobson

It was all part of the hoax. As the Times reported in July 2020: “The distinguished art historian was offered complete immunity if he confessed, a sordid deal with no legal basis that was agreed by the then attorney-general, Sir John Hobson.” Hobson was presented with a fait accompli, and he had to agree to it. An astonishing nugget from the Prime Minister’s folder on the case, PREM 16/2230, contains the following statement from the same John Hunt, written on July 3, 1974, and addressed to Harold Wilson, which carelessly confirms what happened: “Following his confession [my italics!] the case was referred to the Attorney General of the day (Sir John Hobson) who decided that the public interest lay against prosecution.” Thus the timing of the confession was staged to reflect Hobson’s approval after the event. The sequence could not have been spelled out any more plainly.

John Hunt

The facts are clear. Thirteen years takes us back to 1951. Blunt was indeed interrogated many times (the first on July 14, 1951), but he refused to confess. It took the testimony of Michael Straight to pin him down in the autumn of 1963. MI5 was not authorized to offer immunity, but it had done so without approval in December 1963, when Roger Hollis was still under the influence of his sponsor and colleague Dick White, now chief of MI6. It was White who had floated the idea of conditional immunity back in 1951. The decision whether to prosecute or not, however, was the responsibility of the Attorney General. The framed event of the April 1964 ‘confession’ was set up because the real confession had been made several months earlier before the Attorney General, John Hobson, even knew about it. Blunt should, however, have been nailed in 1951. It was primarily the pusillanimity of Liddell and White that allowed him to escape.

(Latest Commonplace entries appear here.)


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The Still Elusive Victor Rothschild

‘Elusive Rothschild’

(My original plan was to publish this essay at the end of September, since I had a few weeks ago completed a study of the problems of Goronwy Rees and Anthony Blunt in the summer of 1951 that was ready for the August coldspur issue. I thus started work on a piece on Victor Rothschild, targeted for September. And then a correspondent alerted me to the fact that Tim Tate’s new book, To Catch A Spy, enhanced with the subtitle How the Spycatcher Affair Brought MI5 in from the Cold, was going to be published in August. I immediately pre-ordered the item from amazon.uk, but decided that I needed to put my stake in the ground on Rothschild, Wright, Pincher and the Spycatcher business before I was influenced in any way by what Tate wrote. Thus I accelerated the development of this month’s piece: Rees and Blunt will now appear at the end of September. My copy of To Catch A Spy arrived a couple of days ago: I shall start reading it today. I shall dedicate my October bulletin to a review of Tate’s book, and to an update on the Borodin affair – which is turning out to be even more sinister than I earlier described.

P.S. This piece was created in some haste. I intend to re-structure it at some stage to give it a more logical flow. I hope that my readers will be indulgent, and will understand my desire to lay out the facts of my story promptly.

P.P.S. I have just noticed a report in the Times dated August 16 that describes Margaret Thatcher’s collusion with Sir Robert Amstrong, using Rothschild and Pincher, to promulgate the Hollis accusations that derived from Wright. See: https://www.thetimes.com/uk/history/article/margaret-thatcher-approved-leak-m15-rml5xdgrd .I imagine this matter is covered comprehensively in Tate’s book, and shall comment in my October posting.)



  1. Molehunting:

‘The Climate of Treason’

Rothschild and Wright

‘Their Trade Is Treachery’

An Impossible Delivery

Manipulation and Misinformation

Pincher’s Version

2. Agent of Influence

3. Zionism

4. MI5 & MI6 Postwar

5. The Kew Archive:



Investigations (1)

Investigations (2)

Disclosures and Explanations

Rothschild’s Self-Importance

Burgess as Financial Advisor

Tess and Blunt

6. Conclusions

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *


What was Lord Rothschild up to at the end of World War II? And why was he so inextricably involved with the intelligence leakages of the 1980s? The questions about his loyalties, his connections with the Cambridge Five, and his activities in support of the Israeli effort to build an atomic bomb continue to float around in various memoirs and articles. Yet it is hard to pin down a reliable account of his life: what one might expect to be the gold standard of accuracy and integrity, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, has not updated its entry since 2010, and it is based largely on Kenneth Rose’s generally favourable but shallow biography of him, Elusive Rothschild. Since then, both Russian and British archival material has appeared (with several large files having been deposited at Kew by MI5 in 2022), yet no authoritative new account has appeared, so far as I know. The Wikipedia entry is a little more exploratory, but likewise deficient: it was updated recently, but apparently only because of the death in February of Jacob Rothschild, Victor’s eldest son. The Andrew Lownie Agency has recently announced that Weidenfeld & Nicholson has acquired the rights to Roley Thomas’s biography of Victor, titled The Spy and the Saboteur: the Untold Story of Victor Rothschild (see https://www.andrewlownie.co.uk/authors/roley-thomas/books/the-spy-and-the-saboteur-the-untold-story-of-victor-rothschild). In what way Rothschild was a ‘spy’ or ‘saboteur’ (as opposed to a counter-espionage officer responsible for detecting sabotage attempts) is undeclared: I shall have to watch out for the publication of this volume, which is not due until late next year.

The most damaging claim against Lord Rothschild is that he had been a Soviet agent of some kind – perhaps simply an ‘agent of influence’, but also, in a more imaginative leap, the ‘Fifth Man’, at a time when Cairncross’s role had not been established. (Roland Perry’s assertion that Rothschild was the ‘Fifth Man’ can be quickly rejected, even though Perry dug out some intriguing ‘facts’ about his Lordship.) I dedicated a chapter in Misdefending the Realm to the phenomenon of agents of influence working in the shadows to assist Soviet objectives, and included Rothschild as the leading figure in that category. That same claim appeared from the Russian side, with the recollections of Ivan Serov, one-time chairman of both the KGB and the GRU (who died a month before Rothschild in early 1990), revealing through his posthumously published memoirs that Rothschild had for a short while been a valuable agent of influence.

In this piece I explore several critical aspects of Rothschild’s career. First of all, I examine closely the extraordinary role he played in the molehunting sagas of the 1970s and 1980s, as one in a triumvirate of deceptive characters. I consider this period very significant, because it brought parts of Rothschild’s hitherto private career into the public eye, and he began to realize that he could no longer control the narrative of his life. I believe that that recognition buffeted his ego, and his sense of prestige, and he never recovered from it. I next delve into other dimensions of his roles, using a variety of archival sources, that highlight some of the major conflicts in his life. Lastly, I offer a detailed analysis of the MI5 Personal Files on him and his wife (KV 2/4531-4534), recently released, which I believe are revealing as much for the inertia displayed by MI5 over the Rothschilds’ prevarications as they are for the intrinsic accounts that the couple gave of themselves.

I shall not cover in detail Rothschild’s career in his official capacity at MI5 during the war. He notably set up the B18 counter-sabotage section (in 1941 renamed B1c), and displayed some courage in his dismantling of bombs, although the self-aggrandizement of his feats, leading to the award of a George Medal, did not endear him to his colleagues. His other remarkable achievement was to introduce Anthony Blunt to Guy Liddell, who subsequently recruited him as his personal assistant, with disastrous consequences. He was also responsible for helping Eric Roberts set up the ‘Fifth Column’ to penetrate a group of Nazi sympathizers. (For a comprehensive account of this operation, see Robert Hutton’s Agent Jack, and my comments at https://coldspur.com/a-thanksgiving-round-up/ ).  At the end of the war, Rothschild successfully recommended to Liddell that his assistant, Tess Mayor, be awarded an M.B.E. for gallantry in Paris, but the objectivity of his judgment was somewhat tarnished by the fact that in 1946 he divorced Barbara and married Tess in August of that year. Overall, his reputation within MI5 – and outside – was good, to the extent that Duff Cooper even suggested that he should be appointed Director-General when Petrie retired.

  1. Molehunting:

‘The Climate of Treason’

Victor Rothschild’s problems started when he gained some unwelcome attention after the publication of Andrew Boyle’s Climate of Treason in 1979. Not only did a prominent photograph of the noble lord appear under one of a set of ‘Apostles’ from the 1930s (which included Blunt, ‘a close companion of Burgess and an ardent Marxist’), Rothschild was also described in potentially damaging ways in the text. He was presented as ‘the amiable Trinity neighbour’ of Burgess at Cambridge, who ‘professed sympathy with Socialism, but took no noticeably active part in proceedings of the non-Communist rump of the Labour Club to which Philby and Lees both belonged’. That was in fact a distortion of the politics of the Cambridge University Socialist Society, but the juxtaposition was nevertheless a little embarrassing. Furthermore, Boyle explained that Burgess had received Rothschild money for services rendered, and that he had been a tenant of Rothschild’s flat in Bentinck Street during the war.

Apostles and Rothschild (from ‘The Climate of Treason’)

A more serious incident reported by Boyle occurred during the winter of 1944-45, when Philby, Burgess and Malcolm Muggeridge were staying at the Rothschild mansion in Paris. Rothschild (as described by Muggeridge in his 1973 memoir Chronicles of Wasted Time) was provoked to criticize the withholding from the Soviets of Bletchley Park secrets concerning the German order of battle. That was a sensitive matter, as it suggested that Rothschild (and the others debating with him) knew for certain that such material had been withheld, as if they had all been privy to the highly secret way in which intelligence had been passed on to the Soviets. One could pose the questions: had any members of the group been told by Moscow that it was not receiving unrefined ULTRA transcripts through official channels, and how did the NKVD come to that conclusion? If that was indeed the case, whom did Moscow tell?

This gathering of anecdotes had started a buzz of chatter, which the journalist Auberon Waugh picked up in an article in the Spectator in June 1980. This piece was even significant enough to be copied into PREM 19/3942, a file curiously titled ‘Security of the Secret Service – Professor Blunt: Terms of Reference of the Home Affairs Select Committee with regard to the Security Service’. The whole text of the article (‘Lord Rothschild is Innocent’) can be seen on page 101. Of course it is a provocative title, since it implies that the subject had perhaps in some quarters been regarded as guilty, and Waugh is out to vindicate him. Yet Waugh had a notorious gift for irony, and the attention given to Rothschild surely displeased Waugh’s subject.

Auberon Waugh in the ‘Spectator’, June 1980

What Waugh had done was to identify that the anonymous hereditary peer who (according to Boyle) had been one of those persons questioned by MI5 after the defection of Burgess and Maclean was in fact Lord Rothschild, and Waugh qualified his revelation by stating that it would be very surprising if MI5 had not asked him to help in their investigations. Furthermore, ‘any suggestion which implied that Lord Rothschild could even have been under suspicion by MI5 as a Soviet agent or witting concealer of Soviet agents is so preposterous as to belong to the world of pulp fiction. . . .’. Waugh skillfully avoided any libel suit with this wording, but, according to Roland Perry in The Fifth Man (1994), Rothschild was very worried, and sensed trouble ahead. Perry’s mission was, however, to prove that Rothschild was indeed the ‘Fifth Man’, and he was as wrong about that as he was in underestimating John Cairncross’s contribution.

Chapman Pincher later went on to defend Rothschild’s reputation in Too Secret Too Long (1981), where he stressed Victor’s war-record, his working for MI5, and his award of the George Medal for bravery in anti-sabotage activity (something that the vainglorious lord had promoted a bit too eagerly). Pincher expanded on the Bentinck Street charivari, but absolved his lordship since he asserted that he could have had no knowledge that the residence he had sub-let had been harbouring two spies. “Innuendoes about his loyalty are completely groundless as his part in the exposure of Philby alone showed”, he wrote, an ingenuous statement that in its dubious logic downplayed the role of intrigue. Moreover, Pincher failed to mention Rothschild’s close association with the communists at Cambridge, and their memberships of the Apostles.

In 1980, Rothschild’s reputed contribution in exposing Philby was almost certainly not broadly known. Flora Solomon’s From Baku to Baker Street, in which she described her encounter with Rothschild in Israel, in 1962, where she informed him of her strong belief that Philby and Tomás Harris had been spies, was not published until 1984. (Did anyone make note of Pincher’s insight at the time?) By this time, however, Rothschild was beginning, in a defensive manoeuvre, to become involved in a curious triad consisting of himself, Chapman Pincher, and Peter Wright, an arrangement that would cause some enmities and jealousies, but which eventually led to the highly successful publication of Wright’s controversial Spycatcher in 1987. Pincher probably became acquainted with Rothschild in the mid-1970s. In Treachery, he describes how Rothschild had introduced him to Dick White ‘several years before’ 1982, and he also states how he had been in regular touch with him ever since the exposure of Blunt in 1979. In 1980, Pincher had been giving Rothschild advice concerning a possible libel action over the media speculation that he might have been a Soviet agent, even the infamous ‘Fifth Man’ of the Cambridge quintet. The Auberon Waugh article was a major irritation. Suddenly, on September 4, Pincher received a telephone call from Rothschild asking him to come and meet an ‘overseas acquaintance’ of his – who turned out to be the disgruntled Peter Wright. Pincher emphasized the unexpectedness of this call. But how did the participants arrive at this strange encounter? Sadly, the testimonies of all those involved – including Dick White – are riddled with untruths.

Rothschild and Wright 

The association between Wright and Rothschild went back much further. As Wright explained in Spycatcher (1986), Roger Hollis had introduced Wright to Rothschild in 1958, when Wright was trying to set up a scientific department in MI5, and Rothschild’s enthusiasm for what Wright was doing started a long period of admiration for Rothschild in the frequently under-appreciated MI5 officer. (One has to be wary of relying on what Wright wrote in Spycatcher, but these anecdotes sound authentic.) The pair maintained a supportive relationship, and Wright was asked to install Special Facilities (i.e. microphones) in Rothschild’s flat when Arthur Martin interviewed Flora Solomon there in the autumn of 1962. Rothschild was nervous about this, and sceptical that the devices would be disabled afterwards. As Wright wrote: “Victor was always convinced that MI5 were clandestinely tapping him to find out details of his intimate connections with the Israelis, and his furtiveness caused much good-humored hilarity in the office.” Rothschild would presumably have been shocked to learn of the surveillance carried on against him in 1951 when he and Tess were in regular contact with Anthony Blunt. In his 1979 book, Inside Story, Chapman Pincher refers to an unnamed ‘dissident’ MI5 officer (who must have been Pincher’s informant) who sought help from ‘a senior Whitehall personality’, known as ‘Q’. There is now no doubt about their identities.

A very stagey and melodramatic episode then followed, according to Wright’s largely apocryphal account. As he told it, shortly after Blunt had confessed (in 1964), he (Wright) was summoned to Hollis’s office, where he also found Rothschild and Furnival Jones. Hollis had just informed Rothschild about Blunt’s recent confession, and Rothschild looked ‘devastated’. The upshot was that Rothschild wanted Wright to be the bearer of the news to his wife, Tess, who had been very fond of Blunt (and had some sort of an affair with him, if what Pincher wrote in Treachery, based on what Kenneth Rose told him, can be trusted). “To her,” wrote Wright, “Blunt was a vulnerable and wonderfully gifted man, cruelly exposed to the everlasting burden of suspicion by providence and the betrayal of Guy Burgess.” Why Rothschild did not feel capable of taking the news to his wife, and why he thought that she would think better of him for delegating the task to the technical officer from MI5 (who admittedly had come to know Tess very well), was not explained. The mission was accomplished. Wright went with Evelyn McBarnett. Victor left the room. Tess was incredulous, and went ‘terribly pale’ as Wright told the whole story. The story is assuredly untrue, as the Rothschild Personal File reveals [see below]. It was a ruse to absolve Rothschild and his informer (Dick White) of breaching confidences, and Victor of recklessly informing his wife about the confession. In his account recorded in the Rothschild file, Wright knew that Tess had already been told about Blunt’s confession.

Martin Furnival Jones

Wright had kept up his association with Rothschild over the years. Rothschild would help him in his molehunts, dropping hints, and arranging another meeting with the reluctant Flora Solomon, who gave a lead to Sir Dennis Proctor, whom Wright believed had leaked information to Burgess. Rothschild had been appointed head of the Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS) by Edward Heath in 1970, and thus had useful connections in government. Wright’s account of the events seems somewhat inflated, although the records in the Rothschild archive show a close level of familiarity. Rothschild soon addresses his letters to Wright as ‘Dear Peter’. On the other hand, Wright received some antidote to his enthusiasm for Rothschild: he wrote that the defector Anatoliy Golitsyn had told him in 1968 that the agents DAVID and ROSA named in the VENONA transcripts were in fact Victor and Tess Rothschild. Wright probably did not pass on this insight to his idol.

Sir Dennis Proctor

Thereafter Rothschild was involved with Wright in MI5 Director-General succession planning, using his influence to thwart Civil Service preferences. (Wright’s claimed position of influence here is not convincing.) And in 1975, when Blunt was dangerously ill, Rothschild expressed some nervousness as to what he might reveal in any testament to be made available after his death. He pressed Wright to provide a full briefing on ‘the damage Blunt could do if he chose to tell all’, indicating some serious alarm. While Rothschild ingeniously presented this as a concern for the reputation of current politicians and members of the government, he was surely holding his own interests paramount. In any event, Wright agreed that a full outline of the Ring of Five and their sympathizers should be compiled, listing all names even if no proof were attachable, and he duly composed it. It apparently pleased Robert Armstrong in the Cabinet Office (a close chum of Rothschild’s through the CPRS connection, and at first glance perhaps a surprising participant in this scheme), but how this project related to the possible exposure by Blunt, or whether Rothschild’s name appeared among the forty names listed, is not made clear. Spycatcher concluded when Wright said ‘farewell’ to Rothschild, and left for Australia. It would be left to others to describe the messes that followed.

Exactly what were the interactions between Rothschild, Pincher and Wright is hard to pin down, as much of the testimony comes from Pincher himself, who was duplicitous in attempting to conceal the fact that he had known Wright for some time, and had already been using his leaked intelligence, at the time that he was ‘introduced’ to Wright by Rothschild in September 1980. In Molehunt (1987), Nigel West devoted a chapter (‘The Red Shield Connection’) to the negotiations: it is a rich and fascinating account, benefitting especially from references to many comments appearing in the press in 1986, but impaired by West’s tendency to go off on many barely relevant tangents. West very capably draws out many of the contradictions implicit in the statements made by Pincher and Wright concerning the negotiations. In any event, Rothschild’s strategy in paying Wright’s airfare to come to Britain, and then setting up mechanisms for Wright to be paid royalties from the ensuing book by Pincher based on Wright’s memoirs (Their Trade Is Treachery), was astonishing. Rothschild was essentially encouraging a retired civil servant to breach the Official Secrets Act, and rewarding him for it. This was either a very reckless move, or else had some official blessing. What was Rothschild thinking?

‘Their Trade Is Treachery’

West expressed puzzlement over Rothschild’s motivations in encouraging Wright: he judged that his lordship was surely over-reacting to the Prime Minister’s statement of November 1979 that had justified the immunity arrangement with Blunt on the grounds that he might be able to assist MI5 in investigating Soviet penetration. West hinted at some possible underlying reason for Rothschild’s embarrassment by listing the conventional aspects of his career that may have alarmed the baron: the Burgess connection and payments; the DAVID and ROSA allegations; the Bentinck Street affairs. Yet the first items would have been known only to MI5 insiders, as would the other startling fact that West introduced – Rothschild’s recommendation to Guy Liddell in 1940 that he recruit Blunt to MI5. This was a startling revelation by West, as Liddell’s Diaries had not yet been published, and it should have generated much more interest than it appeared to. It must have been the secret that caused Rothschild the most anxiety. Yet again, his hyperactivity in wanting to control the narrative indicated a measure of guilt rather than innocence.

The precise nature of the communications that occurred between Wright, in Tasmania, and Rothschild, in Cambridge, leading up to Wright’s visit in September 1980 was for a long time unclear. From the authorized corner came Christopher Andrew, in Defend the Realm (2009), customarily exploiting ‘Security Service archives’ without identifying them. He suggested that Wright had written to Rothschild some time between 1976 and 1980 complaining about his pension arrangements and voicing his belief that writing a memoir might bring him in the money he needed. At that stage, Rothschild alerted MI5’s Director-General to Wright’s plans, suggesting that at that time he (Rothschild) was not unnerved by phenomena such as the Blunt confession, and was firmly on the side of the authorities. Yet when Wright wrote again in 1980 – Andrew provides an extract from the letter, but does not date it or source it – his letter explained that he thought he could publish his memoir, but believed he could avoid any penalty under the Official Secrets Act by staying in Australia. Now Rothschild took a different tack: he encouraged Wright, did not inform MI5 of what Wright was planning, and instead paid for Wright’s passage to the UK that summer. This was a shallow analysis by Andrew.

The story was in fact more complex than that. In 2003, Kenneth Rose had in Elusive Rothschild provided a closer breakdown of the events, having been able to inspect some of the correspondence. He stated that the first letter was sent in November 1976, thus confirming that the Director-General was Hanley. In this letter, Wright hinted that he wanted to write about some of the confessions that Blunt had made to him – which must have severely alarmed Rothschild. (Rose does not make that point, but since Rothschild had already expressed to Wright the previous year his concern about Blunt’s revelations, Wright’s intentions should not have been such a surprise to him.) Rothschild accordingly had not been idle, although why he thought that some enhancements to Wright’s pension might deter him from spilling the beans is not clear. Knowing the problem concerning the pension, he followed up with Hanley, suggesting a review of the arrangements. Hanley was unable to get the Civil Service to change its rules, and Rothschild had to inform Wright of that decision in May 1977. Two months later, when Wright expressed his determination to continue writing, Rothschild tried to assume a more active role of caretaker for Wright’s effusions, believing that in that way he would be able to control the narrative. Tess Rothschild also wrote to Wright, referring to the rumours circulating about a projected book by Andrew Boyle, and also mentioning that Anthony [Blunt] was nervous about his possibly being named.

Rose added further twists to the story. Tess wrote to Wright again just before Boyle’s book came out, updating him on developments. Her husband was not unduly harmed when it did appear (apart from the placement of the photograph), but his health suffered badly in the first few months of 1980, and, when the revised edition of The Climate of Treason was issued a few months later (with Blunt named, and three columns of indexed entries dedicated to him), it contained veiled references to two members of the House of Lords who had been questioned back in 1951, and Rothschild was soon identified as one of them. That brought events up to the Auberon Waugh article [see above], and, according to Rose, Rothschild panicked. Having made a vain attempt to ingratiate himself with Margaret Thatcher, he turned again to Wright in the hope that he might be able to produce a paper that would list all his loyal services to MI5, and thus exonerate him. That led to the visit by Wright in late summer, armed with a three-page testimonial and ten chapters of his embryonic book. Rothschild later told Rose that he had destroyed the testimonial. Yet Roland Perry was able to provide a summary of all the achievements that Wright compiled to portray Rothschild’s loyalty in his chapter ‘Victor’s List’ in The Fifth Man.

Auberon Waugh

According to West, when Rothschild saw Wright’s chapters, he changed his plan, and decided to assist in the publication of the book. The essence of the text now consisted mainly of charges against Roger Hollis, and Rothschild believed that it would thus powerfully distract the attention of the world from himself. Wright was quoted in a statement to the press in December 1986 that he showed the ‘true facts’ about Hollis in a paper that he laid before Rothschild. Yet the embryonic story still held troubling information about Rothschild, and probably other MI5 officers. By the time it arrived in print as Pincher’s Their Trade Is Treachery it had been censored: it conveniently did not include a single mention of Rothschild. A whole chapter on the peer had already been removed, at Rothschild’s insistence. It would seem that Wright and Rothschild must have come to some sort of agreement that guaranteed support as a quid pro quo for some excisions from Wright’s text.

