For a period of two-and-a-half years between 2002 and 2004, I undertook to provide a monthly book review for my local paper in Southport, North Carolina, The State Port Pilot. (These were unpaid activities, and I had to buy all the books myself!) While my literary editor was the most pleasant person to work with, and never changed a word of my copy, so far as I can remember, the publishers and Chief Editor of the paper took my contributions completely for granted (not a good strategy, as those who know me will attest), and I thus terminated my offerings when my contact moved on to another job at the beginning of 2005.
I believe there was a book published in 2012 which you yourself reviewed. It was called ‘A Horse in the Bathroom’ or some such trivial title.
Yes, I do recall it vaguely. . . Whatever happened to that guy?
I didn’t actually review it properly, but I gave it a plug on my blog. I believe the link is still there. And I commit to reviewing the Magna Carta volume with all earnestness when it comes out.
You’ve been hacked! An imposter is trying to undermine the integrity of your site. I am Spartacus. So accept no substitute. Horses in bathrooms, I can assure you, are no trivial matters.