In any event, Pincher was then introduced, and a deal was quickly struck, with Wright requesting 50% of any net profits that the book would bring. Rothschild set up the banking arrangements, and then largely absented himself from the proceedings. The correspondence between Pincher and Wright that followed made coded references to what ‘our mutual friend’ was undertaking to pass on revenues. We can see now that in his letters to Rothschild Wright had hinted at some of the possibly embarrassing disclosures he was prepared to make, and that Victor probably alerted his friends in MI5. They probably then all agreed to a deal whereby Rothschild would help Wright in exchange for Wright’s silence over sensitive issues, especially those potentially damaging revelations about Rothschild himself. The story was primarily about Roger Hollis. The point was, however, that any embarrassing revelations could not be restricted to Rothschild alone. Intelligence high-ups were happy to delegate the project to the safe pair of hands – and deep pockets – of Victor Rothschild.

An Impossible Delivery

While it is tangential to the Rothschild story, I believe the delivery of Their Trade is Treachery merits further attention, since the timeline defies credibility. Perry wrote that Pincher had to fly to Tasmania in October to carry out further research with Wright, where he discovered that he would have to ‘discard Wright’s document of nine chapters – 9000 words in all, after the removal of the chapter on Rothschild’. Pincher returned to London, gained the enthusiastic interest of his publisher, William Armstrong, at Sedgwick & Jackson, and set to work. Yet the book was published as early as March 13, 1981. Pincher had managed, apparently from scratch, to compile a book of over 100,000 words, in a few months. Moreover, as Pincher wrote in his ‘Postscript’ to the second edition of the book (the version in my possession), he claimed that MI5 had gained a copy of the script ‘at least a week in advance and probably well before that’, which telescopes the gestation period even further.

My conclusion is that Wright and Pincher must have been collaborating on the book that turned out to be titled Their Trade is Treachery for some time beforehand. Pincher did not inform his publisher of his source, or of the Rothschild connection, and it simply seems impossible to me that he could have put together such a monumental (though wrong-headed) work in that time when he was the other side of the world from Wright, and, according to his account, had had to discard everything that Wright had written. My suspicions were reinforced when I went back to Pincher’s Treachery (2011), where he reported that there was ‘disappointingly little meat in the chapters I saw’, and, extraordinarily, that ‘there was no mention whatever of the Hollis case’. (In November 1986, however, Pincher told the Daily Express that Wright had shown him a list of traitors, including Hollis, with which he proposed to deal.) Pincher said that he had to take notes from the chapters, as Wright would not let him carry with him anything that could be traced to him. He claimed, however, that he was able to extract from Wright all he knew about Hollis in ‘nine long days’. He arrived back home on October 24, and started work on the book immediately. Pincher then claimed that he wrote the book in less than four months, and delivered the typescript on January 13, 1981.

Against this lies a timeline offered by Nigel West that makes the project look totally impossible. In Molehunt, he has Pincher arriving in Tasmania on October 19 for a visit lasting two weeks. Returning to Britain (‘carrying Wright’s draft manuscript’ [!]), Pincher next offered a two-page synopsis to his publishers, and signed a contract with Sidgwick & Jackson on December 12, 1980. Pincher himself wrote, in A Web of Deception (see below) that the contract did not become valid until December 23. On that same date, miraculously, Pincher wrote to his publisher, William Armstrong, that he was ‘nearing the end of my labors’, ‘incorporating Wright’s information with what I already knew’. (Yet, several years later, he was able to state that MI5 had been able to prove that Wright had been a major source for the book.) According to West, Pincher was unaware that a copy of his synopsis had been handed to MI5, but Pincher stated that he knew that the shorter, two-page version of the synopsis had been shown to Sir Arthur Franks, the head of MI6. Pincher continued to work on his manuscript, which he delivered, with required legal changes, at the end of January, 1981. That constituted a very productive effort right through the festive season. The question must also be asked: why was Pincher so quick to agree to dedicate 50% of his royalties to Wright if there was so little that was new, and Wright would not even hand over his notes? It reinforces my view that Their Trade is Treachery had been largely written before Pincher ‘met’ Wright at the Rothschilds in September 1980.

In any event, by my reckoning, the period between October 24 and January 13 is less than three months, so I do not know how Pincher performed his calculations, nor whence he derived his source material, if all he had was notes taken from talking to Wright. He does not explain what happened to the chapters that Wright brought over to show Rothschild. The comment about the lack of coverage of Hollis is bewildering, given what West wrote, the fact that that story was one of the features that provoked Rothschild’s interest, and the obvious truth that Wright had a big grudge against Hollis. (In fact Wright did not publicly denounce Hollis until his Granada TV appearance in July 1984.) In addition, Rose provocatively quotes a letter from Rothschild to Pincher, written in July 1980, where Rothschild was ‘so convinced of Hollis’s innocence’, that he warned Pincher ‘against a small number of people who have got the subject on the brain to the extent of paranoia . . .’.  If Rothschild and Pincher were discussing Hollis the month before Wright was summoned to the United Kingdom, what was their business, and who had already been feeding Pincher with the material for Their Trade is Treachery? Was it Wright’s testimony – and maybe threats – that changed Rothschild’s attitude towards the accusations against Hollis, and make him more supportive of them? It sounds like that to me.

Manipulation and Misinformation

Pincher was obviously duplicitous about the whole affair. He continued to claim that he had not met Wright until Rothschild introduced him that summer, and providing contradictory information about the material he had access to. Yet he needed an intermediary to maintain the fiction that he and Wright had not met before: else Wright could simply have contacted him about assistance with writing and publication. In Treachery, Pincher stated that he had ‘been looking for someone like Wright for forty years’, ignoring the fact that his books must have been dependent on carefully managed leaks from within MI5. In Molehunt, Nigel West wrote that Pincher ‘had few, if any, sources within the British intelligence community’, but then went on to describe incidents that plainly showed he was the beneficiary of multiple leaks. He craftily showed that an episode in Inside Story (p 153), could easily be traceable to Wright as the ‘dissident MI5 officer’ involved in Operation SATYR. If Pincher was already speaking to such dissidents ready to talk to him, why would he suddenly deny their existence when retelling the encounter of September 1980? In any event, a war of words, with Rothschild and Pincher both trying to control the narrative, would erupt after the fall-out from the publication of Their Trade Is Treachery, spilling eventually into the controversial cauldron of the Australian law-courts.

It was the possibility that someone in intelligence had been manipulating and encouraging the publication of damaging accusations against Hollis that aroused these contrary narratives. The case is best couched in retrospect by a discussion between Peter Wright and his counsel, Malcom Turnbull, in pre-Spycatcher trial discussions in late 1986. Wright had argued to Turnbull that he believed that the involvement of Rothschild somehow gave a degree of official approval to his disclosure of information. Kenneth Rose quotes what Wright put on the record:

I knew Lord Rothschild to be an intimate confidant of successful heads of British intelligence establishments. I could not conceive of him embarking on such a project without knowing it had the sanction, albeit unofficial, of the authorities.

I sensed I was being drawn into an authorised but deniable operation which would enable the Hollis affair and other MI5 scandals to be placed in the public domain as the result of an apparently inspired leak.

All I know about Lord Rothschild and the ease with which ‘Their Trade Is Treachery’ was published leads me to the inescapable conclusion that the powers that be approved of the book.

Now this may have been sophistical cant, and Turnbull correctly was cautious. After all, had Rothschild not warned MI5 about Wright’s plan to write ‘vengeful memoirs’? Moreover, Wright was initially reluctant to drag his friend into the morass. Much later, however, Rothschild told his biographer about an influential friend who had visited him in hospital some time between February and April 1980. This visitor suggested to him the plan that culminated in the publication of Their Trade Is Treachery. Rothschild would not say who that figure was. Rose reasoned that it was probably Maurice Oldfield, partly because both Dick White and Robert Armstrong denied their own involvement when he spoke to them about it, and both suggested that it was most likely Oldfield, who had been the head of MI6 between 1973 and 1978. Yet it was perhaps unprofessional and dishonourable of both gentlemen to accept so quickly that there had in fact been such a leak, and to accuse someone who had never worked for MI5, and who was no longer around. Oldfield had conveniently died in March 1981.

Sir Robert Armstrong

I suspect the man was much more likely to have been Dick White himself. He had been a notorious, though vaguely anonymous, informant to Andrew Boyle behind the scenes, as Nigel West describes in Molehunt, in the chapter ‘Cover-up’. He had a dishonorable track-record of diverting attention to Hollis in the series of searches for traitors within inspired by the CIA’s noxious James Angleton, and adopted by Arthur Martin and Peter Wright. In fact he had a habit of casting aspersions on his professional colleagues (e.g. Liddell, Hollis, Oldfield, Rothschild) – but only when they were deceased and thus not able to counter the charges. Be that as it may, Wright’s action in going public with his claims, effectively ‘throwing Victor to the wolves’, in his own words, immediately brought some harsh attention from the press. In addition, Wright coloured his affidavit with so many untruths and misinterpretations that he caused his erstwhile friend a lot of grief. Rose may have been a bit too convinced of Rothschild’s essential innocence, since he deplored Wright’s evidence that Rothschild had thus lured ‘an innocent patriot into disloyalty.’ Wright was by no means an innocent patriot, but Rothschild was certainly one who loved intrigue and conspiracies, and manipulating matters behind the scenes, as Wright accurately portrayed him.

The central question still must be: why would Rothschild expose himself to the very serious charge of abetting someone to break the OSA, simply as a way of gaining publicity for a cause (the denigration of Hollis and the praise for Rothschild) that might distract from the negative publicity that Rothschild was receiving? After all, here was a man of some stature, known to have brought in a real mole into MI5, and now seen to have helped two dedicated molehunters, equally obsessed with unmasking Hollis, in publicizing their philippics! It was that conundrum that prompted Paul Greengrass, a member of Turnbull’s defence team (and the eventual ghost-writer of Spycatcher) to share his suspicions with the CIA that Wright and Rothschild had been encouraged to collaborate by MI5 (i.e. by Furnival Jones), and to use Pincher as the medium. In other words, the British Government wanted Their Trade is Treachery to be published. Yet, if that were true, Rothschild displayed a large amount of naivety in accepting the gauntlet, knowing that the act would be denied should accusations to that effect ever take place. In that situation, however, he would hardly have wanted to encourage and abet the struggling would-be author to bring his thoughts and memoirs to the printed page, and he would probably have preferred to let him fade away in rural Tasmania.

‘Inside Intelligence’ by Anthony Cavendish

A further hypothesis was presented by Anthony Cavendish in his 1990 memoir Inside Intelligence. Maurice Oldfield had been outed by Chapman Pincher in 1987 as a practicing homosexual who had had his security clearance dropped in 1980. According to Cavendish, the only other two persons to whom Oldfield had confided his secret back then were Sir Robert Armstrong and Victor Rothschild. Cavendish speculated that Rothschild may have shared this knowledge with Pincher in an attempt ‘to take the heat off the Wright case’. Yet that strikes me as rather absurd. While it could be interpreted as the mirror-image of Oldfield’s encouraging Rothschild to pursue the Hollis disclosures as a means of diverting attention from his own predicament (see above), such attempts at distraction would probably have only raised the public’s interest in the obsessions of the authorities concerning secrecy, and their clumsy efforts in disinformation exercises. One can hardly imagine Rothschild’s using his friend in such a mean and petty fashion, even if Oldfield had been dead for six years.

The succeeding events can be read in Rose’s chapter ‘Spies and Spycatcher’. As I indicated before, the essence was that Rothschild had been brought to a measure of despair by the criticisms, and by a question in the House of Commons as to whether he had been the ‘Fifth Man’. He perhaps protested too much, looking for someone who might vindicate him, and point to his loyal service. He turned to his old friend, Dick White, but had become estranged from him. It is not a convincing tale. White told his biographer that he maintained close social relations with the Rothschilds in the 1970s, after he retired from MI6, and that he and Victor discussed and dissected MI5 ‘endlessly’ during the Whites’ visits to Cambridge. Why White should have been so indulgent to the Rothschilds, since he must have been familiar with the alarming information held in the MI5 files, is puzzling. He must have been very naïve, or simply complicit. And, if the two of them enjoyed endless congenial discussions about the predicament of MI5, it hardly seems likely that they would have stepped around the emerging Wright business.

White wrote to Kenneth Rose in January 1991 (i.e. the year after Rothschild’s death) that he had warned Victor, in the summer of 1980, to keep out of intelligence matters. “He was too close to Peter Wright. I told Victor that if this continued, Wright might ask him to do things that went too far and put him in danger. He resented my warnings and ceased to consult me.” Yet this was before Rothschild summoned Wright to England. Rothschild might have been trying to help Wright, but he was hardly ‘close’ to him any more. Why, at that stage, would the mighty Rothschild not have been able to resist any requests made to him by Wright? Moreover, since the revelations that Wright was threatening to disclose would embarrass White as much as they would Rothschild, it does not make much sense that White felt that he could simply distance himself from the whole project. White claimed that he had been offended when Victor did not consult him about the plot to bring together Pincher and Wright. Yet he would have had to say that, to protect his own reputation. White was almost certainly involved in the deception.

Later, Rothschild ended up writing a letter to the Daily Telegraph, published on December 5, 1986,requesting that the Director-General of MI5 ‘state publicly that it has unequivocal, repeat unequivocal, evidence that I am not, and never have been a Soviet agent’. That was absurd, histrionic, and illogical. Margaret Thatcher’s statement in response that ‘I am advised that we have no evidence that he was ever a Soviet spy’, was correct, as how could evidence to the contrary ever be collected? (Pincher would foolishly write that a record of Rothschild’s positive work for MI5 would have constituted ‘the unequivocal evidence’ he sought, forgetting that a similar statement might have been said about Philby.) It was not a vindication, but Rothschild had brought it upon himself. And the truth was more complex. Rothschild was never the ‘Fifth Man’. He had been careful never to purloin secrets and pass them on to an adversary, but he may well have been ‘an agent of influence’.

As a coda, Rothschild was required to submit to interrogation between January and April 1987, as a consequence of Wright’s testimony in the Spycatcher trial. The Serious Crimes Squad of Scotland Yard invited him to help with their inquiries in light of the fact it appeared that he had breached the Official Secrets Act. Remarkably, Rose’s account of the process is dependent largely on the records that Rothschild himself kept of the interrogations, and what he subsequently told his biographer of the proceedings. Rothschild did not acquit himself well, but then neither did his prosecutors. The latter had not challenged or inspected closely the truth of what Wright had said, and he was not about to come to the UK to give evidence in any trial. The outcome was predictable: the authorities did not want any further public laundering of their dirty washing. Despite Rothschild’s prevarications over his role, and the reputed introduction of Wright to Pincher, the Director of Public Prosecutions determined that there was no justification in bringing proceedings against Rothschild – or Pincher, who was also a subject of the inquiry.

Pincher’s Version

Pincher had a rather different take on the events. His opinion was coloured by a) the fact that Their Trade Is Treachery had not been quite the success he had hoped for, after Margaret Thatcher in March 1980 effectively dismissed his accusations against Hollis; b) his obsession over the guilt of Hollis; and c) his later irritation that Wright had broken off communications with him in 1984, probably because Wright had demanded some of the proceeds of Pincher’s following book, Too Secret Too Long, and had seemed committed to writing his own account of the affairs. He would probably mull ruefully over the fact that the mixture of truth and lies submitted by an insider (Wright, abetted by Pincher’s rival, Greengrass) had turned out to be commercially more successful than a similar medley by an outsider (himself). First of all, Pincher denied that there had been any secret deception project by which MI5 had conspired with Rothschild and himself to disclose truths that could not be stated publicly. When the publicity about the ‘Fifth Man’ crescendoed, Pincher misrepresented the controversy by first suggesting that the rumours emphasized that Rothschild had encouraged Wright ‘to give Pincher the information about Hollis so that the former MI5 chief would be exposed as the Fifth Man’, and then by demolishing this argument because Hollis had been at Oxford, and thus could not have been the last of the Cambridge Five.

He then disingenuously implied that he had been ignorant of the Hollis claims until Wright came along, claiming that Rothschild had known all about ‘the Hollis case as it unfolded in MI5 because Wright had kept him informed’Rothschild could (he wrote) have simply given the information to Pincher. Yet, as shown above, Rothschild did not believe in Hollis’s guilt, and Pincher had clearly been researching Hollis, with the help of Wright and others, long before the staged encounter in September 1980. Rothschild may have seen an opportunity to distract attention from himself, but it was not because he firmly believed in Hollis’s guilt, or that Their Trade Is Treachery was going to make a solid case about it. Pincher later described (in the chapter ‘Brush with the Police’, in Treachery) how Rothschild and he, while being interrogated separately ‘demolished Wright’s statements with insider table documents and facts’. How he knew how the Rothschild interrogations evolved is not stated.

Pincher had earlier expanded on the saga in his book A Web of Deception: The Spycatcher Affair, (1987) which is essentially a diatribe about Wright’s motives, activities, and pronouncements about the whole business, and a paean to the noble Lord Rothschild. (I discovered, acquired, and read this work only in the middle of August.) He offers a prolonged defence of Rothschild that is naive and misguided. He denies that Rothschild introduced Blunt to MI5, or that Rothschild was under surveillance at all after the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean. He attributes to Wright assurances that ‘Rothschild’s file in the MI5 Registry contained only material to his credit’, when, as my analysis below shows, that is simply not true. (How come your process of verifying what Wright told you did not work here, Chapman?) He is unable to imagine that his friend, with his ‘intellectual brilliance and flair for original thought’, could ever have done anything ignoble.

His main thrust, however, is that the authorities allowed Their Trade is Treachery to proceed out of a muddled concern for secrecy, rather than as an active conspiracy. Yet the volume is itself self-contradictory and evasive: for instance, the author claims that Rothschild was concerned about Wright’s ability to write his book in a professional manner when in fact the reason that Wright came to see him was because he felt physically incapable of writing the book himself. Pincher admits that the only texts that he brought from Tasmania were transcribed notes, and that Wright convinced him to mail them to friends in separate envelopes to avoid security detection. He states that it was Jonathan Aitken who first told him about Hollis, but not until the end of April, 1980. (And Aitken could not have known the whole story.) Pincher boldly declares that neither Arthur Martin nor Stephen de Mowbray had ever met him or given him any information. Dick White, on the other hand, openly stated that Wright had been Pincher’s primary source.

And his account of the final steps does not make sense. He absurdly claims that he was able to use the skills of a professional researcher (namely his son) to confirm most of Hollis’s information when he returned to London, and only then decided to write the book – something that must have taken additional weeks, of course. Elsewhere in the book, however, he sophistically states that, when he decided to write Their Trade is Treachery, ‘It was entirely as a means of placing on public record old history [sic!] which I felt to be in the national interest’ –pure humbuggery. Moreover he slipped up on several matters, such as the investigation by Lord Trend into the Hollis affair. How he was able to verify Wright’s claims, except perhaps by checking back with Wright’s old crony, Arthur Martin, is not stated. The book follows this vein throughout. In summary, A Web of Deception is exactly what the title says – but it was Pincher’s Web as much as it was Wright’s or that of the British authorities.

The conclusion must be that only a very detailed examination of the contrary claims in the testimonies of Wright and Pincher might lead to a clarification of what really happened. Too many lies were being told. Here were two charlatans, at daggers drawn, both with an unhealthily exaggerated and unmerited respect for Rothschild. That is beyond the scope of this article. The paradox is that Pincher’s role as an investigative journalist, in a world dominated by too much secrecy and by rules of confidentiality, is an extremely important one, but such a function has to be carried out with method, discipline and integrity. In that regard Pincher failed miserably. Yet it was Rothschild, after his clumsy and naïve foray into the world of investigative journalism, who was the person most harmed when his two admirers started to bicker and fall out. And White’s constant involvement with Rothschild, his own nervousness about what Wright might reveal, and his known desire to turn attention towards the hapless Hollis, all point towards his close collusion with Rothschild and Pincher. And that was the nub of the defence’s argument in the Spycatcher trial.

  • Agent of Influence

I dedicated Chapter 6 of Misdefending the Realm to the topic of Agents of Influence, focussing on Rothschild, Gladwyn Jebb, and Isaiah Berlin. I explained that such persons were careful never to place themselves in positions where they could be accused of handing over confidential documents, but instead worked behind the scenes to influence domestic policy, or to facilitate the activities of genuine spies. In that role they could in the long run be far more dangerous. In that respect, I outlined how the three gentlemen identified above abetted the progress of Stalin’s Englishmen, especially that of Guy Burgess.

On pages 140-144 of my book I described many of the facts about Rothschild’s career that are sprinkled around this report, including more details about Liddell’s negotiations with him when Rothschild had been working on matters of sabotage and unconventional warfare, as personal assistant to Sir Harold Hartley, for the government department MI/R. I also referred to a letter (cited by Andrew Lownie in his biography of Burgess) that Michael Straight had written to the journalist Michael Costello, claiming that it was Rothschild’s ties with Soviet Intelligence that had driven him to fund Wright’s enterprise with Spycatcher in a way that would totally exclude any such analysis or innuendo. I pointed out that Straight’s accusations should not be accepted unconditionally, although it was his evidence that eventually unmasked Blunt. Yet it was Rothschild’s continued association with and support for former Cambridge ‘Apostles’, primarily Blunt and Burgess, when it should have been apparent that their behaviour was suspect, that would more permanently taint him.

Ivan Serov

Moreover, in recent years, evidence from Russia itself has reinforced the idea of Rothschild’s role as an influential agent of the Kremlin. In 2013, the memoirs of Ivan Serov, who led the KGB from 1954 to 1958, and the GRU from 1958 to 1963, were discovered, and published in 2016 (Zapiski iz Chemodana). Serov had been one of Stalin’s most loyal servants, and supervised many of the repressive measures taken by the vozhd. A vital entry in Serov’s diaries appears from the year 1956, when he accompanied Khrushchev to London, and met Rothschild. It runs (see https://espionagehistoryarchive.com/2018/03/27/victor-rothschild-soviet-spy/ .)

I met Victor Rothschild only once, at the Embassy. This person was well-known from very long ago as an ‘heir’ to the Philby affair and others. He knew perfectly well that these people, having certain inclinations, were connected to us, and used them to pass on information to Moscow, including false information.

Serov was not impressed with Rothschild, possibly because he distrusted the sincerity of his information leakage: he also suggested that the connection to Rothschild compromised the loyalty of the spies in Moscow’s eyes. Moreover, the creation of Israel put an end to his usefulness, since Rothschild started to take up a strongly Zionist stance. In fact, Stalin had initially supported such goals, until he soon realized that the ferment was encouraging separatist and divisionist leanings at home. Zionism and Stalinism were suddenly in opposition, and Stalin quickly turned against any Jewish resurgence in the Soviet Union. Serov finally dismissed Rothschild as a ‘fellow-traveler’, one rung down on the ladder of Communist sympathizers, probably just above ‘useful idiot’, and praised instead such allies as ‘Bernal, Ivor Montagu, and major scientists’. He considered that Rothschild was someone who simply followed his own goals rather than owning loyalty to any group or creed – probably an accurate assessment. That was a line that Jonathan Haslam echoed in his Near and Distant Neighbors (2015), where, using Victor Popov’s 2005 monograph on Blunt, Sovetnik korolevy, he stated that Rothschild provided cover for the Cambridge Five while ploughing his own furrow.

An intriguing footnote is offered in Mark Hackard’s article, namely that Theodore Mally recruited Rothschild at a concert in London in August 1934. That claim was made by a retired KGB officer, Victor Lekarev, who had worked in the London residency. In 2007, he had written an article characterizing Rothschild as the ‘sponsor’ of the Cambridge Five. It can be viewed (in Russian) at https://argumenti.ru/espionage/n40/33679 , and shows how Rothschild, on the recommendation of Kim Philby, was encouraged to accept a free ticket to a concert where he met Mally, and was then recruited for some role with the OGPU. If we can trust what Lekarev writes, it would have been the ‘Cambridge Six’ if Rothschild had been recruited as a penetration agent, but, if only as an agent of influence, it would indicate that he probably knew about the statuses of the original Five. In any event, owing to his connections with the political elite (and eventual membership of the House of Lords in 1937), Rothschild was thereafter privy to much confidential information, and was able to exert his influence even on Churchill, claims Lekarev, who clearly categorizes Rothschild as an ‘agent of influence’. In his profile, he also indicates that Rothschild was actually working at Porton Down on bacteriological warfare when war broke out, a fact that I have not been able to verify, although an entry in Rothschild’s MI5 Personal File does confirm that one of his roles was to advise MI5 on that very topic. Lekarev also stresses how important Bentinck Place was as a rendezvous and location for the passing on of secrets, a claim that is probably exaggerated.

The conclusion might be that Rothschild had such a high opinion of his own ability to manipulate events that he was not a durable ‘agent of influence’ for any institution. His evolving political philosophies (communist, anti-fascist, socialist, Zionist, conservative free-enterpriser) reinforced that unreliability. Yet his undeniable actions supporting and abetting communist infiltrators in the 1930s and 1940s ensured that he did indeed play a malignant role helping Soviet goals in that critical period.

  • Zionism

Rothschild’s reputed support for Zionism has a dubious pedigree. After all, the Rothschilds were a prime example of a well-assimilated family, and Victor in many ways became a quintessential landed Englishman, augmented by his expertise at cricket and golf. He was a non-believer: Rose wrote that ‘he looked on religious belief with the confident agnosticism of a Victorian freethinker, a Huxleyan rationalist’. His first wife, Barbara Hutchinson, was not Jewish, and it was on the insistence of Victor’s grandmother that Victor’s fiancée converted to Judaism before the marriage, so that any offspring would be ‘Jewish’ (that attribute traditionally passing through the mother.) I find that doubly absurd: the notion of some racial-tribal identity being transferred through such an arrangement, and the obvious hypocrisy of a woman’s swiftly changing her religious beliefs to appease a misguided matriarch.

Being assigned the role of some figurehead for British Jews did not always suit Victor. In December 1938, after the assassination of Von Rath in Paris, he did write to the Times about the plight of persecuted Jews in Germany. Roland Perry, citing with apparent authority Guy Burgess’s KGB file No. 83792, declares that Burgess wrote to Moscow Centre in December 1938 to say that his boss in D Section, Lawrence Grand, had given him the task of activating Rothschild in a tactic to split the Jewish movement by creating opposition to the Zionists, who were represented by Chaim Weizmann.

On July 31, 1946, Rothschild gave a noted speech in the House of Lords in the wake of the Irgun terrorism in Palestine, specifically the murdering of ninety-one persons in the King David Hotel bombing. Rose dismisses it in one brief sentence as ‘a courageous but embarrassed attempt on his part to explain the historical background to the Palestine conflict and the murder of British soldiers by the Stern Gang’. Yet it was an equivocal and dishonourable display that calls for deeper analysis.

Rothschild started off by identifying the conflict he felt as a recent member of the British Army. “It was only a few months ago that he was a British Army officer”, he said. Yet he spent the war in MI5, and did not see combat (“even though one may not have been very near the front line”). “No Jew”, he continued, “can fail to feel despair and shame when confronted with the stark fact that his co-religionists . . . should have been responsible for the deaths of British soldiers”. “Co-religionist” is the language of a Foreign Office mandarin, not of a Jew, and in any case Rothschild himself demonstrated that not all Jews are Judaists. He next described his attitude towards Zionism, saying that he had never been a supporter of Zionism, or political Zionism (whatever that meant), and that he had never been associated in any way with Zionist organizations.

Yet he then effectively made a plea for the Zionist cause, assuming that he could accurately generalize about the mentality of ‘the Jews’ in Palestine. “Palestine”, he declared, “is the only country where the Jews, after 2000 years, have been able to get back to their business of tilling the soil and living on the land”, forgetting perhaps that the Rothschilds, in England, if not actually ‘tilling the soil’, had been able to live comfortably on their landed estates, and instead echoing the oversimplified trope about the Jewish diaspora. (Rothschild’s interests in soil-tilling were rewarded by his being appointed chairman of the Agricultural Research Council in September 1948.) Rothschild regretted that ‘the Jews, having found the Promised Land’, find their fields are ‘burnt and ravaged by gangs of marauding Arabs’. His plea sounds like an apology for terrorism and murder, and is unworthy. Moreover, his final statement was to sit on the fence: “I do not entirely share the aspirations of the Jews in Palestine”, as if he conceded that the displaced Arabs, who probably considered that the fields were ’theirs’, might be justified in their grievances about increased immigration, although he did not say so. It was not a very noble performance by the noble lord. It probably derived more from clumsiness than from deviousness, but Rothschild’s opinions were rapidly evolving at this time.

Rothschild’s House of Lords speech was designed as a response to the government’s recent proposal to split Palestine up into four areas, and allow 100,000 European Jews to be settled in the ‘Jewish Province’. In 1947 the United Nations Partition Plan was adopted, and in May 1948 Britain abandoned its mandate. The agency chartered with managing security in Palestine was the cross-departmental unit based in Cairo, SIME (Security Intelligence Middle East), led by an MI5 officer. When Palestine cased to be a British territory, however, responsibility for gathering intelligence in Israel/Palestine shifted uneasily from MI5 to MI6, and that had serious implications for Rothschild as well, in relation to where he tried to exert his influence. His views may well have been evolving to a more pro-Zionist stance: according to Christopher Andrew (p 364) Kim Philby was an energetic supporter of the terrorist campaigns as a way of undermining British imperialism in the region, and Rothschild may have owned a similar perspective. A note in Liddell’s diary dated January 22, 1948, reports that Rothschild had been dealing with Chaim Weizmann, the prominent Zionist publicist, who was becoming frustrated in his attempts to gain access to Attlee. Rothschild had advised Weizmann not to go straight to Churchill instead: furthermore, the Government was much more interested in ‘fixing things up with the Arabs’. (An intercepted conversation between Burgess’s mother Mrs. Bassett and Blunt from 1956 discloses that Weizmann had vigorously tried to convert Rothschild to Zionism, when Burgess had argued strongly against it, but the event was not dated. Blunt told Tess that he thought the debate had occurred ‘during the war’ at the Dorchester hotel.)

Rothschild’s Declaration, from KV 2/4531

For Rothschild had by then very openly changed his political affiliations. On January 20, 1946, he had made a very pompous public declaration (in Reynolds News) that he had joined the Labour Party. “We [ = who?] have come to associate with Conservative rule the following conditions: unemployment, undernourishment, unpreparedness, unpopularity abroad, unequal pay, education and opportunities, undeveloped resources, and lack of opposition to Fascism.” Given that a coalition government led by the Conservative Churchill had just concluded the war against Hitler, and that the United Kingdom had been the only country in Europe not to have been occupied by the Axis powers or to have declared neutrality, this was another ill-mannered, provocative and ingenuous statement that for some reason did not materially harm Rothschild’s reputation among the elite. He was gently rebuked by Petrie, since his political utterances might be in conflict with MI5’s neutrality on such matters, but Sir John Anderson wanted to keep him on, leaving it to his lordship’s judgment. (Why Anderson was influential at this time is not clear, since Churchill’s administration had by then been replaced by Attlee’s.) Rothschild resigned from MI5 on May 7.

  • MI5 & MI6 Postwar

MI6 records are of course not available. In MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations, Stephen Dorril limits his references to Rothschild to his role as a conduit used by MI6 to pass on payments to the editors of Encounter. Guy Liddell’s Diaries offer a few insights into Rothschild’s involvement with MI5 after his resignation. I recall Peter Wright’s comments about Rothschild’s ‘intimate connections with the Israelis’, and wonder how serious Rothschild’s anxieties were at having his telephone tapped. Maybe MI5 knew of such relationships, and Rothschild was joking. Wright also referred to Rothschild’s work for Dick White and MI6 in the late nineteen-fifties, but these likewise represent murky goings-on. In his testimony in Australia, he stated that Rothschild had been involved in the MI6 plot to overthrow Iran’s Mossadeq. The excerpts available from Liddell are fragmentary, and do not by themselves offer a very cohesive narrative, so I simply record them in sequence.

Even before the war was over, Rothschild seemed to be plotting with Kim Philby for a future with MI6. On March 7, 1945, Kim came to Liddell, saying that he was anxious that Victor should work for Section 9 (his new counterpart-intelligence organization) while in Paris. Indicating that he already had approval for such a scheme (presumably from Menzies), Philby claimed that Rothschild had some very valuable contacts in the French capital, some of which had already proved to be useful. Liddell sounded guardedly alarmed, and promised to look into the matter. Two weeks later, having discussed the matter with Bobby Mackenzie (of the Foreign Office), he told Philby that it would not be a good idea. He minimized the value of Rothschild’s personal contacts (‘French officials’), and pointed out that Victor still had much to do with building up intelligence at home. His final comment was, however, again cryptic: “ . . . It was particularly important that Victor should not run paid agents in France, not because he would not do the job admirably but because it would spoil his usefulness if there was any sort of come-back.”

Whether Rothschild’s changing political views were related to the successful deployment of atomic weaponry, and the subsequent end to hostilities, is not clear. In May 1945, he had been occupied training the British Control Commission in Germany on counter-sabotage techniques, but when he returned home, he immediately started busying himself with scientific research. The Joint Intelligence Committee had proposed that efforts on scientific intelligence-gathering should be increased, and on June 29, Guy Liddell suggested to Stewart Menzies, the MI6 chief, rather cryptically that ‘there might be a place in all of this for Victor, both on the offensive and defensive side’. Liddell discussed the opportunity with Rothschild when he returned on July 31, Victor stating that MI5 had been too passive. In any event, Rothschild became very interested in the Nunn May case (concerning the passing of atomic secrets to the Soviets) when it blew up in September, and managed to join a highly-select committee to discuss security over atomic matters, strongly arguing that such aspects were not being addressed aggressively enough. How sincere his motivations were in getting close to the hub of affairs is not clear: on October 2 he downplayed his interest when speaking to Liddell, suggesting instead that he would tidy up some affairs and then write a history of his B1c unit.

Wallace Akers

On November 1, however, he renewed his vigorous campaign, saying that Wallace Akers, the director of the Tube Alloys project, was not taking security seriously enough. A month later he shifted his position, declaring to Liddell that he would more effectively work informally, exploiting ‘his own personal high-up contacts’, while accepting that such an approach would require the approval of some higher authority. What it appeared he wanted to do was highly irregular – snooping around in the laboratories to find informants who knew the political leanings of scientists like Nunn May. Was this a defensive move prompted by the threats to other spies? Such an idea should not be discarded completely. By mid-January 1946, it seemed that he was being successful. Petrie had approved Rothschild’s idea, and had agreed to write letters to Sir John Anderson and Edward Bridges to allow Rothschild to carry out his inquiries, the subjects of which include some novel uses of uranium that he hoped to learn from Lord Cherwell. And then, on May 9, Rothschild wrote a letter to Harker suggesting that his official connection with MI5 should be severed, while ‘he would of course remain at our disposal as adviser on scientific matters’. That was a generous gesture! He presumably had gained the authority he needed. Indeed, Liddell recorded in his diary on May 22 that the irritating pamphleteer Kenneth de Courcy was suggesting that Rothschild now had some kind of mandate from Menzies, the MI6 chief.

Richard Meinertzhagen

One of the most intriguing incidents at this time concerns Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, a controversial figure suspected of fraud in many exploits. He was the uncle of Tess Mayor, Rothschild’s assistant (and eventual wife), but he also lived with Teresa (‘Tess’) Clay, a woman much younger, who assisted Rothschild on the ‘Fifth Column’ project with Eric Roberts. Clay was also a close friend of Victor’s sister, Miriam. Thus the connections with the Colonel were tight: Victor considered him a close friend. In November 1946, Clay reported to Guy Liddell that a representative from Irgun had approached Meinertzhagen, saying that the group would not execute any terrorist activities on British soil for fear it would jeopardize its fund-raising opportunities. Liddell noted that Meinterzhagen was known to possess sympathies with ‘Zionist revisionists’, a group which promoted expansion of Jewish settlements – even beyond the Jordan River.

Rothschild’s name does not appear for some time, but on September 24, 1949, when reports arrived indicating that the Soviets had successfully detonated an atomic bomb, he provoked a bizarre entry in Liddell’s Diary, which is worth quoting in its entirety: “Dick [White] saw Victor last night. The latter shares my scepticism about the Russian atomic bomb. He also takes the view very strongly, largely based on communications with Duff [Cooper], that a resurgence of Right Wing parties in Germany is the most serious menace at the moment. He thinks it might well lead to a tie-up with the Russians. Winston, I gather, takes a contrary view.” The ingenuousness and inanity of such utterings are bewildering. Klaus Fuchs’s confession was just about to burst out. On February 21, 1950, Menzies told Liddell (completely off the record) that he didn’t think the Russians had made an atomic bomb – an extraordinary admission from the head of MI6.

Yet Rothschild continued to snoop around, exploiting his previous rank and respectability. On January 27, 1951, he turned up at Liddell’s office, requesting a list of officers involved on atomic research. Liddell noted that ‘he will show it to Hans’ (i.e. Hans Halban, another shady character of dubious loyalty.) And there the record peters out. A few entries concern Rothschild’s behaviour in connection with the Burgess/Maclean fiasco, and I shall incorporate them into my study of Rothschild’s Personal File below. He was also involved with Liddell’s attempt, early in 1953, to find the spy Nunn May a job after the scientist was released from prison, but I do not believe his actions therein are of importance.

Overall, it seems that Rothschild transferred his allegiance to Menzies after his resignation from MI5, but facts about what he really accomplished are hard to find. For instance, rather alarmingly, Wright described Rothschild’s involvement with MI6 in these terms: “He maintained his links with British Intelligence, utilizing his friendship with the Shah of Iran, and running agents personally for Dick White in the Middle East, particularly Mr. Reporter, who played such a decisive role in MI6 operations in the 1950s.” Kenneth Rose, on the other hand, links Reporter, an important middleman to the Shah, to Rothschild only in the late 1960s, when Rothschild was head of Research at Shell, and was pursuing regular commercial opportunities in Iran. It sounds all rather careless and undisciplined to me. I notice that Stephen Dorril offers a contradictory comment about Sir Shapour Reporter, who worked for the Indian Embassy in Tehran, but ‘did not, as has been suggested [?], play a role in any operations’. He also records how enthusiastic a supporter of the Israeli cause Rothschild had been, but offers no details. Liddell’s diary comes to an abrupt close in May 1953 when he discovers that White has been appointed the new Director-General of MI5.

  • The Kew Archive:


‘Red Tess’ Mayor

The files on Victor and Tess Rothschild (née Tess Mayor, known at Cambridge as ‘Red Tess’ because of her communist sympathies, whom he married, as his second wife, in August 1946) fall into two primary tranches. The first section primarily covers the period immediately after the abscondence of Burgess and Maclean in May 1951, and gradually peters out in 1956. After a brief flurry because of the Flora Solomon disclosures in 1961, the story picks up in early 1964, after Anthony Blunt’s confession, and exploits Tess’s close relationship with Blunt. This investigation carries on for several years, with new teams of officers brought in, before running out of steam in 1973, with an inconclusive but overall favourable verdict. Thus, if the earnest researcher was hoping to find here a comprehensive description of the Rothschilds’ interactions with the authorities, he or she will be disappointed.

What intrigues me is that the first entry in Rothschild’s Personal File (PF 605,565) consists of a letter created on March 21, 1951, in other words well before the disappearance of the pair who came to be known as ‘the missing diplomats’. It is a relatively harmless item, representing a communication from Victor to Guy Liddell and concerning the suitability of a Professor Collier, whom Rothschild knew as a Communist from his Cambridge days, for a position at the Agricultural Research Council that Rothschild headed. Yet it obviously caught someone’s eye (that of Liddell himself?). The letter could be interpreted as a diversionary exercise by Rothschild, as an attempt to convince his former boss of his anti-communist credentials while the investigation into the leakages in Washington, resulting in the suspicion that HOMER was Maclean, was heating up. The letter was probably inserted into the file when it was created, probably in May 1951. The PF number and the date the letter was written (not when it was received) appear in the structure of a red stamp, with room for a signature, a date, and a target, as well as a note that the letter should be copied into PF 46,567 – that, presumably, of Collier himself, whose file has never been released. Liddell’s rather weak and equivocal response is also included.

This is not the earliest entry in the file: others go back to 1940. Most are simply extracts from Rothschild’s personnel file at MI5, or other Security Service memoranda, recording such events as his introduction to MI5 by Liddell in May 1940, Victor’s own recommendation of Tess two months later, and his resignation in May 1946. His introduction of Anthony Blunt to Liddell is noticeably not included, although an important annotation by John Curry was inserted in September 1969. While Rothschild stated on his personal record form that he had been introduced by Guy Liddell, Curry pointed out that the lead for Rothschild had been orchestrated by a scientist and Trinity College contemporary, A. S. T. Godfrey, a friend of Brian Howard, who had recommended him to Curry. Godfrey was killed in action in Norway in 1942: it is not clear why Rothschild concealed this connection.

Award Recommendation for A. S. T. Godfrey

It is true that two further items from 1940 include the ‘PF 605,565’ stamp, but since the PF numbers were created sequentially, 605,565 belongs to the 1951 era. The two items (on Geoffrey Pyke, PP 983, and Claud Cockburn, 41,685) must have been copied from the original files at the time the Rothschilds’ file was being created. The Pyke item, especially, is of considerable interest, and I shall return to it later in this piece. Some items have been dredged out of much earlier files.

I identify several themes in the material on the Rothschilds:

i) The quite extraordinary level of surveillance, consisting of phone-taps and interception of mail, that was undertaken. It was not authorized against the Rothschilds directly, but they would have been extremely shocked had they learned of it. Yet MI5’s reaction was very sluggish.

ii) The readiness, under gentle pressure, displayed by Victor and Tess to make suggestions about possible Communist sympathizers they knew – especially at Cambridge.

iii) The high degree of self-importance and sense of entitlement shown by Victor, and the unjustified deference paid to him, especially when Peter Wright joins the team.

iv) The contradictory verdicts on Guy Burgess expressed by Victor, deprecating him one moment, the next having to admit that he used him as a financial adviser – a most unsuitable arrangement – and Victor’s highly dubious, even criminal, behaviour concerning investment tips.

v) Tess’s very provocative friendship with Anthony Blunt, and her duplicitous remarks concerning her awareness of his confession.


From what Peter Wright reported (see above) Victor Rothschild may not have been surprised by the fact that some of his mail had been intercepted, and his telephone chats occasionally tapped, but it appears that the surveillance was initiated vicariously. The activities of Guy Burgess were followed carefully in May 1951, and Blunt was one of his regular contacts. Thus a Home Office Warrant was requested for Blunt after the ‘diplomats’ disappeared, and the Rothschilds turned up frequently on the antennae, both in correspondence and on the telephone. This process went on for over ten years, and the warrant should thus have been renewed constantly. Furthermore, letters sent by Rothschild to Burgess from before the war were found in Burgess’s flat, as well as correspondence from Goronwy Rees that mentioned Rothschild, thus encouraging MI5 to believe that Victor and Tess might be able to help them with their inquiries. Kim Philby mischievously brought up Rothschild’s name as a close confidant of Burgess when he was interrogated. So did David Footman, when he was interviewed. It is possible that the Rothschild were on their guard whenever they spoke to Blunt, as Victor would have known how the Watchers operated.

A touch of pathos is attached to the process. Here was MI5, desperately concerned at tracking down what conspirators and colleagues of Burgess and Maclean may have been lurking in various organizations, but relying greatly on the most guilty candidates, Blunt and Rothschild, to provide names for them to investigate. Moreover, their methodology was almost hopeless. In the absence of suspects being caught red-handed, they knew that they would need a confession in order to convict. It had worked for Fuchs and Nunn May, but the highly incriminated Philby was resolute at not conceding anything to White or Milmo, and Blunt managed to avoid admitting anything until Michael Straight unmasked him twelve years later. (A spy, William Marshall, who had worked for Gambier-Parry in RSS, was actually caught passing secrets to a Soviet diplomat early in 1952, and sentenced to prison for five years – who remembers him now?)

The fact that Blunt had a very affectionate relationship with Tess Rothschild meant that they communicated frequently on the telephone, and M5 was able to pick up several hints at shared acquaintances from these exchanges. What is extraordinary is that some very perturbing letters exchanged between Rothschild and Burgess concerning Rudolf Katz were found at Burgess’s flat in June, and on July 17, 1951, Arthur Martin asked his boss, Dick White, whether Rothschild should be questioned about the relationship. On November 29, 1951, Arthur Martin picked up the issue again: apparently no move at all had been taken. Yet a delay at this time should probably not be interpreted as gross negligence: B Division was then very occupied with processing Goronwy Rees’s testimony, interviewing both him and Blunt, and expanding the dossier on Philby. If the records can be relied upon, however, it does not appear that Rothschild was interviewed until 1956, which does constitute an embarrassing lapse.

Investigations (1)

For several years the only entries in the file are extracts from other sources that tangentially mention Victor or Tess. Bentinck Street as a meeting-place began to arouse interest – mentioned by Philby in December 1951, by Cairncross in April 1952, and by Pope-Hennessy, who declared in January 1954 that he had seen Rothschild there with Burgess ‘alongside other curious people’, in the early days of the war. Yet MI5 still showed no interest in following up these leads with the Rothschilds, as if the junior officers had been instructed to hold off. The Katz connection appeared to have been forgotten completely. It was not until Goronwy Rees’s stunning articles appeared in the People in March 1956 that Victor could no longer avoid the awkward questions.

Victor’s first response was to take the initiative – and bluster. He wrote to Dick White, attempting to refute the first article by claiming that he had never known that Burgess had been a member of the Communist Party, that it was he, Rothschild, who had tried to cancel Guy’s visit to Russia in 1940, that he had reported Guy’s poor habits at Bentinck Street to the police, and that he had recorded his doubts about Burgess to the high-ups in MI5. He said that he had passed on to Special Branch and to MI5 his suspicions that there was something ‘fishy’ about Burgess, but not because of his communism. This was a shoddy performance by Rothschild: much later, in 1969, a note was put on his file that he had failed to volunteer any information about Burgess early in the cycle, and now he was putting up a very flimsy smokescreen. It is clear that Dick White (now Director-General) had recommended that Rothschild put his thoughts in writing after the two of them had discussed the matter, and Victor volunteered his availability for interview. Roger Hollis thus sent an invitation to him on May 4.

The result was that Courtenay Young (D1) at last interviewed Rothschild on May 23, 1956, and wrote his report a few days later, five years to the day since the disappearance of the miscreants was noted by MI5. Rothschild confirmed what he had written in his letter, adding a few details, and then, when asked by Young whether he could think of any persons who fitted the profile of similar figures in the Burgess entourage, he came up with Alister Watson and ‘Jennifer Hart’ [sic: actually ‘Jenifer Hart], who ‘used to say quite openly that she had been told to sever her connections with the Party and go underground’. Again, no action appears to have been taken: MI5 was next occupied with Tom Driberg’s recent visit to Moscow, and with his imminent book about Burgess. Blunt and Tess Rothschild discussed it on the telephone, and how it might embarrass Victor, and Blunt again brought up the matter of Katz, and Burgess’s providing financial advice to Victor’s mother. An excerpt from the book describing the arrangement appeared in the Daily Mail on October 19, 1956. MI5 gained all the inside information when Mrs. Bassett called Blunt about it, assisted by follow-up calls that Blunt made to Driberg and to Tess.

Extraordinarily, Burgess was involved with the subsequent negotiations from Moscow, by telephone and telegram. Rothschild was very upset about the claims made that Burgess had helped his mother financially, and denied them. Blunt called Tess again on October 20, and Tess declared that the story about Burgess’s role was essentially true, and that her husband could not reasonably deny it. Yet again, nothing happened. Mrs. Bassett had spoken to Guy on the telephone that morning: Guy could not understand why Victor was so upset. This is the last entry on file for almost a year. If MI5 did follow up on these highly provocative exchanges, there is no record of it. By then, some further personnel changes at the Security Service had probably hindered the investigation.

Investigations (2)

While the Rothschilds moved sedately on, MI5 experienced its discontinuities. Liddell had resigned in 1953, stung by his being overlooked for the Director-General position. White appointed Hollis as his replacement heading B Division. A largely new set of junior officers had to pick up the reins, but it seemed that White was not very eager to pursue an investigation into his long-time pal. Yet a major intelligence disaster had occurred that April, when Commander Crabb was assumed dead after inspecting a Soviet vessel on a diving expedition, and Anthony Eden demanded that the head of MI6 (Sinclair) be replaced. Much to the chagrin of Sinclair’s Number 2, in the summer Dick White was moved over to lead the sister service, and the dull but in no way nefarious Roger Hollis became Director-General of MI5 for a stint of ten years.

Still nothing more was initiated. One reason for the lack of action may have been the fact that the Rothschild file was not generally available to MI5 researchers. In a bizarre twist, a Mr. A. J. D. Winnifrith from the Treasury sent, about a year later, on September 25, 1957, a cautiously-worded letter inquiring whether a certain character involved with the Agricultural Research Council could be trusted not to disclose confidential information. He had to reveal the name of the person in a separate letter. It was Rothschild. This request sparked the interest of John Marriott and Courtenay Young, who of course retained some knowledge of the case from his current position in the reconstituted D Division responsible for counter-espionage. Young took a look at the file ‘which is limited to the head of R.5. and D.1 Mr Whyte’, and made some guardedly caustic comments about Rothschild’s reluctance to come forward concerning his connections with Burgess, and his assumed effort to protect himself. On October 11, John Marriott accordingly replied to Winnifrith that Rothschild ‘is slightly intolerant of bureaucratic red tape, and as he is a man of great wealth and assured position he is certainly no more likely than any other scientist to feel bound by the restraints imposed by the possession of secret information’.

The years went by. In September 1961 Rothschild took on a part-time job as head of Shell Research, and discussed security matters with Hollis, including his own security clearance. A random note on Rothschild’s file was posted by Evelyn McBarnet in D1 (now working alongside Arthur Martin) that drew attention to the financial arrangements with Burgess in 1937, which was now apparently causing some embarrassment to his lordship – although it is not clear how McBarnet learned that. And then Flora Solomon enters the scene, having indicated to Rothschild at the Weizmann Insitute that she believed Philby had been a spy. That provoked Arthur Martin to interview her, and afterwards speak to Rothschild about it. He posted a note on August 7, 1962, that describes relationships between Burgess, Philby, Blunt and Burn in a very confused manner, but it may have started his juices running. (Philby absconded from Beirut in 1963.)

Soon afterwards, however, another significant event had occurred. Blunt had confessed, and was undergoing more intensive interviews. Some desultory discussions took place, and Rothschild’s name came up more frequently in interviews with Blunt’s contacts (e.g. Edward Playfair, Isaiah Berlin, Stuart Hampshire), although without anything decisive occurring. On November 24, Hollis, accompanied by his assistant Director-General Furnival Jones, had a meeting with Rothschild, and it was Peter Wright (D3) who made his entry in the chronicle, reporting that Rothschild told them that he had learned about Blunt’s confession, but not from Blunt himself. He again mentioned Alister Watson and Jenifer Hart, as well as Judy Hubback (Hart’s sister) as potentially sinister figures from the Bentinck Street galère. And 1965 came to a close with Victor generously offering an opportunity for Wright and McBarnet to interview him and Tess. That same year, Roger Hollis had retired, and was succeeded by Martin Furnival Jones.

Disclosures and Explanations

It was only now, in early 1966, that the Rothschilds were essentially forced to open up. Yet the interview undertaken by Wright and McBarnet on January 27 involved, for the most part, only Tess Rothschild, with her husband joining towards the end. She offered dozens of names of leftish associates going back to her Cambridge days: maybe the outpouring was designed to overwhelm her interrogators. A further meeting was held on February 16, in which Victor offered more names, but dishonourably tried to transfer blame to Stuart Hampshire for not passing on to the authorities what he knew about Burgess’s communism. Peter Wright was able to explain that MI5 was now benefitting from the insights of KAGO (the defector Golitsyn), which may have alarmed the Rothschilds. Lord Rothschild also tried to defuse the Rudolf Katz problem by issuing a throwaway line about his mother, ‘who may have made a payment to Katz’. McBarnet instantly knew that Rothschild was concealing the major part of the story.

A further meeting was held on February 21, and by now the Rothschilds were having a ball, throwing out names and casting suspicions on a whole fresh cast of characters – known communists at Cambridge, or left-wingers who had moved on to posts in the Foreign Office or MI5 or were scientists of repute, such as Solly Zuckerman. The sleuths zealously wrote everything down, seemingly unaware that they were being manipulated. Rothschild agreed to speak to Flora Solomon again, to determine whether she would recall anything more about the Philby connection. And this set the pattern for some time: MI5 officers earnestly following up on these numerous leads, but relying on the Rothschilds too closely as sources. Wright had another intense discussion with Tess about the genuineness of Blunt’s confession. One of the revealing discoveries was that, in May 1939, Rothschild had issued a positive recommendation to the Admiralty that it recruit Alister Watson – one of the scientists he was now urgently denigrating. Blunt also revealed to Wright that he believed Dick White must have been the source who had told Rothschild about his confession, thus confirming my supposition.

Geoffrey Pyke

The discovery of the recommendation for Watson should perhaps have caused MI5 to revisit the Geoffrey Pyke business of 1942. Papers about Pyke, probably written by Peter Smollett, were found in Burgess’s flat in 1951. Rothschild had issued a stern warning about recruiting left-wingers like Pyke in sensitive security positions. Despite ‘the risk of MI5’s being seen as Colonel Blimps’, he had issued in June 1942 the following portentous message: “On the other hand, I feel that someone who combines extreme Left view with an erratic character should not be at Combined Operations headquarters which must, owing to the operational nature of its activities, be one of the most secret government departments. But, apart from PYKE’s erratic tendencies, the authorities may not feel happy at the thought that somebody whose first loyalty may be to Moscow rather than this country is in a position where he may well get information of considerable interest to Moscow and which the Government may not wish them to have at the moment. This latter point affects Professor J.D. BERNAL as well.” This declaration by the man who had succeeded installing Blunt in MI5 a couple of years before was either stupid, hypocritical, or simply devious. It certainly was not honourable. Geoffrey Pyke was an inspired Jewish-atheist scientist (like Rothschild) who committed suicide in 1948. It seems that the entry was not retrieved from Rothschild’s rather inaccessible file until 1973.

In any event, the pattern continued, with Rothschild trying to help as much as he could in identifying further Soviet agents. In July 1966, Rothschild told Wright he was happy to use deception in order to get more out of Stuart Hampshire. After speaking to him at length, Rothschild recommended that Hampshire be grilled by MI5 over his dealings with Blunt and Burgess. The years dragged on. Rothschild’s security clearance was under review. Alister Watson confessed in March 1968. The same month, Rothschild told Wright that he had heard about the ‘PETERS’ inquiry, and alarmingly indicated that he thought Hollis was a better fit, since he matched more closely to the Volkov description. Telephone conversations between Blunt and Tess continued to be tapped. Wright and McBarnet continued to be consumed with essentially fruitless investigations, hoping to find some more Watsons. When H. P. Milmo (the interrogator of Philby) pointed out in May 1969 that Rothschild might be a security risk, B. Palliser shrewdly responded that ‘It also seems to have become almost a legend that he and Tess are above suspicion while others, with lesser “crimes of association” are considered suspect.’

It was not until the beginning of 1970 that someone in MI5 started to reflect that the integrity of the Rothschilds was perhaps not as strong as the service had hitherto believed it to be. The report is dated January 19, but the name of the author (K3) has been redacted. (It was almost certainly B. Palliser). It is a very accurate summary of the prevarications and untruths perpetrated by Victor and Tess, and it points to the possible exposure that MI5 has drawn on itself by entrusting to these two persons so much information about the investigation when the behaviour of the Rothschilds themselves casts a large amount of suspicion on them. Yet still nothing happened. Rothschild continued to pass aspersions on Flora Solomon: other leads, such as Henderson (one-time brother-in-law of Alister Watson) and Professor Jack Plumb were assiduously followed up.

By now, Peter Wright and the Rothschilds were on much more intimate terms, with Victor sending letters addressed to ‘Dear Peter’. Wright may have been shielding the couple from any closer inspection. After Rothschild was appointed by Edward Heath to head the Central Policy Review Staff in early 1971, Rothschild apparently wanted a phone tap placed on a Mr. Jones (PF 41186, not identifiable as such, but no doubt the Communist union leader Jack Jones, who had served in the International Brigades in Spain). Such a move might have caused concern at the Home Office. Wright was able to record, when doubts about his reliability were voiced by the Deputy Director-General: “I am confident that Rothschild is under control, and will not do anything to damage this Service’s relationship with the Home Office. He gave me the most solemn assurance that he would not.” It is astounding that senior MI5 officers would rely on such an informal and personal guarantee from someone such as Wright, who clearly believed he was in a privileged position. In an unnerving and significant aside, in December Tess called Peter Wright to let him know how alarmed she has been on reading the galley-proofs of Goronwy Rees’s A Chapter of Accidents.

Richard Llewelyn-Davies

Thus the last lap started. Early in 1972, Patrick Stewart was introduced to the project. Yet his detailed discussion with Rothschild concerned the Llewelyn-Davieses, about whom the ‘K/Advisor’ (Peter Wright, who had gone on a trip abroad) had expressed concern, since the investigation was moving too slowly. It was a sensitive issue. Richard Llewelyn-Davies had been a colleague of Rothschild and Blunt at Trinity, and a member of the Apostles. His wife, Patricia, had had a short marriage to Rawdon-Smith, was a resident with Tess (then Mayor) at Bentinck Street, and had married Llewelyn-Davies in 1943. Richard had been a habitual visitor at Bentinck Street. But his wife was an important member of the Labour Party, and had been made a peeress in her own right. Moreover, as Rothschild himself declared to McBarnet and Wright, she had had an affair with Anthony Blunt before her divorce from Rawdon-Smith, an experience that she would probably have wanted to be kept secret. Given the imagined resistance of Lady Llewelyn-Davies, Furnival Jones had thought that Rothschild might be the one person who could arrange an interview with Llewelyn-Davies. Rothschild shared the concern about Patricia creating a scene, while stressing the belief that neither he nor Tess believed that Richard had been involved in any sinister activities. No doubt he was happy that the focus of MI5’s counter-subversion investigations was directed elsewhere.

Patricia Llewelyn-Davies

In February, Stewart had to call off the surveillance. Rothschild had spoken to Llewelyn-Davies, who had been hostile and very averse to submitting to an interview. Yet Victor managed to make sway by invoking the wiles of Tess. When E. W. Pratt (K3.0) and another officer (K3.7) visited Tess, she put on a show. After stating that they had agreed with Peter Wright not to discuss the Llewelyn-Davieses, since they were close friends, she confirmed her keenness on the investigation, how important it was to check out those who had been close to Philby, Blunt and Burgess, how wrong they had been over Blunt, and thus could be wrong again, and that such persons would now be at the peak of their careers. She was at her most feline. She dropped a few other hints, and they arranged to talk again in about a month’s time. K7 (his name redacted) did some further digging around on Tess, and re-discovered the duplicitous way that she had shown how she learned that Blunt had been a spy . . .

For some reason (maybe simply because of a passport renewal request), MI5 next investigated Victor’s first wife, Barbara, who had married the left-winger Rex Warner, but then divorced him, and had in 1961 married a Greek named Ghika. In May 1972, after Rothschild’s assistance, Pratt and Stewart did at last manage to interview Llewelyn-Davies, who was deemed to have held back when his own activities were concerned. Only brief extracts have been supplied, in which Llewelyn-Davies was shown to have misrepresented Rothschild’s joining the Apostles, which actually happened while Llewelyn-Davies was still a member at Cambridge. And there the file ends. Nothing from the momentous 1970s, with Goronwy Rees feeding Andrew Boyle for The Climate of Treason, and the further headwinds that Victor Rothschild would face, and nothing about the ‘Spycatcher’ fiasco, which is where my story started.

Rothschild’s Self-Importance

Victor Rothschild’s behaviour consistently showed an arrogance that probably derived from his ill-conceived notion of superior social status, and what it meant in terms of duties and obligations. On October 4, 1957, Courtenay Young, commenting on Lord Rothschild’s selective memory when recalling his associations with Guy Burgess, and especially the matter of financial advice, minuted: “It is possible a fair assumption from paragraphs 4 and 5 above that Lord ROTHSCHILD thinks that the State has responsibilities towards him rather than he towards the State.” Aspects of this egotism can be seen in other significant actions. He is recorded as not responding to requests from Petrie on important matters. When in December 1945 he wrote to Guy Liddell, announcing his proposed resignation from MI5, he attached to the letter certain conditions about his continuing role as part-time Scientific Adviser, including the statement: “None of these proposals requires any explanation”. Liddell replied meekly. Petrie had apparently rejected these proposals already: nevertheless Rothschild sent him a note at the end of the year effectively telling him what he should do. His approach comes across as pompous and superior, but he obviously did not think that normal rules of conduct applied to him.

That incident was followed by his ill-conceived explanation of why he had joined the Labour Party, published in Reynolds’ News in January 1946. Now it was Petrie’s turn to be meek. Instead of sending him scurrying away for his ill-mannered piece of self-promotion – which clearly broke the rules for MI5 officers to be non-political – Petrie discussed the matter with Sir John Anderson, who likewise opted for appeasement. Sir John would have preferred it had Rothschild not become involved in politics, but obviously believed that having him at hand outweighed the disadvantages. Yet they left it to Rothschild himself to judge whether his activities ever conflicted with his MI5 duties: if he judged it so, he should come to Petrie to declare the fact! And if Petrie or his successor ever believed that such a conflict was happening, Petrie ‘would send for him, and deal with him accordingly’. Lord Rothschild was not deterred at all by the prospect of being summoned to the Headmaster’s Study for a beating: he thought this ‘a perfectly fair arrangement’.

A third episode consists of his request for a false passport. As his involvement with Israel became more intense, and his international travel increased, he became more concerned about his personal safety – especially after the Marks and Spencer bombing incidents in 1969. In September of that year he thus asked Peter Wright, during a routine meeting with him, whether he could arrange a false passport for him, so that he could travel around the world incognito. Wright acted on the matter, and took it up with Denis Greenhill, who looked into precedents. R. G. I. Elliott went to the Passport office to help gain approval. The matter eventually reached Sir Stanley Tomlinson, ‘Supt. Under-Secretary of the Immigration and Visa Department of the Foreign and Colonial Office’. The support of Dick White was invoked. Yet in February 1970 the request was turned down. There was no peacetime precedent for granting a false identity to a private person, with multiple risks involved. Surely the matter would have been despatched much sooner if the applicant had not been Lord Rothschild.

The reciprocal of this behaviour is that MI5 overall showed Rothschild far too much deference. Occasionally, as I have shown above, a junior officer such as Palliser or Young would hint at the way he was treated differently from any other individual who deserved investigation, but it was if such initiatives were immediately quashed – perhaps by Dick White, Rothschild’s old crony, as if a member of the House of Lords must be beyond reproach. White may have exerted his influence from MI6. Each time a new semi-crisis struck the Rothschilds (e.g. the Burgess letters, the Driberg book, the Philby defection, the Blunt confession, the Rees articles, the Golitsyn disclosures, the Rees memoir), a flutter of fresh interest occurred, but was swiftly suppressed, and no action was taken. And when Peter Wright came on to the scene, Rothschild immediately gained a devoted admirer who could see no wrong in his impressive lordship. It was like Basil Fawlty fawning over the confidence trickster ‘Lord Melbury’.

Burgess as Financial Advisor

One of the most embarrassing episodes for Victor Rothschild was his engagement of Burgess as a financial advisor to his mother, a fact that he strenuously tried to play down. MI5 apparently gained its first lead in a recorded interview with David Footman, who stated that Rothschild had paid Burgess £200 pounds for some service around 1937. That was on June 18, 1951, just after the Burgess/Maclean escapade. The name of Rudolf Katz came up from testimony by Goronwy Rees, and MI5 was able to establish from Katz (now living in Argentina) that he had claimed to help the French branch of the Rothschild family on banking problems [!], and had known Burgess well in the 1936-1938 years, contacting him several times. A letter found among Burgess’s effects was addressed to Burgess’s mother, dated March 31, 1937, and constituted the first of his ‘reports’ that he had apparently been contracted to supply. He regretted not answering sooner, but stated that he had been waiting for a list of investments. That Victor was involved is shown by a confirming letter that Burgess wrote to him the same day.

Rothschild’s complicity had been proved by another letter, from Victor to Guy, written on February 3, 1937, in which Rothschild approved the arrangement of hiring Katz at £50 Pounds a month. Victor insisted on the utmost secrecy and discretion over the arrangement, and asked that Guy destroy the letter – an instruction that Guy impishly ignored. Victor then mischievously asked Guy (working at the BBC) whether he knew which of two technologies the BBC would be selecting for its television launch – ‘quite an important thing from an investor’s point of view’. Now, in 1937, insider trading may not have been considered as outrageous as it would be a few decades later, but this was a highly unethical move by Rothschild. A further possibly egregious example followed on February 5, where he thanked Guy for some tips on selling Rolls-Royce shares, over which he boasted at having performed well. He enclosed a check for the Rolls-Royce transaction, and warmly signed his missive ‘Love, Victor’ – perhaps an over-cosy manner of greeting to one’s financial advisor.

An extraordinary aspect of these letters is that the files indicate that they were found ‘at the Courtauld Institute of Art by Professor A. F. Blunt in Nov. 1951’. Was Blunt’s negligence in not destroying them, or facilitating their coming to MI5’s attention, a way of dragging Rothschild with him into the pit in which he had fallen? Amazingly, these revelations triggered no action. It was five years later, after Driberg’s visit to Guy in Moscow, and a rumour in the Daily Mail, that Guy’s mother, Mrs. Bassett, admitted in a telephone call to Blunt that the story was true, even confirming the payment over the Rolls-Royce advice. When Blunt alerted Tess Rothschild, she told him they would sue if the claims appeared in Driberg’s coming book about Burgess. Soon afterwards, Blunt again called Mrs. Bassett (who was in regular contact with Guy at the time), and told her that Rothschild was very upset, and had denied there ever having been regular payments to Guy. (Had Blunt actually read the letters?) Driberg had written to her that Guy had assured him that Victor knew nothing about the transactions with Victor’s mother, which comforted Mrs. Bassett, but was an unlikely story. Meanwhile, Tess and Blunt had agreed that silence was the better course: they had convinced Victor of such action, since they reminded him that the story was essentially true.

Tom Driberg

Driberg’s book Guy Burgess: a Portrait with background duly appeared. It recorded Mrs. Rothschild’s delight with the tips of her Marxist financial adviser, including the sale of some Latin-American railway companies, and the investment in Rolls-Royce, from which Victor had also handsomely benefitted, and paid his friend £100. Driberg reported the £100 monthly allowance given to Burgess, but failed to mention Rudolf Katz or any insider information concerning the B.B.C. So Rothschild escaped relatively unscathed. There was no lawsuit.

Again, so much vital information gathered by intercepts, but no action taken. Ten years later, in February 1966, when the Rothschilds were interviewed by McBarnet and Wright, Victor admitted that Burgess had introduced his mother to Katz, and that his mother ‘might’ have made payment for financial advice. It was part of his pattern at this stage to disparage Burgess when he could, such as claiming that he ‘was a failure in everything he did’. It was four years later, however, when the first serious assessment of the Rothschilds’ prevarications and evasion was made, in the famous report by K3 of January 19, 1970. Yet this eloquent report entirely overlooked the Katz/Burgess business. Later that year, in December, the testimony from KAGO (Golitsyn) brought Katz to the forefront again, and a memorandum on expanded ‘rings’ of spies suggested that ‘Rothschild, his wife, and Blunt’ might be members of the ring (the author obviously not privy to the fact of Blunt’s confession several years before). Palliser’s magnificent summarization of the Rothschilds’ casebook in January 1971 included observations to the effect that Victor’s February 1966 evidence was dishonestly presented, but the detail is swamped by more urgent accusations in the report.

Rudolf Katz

Lastly, out of the blue, appears a brief biography of Rudolf Katz, sent on October 13, 1971 by K3 to the Liaison Officer in Washington – presumably forwarded to the FBI. Katz had been a member of the Communist Party in Germany, who had fled the country and met Burgess in Paris in 1935. It confirms that, late in 1936, Katz was introduced by Burgess to Rothschild and his mother, whose financial adviser he became, working through Burgess. Early in 1937, he left for Argentina, but continued to communicate regularly with Burgess on the project. He returned to the UK in 1937, but was expelled in 1940 because of suspicions of espionage. (The bio also mentions that letters between Katz and Burgess were found among Burgess’s letters, but I do not believe they have been released.) Katz misled the FBI when interrogated in New York in 1951.

In summary, the whole Burgess/Katz saga represents a lamentable failure of due diligence – the concealment of records, the constant cycling through of fresh recruits who do not know the whole story, no doubt the careful admonitions from on high not to pursue some matters too energetically. Rothschild was engaging in very foolish, dubious, even illegal, behaviour – and he knew it, to the extent of wanting his correspondence destroyed. The fact that it was not, and that maybe Burgess and Blunt wanted to subtly bring Rothschild into the same hell that they had created for themselves, but were unable to achieve it, is remarkable, pointing toward the inefficiencies of MI5 and the irrefutable advantages of being a peer of the realm.

Tess and Blunt

Lady Rothschild

Tess Rothschild and Anthony Blunt had a very affectionate relationship: at one stage Blunt confessed that she was the only woman he could have married, and they conversed on the telephone regularly. Tess clearly felt warmly about Blunt, too. And when Tess became increasingly under MI5’s microscope late in the cycle, in 1970 and 1971 (if the attentions they directed to the Rothschilds warrant such a metaphor), the junior officers started looking at patterns of activity afresh.

The first report is the famous anonymous K3 report of January 19, 1970, which declares that Tess Rothschild ‘in particular has not been entirely frank with us’. It then goes on to state that, sometime before November 1965, Victor was informed of Blunt’s confession to espionage – by someone whose name he did not disclose, but it was not Blunt. Rothschild added, however, that he had told his wife, who was apparently very upset, and told her husband that she could not have Blunt in her house again. Yet, when she was subsequently interviewed, she claimed not to know about Blunt’s espionage, and displayed her distress afresh. The report then went on to list several other insights that Tess had offered, such as her knowledge about Jenifer Hart’s instructions from the Party, her awareness of Stuart Hampshire’s doubts about Blunt, her knowledge of Cairncross’s confession to espionage, as well as tidbits about other prominent leftists at Cambridge, including Jack Plum.

As I have recorded, little notice was taken of this incisive statement. It was the November 29 1965 memorandum by Peter Wright that explained that Rothschild had had a meeting with Hollis and Furnival Jones a few days before, and had admitted that he had been told about Blunt’s confession. According to Victor, he had passed on the news to Tess, who was ‘very upset’, refused to have him in her house again, and when, a short time afterwards, Blunt invited himself to stay, she fobbed him off with an excuse. It was the alert B. Palliser who picked up the Hollis discussion in his report of January 27, 1971. He recorded that it was just two months later, on January 31, 1966, when McBarnett and Wright interviewed Tess, and she showed ‘utter astonishment’ at Blunt’s guilt. (This account clearly nullifies Wright’s imaginative tale in Spycatcher, which was clearly designed to provide exculpatory cover for the indiscretions of White and Rothschild.)

One might have expected the Rothschilds to have planned their little charade rather more carefully, but the error appeared not to hurt them. Why Rothschild was not pressed to declare who his informant had been, and under what conditions the confidence had been passed on, is also surprising. It is perhaps ironic, and rather sad, that, while junior officers in MI5 could not be trusted to know that a prime suspect, interrogated multiple times over the years, had eventually confessed to his espionage for a hostile power, it was inappropriate for some of the junior officers to be informed of this breakthrough.

  • Conclusions
Lord Rothschild

Somewhere between White’s Club and the Ark of the Covenant, between the Old and the New Testament, between the Kremlin and the House of Lords, he had lost his way, and been floundering around ever since. Embedded deep down in him there was something touching and vulnerable and perceptive; at times lovable even. But so overlaid with the bogus certainties of science, and the equally bogus respect, accorded and expected, on account of his wealth and famous name, that it was only rarely apparent  . . . .  this Socialist millionaire, this Rabbinical sceptic, this Wise Man who had followed the wrong star and found his way to the wrong manger – one complete with chef, central heating and a lift. I think of him in the Avenue Marigny dictating innumerable memoranda, as though in the hope that, if only he dictated enough of them, one would say something; on a basis of the philosophical notion that three monkeys tapping away at typewriters must infallibly, if they keep at it long enough, ultimately tap out the Bible. After the war I caught glimpses of him at Cambridge, in think-tanks, once in the Weizmann Institute in Tel Aviv, still dictating memoranda. (Malcolm Muggeridge, in The Infernal Grove, p 222)

I doubt I have ever met a man who impressed me as much as Victor Rothschild. He is a brilliant scientist, a Fellow of the Royal Society, with expertise in botany and zoology, and a fascination for the structure of spermatozoa. But he has been much, much more than a scientist. His contacts, in politics, in intelligence, in banking, in the Civil Service and abroad are legendary. There are few threads in the seamless robe of the British establishment which have not passed at some time or other through the eye of the Rothschild needle. (Peter Wright, in Spycatcher, pp 117-118)

It was a most monstrous smear of a most distinguished scientist and public servant, then aged, sixty-nine, whose zoological work had earned him a Fellowship of the Royal Society, whose wartime work had merited the George Medal for bravery, who had headed the research team for Shell International, chaired the Agricultural Research Council for ten years, formed and headed the Government’s first ‘Think Tank’, and been chairman of Rothschild’s bank . . .

Because of his intellectual brilliance and flair for original thought, Rothschild was appointed head of the Government’s ‘Think Tank’ in Downing Street by Edward Heath in 1971, with Sir Robert Armstrong as his principal private secretary. He underwent stringent positive vetting for the post, which would give him access to many secrets, with no difficulties whatsoever. MI5’s own list of his contributions to the security of the nation was considered to be a sufficient guarantee of loyalty in itself. But later, when he was under public attack, MI5 was not prepared to state this in his defence, even through the Prime Minister. (Chapman Pincher, in A Web of Deception: The Spycatcher Affair, p 9 & p 144)

A complicated man who had early on rebelled against the burdensome destiny his banking dynasty had defined for him, Rothschild had a somewhat ambivalent attitude towards Moscow: the cause might be just, but everything had to be on his terms. (Jonathan Haslam, in Near and Distant Neighbors, p 82)

He was proud of being Jewish rather in the way Disraeli was; he saw the romantic and tragic history of the Jews as conferring upon them a natural aristocratic lineage. And he regarded the princely role which his family have played among the Jewish people as a source of both pride and responsibility. (Lennie Hoffman, only Jewish eulogist at Rothschild’s memorial service)

For someone as smart as Victor Rothschild (who liked to remind his colleagues of his high I.Q.) to perform so many foolish acts was perhaps a surprising phenomenon. Yet, as the judgments of various MI5 officers recorded in this piece confirm, he regarded himself as unconstrained by the normal boundaries of behaviour, owing to his intellect, rank, wealth, and contacts with the people wielding real power. If any of the above officers had had the opportunity to confront him with the evidence of wrongdoing that they carefully had written up, he might have replied: “Don’t you realize who I am?”, and the wretched underling would have been the victim instead, being sent to the Registry, or some backwater in the dominions. For Rothschild had his protectors, and Dick White was certainly a prominent one.

Yet what could MI5 have done to close out its investigation? So he abetted spies, none of whom had been convicted in a court of law, and two of whom had confessed in a meaningless plea deal. He had not told the truth about his financial agreements with Burgess, and perhaps naively introduced Blunt to MI5. But he had helpfully shopped many other left-wingers, which was what MI5 wanted out of him. There was no point in trying to prosecute him for vague charges of assisting a foreign power, and the investigation at the end of his life initiated by the Director of Public Prosecutions into violation of the OSA concluded that no case could be made for pursuing it with legal charges. There were far too many other skeletons in the closet.

Rothschild frequently did not tell the truth. He was not a congenital or a habitual liar, but he was an occasional one – just like Rees, Blunt, Philby, Berlin, Pincher, Wright, White, Armstrong, and others who believed that some dissimulation was an essential part of preserving their careers and their reputation, and protecting the institutions which they served. And he probably believed that whatever particular underhand venture he was embarking on at any time was an honourable pursuit, with valid goals. He was essentially an intriguer, who gained his excitement from backstage manipulation and deviousness. When in August 1969 J. E. Day of MI5 (K7) interviewed at her home in Shaftesbury Jane Archer (née Sissmore), the celebrated Soviet expert who had worked for MI5, had been dismissed, had worked for Philby in MI6, and had then returned to MI5, she explained that she had been invited once to Rothschild’s home, and felt honoured. Yet all he did was to pump her about her run-in with Jasper Harker, and she felt demoralized and insulted. Rothschild was nothing but an intriguer, she said.

Malcolm Muggeridge, with his mixture of native cynicism and Christian sanctimony, was probably much closer to the truth about the essence of Rothschild than were those two impressionable scallywags Pincher and Wright. Yet the aura that this pair detected was real, and inhibited any incisive action by MI5. By the time Blunt confessed, the important culprits were all sewn up. The damage had all been done much earlier, and the molehunts were largely a waste of time, an exercise in self-flagellation. Rothschild’s misfortune after that was due to his arrogant belief that he would be safe and inviolate above intrigues that he could not control – the wiles and devices of investigative journalism.

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Filed under Economics/Business, Espionage/Intelligence, General History, Literature/Academia, Management/Leadership, Politics, Science

Special Bulletin: ‘The Conundrum of N. M. Borodin’

‘One Man in His Time’, by N. M. Borodin

In the July 26 issue of the Times Literary Supplement appeared a review of One Man in His Time, a memoir by one N. M. Borodin. Originally published in 1955, the volume has recently been re-issued by the Pushkin Press, and claims to tell the life-story of a Soviet microbiologist who defected in the United Kingdom in 1948, but delayed writing his memoir until after Stalin’s death in 1953. I present the review below: for those with access, it can be read at https://www.the-tls.co.uk/lives/autobiography/one-man-in-his-time-n-m-borodin-book-review-alexandra-popoff/.

Alexandra Popoff’s Review: Spectator, July 26, 2024

The name of a defector ‘Borodin’ was vaguely familiar to me. I recalled seeing his name somewhere in Guy Liddell’s Diaries. Yet it was very difficult to find other published information about him. Nigel West has listed him in a couple of places – but states his place of defection as Vienna in his Dictionary of Cold-War Espionage. Kevin Riehle does not mention him in his definitive work Soviet Defectors. Riehle’s work, however, concentrates on staff officers of the Soviet Union’s intelligence services, and, since Borodin was attached to a trade mission like Victor Kravchenko (of I Chose Freedom), does not meet Riehle’s criteria. I thus decided to order the book forthwith, and started digging around in my electronic archives.

Two weeks later, a letter on Borodin by that tenacious chronicler of early twentieth-century Britain, Richard Davenport-Hines, appeared in the TLS (see https://www.the-tls.co.uk/regular-features/letters-to-the-editor/awkward-posture/) . It added some fascinating insights concerning Borodin’s associations with Britain’s secret agencies, as well as his relationship with an author whom Davenport-Hines classifies as ‘English modernism’s finest novelist’, Henry Yorke, who wrote under the alias Henry Green. (I find Green unreadable, but that is neither here nor there.)

Richard Davenport-Hines’s Letter: Spectator, August 2, 2024

By this time, I had completed a first pass at performing my own research on Borodin, and quickly wrote a letter to the Editor of the TLS, which I emailed on August 7. I present the text here:

I should like to augment Richard Davenport-Hines’s fascinating observations on N. M. Borodin and Goronwy Rees (Letters, August 2). I believe that the events were a little more sinister than represented in the description by Mr. Davenport-Hines.

On January 19, 1948, Anthony Blunt (whose expertise in bacteriology has been a well-protected secret) came to see Guy Liddell, to let him know, based on information coming from Goronwy Rees via Guy Burgess, that an MI5 officer had been clumsily prowling around the premises of Bennett and Shears, the company at which Rees was a director, asking questions about ‘mobilisation in Russia’. It turned out that the officer was MI5’s famous interrogator, Jim Skardon: the outcome was that Liddell met Rees, who told him openly that the Russians were buying penicillin plant from his company.

Thus, on February 4, at a meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee, the fact that Borodin had been noticed buying penicillin manufacturing capabilities, which could be used by the Soviets to advance their bacteriological warfare capabilities, was reported. Guy Liddell wrote: “If we could satisfy ourselves about his intentions and knowledge, we might consider him as a potential defector and take steps accordingly”. One of those steps was to ascertain whether he had any relatives in Russia who might be harmed. Two weeks later, the ‘Borodin case’ had advanced to the degree that Kenneth Strong and Liddell believed that exploiting Borodin could result in some breakthrough insights on the Soviet Union’s intentions. By March 5, the situation had progressed to the degree that Borodin had to be considered as an exception to the tightening restrictions on Soviet citizens.

It was soon recognized, however, that the British harboured a Communist sympathizer at the heart of their bacteriological warfare planning. On February 23, Liddell and his colleagues discussed the person (whose name has been redacted), expressing their concern about him, who had been a member of the Communist Party until 1943. It is probable that the scientist was Howard Florey, who had been recruited by another notorious Communist J. B. S. Haldane. Florey was well-known for wanting the fruits of penicillin to be made available for all mankind, while his collaborator and fellow Nobel-prize winner Ernst Chain had wanted patents on the process of manufacturing penicillin to be applied for.

On March 11, Liddell had a further discussion with Rees and Blunt about the penicillin business, where, again, the presence of the art-historian, who had retired from MI5 a few years before, might have caused some eyebrows to be raised. Liddell specifically brought up the point that, if the Russians had the technical know-how for making a penicillin plant, it might give them a two years’ advance in creating agents of bacteriological warfare. Why he thought it suitable to share these insights with the pair of one-time (and maybe current) Soviet agents is not clear.

Yet a complete bouleversement of the Floreyan case appeared to occur by the following September, when Professor Florey himself came to see Liddell, alongside Lang Browne, to discuss Dr. Chain. Liddell wrote: “Dr. Chain, who had somewhat improperly entered into a contract with the Trade Delegation (Soviet) to sell them information about penicillin, has now gone on a year’s holiday in Italy. Florey hopes to edge him out, but if necessary would like, at some future date, to inform the appropriate authority at Oxford that we could confirm the Professor’s information about the disreputable conduct of Dr. Chain.”

Other accounts suggest that Chain had gone to Italy to work, not rest and play, and that, frustrated by the lack of commitment from the British Government to fund penicillin-manufacturing capabilities, had found a responsive chord with the Italians. Was Florey trying to cover his own disloyalty by denigrating his ex-colleague in this way? After all, it was clear that the Americans did not want the secrets of penicillin manufacturing to leave U.S. or British shores. Florey may have been successful in his accusations, because Chain was thereafter twice refused a visa to enter the United States.

It is notable that Russian sources credit Borodin with successfully kick-starting the Soviet Union’s industry. In an article from 2022, E. V. Shertsneva profiled Borodin, stating that the scientist ‘while on scientific assignments in England, provided the USSR with important scientific and technical information and producers [sic] for production of penicillin and streptomycin’, and that his contribution was recognized by the Soviet leadership. If, indeed, Borodin did successfully defect, he either did so after he had passed on the industrial secrets, or he ensured that a replacement would perform the work for him. In any event, Borodin was reported as speaking at a conference on Russian affairs held at Oxford University on August 9, 1949, an event at which Guy Burgess also gave an address.

A final twist to the story was provided when Rees was being interviewed about his revelations concerning Burgess and Blunt in June 1951, soon after the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean. An entry in his MI5 file written by J. D. Robertson (B2) states that an MI5 officer ‘will bear in mind the suspicion that Goronwy REES when leaving Government employment for business, may have played a part in assisting the Russians to obtain penicillin equipment from America, of which the Americans were at the time anxious to ban the export to the Soviet Union’. Were they wrong about Rees? Or had he arranged for the dirty work to be completed before he presented himself as a loyal informer?

In any event, Guy Liddell was shown to be an atrocious judge of character, and a very undisciplined protector of privileged information. He managed to share secrets of bacteriological warfare with four very dubious characters: Rees, Burgess, Blunt – and Footman, his previous colleague in MI6. Ironically, Rees’s file later states that Footman was also believed to have been an agent of the Russian Intelligence Service. Whatever Borodin had been up to, and what the terms of his defection were, would all certainly have been relayed to the Kremlin. In Alexandra Popoff’s review of ‘One Man in his Time’ (July 26), she writes that Borodin was able to declare in his memoir that ‘he was neither infected nor liquidated’. But what happened to him? And was his defection real?

I did not receive any communication back from the Editor, but hoped that the letter might appear in the issue dated August 16. When an email announcing the publication of that issue appeared in my email box at 1:30 local time on July 15, I quickly learned that the Editor (Martin Ivens) had regrettably decide not to publish my letter (It was longer than most submissions, admittedly). Yet I must assert that I believe his judgment was at fault, for the following reasons:

  1. My letter was twice as interesting as that of Mr. Davenport-Hines. [Only ‘twice’? Would you not agree that ‘three times’ would be more accurate? Ed.] It could have provoked some exciting new observations.
  2. Martin Ivens missed a great opportunity to position the TLS as a leading vehicle for eliciting breakthrough research in intelligence matters, a topic of unfailing and enduring interest with the reading public.
  3. There exists an odd symmetry between Davenport-Hines and me. I accept that he is a far better-known author (and must be the ‘doyen’ of one particular sphere, I am certain), but we have a shared history. When Misdefending the Realm was reviewed by Mark Seaman in the TLS several years ago, my book shared space with Davenport-Hines’s Enemies Within (see https://coldspur.com/misdefending-the-realm/). That was before Ivens’ time.

I notice also that Davenport-Hines’s most recent book is titled History in the House: Some Remarkable Dons and the Teaching of Politics, Character and Statecraft, which was reviewed in the Spectator of August 3. It consists of a series of essays about ‘a select and self-regulated group of men who taught modern history’ at Christ Church, Oxford in the 19th and 20th  centuries. Despite my affection for the place (I am an alumnus of the college), this compilation sounds only slightly more engaging than Beachcomber’s Anthology of Huntingdonshire Cabmen. Indeed, the reviewer Nihil Krishan opined that ‘it was faintly surprising that such a book found a trade publisher at all’.

But back to Borodin. Meanwhile, I have been extending my research. My copy of One Man In His Time arrived on August 10, and I have read just over one hundred pages so far. (I have other important books on the boil.) I dug around to try and determine the discrepancy in the name of Pontifex, and that of Bennett and Shears, and discovered that the latter company had been acquired by Pontifex back in 1908. I verified that Goronwy Rees had completely ignored his employment by Pontifex and by MI6 in A Chapter of Accidents, and that his daughter had innocently described the firm as ‘brewers’ engineers and chemical plant manufacturers, or in other words, coppersmiths and brassfounders’. Liddell’s Diaries pointed to more strategic and confidential manufacturing processes.

I also discovered one or two further entries in Liddell’s Diaries that had escaped me beforehand, partly because names had been redacted. I overlooked the following entries:

  • On February 26, the penicillin problem was discussed at a meeting of the Bacteriological Warfare Committee. Liddell pronounced that ‘Sir Paul Fildes was the last word in BW’, and recorded the USA’s strict policy for requiring control of the technology for manufacturing the drug.
  • On March 5, a need for making Borodin’s case a special one was discussed in the context of tighter registration requirements for Soviet citizens in the country.
  • On May 18, an apparent conflict between Professor Florey and Professor Fildes emerged. John Marriott reported to Liddell on Florey’s seeming ‘to indicate that there would be no harm in allowing the Russians to purchase penicillin plant in this country. This, in spite of the fact that an entirely contrary view had been expressed by the eminent Professor Fildes, who is supposed to be the last word in B.W.’
  • On July 2, more facts emerged about Borodin. Liddell was told by Dick White that Borodin [though his name is redacted] ‘has turned up at Florey’s at Oxford and has asked him for his assistance. John Marriott is to go down to Oxford to see Florey.’ It might appear that Florey would not be a useful confidant for someone in Borodin’s position.
  • Later that same day, Liddell was able to write: “John Marriott has arrived back from Oxford. Everything has gone extremely well. XXXX is not in the least apprehensive. He has thought out everything very carefully. He does not think that his return to Russia will [sic!] have any effect on the fate of his family either one way or the other, but is certain that he himself will be liquidated. He intends to remain in his department and clear up all his affairs so that there can be no accusation of misappropriation of funds. He says that nobody here can question his visits anywhere as he is master in his own house and would not brook interference from anyone except the Ambassador. He has a great deal to tell us and is willing to co-operate to the full.”

I found these passages very alarming. The last suggests that Borodin at that time intended to return to Russia and face the consequences. His return to Russia is phrased in the future tense, not the conditional, and is reinforced by the words ‘is certain that he himself will be liquidated’. And the duplicity of Florey, at one moment stating that no harm could come from allowing the Soviets to buy penicillin plant, and then, a few months later, denigrating Chain in his absence, is shocking.

I also discovered an article written a few days ago by a Dr. Anthony Rimmington, posted on ‘Medium’, about Borodin, visible at https://medium.com/@t.rimmington/the-spy-who-came-in-from-the-mold-n-borodin-the-first-russian-biological-defector-to-the-west-516d8dfa03b3. Rimmington is a former Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University. I reached out to him via his publisher, who forwarded my message, but I have not yet heard back from him.

That’s it for now. I noticed that Borodin claimed that he had acquired vital penicillin technology as early as 1946, so there are a lot of questions still to be answered concerning his defection, and what happened to him afterwards. When I have finished his book I shall return to this investigation, construct a proper chronology, and hope that I may have received useful information in the interim.


Filed under Economics/Business, Espionage/Intelligence, General History, Politics, Science, Technology

The Legend of Edith Tudor-Hart

Edith Tudor-Hart

[A warning: the narrative in this bulletin is quite complicated. So many competing accounts of the events leading up to Kim Philby’s recruitment by the Soviets trip over each other: untangling them is a challenge. I have no wish to oversimplify the story, and I consider it imperative that I leave as full an analysis as possible for posterity.]



Sources and Method

Edith’s Movements

Acquaintances in Vienna


Kim’s Recruitment

Interim Conclusions

Jungk’s Quest

Russian Archives

The Legendary Edith

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *


I use ‘legend’ here not in the Westian sense of ‘someone who was occasionally famous or notorious’, but as a way of suggesting that the familiar story of the role of Edith Tudor-Hart as a queenpin in Soviet espionage is largely mythical. Of course, in intelligence lore the word has a secondary meaning. The ‘legend’, a false biography created by the OGPU/NKVD and GRU for agents (primary ‘illegals’, not necessarily using false identities, but without diplomatic cover) in foreign countries was an important part of the deception process, and the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) generally created false stories in order to confuse the enemy – and, perhaps unwittingly, its own successor officers.

In this bulletin I inspect the assertion that Edith Tudor-Hart was the vital agent responsible for the recruitment of the Cambridge Five – one notably made by Anthony Blunt, who, under interrogation, described her as ‘the grandmother of us all’, despite the fact that Edith was born a year after him. (I would encourage readers to turn back to the June coldspur, at https://coldspur.com/summer-2024-round-up/ for my prologue to this investigation.) The dominant event in this scenario was the reputed recommendation by Edith to Arnold Deutsch, in May 1934, that he, on behalf of Soviet intelligence, recruit Kim Philby. Edith declared that Kim’s potential and reliability could be assured because of her close friendship with Litzi, Philby’s new wife, who could presumably be trusted to have made an ideologically proper marital alliance. This proposal resulted – according to the infamous narrative supplied by Philby himself – in Kim’s meeting the anonymous Deutsch for the first time on a bench in Regent’s Park. Deutsch was impressed, and the ominous relationship and expansion of the group of penetration agents, began. But can this story be trusted?

Arnold Deutsch

I believe that it is best tested through the analysis of the behaviour of the four main actors (Kim and Litzi, Edith and Arnold) in two critical periods, namely in the summer and early autumn of 1933 in Vienna, and in London in May and early June of 1934. Some of the questions that strike me as important are: Did Arnold know Kim from those days in Vienna, or was Kim a stranger to him in Regent’s Park? Did Edith really have an opportunity to meet Kim after her rapid marriage to Alexander Tudor-Hart in August 1933 and before her departure for England a few weeks later? Had Kim already been recruited by Soviet Intelligence when he was in Vienna? What was Litzi’s standing as an agent before she left for England with Kim in the spring of 1934? Which aspects of Kim’s account of the events of that summer are verifiable? I refresh my previous research on this matter with an analysis of Edith’s files at the National Archives (released in 2015), a closer inspection of important works that appeared in the 1990s, as well as a study of other books published in English, German and Russian during the past couple of decades.

Sources and Method

I covered some of the anomalies and contradictions in the tales of Kim’s recruitment in Misdefending the Realm, but only skimmed the surface of the puzzle, since my intention then had been solely to point out the chaotic nature of the accounts of subversive activity in the 1930s, and the danger of relying on the memoirs of untrustworthy persons as a guide to the facts. At that time I barely touched on the role of Edith Tudor-Hart. For those readers who do not have a copy of my book close at hand, I here reproduce the relevant section (pp 37-39):

“One of Philby’s main assertions is that he was recruited by Arnold Deutsch, known as Otto, on his return from Vienna with his new bride, Litzi Friedmann, in the summer of 1934, and only then committed himself to supporting the communist cause. That story has been distorted and misrepresented repeatedly over the years, as the following analysis shows:

  • In My Silent War (1968), Philby elides over his recruitment, merely stating that when he left Cambridge in the summer of 1933, he was convinced his life would be dedicated to Communism. [i]
  • In Deadly Illusions, Costello and Tsarev claim that Alexander Orlov supervised and was ultimately responsible for directing Philby as agent. Because of Soviet attempts to get Orlov back (who had defected and made a deal with Stalin), Philby was not permitted by the KGB to even hint at how he was recruited.)  [ii]
  • In The Third Man (1968), Cookridge says that Philby did not return to London until the end of summer, 1934, where he was recruited by Simon Kremer at the Soviet Embassy. [iii]
  • In The Philby Conspiracy (1968), Page, Leitch and Knightley (who interviewed Philby’s children in Moscow), reported that Philby told his offspring that ‘I was recruited in 1933, given the job of penetrating British intelligence, and told it did not matter how long I took to do the job.’  [iv]
  • In Philby: The Long Road to Moscow (1973), Seale and McConville report an earlier return to London, in early April, but that Philby was not recruited for some months, and still only on probation, the first steps being ‘directed by intelligence officer on the staff of the Soviet Embassy’. [v]
  • In The Fourth Man (1979), Andrew Boyle indicates that Philby was already a novice agent on probation when he went to Vienna in September 1933.  [vi]
  • In The British Connection, (1979), Richard Deacon suggests that Deutsch probably recruited Philby when the latter was visiting Vienna.  [vii] [This actually makes the most sense, as will be explored later.]
  • In The Master Spy (1988), Phillip Knightley introduces the idea of the obvious lie: ‘Litzi said that KP took no part in Communist activities in Vienna – a cover story that KP confirmed to Knightley that they had planned she would say.’ He adds that the Philbys did not leave Vienna until May 1934, and stopped off in Paris on their way back to London.  When he interviewed Philby in Moscow, he was told: ‘My work in Vienna must have caught the attention of the people who are now my colleagues in Moscow because almost immediately on my return to Britain I was approached by a man who asked me if I would like to join the Russian intelligence service. For operational reasons I don’t propose to name this man, but I can say that he was not a Russian although he was working for the Russians.’ [viii]
  • John Costello, in Mask of Treachery (1988) observes that Philby’s expressed intention to sit Civil Service exams (as he told his tutor at Cambridge) reflects Soviet determination to press moles into government, adding ‘That Philby would even consider a Whitehall career after deciding to become a Communist agent suggests that he too had come under cultivation by the Soviets before he left Cambridge.’ [ix]
  • Deadly Illusions (1993), by John Costello and Oleg Tsarev, gives the impression that Soviet Intelligence had successfully stirred the pot. Litzi is reported as not receiving her passport until late April, and the Philbys set off for Paris via Germany. ‘That Philby had approached the CPGB before his first meeting with Reif is itself confirmation that he had not, as previously believed, been recruited in Vienna. This is corroborated by NKVD archival records, and by KPO’s 239-page deposition.’ The authors add that, in the spring of 1934, Philby went to CPGB HQ, to renew [sic] links with the CP before he was approached by Reif, but received a frosty reception at CPGB headquarters. Litzi Philby invited her friend, Edith Tudor Hart to tea, and Edith was impressed by Philby, and thus reported his candidacy to Deutsch, who consulted with Reif. Reif approved Philby’s recruitment in June 1934.  ‘My decision to go to Austria was taken before I had decided to join the Communist movement,’ Philby is quoted as saying.  [x] But Costello and Tsarev are far too trusting of the reliability of Philby’s memoir, and they attribute to ‘faulty memory’ many of the contradictions between Moscow’s and Philby’s account that occur in their flawed narrative.
  • Treason in the Blood (1994), by Anthony Cave-Brown, has the couple leaving Vienna on May 2, and spending a holiday in Paris before arriving in London in mid-May. Philby celebrated June 1 as the day he was approached by Deutsch. [xi]
  • The chronology shifts in The Philby Files (1994) by Genrikh Borovik. Philby decides to continue Party work with Litzi in England, and is back there in time to participate in the May Day parade in London. Again, Philby seeks out contacts at the Soviet Embassy, but this time a man [i.e not Edith Tudor Hart] he met in Austria sought him out, to introduce him to Deutsch. Philby considered ‘it very lucky this chance happening occurred’. [xii]
  • Yuri Modin (the handler of the ‘Cambridge Five’ after the war), admits, in My Five Cambridge Friends (1994) to all the confusion, but clarifies it all for us by saying that the NKVD was not involved, and that, ‘from 1934 to 1940, the Soviet secret service was the last thing on their minds.  What he means, of course, it was the innocent Comintern that was involved: he confirms the meetings with Deutsch, but claims it was another unknown NKVD officer [sic] who directed his work. [xiii]
  • The Crown Jewels (1998), by Nigel West and Oleg Tsarev, has some interesting things to say about Deutsch, but merely repeats the June 1934 recruitment. [xiv]
  • In A Time For Spies (1999), William E. Duff follows the Costello/Tsarev account, but points out the contradictions between Costello and Tsarev, indicates that Costello gives too much credit to Orlov, and observes that Tsarev’s original source material has not been examined. [xv]
  • The Mitrokhin Archive (1999) by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin suggests that the Tudor Harts had been recruited by Deutsch in London, and given the codename STRELA. The authors cite Deadly Illusions as their main source for the recruitment of Philby. [xvi]
  • Now the unpublished memoirs of Philby are revealed by his fourth wife, Rufina Philby, with Hayden Peake and Mikhail Lyubimov, in The Private Life of Kim Philby (2000). Here again, the Philbys are able to enjoy the May Day march in Camden Town, and then they are visited by a male friend, whom Philby had seen two or three times since returning from Vienna. This friend introduces Philby to Deutsch (i.e. there is no Edith Tudor Hart in this variation). [xvii]
  • Almost a decade later, Christopher Andrew changes his tune, owing to the discovery of an ‘untitled memorandum in Security Service archives’. Thus the official history of MI5, Defending The Realm (2009), allows Andrew to reveal ‘the truth’ about Philby’s recruitment, deposited on the eve of his defecting to Moscow in 1963. “Lizzy came home one evening and told me that she had arranged for me to meet a ‘man of decisive importance. …. Otto spoke at great length, arguing that a person with my family background could do far more for Communism than the run-of-the-mill Party member or sympathizer.” [xviii]

[I have omitted listing the endnote references, as they caused havoc when I tried to copy them in. Please refer to my book for details.]

Nevertheless, I continued my narrative by pointing out that Deutsch himself (whom I shall hereafter simply refer to as ‘Arnold’), in the autobiography he provided to his bosses in Moscow in 1938, claimed that he had recruited STRELA and JOHN in Vienna before moving on to London, where he recruited Edith Tudor-Hart, whom he ‘had already known in Vienna’. Since the heading of the Tudor-Harts’ (i.e. Alexander’s and Edith’s) file at the National Archives confidently states – assuredly based on the evidence of Andrew and Mitrokhin – that STRELA was the cryptonym of the Tudor-Harts, I see a conflict. At least one person is mistaken. I also wrote at that time that, if Arnold had been familiar with John Lehmann and the Tudor-Harts in Vienna, he would surely have encountered Kim Philby there, and thus the story of the first meeting in Regent’s Park was probably inauthentic. That may have been a clumsy conclusion, because of the chronology, as I shall soon explain, but it may have been correct for other reasons.

Even a casual study of the source material copied from my book, above, leads to some serious scepticism and confusion over what happened when. For example, Cookridge places Kim’s return to England at the end of summer 1934. Borovik even gets the year of Kim’s return to Britain wrong. Page, Leitch and Knightley, and then Boyle, refer to Kim’s recruitment of some sort in Vienna, or even earlier, as do Deacon and Pincher. Costello and Tsarev place considerable strains on the chronology by recording Kim’s and Litzi’s passage through Europe, thus requiring a number of events to occur before the park-bench meeting on June 1, a troubling time-line echoed by Cave Brown, who implied that he had inspected the police form in Vienna that gave their date of egress and their destination. Reinforcing Arnold’s claims, Andrew and Mitrokhin apply tight constraints by indicating that Edith was not recruited until Arnold came to London, which would tend to cast doubts on the experience and reputation she was claimed to own when she picked out Kim as a prospect. If, as Cave Brown asserted (and, incidentally, as Andrew and Mitrokhin repeated), Kim and Litzi left Vienna on May 2, they would have struggled to witness the May Day celebrations in Camden Town on May 1, an experience that Borovik, Parker and Lyubimov felt fit to record. As my re-inspection of A Time of Spies reveals, Duff even claims that the newlyweds left Vienna in March for Paris, ‘where they remained for more than a month before Kim brought his new bride in May of that year’. And so forth. My goal now is to unravel these – and other – contradictions and paradoxes.

My primary sources are, in chronological order:

  • Deadly Illusions, by John Costello and Oleg Tsarev (1993). This is the first account that claims access to KGB archival material, and has been the most influential. Yet it should be remembered that this work was provoked by a desire by the FSB (the Федеральная Служба Безопасности, or Federal Security Service, the successor to the KGB for internal security matters, created in 1995) to put a more positive spin on the KGB’s achievements after the disclosures that Gordievsky provided, and that Tsarev’s access may have been carefully controlled – perhaps by the Russian equivalent of a ‘Foreign Office Adviser’. Later in this report I shall examine in detail the authenticity of the sources on which the book relies.
  • The Philby Files, by Genrikh Borovik (1994). This account relies heavily on what Kim told Borovik, and is not enhanced by Borovik’s lack of method, and his rather shaky understanding of intelligence and counter-intelligence matters.
  • Treason in the Blood, by Anthony Cave Brown (1994). Cave Brown’s book tends towards encyclopædism, and his management of dates is disorderly. He has a few fresh insights.
  • The Crown Jewels, by Nigel West and Oleg Tsarev (1998), which applied some further spin, through Tsarev, based on access to KGB files, but also included some erratic observations. It suffers from the same dubious provenance as Deadly Illusions.
  • The Private Life of Kim Philby, by Rufina Philby, with Hayden Peake and Mikhail Lyubimov (1999), which contains two missing chapters from Kim’s autobiography (but not the postulated one that would describe his time in Vienna).
  • The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB, by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin (1999), based on the transcriptions taken out of Russia by Mitrokhin.
  • Ein Kapitel aus meinem Leben [‘A Chapter from my Life’], by Barbara Honigmann, the daughter of Litzi and Georg Honigmann (2004).
  • The Young Kim Philby by Edward Harrison (2012), which contains some very shrewd insights but accepts many familiar narratives unquestioningly.
  • The Lawn Road Flats by David Burke (2014), a rather discursive work that presents some revealing research – especially on Edith.
  • Stalin’s Agent: The Life and Death of Alexander Orlov, by Boris Volodarsky (2015), a somewhat chaotic compilation by the ex-GRU officer, which nevertheless contains many useful nuggets.
  • The Tudor-Hart files, released to the National Archives in 2015 (KV 2/1012-1014; KV 2/1603-1604; KV 2/4091-4092).
  • Die Dunkelkammern der Edith Tudor-Hart [‘The Darkrooms of Edith Tudor-Hart’], by Peter Stefan Jungk (2017). Edith’s relative (second cousin once removed) had access to a wide and fascinating range of family letters and memories, but his account relies almost exclusively on works already mentioned for his analysis of Edith’s career in intelligence and espionage.
  • Ким Филби by Николай Долгополов [‘Kim Philby’, by Nikolai Dolgopolov] (2018). Dolgopolov presents some fresh archival material from the Lubyanka.
  • Кембриджская  Пятерка by Владимир Антонов  [‘The Cambridge Five’, by Vladimir Antonov] (2022). A slightly different perspective on the careers of the Cambridge Five.

The method I decided to deploy is to address the primary questions by starting with the key assertions made in Deadly Illusions, and to test and compare them with statements made elsewhere.

Edith and Alexander (probably before marriage)

Edith’s Movements

What were Edith’s exact movements? According to Deadly Illusions: “Edith. . . . arrived in London after escaping prosecution for her illegal Party activities. Like her friend Litzi Friedman, she had sought refuge by marrying an English medical doctor named Alex Tudor Hart [sic], who sympathized with the Comintern. . . .  Her file discloses that she had been active in the Communist underground in Vienna in 1929 and served as one of the trusted ‘cultivation officers’ of the London ‘illegal’ rezidentura. Her job was to spot sympathizers who were potential candidates for recruitment, like Philby. Although short-sighted, which led to her being criticized for not being careful enough, she established a reputation as a very loyal and resourceful comrade who carried out important assignments for Moscow.” The authors add, in Endnote 47: “Precisely when Edith Tudor Hart arrived in Britain is not clear from her NKVD file, but it was 1933 and almost certainly May, the year before Philby set out for Austria.”

This is a complete mess. It strongly suggests that Edith first crossed Britain’s shores only in 1933, when her MI5 file shows that she had resided there on multiple occasions in the 1920s until she was expelled early in 1931. The month of May is ridiculous: that was the month in which she was arrested. It implies that Edith imitated the matrimonial plan of her friend by marrying an Englishman, when she had in fact married Alexander on August 16, 1933, before Kim had first set foot in Austria. Her MI5 file (which is curiously very silent about the movements of Alex and Edith in 1933) indicates, in a Special Branch Report to MI5, that the marriage took place at the Embassy in Vienna, and that the couple left for England a few weeks later. Kim did not set out for Austria in 1934: he arrived in the autumn of 1933, and left the country with his new bride in April (or May) of 1934. The gap between 1929, when Edith had reputedly been active in the Communist underground, and her stated role as a ‘cultivation officer’ is ludicrous. (The suggestion that Edith was only one of many such ‘cultivation officers’ raises the question of who the others were, and why they have not been celebrated.) Edith had been imprisoned in Vienna in the early summer of 1933 for suspicious activity, having been expelled from the UK two-and-a-half years earlier. The idea that she might in 1933 have been a talent-spotter, and the suggestion that she might even have chosen Kim as a potential agent at that time, are palpably absurd. Costello and Tsarev cite the KGB TUDOR HART file, No 8230 Vol. 1, for this, including a profile of her supplied by Arnold, but much of it must be the work of a vivid imagination.

Tsarev and Costello must have been fed this information, since they provide no source documents for her admitted activity in Vienna in 1929. Similarly, the claims about ‘a very loyal and resourceful comrade’ carrying out important assignments lacks documentary support. In fact, the only document cited (the profile by Arnold, in Endnote 47) draws attention to her deficiencies in general, especially her carelessness, although it does not describe the famous occasion in 1937 when she temporarily lost an address book with the names of comrades in it. That would not have endeared her to Moscow Centre. In KGB, Andrew and Gordievsky state that she was used mainly as a courier, and it would appear that the claim about ‘important assignments’ was an exaggeration.

What is astonishing is the lack of surveillance reports by British counter-intelligence on Alex and Edith during this period. Between an MI6 report from Vienna, dated July 8, 1931, which reveals that Edith is working for TASS (the Soviet news agency) and a note on April 23, 1935, indicating that she is running a photography business at Haverstock Hill, there is nothing apart from the Special Branch report of February 21, 1934, which covers Alex’s recent career, and records their marriage in Vienna in August 1933. What it does indicate, however, is that Dr. Tudor-Hart took up a position at St. Mary Abbott’s Hospital in Kensington in June 1933. Given the intense interest in the pair of them, the fact that no reports on their correspondence and movements (such as Edith’s presumed letter of appeal to him to come and rescue her, or his travel to Vienna, or their joint return as a married couple) were submitted to the file, both beforehand and afterwards, is a highly provocative phenomenon.

Dr. Tudor-Hart

Yet evidence elsewhere confirms that MI5 was indeed intercepting correspondence at this time. A report from December 1, 1951, (in KV 2/1604) states that “Alexander paid another visit to Vienna to see Edith in early April 1931, Edith maintaining contact with him by letter until August 1933, when he returned to Vienna to marry her.” (An item in KV2/1603 indicates that Tudor-Hart left in August, but the exact date is obscured, as is the date appending a note indicating that he was a member of the Hampstead Anti-War Committee at some time in September.) Further: “Edith’s letters from this period show that there were certain legal complications and obstructions to her (Edith’s) marriage to TUDOR-HART at this time.” Why were these intercepts not filed?

These observations serve to contradict a later source – Jungk’s account of Edith’s tribulations. For some reason, Jungk has Alexander Tudor-Hart coming to Vienna in the spring of 1932, whereupon Edith moves in with him, although she ‘does not love him in the same way she loved Arnold’. Thus Alex is around at the time Edith is arrested, in May 1933, and is ‘shocked’, like all her friends, who include Litzi Friedmann, long separated from her husband. Yet Jungk’s tale then gets more absurd: he claims that Edith was released one month later, and that she then repaired to Litzi’s flat, where she met a new lodger who had been there a few days, namely Kim. Moreover, she is so taken with him that she confessed that ‘if she hadn’t been so tied to Alexander, she could have fallen in love with him’. The problem is that when such anecdotes so gravely break the rules of time and space, one has to wonder how much of the rest of the cavalcade of reminiscences is delusionary. (I emailed Mr. Jungk about these anomalies: he has not replied.)

I would judge that MI5’s record of Alex’s hospital service, and of his presence in England, is more accurate: the testimony of his son, Julian (also a doctor, the offspring of Tudor-Hart’s relationship with Alison Macbeth, b. 1927, d. 2018) confirms his father’s appointment at St. Mary Abbots Hospital. Yet the willingness of the British authorities to sanction the marriage between a suspected communist and a known agitator who had already been expelled from the United Kingdom, and to allow the solemnization of that ritual within the British Embassy in Vienna, suggests some possibly darker objectives at hand, and might explain why all records of the negotiations thereto – such as the letters identified above – have not appeared in the archive.

Acquaintances in Vienna

How well did Arnold, Edith, Litzi and Kim know each other in Vienna? Two passages from Deadly Illusions provide some background: “It was Edith Tudor Hart, who had also known Litzi Friedman in Vienna, who invited her old comrade to tea shortly after the Philbys had returned to London in May 1934. Litzi brought along her husband, since he was at a loose end while waiting impatiently to hear whether he would be accepted into the Communist Party. Over the teacups the couple gave vivid first-hand accounts of action on the Vienna barricades. Philby announced that the experience had made him more determined than ever to find some way of continuing to work for the Party in England, despite, as he told it, the off-hand way he had been treated at CPGB headquarters. Philby’s ardor and the cool manner with which the pipe-smoking young Englishman recounted his missions impressed Tudor Hart”; and “She [Edith] did not tell him at the time, but as an undercover Soviet agent she saw at once that Kim, rather than Litzi, could be turned into a valuable asset for the Soviet underground network to which she belonged.”

But where does this come from? No source is given. Edith had apparently only just been recruited. How would she know anything about the ‘Soviet underground network to which she belonged’? (Individual agents were supposed to be isolated.) If she had only just met Philby, how could she quickly form the judgment that he could be turned into a valuable asset? Was the utterly irrelevant, and hardly unusual, fact that he smoked a pipe a powerful indicator? One could interpret this passage in two ways: i) that Edith was indeed a deeply placed expert recruiter, with shrewd powers of observation, and that her legend was well-earned, or ii) that this was a clumsy item of invention passed on to Tsarev. Given Edith’s very recent return to the UK, and recruitment by Arnold, I would strongly favour the latter, reflecting an official policy of switching the attention from Litzi, who is explicitly presented here as being a strong candidate for espionage, to Edith. (The characterization of Kim has all the hallmarks of having been written by Philby himself.)

Moreover, this is another sloppily crafted excerpt. Previously, Litzi had been described as Edith’s ‘friend’. Now the authors state that she ‘had also known Litzi Friedmann in Vienna’. Well, of course she had. They were not strangers, striking up a friendship in London, since Edith had invited ‘her old comrade’ to tea. Comradeship signified a much closer bond than ‘acquaintance’ or even ‘friendship’. And what does that ‘also’ mean? In addition to Kim? Surely not, if Litzi introduced her husband to Edith. To Arnold? He is not featured in the preceding paragraphs. Certainly the impression given here is that Litzi and Edith had been active agitators in Vienna for quite a while, but that this was Edith’s first encounter with Kim. This flies in the face of what Jungk wrote about Edith’s being bowled over by him when she met him in Vienna. On the other hand, why meet at Edith’s residence? Given the previous surveillance of Edith, and her track-record of having to flee Vienna because of communist agitation, having Litzi and Kim visit her on her domestic territory was highly irregular, in violation of defined tradecraft, and potentially very dangerous. She knew she was under surveillance!

As for the relationship between Arnold and Edith, Deadly Illusions records (using Deutsch’s file 32826 in the Russian Intelligence Service Archive, RISA) that Arnold had known Edith since 1926, and that he had worked with her in the Vienna underground. What it does not report (if Jungk’s account can be trusted) is the torrid affair that they had had back in 1926, and that, when it was broken off by the discovery by Arnold’s fiancée, Josefina (Fini), of love-letters written by Edith to Arnold, the heartbroken Edith fled to England to become a kindergarten schoolteacher. It seems that Arnold thus dangerously lied in the curriculum vitae that he provided to the NKVD in December 1938 (which can be read in toto in The Crown Jewels, pp 104-107). Here he states that he married Fini in 1924, when she would have been sixteen or seventeen years old. Elsewhere in his bio, he wrote that he lived with his parents until he was 24, i.e. in 1927 – a dangerously contradictory disclosure! Other accounts indicate that they did not get married until 1929: Volodarsky even traced the marriage record to March 12, 1929, although he rather ingenuously remarked (p 691) that the statement cited in The Crown Jewels should be considered a ‘slip of memory’. Astute husbands (and wives) do not get wrong the date of their wedding a decade ago – let alone by five years – unless they have a goal of deception.

Arnold’s coyness about his marriage reflects a deep uneasiness concerning his relationship with Edith. His first affair with her (which he fails to mention in his c.v.) occurred while he was engaged, perhaps unofficially, to Fini. Thus Arnold’s statement that he recruited EDITH ‘whom I already knew in Vienna’, was delightfully vague. If he arrived in Vienna in October 1933 (as he claimed), the acquaintanceship to which he referred must have been between January 1931 (when Edith arrived after her expulsion) and January 1932 (when Arnold’s work for the Comintern had been discovered, and he was summoned to Moscow, where he was soon after appointed to the Foreign Department, OMS). He deftly elides over their relationship from the previous decade.

I shall investigate the questions about the recruitment of each to Soviet intelligence in the next section, but note here that Kim made an important observation in the testimony (‘memoir’) that he provided to the KGB in 1985. Costello and Tsarev write (p 135): “Philby, apparently through lapse of memory, alluded to his having met Tudor Hart in Vienna, which the NKVD reports show as another case of his memory being in conflict with the records.” But, of course, the records could not prove a non-event, namely that he had not met Edith in Vienna. All they could do is show that the file on Edith indicated that she claimed that the tea gathering was the occasion on which she had been introduced to Kim. But perhaps that assertion was untrue, since Kim’s testimony is confirmed by Jungk? Sadly, the National Archives reinforce the confusion through a vague and unverifiable statement that appears on the announcement of the release of the Tudor-Hart archive: “Edith was close friends with Litzi Friedmann, who would become Philby’s first wife, and MI5 believed it was through this connection that Philby came to know Tudor Hart [sic] in the early 1930s.” A couple of weeks in August-September 1933 is expanded to a number of years. And whoever wrote this discounts the evidence that Litzi introduced Kim to Edith in London, or else has overlooked it.

What is also astonishing is the translated text of the message that Ignaty Reif (MAR), the illegal rezident, sent to Moscow in June, announcing the positive meeting between Arnold and Kim, and identifying the potential new candidate for cultivation. It is a clumsy and muddled statement: “In future Philby will be called SYNOK [Russian for ‘SONNY’]. Through Edith, who is known to you, who had worked for some time under ZIGMUND in Vienna, we have established that the former Austrian Party member, who had been recommended to Edith by our former Party comrades, has arrived in Britain from Vienna, together with her husband, an Englishman. He is also known to Arnold. Edith has checked their credentials and has received recommendations from her Vienna friends. I have decided to recruit the fellow without delay – not for ‘the organization’, it is too early for that, but for antifascist work [emphasis added]. Together with Arnold and Edith, I worked out a plan to meet with SÖHNCHEN [German for ‘SONNY’] before SÖHNCHEN moved to his father’s flat. Arnold Deutsch’s meeting with SÖHNCHEN took place with all precautions. The result was his full readiness to work for us.”

I note that Costello and Tsarev state that this cryptogram was ‘undated’. That is not surprising, as it shows all the signs of having been faked. The flow is illogical. Reif introduces Philby and his cryptonym first, without explaining the background. Why, having stated that Philby will be called SYNOK, does Reif quickly switch to SÖHNCHEN ? He then suggests that ‘the former Austrian Party member’ (i.e. Litzi) had somehow been recommended to Edith (the implied Big Cheese of the operation) by our former Vienna comrades (why ‘former’?). Yet how had this recommendation been received, and why would it not have been considered by Reif first? Reif then mentions that the unnamed person’s husband is an Englishman, as if Moscow had no idea of what Kim and Litzi had been up to, and were ignorant of the circumstances of their marriage. Moreover, since Party comrades in Austria had already recommended Litzi to Edith, and Edith was prepared to recommend Kim on the basis of his being known by the reliable Litzi, why on earth did she need to check the credentials of both of them?

Furthermore, Kim ‘is also known to Arnold’. Why is Arnold not referred to by his cryptonym, ‘OTTO’? And what does that statement mean? That he has met him, and is acquainted with him? Why would Reif insert that if Arnold has supposedly just met Kim for the first time? Does it not sound as if Arnold had encountered Kim in Vienna? Or could it mean simply that his name is known to Arnold? But again, that makes no sense given the recent encounter between the two. Kim told Borovik that ‘a man he had known in Austria sought him out’, suggesting that Arnold had met Kim in Vienna, and had instigated the meeting. That would tend to undermine any leading role ascribed to Edith. In any case, Edith no longer needed to be protected by the time Philby gave his testimony to Borovik: she died in 1973. (One longs to see the original Russian.)

Tracking Arnold’s movements at this time is difficult. Some sources suggest that he was in Vienna in August 1933, and it was then that he recruited STRELA. At some time after that he moved to Paris, and was told that he would be sent to England for his next assignment. Yet Arnold’s own biography, reproduced in The Crown Jewels, tells a different story, indicating that he was informed in October 1933 that he was going to be assigned to work in Britain, at which time he moved from Paris to Vienna, where he recruited STRELA and JOHN. (I note here that Boris Volodarsky has confidently identified STRELA as Charlotte Moos, who was in England at the time.) If that is true, he would have arrived too late to recruit Alexander Tudor-Hart. Yet, since the MI5 file confirms that Tudor-Hart visited Edith in Vienna in April 1931, Arnold probably met him at that time, and could have recruited him then.

In any event, by the early part of 1934 Arnold had indeed moved to London, ahead of the Philbys. Costello and Tsarev, referring to Arnold’s bio in his KGB file, indicate that he arrived in February; Cave Brown states it was in April (but adds that his wife was with him then, which is wrong); Burke offers May. I referred earlier to my conclusion that Arnold probably met Kim in Vienna because of his acquaintance with Lehmann and the Tudor-Harts. If we trust Arnold’s timeline, the encounter with the latter now seems impossible, given Alex’s short visit to rescue Edith, but Arnold was clearly moving in those same circles after the Tudor-Harts left for Britain in early September 1933, and had ample opportunity to get to know Kim.

The same telegram is introduced in The Philby Files, however, and the paraphrase/transcription generates further confusion. Borovik is, however, a bit more precise about dates and formats, and offers some observations about the text itself. He annotates that ‘documents are presented with the original style intact. The only changes are to orthographic mistakes and typographical errors’. He states that telegram No. 2696 was sent by Reif to Moscow the day after the Regent’s Park meeting, briefly informing the NKVD, rather bizarrely, that ‘the son of an Anglo agent, advisor of Ibn-Saud, Philby, has been recruited’. Later, a long letter was sent to Moscow with the details, dated June 22 (incidentally sent via courier, probably Reif himself, to Copenhagen before routing).

I present the first few sentences of the text, so that a close comparison can be made: “Philby. From now on we will call him ‘Sonny’ or ‘Söhnchen’. Through ‘Edith’, whom you know and who worked at one time for Siegmund in Vienna, we established that an Austrian Party member with recommendations from Viennese comrades to ‘Edith’ arrived on the island with her English husband from Vienna. She is also known to Arnold. ‘Edith’ checked the recommendation and got confirmation from all our Viennese friends. In Vienna the press reported on the happy marriage of a young Viennese woman with a prince of the court of Ibn-Saud (clippings will follow). According to the Viennese friends of Edith and the ‘newlyweds’ themselves no one knows about their sympathies and work for the Party either in Vienna or on the island (with a few exceptions). Sonny was never a member of the Party and tried to hide his sympathies for the Party, since he was planning a diplomatic career after Cambridge. Edith’s references on Sonny are highly positive.”

It is hard to decide who is being deluded here. The first astonishing difference is that Arnold’s acquaintance with a member of the happy couple has shifted to Litzi (‘she is also known’). But here the ‘also’ makes even less sense, as it cannot sensibly be as juxtaposition to Edith, and to claim that Arnold knew Litzi as well as Kim at this stage would suggest that, in Vienna, Arnold had been more closely acquainted with Kim than Litzi! Again, the lack of the original text in Russian is enormously frustrating: it is difficult to imagine how either Tsarev or Borovik could have misconstrued this simple sentence. If there is one thing the Russian language is precise about, it is the gender and declension of personal pronouns. Thereafter the anomalies concern the business of the marriage, and the political sympathies of Litzi and Kim. Why a rezident in London would be informing Moscow of Viennese press reports, and promising to send clippings, when the NKVD was surely digesting them itself, is illogical. Furthermore, the notion that Kim and Litzi had been able to escape attention, and keep their sympathies private, is absurd, given that the whole point of the marriage had been to allow Litzi to escape before she was arrested, and that Litzi had used her new British passport to perform missions to Czechoslovakia in March and April 1934. (This knowledge was revealed by Helenus Milmo to Philby when he interrogated him in December 1951.) Lastly, the idea that they could possibly have undertaken work for the Party ‘on the island’ (i.e. in Britain) is ridiculous, given that they arrived only a few weeks beforehand. And what about those ‘exceptions’? Would Moscow not have demanded an instant explanation? It is all a charivari.


Given that all four could conceivably have known each other, in the short time between Edith’s release from prison and her departure with Alex that overlapped with Kim’s first few weeks in Vienna, when was each recruited by the Soviets?

‘Recruitment’ is a nuanced notion. A candidate could be watched performing useful assistance (perhaps as Kim was when he started aiding Litzi) before being signed up. Various couriers and helpers were used without stringent testing of their loyalty. In Stalin’s Agent, Volodarsky comments on Arnold’s claim of recruiting Edith in London, as reported in The Crown Jewels (p 106). Arnold had written: “In February 1934 I went to London where I recruited Edith, whom I already knew in Vienna.” (Was that a deliberately vague statement, since it must have referred to an earlier period, as Edith had left Vienna before he arrived? And why does Arnold completely overlook the critical encounter with Kim in his biography?) In an Endnote (p 545), Volodarsky writes: “Regarding her [Edith’s] recruitment at the time, it was perhaps a pun rather than an error or slip of memory. In Russian, the expression privlekat k cotrudnichestvu (to co-opt an individual) and verbovat (to recruit) can often substitute one another. Edith was indeed co-opted to carry out Soviet intelligence assignments while in Vienna but was formally recruited as an agent much later (see Appendix II).” This is not all that helpful, especially since Volodarsky in the Appendix clumsily writes that EDITH ‘was recruited by Deutsch in 193? [sic]’. He finesses the whole troubled saga of Edith’s recruitment, suspension, and re-activation.

Be that as it may, and irrespective of whether those two terms were really used interchangeably, any approach concerning a firmer commitment would have been made carefully, normally through ‘false-flag’ manœuvres (for example, Guy Burgess suggesting ‘working for peace’, without mentioning the Comintern; Reif referring to ‘anti-fascist’ activity), and the critical assessment made by someone who will not easily be harmed (e.g. Arnold taking precautions over the interview with Kim). [Costello and Tsarev offer a useful summary of the process in Note 14 on p 451 of Deadly Illusions.] But once a commitment was made, there was no going back. When the Nazi-Soviet Pact was announced, giving an opportunity for hirees like Goronwy Rees to falter, Burgess wanted him killed, lest he betray them all. If they did not receive explicit warnings about apostasy, agents would have been well aware of how Stalin’s organs chased down and killed defectors or traitors.

It seems certain that Edith had become a serious agent during her relationship with Arnold, and before she came to England. Borovik writes that Arnold recruited her in 1929. The Crown Jewels, using Arnold’s KGB file, states that in 1930-31 a girl he knew introduced him to an officer in the (O)GPU [see below], who entrusted him with a few tasks. “Deutsch in his turn introduced the Soviet intelligence officer to EDITH, who later went to Britain.” Arnold should perhaps have presented that information in his c.v., but again may have wanted to suppress any connections because of his affair with her. In any case, that evidence would seem proof that Edith was a fully signed-up member of the Soviet Intelligence Service when she was sent to Britain in 1930. (This reference to EDITH is maddeningly absent from the Index to The Crown Jewels, which also erroneously lists her there under ‘Hart’.)

The comments that Edith expressed in her letters, especially those concerning Maurice Dobb, indicate that she indeed had an important subversive role to play at that time. David Burke has revealed that Edith kept up a correspondence in 1930 with Trevor Blewitt, who was having an affair with Phyllis, the wife of Maurice Dobb, and who eventually married her in 1934. He states that it was MI5’s interest in Blewitt, and in his friendship with Edith, that led to her arrest at the Trafalgar Square demonstration in late October 1930. Yet the clumsy and visible actions of protest in which she and Alex took part in indicate that she was either poorly-trained, or was disobeying instructions. Her being expelled as a known agitator should have prompted Moscow to consider her a permanent liability, since she would obviously be surveilled if she ever returned to the United Kingdom. (Volodarsky provides the link between Arnold’s statement and the Reif telegram by informing us that the officer to whom Arnold introduced Edith in Vienna, namely Siegmund [ZIGMUND], was one Igor Lebedinsky, the legal rezident, who also went under the name of Igor Vorobyov.) One would assume that Arnold knew about Edith’s past problems with the British authorities, and that he was simply recommending her for work in Austria.

Thus Arnold’s claim that he ‘met’ Edith soon after his arrival in Britain, and that she ‘immediately agreed to work for us’ sounds very bogus. Moreover, Edith’s claim about the ‘secret network to which she belonged’ can be seen to be mendacious in the context of her recruitment. It would again have been poor tradecraft for her to know of the existence of a network and its members – and certainly so just after Deutsch brought her in. The arrangement of the rendezvous also reflected poor judgment on the part of this ace subversive. Nevertheless, if he really had been intent on recruiting Edith, he would presumably have had to gain permission from Moscow before re-engaging such a volatile property. I return to the texts: the references to her suggest some subtle distinctions. Costello and Tsarev introduce her as follows: “Through Edith, who is known to you, who had worked for some time under ZIGMUND in Vienna, . . .”, while Borovik offers a slightly different spin: “Through ‘Edith’, whom you know and who worked at one time for Siegmund in Vienna . . .” Yet the original text seems tentative. If Edith is known to Moscow, why does that have to be spelled out? Perhaps it is a suggestion that Edith had been made dormant, but has now just been resuscitated, reinforcing the comment made by Arnold.

Memorial to Deutsch

Given that uncertainty, the attention given to Edith’s prestige and influence is quite remarkable. It is she who checks the recommendation (although the translators differ over ‘credentials’ and ‘recommendation’) and receives confirmation about the genuineness of the two new candidates from her Viennese friends, a fact that both commentators agree on. The charade is maintained that Edith’s friends in Vienna are recommending both ‘the former Austrian Party member’ and her husband as candidates for recruitment, but it is not clear why Litzi cannot be named, unless the custodians of the archive thought that in some way they could disguise her identity, and regarded her anonymity as paramount. Moreover, it would appear strange that, having received written testimonials, Edith would then have to verify them with her erstwhile comrades.

Exactly how Edith managed to communicate with these people in such short order is never explained – as if letters could be safely entrusted to the mails without interception, let alone the fact that the events all took place quite speedily in that hectic May/June period. Telephone calls? Highly unlikely, I would say. Moreover, the telegram asserts that the anonymous Party member (Litzi) had arrived with recommendations for Edith. Again, apart from the fact that we know that they had been acquainted for some time, and had agitated together, it would have been quite extraordinary for such endorsements to be sent to Edith, presumably as ‘letters of credit’ that Litzi brought with her, if Edith had only just been re-recruited by Arnold. What may be significant is that Peter Smolka paid a visit to Vienna that summer, leaving London in early July and returning a month later, so he may have been used as a courier to verify the references.

And then Edith makes an independent decision that Kim is a superior candidate over Litzi for the undercover Soviet network to which she (Edith) already belongs. Was that selection within her authority, or is the narrative an attempt to bury the potential for Litzi to have any role at all? As I have written before, the NKVD considered Litzi a far more important prospect than Kim at this time. This seems to me to be a classic example of disinformation, a rather disingenuous attempt to draw attention away from Litzi to Kim at a time when Litzi was established, and Kim represented a very speculative venture. Again, I refer to Kim’s statement to Borovik that Arnold knew him already and had sought him out – probably a foolish claim designed to amplify his own importance that undermined the whole shaky edifice of the Legend of Edith Tudor-Hart. In KGB: The Inside Story, Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, exploiting the latter’s insights, even declare, shockingly, that ‘Deutsch arrived in England with instructions to make contact with Burgess as well as Philby’. That has alarming possibilities, since Burgess had not yet visited the Soviet Union, and his name could hardly be known by the OGPU/NKVD.  Overall, however, it is another sorry mess.

But when did Litzi become a recognized Soviet asset in the West? And when did she become MARY? References are few. Volodarsky writes: “As mentioned, in February 1934 Deutsch went to London alone and Reif joined him there in April. They worked together until June, when Reif left for Copenhagen again. By the summer their network of agents, helpers, talent-spotters, and couriers included Edith Suschitzky (alias ‘Betty Grey’); her husband Alexander Ethel [sic] Tudor-Hart (alias ‘Harold White’); Alice ‘Litzi’ Friedmann, the first wife of Philby, later recruited as agent MARY; Kim Philby himself, then only a candidate for recruitment; agents PFEIL (also GERTA or HERTA, in Russian STRELA, unidentified, . . .”. I should also mention that Christopher Andrew, in his history of MI5, exploiting yet another unidentifiable source in the Security Service archives, cites (p 169) a statement that Kim made ‘on the eve of defecting to Moscow’ – a bizarre construction given that Philby was in Beirut, far away from MI5, at that time: “. . . Lizzy came home one evening and told me that she had arranged for me to meet a “man of decisive importance”. So much for tea and sandwiches at Edith’s place: MARY had been hard at work.

Volodarsky regrettably does not offer here a date for Litzi’s ‘later’ promotion to MARY, although in an Appendix he states that MARY was recruited in 1935 by Deutsch with the help of Edith Tudor-Hart – another illogical observation. On the other hand he implies that a whole bevy of hangers-on could be entrusted with important roles without yet being ‘recruited’. It may or not be notable that he does not credit Edith with being EDITH, yet he confirms that Edith and Alex were ‘recruited’ in some way. (It is simply difficult to imagine Alex as anything but a fully committed agent.) Yet in an endnote he denies that the pair were STRELA: “In both The Mitrokhin Archive and TNA: PRO KV2/1603, Edith Tudor-Hart is said to be sharing a joint code name STRELA/PFEIL with her husband Alexander. However, further research revealed that PFEIL and EDITH were recruited at different times and in different places; besides, in the balance sheet of the London NKVD station of June-July 1935 both PFEIL and EDITH are mentioned as receiving payments for their foreign travel.” What to make of this? Was PFEIL perhaps simply Alex, recruited in Vienna? And did Edith really travel abroad in this period? I can find no record of such movements, either in her MI5 file, or in Jungk’s narrative. And the problem with Volodarsky’s accounts is that he appears sometimes to be as reliant on unidentified sources as do Costello and Tsarev.

Borovik puts his own spin on the process, again showing his haphazard grasp of chronology and geography. On page 301 he writes: “It was she [Edith] who brought him [Kim] to a bench in Regent’s Park. . . . It was that woman who helped form their entire group. Austrian by birth, she had emigrated to England and married an Englishman. Philby thought that Edith had started working with the OGPU either in England or in Austria [a safe guess!].” And Borovik added a note: “From the archives, it seems that Edith Tudor-Hart was recruited by Deutsch (‘Stefan’) in 1929. In 1934 she recruited Litzi Friedmann (‘Mary’) and recommended Philby for recruitment.” Apart from the fact that Litzi had married her Englishman in Vienna, and thus was no longer ‘Friedmann’, and that elsewhere (in Deadly Illusions) Edith had supposedly rejected Litzi as an inferior candidate for agent work, and that there seems to be no other suggestion that Edith had the authority to recruit Litzi (let alone before she recommended Kim), who, as the senior partner, would not have needed recruiting by Edith, this seems an utterly convincing example of NKVD propaganda.

I have previously pointed out a reference to MARY, in my piece from last March, at https://coldspur.com/litzi-philby-under-the-covers/. The British intercepted a message sent on November 7, 1934, from a Soviet agent in the London suburbs to Moscow that reports on MARY’s ‘safe arrival’, suggesting perhaps that the cryptonym MARY had been applied to Litzi when she was in Vienna. Yet the message carries some ambiguity: was six months an inordinately long time to report the ‘safe arrival’ of an agent when the rezidentura had already described her arrival several months before? Moreover, the context and the content of the message, referring to Litzi’s ‘artist friend’, do not appear to make a lot of sense. Nevertheless, I stick to my previous conclusion that Litzi was regarded at this time as much more important than Kim, and that the marriage had been encouraged as a way of facilitating her entry into the country.

Kim’s Recruitment

As for Kim, the story of his recruitment is inevitably riddled with contradictions. Costello and Tsarev point to Kim’s visit to the CPGB HQ, immediately after his return, as proof that he had not been recruited by then, as it would have been a foolhardy venture for any new recruit to be seen near King Street. But of course we cannot be sure that Kim’s account of that visit has any veracity, no matter how colourfully he related it to Borovik. We have the evidence from Knightley that Kim told his offspring that he had been recruited in 1933, and Pincher recorded that Kim had told Nicholas Elliott in Beirut that Deutsch had recruited him in Vienna early in 1934. Moreover, the timeline of Kim’s movements in London in May 1934, as described in the chapter of his biography supplied in The Private Life of Kim Philby needs to come under close scrutiny.

Within a day or two of the couple’s arrival (so Kim wrote), they [sic] visited the CPGB HQ, introducing themselves to Willie Gallacher and Isobel Brown of the communist elite, who were presumably fortuitously both present and available for the encounter. (In a careless, throwaway line, Kim told Borovik: ‘One of my friends, I don’t remember who, warned them that I was coming, and they let me in.’ He thereby indicates that he went to the Embassy alone!) Having been given the brush-off, and told to come back in six weeks, Kim applied himself to completing the forms for his Civil Service application – another couple of days, perhaps. Seale and McConville indicate that he then sent off letters to potential referees in Cambridge, and a flurry of correspondence occurred. The authors are very prodigal with supplying dates, however: it is not clear whether all this happened before the supposed meeting with Arnold – an event of which the authors were totally ignorant. Cave Brown claims it occurred after the meeting with Deutsch.

Then, ‘after a few days with my parents’ (a lie, as his father was absent in Saudi Arabia at this time), he and Litzi moved into a furnished room in East End Lane. He does not state how long it took to find this abode. Here appears another conflict, since Reif’s telegram reported that he had ‘worked out a plan for Arnold to meet with SÖHNCHEN before SÖHNCHEN moved to his father’s flat’. Cave Brown introduces a possibly important factoid here, having apparently had access to the archive of Kim’s father, St. John. He writes (p 182) that St. John had asked his mother, May, to ‘inspect’ Alice, and that she found the couple ‘pigging it’ in a scruffy unfurnished room which they shared with a Hungarian, possibly Peter Gabor, ‘who had introduced Kim to Alice’. Yet Cave Brown cannot be relied upon easily: he backs this anecdote up with the claim that Dora Philby was ‘still on the high seas’ at this time, with St. John present in London, when the situation was in fact reversed.

In any case, Kim resumed his studies in his new accommodation and renewed contacts with old friends – perhaps another week? He visited Cambridge to meet with pals from the Cambridge University Socialist Society. Seale and McConville are again the source for this, but are still distressingly vague about dates. (We do know that Guy Burgess wrote to Isaiah Berlin in May, informing him that Kim had just returned from ‘fighting in Vienna’, so the Cambridge visit must have preceded the Regent’s Park business.) Lastly, Kim claimed that he and Litzi on May 1 went to Camden Town to join the annual May Day march. This is either a sloppy sequence of chronology, or a clumsy invention. If taken literally and logically, Kim’s narrative would indicate that they had been in the country two or three weeks by then, leading to a projected arrival date of about April 10.

Yet Milmo (as I explained in my March 2023 piece at https://coldspur.com/litzi-philby-under-the-covers/ ) had confronted Kim with the fact that Litzi had used her new passport to travel to Czechoslovakia as late as April 14, 1934. (Costello and Tsarev wrote that she had to wait two months after the marriage on February 14 to receive her passport, which obviously cannot be right.) Given that she had to return to Vienna, and that the couple then travelled by motorcycle across Europe, stopping in Paris for sightseeing purposes, the chronology can instantly be seen as utterly impossible. Even if we can trust the statement in the Smolka archive that the Philbys left Vienna on April 28, and that Kim’s account of his activities was not related in chronological order, the key event of May 1 makes the whole edifice crumble. Philby must have concocted a complete fantasy, and presented the sequence of events utterly carelessly. Edward Harrison is right in suggesting that Kim wanted to protect the Tudor-Harts since they had been ‘the central link joining activists from Cambridge, Vienna and London in an international communist conspiracy’. But what he does not state is that the ruse itself must have been fuelled by his Moscow bosses.

Moreover, we have Kim’s inconsistent accounts of the set-up with Arnold to deal with. I referred earlier to the mysterious note in the MI5 files where Kim explained that Litzi came home one evening and told him that she had set up a meeting with the man ‘of decisive importance’. In his autobiography, Kim switches the activity to a male friend whom he had seen two or three times since returning from Vienna. (The implication is that the friend was English.) This friend confided in him that he had been approached by a man who had heard of his Viennese exploits, and was interested in talking to him. He was told not to say anything to Litzi yet, and Litzi was fittingly ‘too disciplined to ask questions’ when he returned home. By the time Kim speaks to Borovik, he casually mentions that ‘a man whom I had met in Austria sought me out’: now it is ‘a very serious person’ who could help with Kim’s career supporting the cause that his acquaintance wants him to meet. When the rendezvous is made, the person who led him there is more explicitly identified as an ‘Austrian friend’. The former ‘man he had met’ has been transformed into a ‘friend’. Kim eventually informed Borovik that this person was Edith Tudor-Hart.

And what about the view from Moscow? Nikolai Dolgopolov claims to have had access to the Russian intelligence archives at Yasenevo, but there are no footnotes or endnotes in his narrative, and his book conventionally does not carry an index. He includes some official telegrams in an Appendix, but none earlier than 1941. He provides a rather shaky chronology, showing that Deutsch arrived in Britain in 1933, not 1934. He does declare that Kim worked as a courier in 1933, but was not recruited until June 1934 – in fact, a somewhat premature assessment. Thus it is not possible to determine whether Dolgopolov is simply using the same sources as conventional western historians and journalists, or whether he had access to some original documents. As an aside, in describing Litzi’s escape to England, he rather coyly introduces the maybe gratuitous comment that ‘Kim did not like working with women. He preferred to socialize with them in other ventures, and different situations’. One can understand the implications of the second part, but the first assertion is not borne out by the facts.

His account of Arnold’s and Edith’s roles in the recommendation of Kim is thus familiar and humdrum. He provides a sketch of Edith, but it is very spotty, and does not perform justice to her complex background. He makes out that it was Arnold who laid before Edith her anointed role as a talent-spotter, but he provides no insight into her connections with Maurice Dobb from some years before, and overlooks completely the story of Edith’s expulsion. His overall message is to attribute to Edith a major role in determining Kim’s destiny as a spy. He assumes that Litzi introduced Kim to her, but allocates Litzi overall a very minor role, perhaps taking on a function parallel to her husband. He records the meeting with Deutsch, but does not quote or discuss any of the infamous Reif telegram. It is all very bland.

Surprisingly, Vladimir Antonov gives a more lively account of Kim’s recruitment than does Dolgopolov. He provides more historical and biographical background information, and declares that he has actually studied the Tudor-Hart archive. Yet his story is very conventional. He does mention one or two western sources (such as Seale’s and McConville’s Long Road to Moscow), but overall follows Philby’s narrative line. He offers more background information on Edith and her hasty marriage to an ‘aristocrat’, and he echoes the familiar claim that she and Kim became acquainted in Vienna, where she was able to assess his potential. He provides one or two clues on chronology, stating that Litzi and Kim left Vienna in May, travelling to London via Paris by motorcycle, without realizing that that assertion drives a coach-and-horses through Kim’s claim that he attended the May Day parade. Antonov allocates an imaginative role for Edith in London, confirming that she quickly met up with Deutsch, was given the task of talent-spotting, and, when she learned of Kim’s visit to the CPGB HQ, she quickly had to set up the meeting. Antonov expresses surprise that the British authorities never arrested Edith, after its intense surveillance, but never explores the paradox of why the NKVD continued to use such a vulnerable and obvious subversive. It seems he is following the Party line.

Interim Conclusions

I draw two major observations from this analysis: 1) that Kim Philby’s mendacious testimony has been accepted and promulgated by too many writers who ought to know better; and 2) that the archival material concerning the events of 1933 and 1934 is distressingly frail.

Philby’s accounts of his activities, in his memoir, in the recovered chapter that was omitted from My Silent War, in the biography he submitted to the KGB, in the interviews he gave to various journalists, from Knightley to Borovik, and in what he told his own family, are notoriously unreliable. I say that because of the obvious chronological impossibilities, but also because of the blatant contradictions. For example, he said he went to the Embassy with Litzi: he also stated that he alone was let in. He identified Litzi as the person who introduced him to Deutsch; he also claimed that it was a male he had known in Vienna; he finally admitted that it was Edith. He claimed that he stayed with his parents in Hampstead – but his father was away in Saudi Arabia. He said he had been recruited in Vienna in 1933. He said he had known Deutsch in Vienna: he presents the Regent’s Park encounter as a first exposure to him.

What surprises me is not that he lied and dissembled so much: that was his métier as a spy. The astonishing aspect for me is that he has been allowed to get away with it. Good agents are supposed to be meticulous in representing the details of their life. All it takes is a careful comparison of his claims, and the construction of a solid timeline, complemented by a correct geographical context, to identify the holes in his story. Of course, analysts can state that, yes, he dissimulated (about Edith, for example), as he needed to protect her. But then one cannot simply accept everything else he wrote simply because it sounds plausible, and adds some romantic glow to his adventures. For there are no third-party confirmations of the claims he made – of the date he and Litzi arrived in the UK, of the visit to the CPGB, of the May Day parade, of his visit to Cambridge (apart from the valuable Burgess-Berlin exchange), of the park-bench meeting with Deutsch. Yet these stories are echoed and solemnly sourced in the biographies and ‘histories’ of the period.

And that leads on to my second observation – that the archival material is very bizarrely silent about these crucial events. Why were there no documents placed in M5’s Tudor-Hart file at the time, reflecting Edith’s anguished letter of appeal for Alex to come and rescue her, Alex’s reply, Alex’s travel to Austria, the procedural challenges to the marriage before it actually took place at the Embassy in Vienna, or their arrival at customs in the United Kingdom? Either side of the critical period, both Alex and Edith were being closely surveilled. Yet interest seemed for some reason to evaporate between 1931 and 1935. That information was being maintained on their activities can be verified by later posts in their files, but the gaping hole in the records for the most critical time in their careers is simply inexplicable according to most norms. For instance, the later posts refer to complications and obstructions concerning their marriage: how were these overcome, who intervened, and why? It is so clumsy that it provokes most searching doubts about the policies and objectives of the intelligence services.

Oleg Tsarev (from ‘Looking for Mr. Nobody’)

And what about the Russian archives that were opened for a few vital years? Costello and Tsarev identify a Tudor-Hart file alongside the multiple extracts from the Deutsch and Orlov files. In Note 48 to Chapter 5, they refer to a profile of her submitted by Deutsch, which can be found in ‘File no. 8230 Vol. 1, p. 52’. Yet this is the only extract that I could find in their book! Surely a file that contains at least one volume, and several dozen pages, should have more useful revelations to disclose? The authors astonishingly note: “Precisely when Edith Tudor-Hart arrived in Britain is not clear from her file, but it was 1933 and almost certainly May, the year before Philby set out for Austria.” If the NKVD/KGB did not keep track of her movements, and were dismally wrong about the timing of her escape to Great Britain, yet dedicated that many pages to her, how important could she have been, and what nuggets could have been found there? The lack of interest displayed by the authors is almost shameful, but unfortunately both are now dead.

Moreover, West and Tsarev failed to grasp the nettle a few years later. Their coverage of Edith is remarkably patchy, and they make some egregious mistakes. In a Postscript, they boost her reputation by crediting her with establishing the Oxford ring through ‘the mysterious’ SCOTT (Arthur Wynn, whom they do not identify), but their evidence is thin, citing a report to Moscow in October 1936 where Edith was simply attributed with the opinion that SCOTT had even more potential than SÖHNCHEN. The biographical information on her relates mostly to her photographical career in England, and uses no fresh material from her KGB file. Moreover, the authors clumsily state that the only link that MI5 was able to establish between Kim and Edith was that her former husband had been a contemporary of Kim’s at Cambridge. But Alex Tudor-Hart attended the university with Maurice Dobb, not with Philby.

Jungk’s Quest

The possibilities of unearthing fresh secrets about his controversial relative consumed Peter Jungk. He wrote to the Moscow authorities. After first receiving a brush-off, and being referred to the Swiss Red Cross for information in Edith, he gained an introduction from a Professor K., at Graz University, to Sergey Ivanov, the director-general of the FSB Archive. The written reply he received stated that the institute had no information to give him, that the public was not allowed access to its archive, and he instead pointed Jungk towards Deadly Illusions! Undeterred, and without speaking Russians, Jungk decided to visit Moscow to seek his fortune.

Peter Stephan Jungk

Quite extraordinarily, he was able to gain access to the Comintern Archive building and present his question, aided in translation by a young American who happened to be undertaking research on Zinoviev. He asked about any files on Edith Suschitzky/Tudor-Hart. The archivist disappeared, returning after twenty minutes to inform Jungk that they had no files on Edith. Jungk could not believe it. He thus contacted by telephone Nikolai Dolgopolov, who had just published his book on Philby. (That dates the events as around 2019, by which time Putin had severely tightened the screws on the availability of intelligence secrets.) When Dolgopolov understood his relationship with Edith, he happily agreed to a meeting: he spoke English perfectly.

The encounter with Dolgopolov was a touch bizarre. Dolgopolov claimed that he had had access to the Philby files in the archive for the purpose of writing his biography, which Jungk describes as ‘durch und durch űberraschende’ (‘utterly startling’ – although how he could make that judgment is not clear). As Dolgopolov read passages from his book, translating as he went along, it occurred to Jungk that they reminded him of what Borovik, who had been able in 1988 to exploit the KGB archives shortly before his death, had written. But Borovik’s book was available only in English. Jungk thus asked him whether he was familiar with The Philby Files, to which he received the slightly uncomfortable reply from Dolgopolov that he had never been influenced by Borovik, attributing the fact that the texts sounded similar to his acquaintance with Kim’s widow, Rufina.

The meeting ended awkwardly. Dolgopolov poured water on any notion that Jungk might be able to gain access to Rufina, or the files, and then made some discourteous comments about Jungk’s father when he realized that his visitor was the son of Robert Jungk. He made some arrogant and tactless remarks about his own residence in Paris in the 1980s: Jungk realized that his interlocutor had been a KGB officer. Moreover, Jungk concluded that even the expert biographer had nothing more to reveal than what could be found in Borovik’s book. He tried to see Borovik, but the latter was too ill to have visitors – or even to discuss Dolgopolov’s biography and research over the telephone. His friend Petrov reminded him how protective and insular the Putin regime had become, and how the group Memorial had been policed and constrained.

In the last chapter of the saga, Jungk was introduced to a former Colonel in the KGB, Igor Prelin, who was a close friend of Sergey Ivanov. Prelin explained to Jungk that, in the early 1960s, he had personally been involved with transferring the files on Edith from the less secure Comintern building to the highly secret KGB archive. If Jungk wrote a letter to him outlining his needs, he would ensure that he received Ivanov’s attention. He even pointed out to Jungk the building where the records of the FSB (domestic intelligence) and the SVR (foreign intelligence) were kept. Jungk thus wrote a simple letter, and handed it to the unreconstituted KGB loyalist (who regarded the break-up of the Soviet Union as a tragedy). Jungk’s spirits were raised: he had to leave Moscow, but eagerly awaited the outcome.

After a few days, he heard from Prelin that his request had been acknowledged. Prelin was optimistic. Jungk then had to wait another three months before he received his answer, again transmitted via Prelin: “Can you get hold of the book Deadly Illusions by John Costello and Oleg Tsarev, which was published by Verlag Crown in 1993? This book contains on pages 133-139, 142, 154, 207 all information on this foreigner that the SVR Archive has released and passed to O. Tsarev.” Jungk decided that he should better laugh than cry, and thanked Ivanov for his efforts.

Russian Archives

So where do things stand? Can these Russian archives be trusted?

First, just because the Russian authorities claim that highly confidential records were transferred to more secure facilities in the 1960s, it does not necessarily mean that files on Edith Tudor-Hart were among them. After all, Ivanov did voluntarily recommend that Jungk inspect Deadly Illusions to ascertain what research was available. Moreover, if the files had been made even less accessible, how was it that Tsarev was able to study any of them? Furthermore, if he did access them, how come that the only item of interest concerning Edith that he reproduced was a very anodyne and equivocal biographical sketch of her by Arnold Deutsch? If Edith had been an agent of some substance and achievement, it would have been far more probable that, during the last few years before the Soviet system fell, the KGB would have highlighted her achievements, as they did with Ursula Beurton (née Kuzcynski), Melita Norwood, and Kim Philby himself.

It seems to me more likely that the NKVD/KGB had very little information on Edith, and did not know much about her career. She was someone whose name occasionally cropped up in telegrams, but did not merit special attention. Indeed, since the only known entry is the biographical detail by Deutsch that disparages her reliability, one might imagine that they discouraged using her at all. Yet that hypothesis immediately has to deal with the paradox of the apparent size of the ‘Tudor-Hart file’, No. 8320, of which Volume 1, with at least fifty pages, is identified. Why, if Tsarev was able to get his hands on it, did he not reveal more of its contents? If it had been filled with junk entries, why did he not draw attention to that fact? Moreover, since Jungk should have been aware of its identity, why did he not describe it accurately in the letter he sent to Ivanov via Prelin?

We must remember that Costello’s and Tsarev’s work was undertaken with the guidance of the KGB, as a propaganda exercise to improve its image. The Chairman of the KGB, General Vladimir Kryuchkov, had made that decision in 1990, as a means of countering what Andrew and Gordievsky had recently published in KGB. The focus of Deadly Illusions was to provide a very positive account of Alexander Orlov, the defector who had challenged and defied Stalin, but who had remained loyal to the mission of the Soviet Union and the KGB by not betraying any of the penetration agents still active in the West. John Costello wrote that Kryuchkov ‘approved the policy of making selected historical records public’, but that careless and inaccurate statement distorts the means by which Tsarev (and he alone) was able to inspect the archives of the KGB. The process of ‘publication’, or ‘declassification’, of archival material normally implies that any researcher can inspect it, and verify sources.

Boris Volodarsky has been quite scathing about the reliability of The Deadly Illusions. In his 2023 book, The Birth of the Soviet Secret Police, he points out that Tsarev had been a KGB operative working in London, until he was expelled in the early 1980s, whereupon he was employed by the Press and Public Relations office of the KGB. Volodarsky also questions Costello’s competence as a historian, suggesting he accepted whatever documents he was given at face value, because of the monetary reward. Volodarsky’s conclusion? “Nevertheless, it became an international bestseller and is still being quoted as an indisputable source by many intelligence writers although it has long been exposed as a fake history, a KGB deception.” Volodarsky’s comments would have been more useful if he had translated that last passive clause into a more active explanation.

Tsarev gives the impression that he was allowed fairly free rein among the rather chaotic sets of documents in the First Chief Directorate headquarters at Yasenevo. (He admitted that the collections could hardly be classified as ‘archives’ in the western sense of the word.) He describes speculative paper-chases that involved looking at much irrelevant material before possibly coming up with reports of value. He writes that many of the documents were undated, or had wrong dates, and that ‘some of the reports in the files are not even stitched into the bound volumes in chronological order’. Thus an immediate paradox appears: if the documents were so chaotic, how come his text and Endnotes regularly include apparently precise identification – such as with the ORLOV, DEUTSCH, PHILBY, MACLEAN et al. files? And that goes for TUDOR-HART as well. Is it possible that these identifiers were created retroactively, in order to offer a stronger impression of authenticity? In these circumstances, the existence of a tidy operational file dedicated to Edith Tudor-Hart seems very bizarre. On the other hand, if the sole identifiable reference was for No. 8320, it may have been because that was the only document on Tudor-Hart that was given to him – or on which he alighted serendipitously, and he (or his minders) decided that it should be given a number.

At a high level, Christopher Andrew described this tortuous process in the first chapter of The Sword and the Shield, the compilation based on documents smuggled out by Vasiliev Mitrokhin, which was published in 1999. These revelations greatly irritated the SVR (the Foreign Intelligence Service), which must have believed that it had been in control of the whole release process. It was, however, very disingenuous of Ivanov to pretend, when responding to Jungk, that these disclosures had never occurred, since a secondary swipe at the material had obviously taken place – without authorization. For some reason, Jungk does not appear to be aware of the Mitrokhin exercise or of this volume: else he would surely have mentioned them, or commented that Prelin’s claims that all highly secret documents had been moved to inaccessible storage some decades before, never to be seen by Westerners, were a hollow sham.

The process is even more mysterious by the time that Tsarev teams up with Nigel West in 1995 (after Costello’s death). In The Crown Jewels West does not offer much insight on the evolution of events, merely stating in his Acknowledgments, with a touch of both naivety and ingratiation: “We are also indebted to the late John Costello for persuading [sic!] the Russian Federation Intelligence Service to open its archives, and to Yuri Kobalaze for supervising our access. Also our gratitude is due to the Chief of the SVR archives, Aleksandr P. Byelozyorov, and his staff for their patient support, and to the members of the SVR Declassification Board.” This had the appearance of being a carefully controlled exercise, initiated to boost the achievements of the KGB and to embarrass the British government. The archives were never ‘opened’ for general public access in the way visitors at Kew might interpret the claim.

Yet West places a different spin on the arrangement in Chapter 17 of his recent book Classified! (reviewed here in May of this year: see https://coldspur.com/some-problems-with-westy/ ). After Costello’s enigmatic death in 1995, it appeared that an unidentified project – that of continuing where Deadly Illusions left off, presumably the coverage in the FCD files of the London rezidentura up until 1960, but West is vague – was in jeopardy. Oddly, however, it is the American publishers who became anxious about the schedule of the project, and expressed concern whether the KGB was supplying genuine texts. West was invited in, with the objective of sending him to Moscow to assess the project, but he was then informed that Random House had cancelled the whole enterprise. Tsarev had not been informed of this decision, and was angry, but also puzzled, as both the SVR and a sestet of authors had already been paid an advance fee. He proposed (by phone) to West that he take over “Costello’s current book, Deadly Illusions”.

This was an odd way of describing a publication that had come out in 1993, with one of its co-authors now dead. West then describes how, over the next couple of years, he made several trips to Moscow, in order to ‘sift through the material already selected from the KGB files by Costello and to look at the huge quantity of papers that had to be assessed’. How Costello, who knew no Russian, had been able to ‘sift through’ such material is not explained: nor does West, who also lacks competence in Russian, describe how he was able to add value to this process. Moreover, the whole exercise has an air of farce, since West claimed that he was able to secrete original documents out of the office he shared with Tsarev so that he could photocopy them at the Marriott Hotel, and then return them furtively back into the office. He then later smuggled the copies out at the airport. To think that such shenanigans could be carried on clandestinely, without the SVR knowing what was going on, defies belief. It surely must have approved the process – or at least condoned it. This is pure melodrama, designed no doubt to boost West’s reputation as a buccaneer.

When The Crown Jewels (and other books reliant on the project, such as Weinstein’s and Vassiliev’s The Haunted Wood) were published, some critics complained. Amy Knight expressed the opinion that the authors had become ‘KGB [sic] dupes, peddling a pro-Soviet perspective’. West responded to this by writing: “While it is true that the KGB management only allowed us to see the documents that had already been scrutinized by the KGB, who obviously had an agenda, propaganda was not one of the organisation’s motives – they were rather more motivated by the money”. Whether these revenues derived from further down-payments, or royalties from the sale of the books, is not stated. The problem is that the whole exercise was unscholarly, a sordid commercial business of backroom deals, with files pre-screened and selected by the SVR, Costello making further extracts before he died, and West and Tsarev vaguely inspecting large quantities of documents that are not precisely described. No one else was allowed to have similar access, and no one can verify the sources or attempt to confirm the accuracy of the published conclusions. Moreover, Tsarev was an employee of the SVR.

Nevertheless, in his memoir West makes ambitious claims about the book that emerged. “The Crown Jewels represented a major step forward in understanding the traitors of the 1930s and 1940s”, he writes, “and explained the crucial talent-spotting and recruiting roles of the illegal residents Alexander Orlov and Arnold Deutsch. It also revealed the contribution made by the NKVD recruiter Edith Suschitzky.” On the recruitment chain started by Philby, with the recommendations to pursue his cronies, that statement is probably true. But, as I have shown in this piece, the claims over the exact roles of Deutsch and Suschitzky (correctly, Tudor-Hart) are very contestable. Indeed, in the relevant chapter from his memoir, West makes no reference to the assertion articulated strongly in The Crown Jewels that it was Edith who was responsible for recruiting the ‘Oxford Ring’. Perhaps he has changed his mind. And, after all, in his letter to Jungk, Ivanov did not mention The Crown Jewels, which made the claim about Edith and the Ring.

Thus one might have expected the SVR, if it had wanted to boost its expertise and achievements through Costello and Tsarev, and considered Edith a noteworthy asset, to have provided a more robust account of her role than it did. Merely allowing the Deutsch biographical sketch to slip through was not an overwhelming endorsement of the Edith legend. To reinforce that supposition, I note that there simply is very little about Edith in the Mitrokhin archive either. (She does not merit an Index entry.) Indeed, the authors show such little interest in her that they resort simply, in an endnote, to pointing out that Deadly Illusions failed to note that EDITH had been recruited by Deutsch. The narrative by Andrew and Mitrokhin is in any case sloppy: for example, it implies that Edith had married Alex ‘after she had taken residence up in London’, which is either an obtuse or grossly careless assertion. Intriguingly, the authors do however remark that Kim and Litzi ‘returned to London’ [not actually accurate, as it was Litzi’s first encounter with the British Isles] in May 1934, thus incidentally exploding the anecdote about the May Day celebrations. It is not an anomaly they pick up on. This work is assuredly not about a valuable lost trove concerning a very special agent.

The Legendary Edith

So what is the true story about Edith?

I once imagined that stories of espionage unrolled in a predictable way. Accurate reports were maintained at the time, but remained secret because of national security concerns, and to protect the living and still active. Careful memoirs might start to emerge, with names concealed. Eventually, archival material would come to be declassified, and authorized historians could get to work, exploiting resources that would be available to less qualified researchers. The public would thus learn the facts about clandestine operations and espionage cases.

Of course, it is nothing like this at all. The records that were created by intelligence organizations (from SOE to the KGB) were frequently deficient, or wrong, and were carefully weeded by the authorities before release (if they were properly declassified at all). Irresponsible participants (such as Buckmaster) were allowed to peddle their own versions of events if it suited those responsible for maintaining the reputation of a service. Independent journalists, speaking to participants who owned a different perspective, would leak stories, and often romanticize them. MI5 and MI6 would assist or ghost-write memoirs (such as Alexander Foote’s Handbook for Spies) and facilitate ‘independent’ histories (such as Alan Moorhead’s Traitors), in order to embellish their reputation. Likewise, opposing intelligence services would sponsor memoirs (e.g. My Silent War, Sonjas Rapport) as a propaganda exercise, and a further response in kind was called for.

The British authorities also realized that they did not have exclusive control of the records, the USA having a less restrictive sense of secrecy in some quarters, and they started engaging in controlled leaks themselves. The administration of ‘authorized’ histories was a useful public relations exercise, but was woefully mismanaged, with historians like Christopher Andrew ignoring professional standards of accreditation, and carelessly treating such creations as My Silent War and Spycatcher as fact. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the successors to the KGB exploited the eagerness for fresh archival material by manipulating foreign journalists, and their low-quality pap was lapped up by a fresh wave of writers unfamiliar with the tortuous history.

In that way has the fog around Edith Tudor-Hart been created, to the extent that even the grand-daughter of Kim Philby has been taken in by it. My belief is that Edith was a relatively insignificant contributor to the Soviet cause, but that she occupied a useful role as a consumer of MI5 attention and time to distract the surveillance organization from more worthy subjects. On Austrian soil she might have been able to execute a more effective function as a courier and agitator, perhaps, but with the more intense scrutiny there, and Edith’s tendency to be less than discreet in her activities, she became a quick prey, and thus had to be salvaged. Earlier, in Britain, her dealings with the Alexander Tudor-Hart/Maurice Dobb axis suggest that she could have been a potentially successful deeply-placed subversive, but, once she had been arrested as an agitator, her cover was completely blown.

The NKVD, knowing of her expulsion, must have concluded that, once she returned to the United Kingdom, her utility would be very constrained, as she would surely be subject to close and constant surveillance. And that is what happened – apart from the very strange interlude before 1935. If, as I have explained elsewhere, the NKVD considered Litzi Friedman a much more important agent, the Edith-Kim association was a sideshow to divert attention, and that is how the archival material in Moscow was framed. Kim Philby was himself tainted by his activities in Vienna, and any attempt to build him up as a deep penetration agent was a long shot. (It took six years for him to obtain an important post in intelligence – much longer than his colleagues Maclean and Burgess.) Later on, at the end of the war, when Litzi’s use was winding down – and she even came under suspicion in Berlin as a Jewish ‘cosmopolitanist’ who had been tainted by Western influences – Kim’s star rose, and the myth-making about his stellar career started to be manufactured.

It was not that Edith was completely inactive. She was watched socializing with known Communists, and she acted as a courier. In particular, she became very intimate with Engelbert Broda, who, while working at the Cavendish Laboratory, provided highly important nuclear secrets that Edith passed on. Moscow Centre must have considered that the use of Edith as a courier carried with it severe risks, but must also have either believed that the link was safe, and that Edith was by then not deemed suspicious, or that they had so many other sources on hand (e.g. Fuchs, Nunn-May, Norwood) that they could afford to sacrifice one pair, if that is what it came to.

Thus I would tend to discount most of the farrago about Edith’s introductions, the serpentine trip to Regent’s Park, the portentous chat on the bench, and the wealth of the recruitments carried out by Reif and Deutsch that summer. The various details offered in memoirs and archival material simply do not add up. For some reason, observers seem to want to pick up these romanticized episodes, forgetting that the descriptions have been offered by notorious liars – including even that great charlatan Anthony Blunt, with his nonsense about ‘the grandmother of us all’.

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